#!/usr/bin/perl # Copyright © 2013 Guilhem Moulin # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . our $VERSION = "0.3, August 13, 2013"; use 5.010_000; use warnings; use strict; =head1 NAME mkindex.pl - Create an index file from a mapset =head1 SYNOPSIS B [B<-q>] [B<-d>] [B<--rename> I] [B<-n> I] [B<-s> I] [B<-r> I] [B<-b> I] [B<-f> I] [B<--s_srs> I] [B<--t_srs> I] [-o I] [B<--crop>] I [... I] I B B<--man> =head1 DESCRIPTION Merge all given Is into an index file, and annotate this index with tile borders and names. If required, each map is first expanded into RGBA, to get a decent resampling. This expansion can take a significant amount of space. An alternative, much slower but which require nearly no extra space, is to create expanded VRTs: for x in *.tif; do gdal_translate -expand rgba -of VRT $x ${x%.tif}.vrt; done mkindex.pl *.vrt index.png =head1 OPTIONS =over 8 =item B<-q>, B<--quiet> Be quiet. =item B<-d>, B<--debug> Debug mode. =item B<--rename>=I A Perl expression which is expected to modify the $_ string in Perl (set to each filename), to what should be displayed on the final index. The default is 's/\.[^.]+$//' that is, only the file extension is stripped away. See the B section for other examples. =item B<-n> I, B<--numeric>=I Instead of annoting the index with the map names, use an increasing counter starting from 1, and write the mapping I in I, where I is a map name massaged with I (see B<--rename>). =item B<-s> IxI, B<--size=>IxI The size of the output index (default: 1024x0). If I or I is 0, the other dimension will be guessed from the computed resolution. =item B<-r> I, B<--resampling=>I The resampling method to use. See gdalwarp(1) for the default and list of possible values. =item B<-b> I[:I], B<--border=>I[:I] The I and I of the border to draw around each tile (default: C<10:red>). I is given in pixels, and I needs to comply to ImageMagick's Color Model Specification; see convert(1) for details. If one of I or I is left empty, the corresponding default is used (but the other can be specified regardless, for instance in C<:blue>). =item B<-f> I[:I[:I]], B<--font=>I[:I[:I]] The point I, I and I to use when annotating each tile with its name (default: C<25::Helvetica>). I and I need to be ImageMagick-compatible; see convert(1) for details. If I is blank empty, the border's color is used instead. If one of I or I is left empty, the corresponding default is used (but the other can be specified regardless, for instance in C<::DejaVu-Sans-Book>). =item B<-o> I, B<--overview=>I Use I as the overview map. This option can be used serveral times to use multiple (warped) overview maps. =item B<--crop> Alternative overview map may be much bigger than the actual mapset. Use B<--crop> to trim away the useless part. Note that the resulting index file may be smaller than wanted. =item B<--s_srs=>I The source spatial reference set. If the input Is include a SRS, it is ignored. I can be passed in any format format understood by C, see gdalwarp(1) for details. =item B<--t_srs=>I The target spatial reference set. This is required unless all Is have the same SRS, or if B<--s_srs> is used (in which case that SRS is used for the target index). I can be passed in any format format understood by C, see gdalwarp(1) for details. =item B<--help> Show a brief help. =item B<--version> Show the version numbers. =item B<--man> Show the manpage. =back =head1 EXAMPLES =over 4 =item mkindex.pl *.tif miff:- | display - Create an index with all TIFF files in the current directory; don't save the index, but pipe it to display(1). =item mkindex.pl -b '25:RGBA(255,0,0,.5)' -f ':RGBA(0,0,255,.66)' --s_srs=epsg:3067 *.tif index.tif Assume all map to be projected in EPSG:3067. Draw a 25-pixels wide, 50% transparent red border around each tile, and write the caption in 66% opaque blue. =item mkindex.pl -f '75::DejaVu-Sans-Book' --rename='s/U(.*)_RVK_25\.tif/$1/' *.tif index.tif Use DejaVu Sans with a pointsize of 75 for the captions. Also, display only the non-redundant part of the filenames. =item mkindex.pl -o overview1.tif -o overview2.tif --crop maps*.tif index.tif Use the C and C files as overview maps for the mapset C. Also, crop the parts of the index that are not in the mapset. =back =head1 ENVIRONMENT A temporary working directory is created under the B (or C if unset, at least in Unix:es), see C. =head1 REQUIREMENTS =over 4 =item * Requires L available on the command line. =item * Requires the perl modules L, L, L, and L. They are all available on L. =back =head1 AUTHOR Copyright 2013 Guilhem Moulin. mkindex is free software, distributed under the GNU Public License, version 3 or later. =cut use Getopt::Long qw/:config posix_default no_ignore_case gnu_compat bundling auto_version auto_help/; use Pod::Usage; use File::Temp; use File::Basename; use File::Spec; use POSIX qw/floor ceil/; use Inline 'C'; # http://geoinformatics.aalto.fi/doc/Geo-GDAL-1.9/html/ use Geo::GDAL; use Geo::OSR; # http://www.imagemagick.org/script/perl-magick.php use Image::Magick; my %config = ( progress => sub { # Geo::GDAL::TermProgress_nocb writes to STDOUT open my $x, '>&', \*STDOUT or die "Error: Can't dup STDOUT: $!"; open *STDOUT, '>&', \*STDERR or die "Error: Can't dup STDERR: $!"; Geo::GDAL::TermProgress_nocb(@_[0,1]); open *STDOUT, '>&', $x or die "Error: Can't dup X: $!"; close $x; } , debug => 0 , rename => 's/\.[^.]+$//' , outsize => [ 1024, 0 ] , border => 10 , bordercolor=> 'red' , fontsize => 25 , font => 'Helvetica' , wm => 512 ); my $gdal_opts = { INTERLEAVE => 'BAND' , TILED => 'YES' , COMPRESS => 'LZW' }; GetOptions( "q|quiet" => sub { delete $config{progress} } , "d|debug" => \$config{debug} , "rename=s" => sub { pod2usage(2) unless $_[1] =~ /^s(.).+\1[ixgcadlu]*$/; $config{rename} = $_[1] } , "n|numeric=s" => \$config{numeric} , "s|size=s" => sub { pod2usage(2) unless $_[1] =~ /^(\d+)x(\d+)$/; $config{outsize} = [ $1, $2 ]; } , "r|resampling=s"=> \$config{resampling} , "o|overview=s@" => \$config{overviews} , "crop" => \$config{crop} , "b|border=s"=> sub { if ($_[1] =~ /^(?\d*)(?:.*)?$/) { $config{border} = $+{b} if ($+{b} // ''); $config{bordercolor} = $1 if ($+{bc} // '') =~ /^:(.+)/; } else { pod2usage(2); } } , "f|font=s" => sub { if ($_[1] =~ /^(?\d*)(?:.*)?(?:[^:]*)?$/) { $config{fontsize} = $+{fs} if $+{fs} // ''; $config{fontcolor} = $1 if ($+{fc} // '') =~ /^:(.+)/; $config{font} = $1 if ($+{f} // '') =~ /^:(.+)/; } else { pod2usage(2); } } , "s_srs=s" => sub { $config{s_srs} = Geo::OSR::SpatialReference::->new(); $config{s_srs}->SetFromUserInput( $_[1] ) } , "t_srs=s" => sub { $config{t_srs} = Geo::OSR::SpatialReference::->new(); $config{t_srs}->SetFromUserInput( $_[1] ) } , "man" => sub { pod2usage(-exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 2) } ) or pod2usage(2); # TODO: when the input is RGB (not RGBA), we want add an alpha channel # but keep the nodata value as matte within the map bounds. # This seems to be possible with a clever use of # gdalwarp/gdal_translate. # http://www.gdal.org/frmt_gtiff.html pod2usage(2) unless $#ARGV > 0; my $index = pop; my @mapset = map {{ filename => $_ }} @ARGV; $config{fontcolor} //= $config{bordercolor}; if ($config{numeric}) { $config{numeric_format} = "%.".(length $#mapset)."d"; open my $fh, '>', $config{numeric} or die "Error: Can't open '".$config{numeric}."': $!"; $config{numeric} = $fh; } &debug( "Using mapset:", map {" - ".$_->{filename}} @mapset ); if ($config{overviews}) { $config{overviews} = [ map {{ filename => $_ }} @{$config{overviews}} ]; &debug( "Using overview:", map {" - ".$_->{filename}} @{$config{overviews}} ); } else { $config{overviews} = \@mapset; } &debug( "Building index: $index" ); # Find the source and target SRS, and ensure the source files are in a # decent format. my $s_srs; foreach my $map (@{$config{overviews}}) { my $name = $map->{filename}; &debug ("Opening '$name'"); my $ds = Geo::GDAL::Open($name, 'ReadOnly') or exit 1; my $stripped; for (my $b=1; $b <= $ds->{RasterCount} && !$stripped; $b++) { my ($bx, $by) = $ds->GetRasterBand($b)->GetBlockSize(); $stripped = 1 if ($bx == 1 and $by > 1) or ($bx > 1 and $by == 1); } warn "WARN: '$name' is stripped. Tiled structure is more efficient, especially for wrapping.\n" if $stripped; my $notband = $ds->GetMetadata('IMAGE_STRUCTURE')->{INTERLEAVE}; undef $notband unless defined $notband and $notband ne 'BAND'; warn "WARN: '$name' is '$notband'-interleaved; 'BAND' interleaving is recommended.\n" if $notband; if ($stripped or $notband) { warn "WARN: To fix '$name', paste the following command in a POSIX-compatible shell.\n"; warn "WARN: This is a lossless and usually size-preserving conversion.\n"; my $old = $name; my ($new,$path,$ext) = fileparse ($name, qr/\.[^.]*$/); $new = File::Spec->catfile($path,$new.'_new'.$ext); my $driver = $ds->GetDriver()->{ShortName}; my %opts = %$gdal_opts; my $compress = $ds->GetMetadata('IMAGE_STRUCTURE')->{COMPRESSION}; $opts{COMPRESS} = $compress if $compress; warn "WARN: ".join (' ', map { my $x = $_; $x =~ s/"/\\"/; $x = "\"$x\"" if $x =~ /[ ()';#{}*?~&|`!]/; $x } ( 'gdal_translate', '-of', $driver , (map { ('-co', $_.'='.$opts{$_}) } (keys %opts)) , $old, $new ) ). "\n"; } if ($config{s_srs}) { # The 's_srs' option takes precedence. $map->{wkt} = $config{s_srs}->ExportToWkt(); } else { # Croak if the source files don't have a valid projection. $map->{wkt} = $ds->GetProjection() or die "Error: Missing projection for '$name'.\n"; # Croak unless either 't_srs' is set, or all the map are in the # same projection. my $srs = Geo::OSR::SpatialReference::->new( $map->{wkt} ); if ($s_srs) { die "Error: Projection for '$name' differs from the previous input tiles'.\n" unless $config{t_srs} or $s_srs->IsSame($srs); } else { $s_srs = $srs; } } } $config{t_srs} //= $config{s_srs} // $s_srs; &debug ("Using target SRS: ". $config{t_srs}->ExportToProj4()); # Store the corners of each tile, an the text to display. my $num = 0; foreach my $map (@mapset) { my $name = $map->{filename}; &debug ("Opening '$name'"); my $ds = Geo::GDAL::Open($name, 'ReadOnly') or exit 1; my $geot = [ $ds->GetGeoTransform() ]; $map->{t_corners} = [ map [ Geo::GDAL::ApplyGeoTransform($geot, @$_) ], ( [ 0, 0 ] , [ 0, $ds->{RasterYSize}-1 ] , [ $ds->{RasterXSize}-1, 0 ] , [ $ds->{RasterXSize}-1, $ds->{RasterYSize}-1 ] ) ]; my $srs = $config{s_srs}; unless ($srs) { my $wkt = $ds->GetProjection() or die "Error: Missing projection for '$name'.\n"; $srs = Geo::OSR::SpatialReference::->new( $wkt ); } &debug( "Using source SRS: ". $srs->ExportToProj4() ); unless ($config{t_srs}->IsSame($srs)) { my $tx = Geo::OSR::CoordinateTransformation::->new( $srs, $config{t_srs} ); die "Error: Could compute transformation between source and target SRS.\n" unless $tx; $tx->TransformPoints( $map->{t_corners} ); die "Error: Could not transform point.\n" if grep !/^[-+]?\d*\.?\d+$/, (map @$_, @{$map->{t_corners}}); } { local $_ = basename $name; eval $config{rename}; $map->{text} = $_; } if ($config{numeric}) { my $fh = $config{numeric}; printf $fh $config{numeric_format}.': '.$map->{text}."\n", ++$num; $map->{text} = sprintf $config{numeric_format}, $num; } } close $config{numeric} if $config{numeric}; # Working directory my $tmpdir = File::Temp::tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 ); &debug ("Using working directory: '$tmpdir'."); # Ensure the existence of the internal driver. my $driver = 'GTiff'; my $driver_opts = { BIGTIFF => 'IF_NEEDED' }; my $driver_type = 'Byte'; die "Error: Unknown driver: '$driver'.\n" unless Geo::GDAL::GetDriverByName($driver); $driver_opts->{$_} //= $gdal_opts->{$_} for (keys %$gdal_opts); my $driver_ext = Geo::GDAL::GetDriverByName($driver)->Extension(); map &expand_rgba($_), @{$config{overviews}}; my $mosaic = &merge(); &annotate( $mosaic ); ####################################################################### # Print debug messages. sub debug { print STDERR (join '', map {"DEBUG: " .$_. "\n"} @_) if $config{debug}; } # Create a temporary file. The file is created to defeat race # conditions, but the file handle is closed right away. sub tempfile { my ($fh, $name) = File::Temp::tempfile(DIR => $tmpdir, UNLINK => 1, @_); close $fh; &debug( "Creating file: '$name'" ); return $name; } # Expand a dataset to RGBA. This code is nearly a perl clone of pct2rgb(1). sub expand_rgba { my $map = shift; my $name = $map->{filename}; &debug ("Opening '$name'"); my $src_ds = Geo::GDAL::Open($name, 'ReadOnly') or exit 1; return unless $src_ds->{RasterCount} == 1; my $src_band = $src_ds->GetRasterBand(1); my $ct = $src_band->GetRasterColorTable() or return; &debug("Expansion to RGBA required."); $map->{filename} = &tempfile(SUFFIX => '.'.$driver_ext); if ($config{progress}) { print STDERR "Processing input file $name.\n"; &{$config{progress}}(0.0); } my $dst_nb = 4; # RGBA my $src_nc = 256; # That's the best we can do, as we're using bytes my $lookup = [ map '', (0 .. $src_nc-1) ]; $src_nc = $ct->GetCount() if $ct->GetCount() < $src_nc; for (my $i = 0; $i < $src_nc; $i++) { my @e = $ct->GetColorEntryAsRGB( $i ); $lookup->[$_] .= chr $e[$_] for (0 .. $dst_nb-1); } my ($xSize, $ySize) = $src_ds->Size(); my $dst_ds = Geo::GDAL::GetDriverByName($driver)->Create( $map->{filename} , $xSize , $ySize , $dst_nb , $driver_type , $driver_opts ); $dst_ds->SetProjection( $map->{wkt} ); $dst_ds->SetGeoTransform([ $src_ds->GetGeoTransform() ]); $dst_ds->SetGCPs( $src_ds->GetGCPs(), $src_ds->GetGCPProjection() ) if $src_ds->GetGCPCount(); for (my $y = 0; $y < $ySize; $y++) { my $src_data = $src_band->ReadRaster(0, $y, $xSize, 1); for (my $b = 0; $b < $dst_nb; $b++) { local $_ = $src_data; # We use an inlined C function to speed up things a bit. # Essentially what we're doing is a splice through the # lookup table. # Using strings is much more efficients that huge perl # array of scalars. A pure perl version, not so much slower # than our C code, can be obtained using transliteration: # my $src_str = join '', map chr, (0 .. $src_nc-1); # eval "tr/\Q$src_str\E/\Q$lookup->[$b]\E/"; &subst ( $_, $lookup->[$b], $xSize ); $dst_ds->Band(1+$b)->WriteRaster(0, $y, $xSize, 1, $_); } &{$config{progress}}( (1+$y) / $ySize ) if $config{progress}; } # Erase (hence flush and close) the previous dataset undef $src_ds; } # Build the index. We use gdalwarp(1) because it does some clever # computation to estimate the size of the reprojected tiles, and the # GDALSuggestedWarpOutput() is not available in the Perl (or Python) # API. sub merge { my $dst_filename = &tempfile(SUFFIX => '.'.$driver_ext); &debug("Wrapping into file '$dst_filename'..."); my @opts; # We use the optimisations suggested below # http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/gdal-dev/2009-August/021715.html # http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/UserDocs/GdalWarp # '-multi' seems to slow down gdalwarp, though :-( push @opts, '--config', 'GDAL_CACHEMAX', $config{wm}, '-wm', $config{wm} if $config{wm}; push @opts, '-q' unless $config{progress}; push @opts, '-s_srs', $config{s_srs}->ExportToProj4() if $config{s_srs}; push @opts, '-t_srs', $config{t_srs}->ExportToProj4() if $config{t_srs}; push @opts, '-r', $config{resampling} if $config{resampling}; push @opts, '-ts', $config{outsize}->[0], $config{outsize}->[1]; my $driver_opts = $driver_opts; # gdalwarp cannot create properly compressed output # http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/UserDocs/GdalWarp#GeoTIFFoutput-coCOMPRESSisbroken delete $driver_opts->{COMPRESS} if $driver_opts->{COMPRESS}; push @opts, '-of', $driver, map { ('-co', $_.'='.$driver_opts->{$_}) } (keys %$driver_opts); my @src_filenames = map $_->{filename}, @{$config{overviews}}; { # gdalwarp writes to STDOUT; we add >&2 open my $x, '>&', \*STDOUT or die "Error: Can't dup STDOUT: $!"; open *STDOUT, '>&', \*STDERR or die "Error: Can't dup STDERR: $!"; system 'gdalwarp', @opts, @src_filenames, $dst_filename; $? == 0 or die "Error: gdalwarp failed.\n"; open *STDOUT, '>&', $x or die "Error: Can't dup X: $!"; close $x; } return $dst_filename; } # Annotate the maps (add border & caption). sub annotate { my $filename = shift; # Inverse the transformation, so that we can convert from projected # coordinates to pixel coordinates. my $ds = Geo::GDAL::Open($filename, 'ReadOnly') or exit 1; my ($ok,@invt) = Geo::GDAL::InvGeoTransform([ $ds->GetGeoTransform() ]); undef $ds; die "Error: Couldn't inverse affine transformation\n" unless $ok; my $raster = Image::Magick::->new(); $raster->Read( $filename ); my ($width, $height) = $raster->Get(qw/width height/); my @draw = ( fill => 'none' , strokewidth => $config{border} , primitive => 'polygon' ); my @ann = ( stroke => 'none' # To get the list of supported fonts: `convert -list font`. , font => $config{font} , pointsize => $config{fontsize} , fill => $config{fontcolor} , gravity => 'Center' ); # Separate RGB and alpha channels. This complicated business is # because we want all borders to share the same alpha channel # instead of having more opaque intersections of semi-transparent # areas (due to the default composition, which multiplies the # values. # # To get the list of known color names: `convert -list color`. my $pix = Image::Magick::->new(); my ($r, $g, $b, $a) = $pix->QueryColor( $config{bordercolor} ); my $max = (2 << ($pix->Get('depth') - 1)) - 1.; undef $pix; ($r,$g,$b,$a) = map { ($_ // 0) * 100. / $max } ($r,$g,$b,$a); my ($b_rgb, $b_alpha) = ("RGB($r%,$g%,$b%)", 'GRAY('.(100-$a).'%)'); my $rgb= Image::Magick::->new( size => "${width}x${height}" ); $rgb->Read( 'xc:none' ); my $mask; if ($a > 0) { &debug( "Adding a transparency mask (border opacity: $a%)." ); $mask = Image::Magick::->new( size => "${width}x${height}" ); $mask->Read( 'xc:black' ); # We really want 'Gray', but a non-linear Gray. See # http://www.imagemagick.org/script/color-management.php # for the trick: # convert img.png -set colorspace RGB -colorspace gray RGBimg.png # (Also, setting the 'colorspace' during the object creation was # useless.) $mask->Set( colorspace => 'RGB' ); } my ($lx0,$uy0,$rx0,$ly0); foreach my $map (@mapset) { # In case the projection have changed, the map may have been rotated, # so we draw a polygon instead of a rectangle. my @points = map {[ Geo::GDAL::ApplyGeoTransform(\@invt, @$_[0,1] ) ]} @{$map->{t_corners}}[0,1,3,2]; my $points = join (' ', map {join ',', @$_} @points); &debug( "Polygon: " . $points ); # Add the borders. We do that after the text to draw over in # case of intersection. $rgb->Draw( @draw, stroke => $b_rgb, points => $points ); $mask->Draw(@draw, stroke => $b_alpha, points => $points ) if $mask; # Get the extremes of this polygon. my ($lx,$uy,$rx,$ly); foreach (@points) { $lx = floor $_->[0] unless defined $lx and $lx < floor $_->[0]; $uy = floor $_->[1] unless defined $uy and $uy < floor $_->[1]; $rx = ceil $_->[0] unless defined $rx and $rx > ceil $_->[0]; $ly = ceil $_->[1] unless defined $ly and $ly > ceil $_->[1]; }; # The region where to confine the caption. my $cell = ($rx-$lx).'x'.($ly-$uy).'+'.$lx.'+'.$uy; &debug( "Cell: $cell" ); # Add the caption. ('gravity' is relative to the 'geometry'.) # Everything that's not in the cell's region is trimmed away. $raster->MogrifyRegion( $cell, 'Annotate' , @ann , geometry => $cell , text => $map->{text} ); if ($config{crop}) { $lx0 = $lx unless defined $lx0 and $lx0 < $lx; $uy0 = $uy unless defined $uy0 and $uy0 < $uy; $rx0 = $rx unless defined $rx0 and $rx0 > $rx; $ly0 = $ly unless defined $ly0 and $ly0 > $ly; } } # Change the colorspace (now to non-linear gray), and turn off # the alpha channel. Then copy this (shared) channel back into the # RGB annotation channel. if ($mask) { $mask->Set( colorspace => 'Gray', alpha => 'Off' ); $rgb->Composite( image => $mask, compose => 'CopyOpacity' ); undef $mask; } # Merge all the annotations into the mosaic. $raster->Composite( image => $rgb, compose => 'Over' ); undef $rgb; # Throw away the outside. if ($config{crop}) { my $crop = ($rx0-$lx0).'x'.($ly0-$uy0).'+'.$lx0.'+'.$uy0; &debug( "Crop: $crop" ); $raster->Crop( geometry => $crop ); } binmode STDOUT if $index =~ /^(?:[[:alnum:]]*:)?-$/; # Useful for pipes $raster->Write($index); undef $raster; } __END__ __C__ void subst (unsigned char *data, unsigned char *lookup, int length) { int i; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) data[i] = lookup[ data[i] ]; }