#!/usr/bin/perl -w # This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, to the # extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want To Public # License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. # See http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/COPYING for more details. use Pod::Usage; use Mail::IMAPClient; use IO::Socket::SSL;; use File::Spec::Functions qw /catfile/; use Env qw /HOME/; use strict; =head1 NAME imapurge.pl - Prune your email accounts =head1 SYNOPSIS B =head1 DESCRIPTION B cleans up your accounts from old seen and unflagged emails. It connects on the IMAP servers via SSL on port 993. =head1 CONFIGURATION B reads its configuration from the file I<$HOME/.imapurge.rc>. This file has to be the content of a Perl hash e.g., =over 4 account1 => { hostname => 'imap.example.com', username => 'username', password => '******', ignore => [ 'folder1', 'folder2' ], only => [ 'folder3', 'folder4' ], oldest => 90 }, account2 => { ... } =back The fields I, I, and I are required, while I, I, and I are optional. If you wish to to filter away some folders, you can fill in the field I. If on the other hand you want to only clean up some folders (hence ignore all the others), you can fill in the field I. The default behavior is to explore all the folders on the server. By setting the field I, you can also define a time limit (in days) for each account; Seen and unflagged emails that have been sent before the given value (for the server's time!) will be deleted. Default value: 90. =head1 AUTHOR Copyright 2011 Guilhem Moulin. See the source for copying conditions. =cut pod2usage(-exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 2) if @ARGV && $ARGV[0] eq '--man'; pod2usage(2) if @ARGV; my $confile = catfile ($HOME, '.imapurge.rc'); die "Can't read `" .$confile. "'\n" unless -f $confile; my %accounts = do $confile; die "Error in `" .$confile. "'\n" if $@ || not %accounts; # Remotely delete mails that have been sent >90 days ago my $oldest = 90; my $count = 0; while (my ($account,$config) = each %accounts) { my $n = &prune ($config); print $account, ": ", $n, "\n"; $count += $n; } print "-----------\n"; print "Total: $count emails have been deleted.\n"; ####################################################################### # Prune the given account sub prune { my $config = $_[0]; # Create the SSL socket and login to the server my $socket = IO::Socket::SSL->new( PeerAddr => $config->{hostname}, PeerPort => 993, ) or die "Can't create SSL socket: $@\n"; my $client = Mail::IMAPClient->new( Socket => $socket, User => $config->{username}, Password => $config->{password}, SSL => 1, Uid => 1, ) or die "Can't login: $@\n"; my $count = 0; # I'll delete the emails that have a date < $maxdate (on the server) my $maxdate = $oldest; $maxdate = $config->{oldest} if exists $config->{oldest}; $maxdate *= 24 * 60 * 60; # Convert seconds to days $maxdate = $client->Rfc3501_date(time-$maxdate); # Browse in the folder list my @folders = $client->folders or die "Can't list folders: $@\n"; foreach my $folder (@folders) { # Filter on the (manually set) 'ignore' & 'only' lists next if exists $config->{ignore} && grep {$_ eq $folder} @{$config->{ignore}}; next if exists $config->{only} && not (grep {$_ eq $folder} @{$config->{only}}); # Explore the folder if ($client->select($folder)) { # Search the mails my @msgs = $client->search( \( 'SENTBEFORE', $maxdate , 'UNFLAGGED' , 'SEEN' ) ); if (@msgs) { $count += $#msgs; my $del = $client->delete_message(\@msgs) or die "Can't delete messages: $@\n"; warn " Folder `$folder': only $del/$#msgs messages have been deleted.\n" unless $del == $#msgs+1; } else { die "Can't search: $@\n" if $@; } # Unselect the folder & commit the changes on the server $client->close or die "Can't close: $@\n"; } } # Logout $client->logout(); die "Can't logout: $@\n" unless $client->IsUnconnected; return $count; }