--- # Spatial Reference System SRS: 'EPSG:3006' # a.k.a. SWEREF99 TM, cf. https://epsg.io/3006 # (2D) extent: minX, minY, maxX, maxY # # Lantmäteriet uses a tile-scheme where the origin (upper-left corner) is at N8500000 # E-1200000 (SWEREF99 TM), where each tile is 256×256 pixels, and where the resolution at # level 0 is 4096m per pixel. # # https://www.lantmateriet.se/globalassets/geodata/geodatatjanster/tb_twk_visning_cache_v1.1.0.pdf # https://www.lantmateriet.se/globalassets/geodata/geodatatjanster/tb_twk_visning-oversiktlig_v1.0.3.pdf # # We set the extent to a 4×4 tiles square at level 2 somehow centered on Norrbotten and # Västerbotten. This represent a TILEROW (x) offset of 5, and a TILECOL (y) offset of 2. # A 4×8 tiles rectangle with the same upper-left and upper-right coordinates can be used # to cover the entire country. # extent: - 110720 - 6927136 # alternatively 5878560 for the entire country - 1159296 - 7975712 # Take User-Agent value from Tor Browser 13.0.15 (based on Mozilla Firefox 115.11.0esr) User-Agent: 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/115.0' # Map group names to one or more pattern of layer name(s). This is a convenience feature # for systemd template units. layer-groups: administrativindelning: - lansyta - kommunyta nvr: 'nvr:*' sks: 'sks:*' st: 'st:*' vbk: 'vbk:*' mrr: 'mrr:*' # Global GDAL/OGR configuration options, cf. https://gdal.org/user/configoptions.html and # the driver-specific configuration options such as # https://gdal.org/drivers/vector/pg.html#configuration-options or # https://gdal.org/drivers/vector/gpkg.html#configuration-options GDALconfig: PG_USE_COPY: 'YES' dataset: # Path/URI of the output (destination) dataset. path: 'PG:' # Format (optional) format: PostgreSQL # Whether the dataset should be created if it does not exist. (Creation will fail if # the driver doesn't support it.) #create: true #create-options: # Optional driver-specific dataset creation options, cf. for instance # https://gdal.org/drivers/vector/gpkg.html#dataset-creation-options #VERSION: 'AUTO' # Optional driver-specific dataset open options, cf. for instance # https://gdal.org/drivers/vector/pg.html#dataset-open-options or # https://gdal.org/drivers/vector/gpkg.html#dataset-open-options open-options: ACTIVE_SCHEMA: postgis USER: webmap_import DBNAME: webmap # Optional dictionary of default layer creation options, cf. # https://gdal.org/drivers/vector/pg.html#layer-creation-options or # https://gdal.org/drivers/vector/gpkg.html#layer-creation-options # These apply to all layers. create-layer-options: FID64: 'YES' LAUNDER: 'NO' EXTRACT_SCHEMA_FROM_LAYER_NAME: 'NO' layers: # # Dictionary of layer names and source receipes in the output dataset. If a layer # # has a single source, then the sources singleton can be inlined. # layer1_name: # description: A string describing that layer # create: # # Geometry Type for the output layer. Possible values are like ogr2ogr(1)'s -nlt # # value, namely one of NONE, GEOMETRY, POINT, LINESTRING, POLYGON, MULTIPOINT, # # MULTILINESTRING, MULTIPOLYGON, GEOMETRYCOLLECTION, CIRCULARSTRING, COMPOUNDCURVE, # # CURVEPOLYGON, MULTICURVE, MULTISURFACE. Add Z, M, or ZM to the type name to # # specify coordinates with elevation, measure, or both elevation and measure. # geometry-type: MULTIPOLYGON # # # Dictionary of layer creation options, cf. # # https://gdal.org/drivers/vector/pg.html#layer-creation-options or # # https://gdal.org/drivers/vector/gpkg.html#layer-creation-options # # dataset:create-layer-options is prepended when defined. # options: # #LAUNDER: 'NO' # # # The layer schema: a list of field names, types and constraints. # fields: # - # Feature field name # Name: field_name # # # Alternative field name (alias). This is a metadata style attribute only: the # # alternative name cannot be used in place of the actual field name during SQL # # queries or other field name dependent API calls. # AlternativeName: field_name_alias # # # Description/comment # Comment: A string describing that field # # # Feature field type (optional), one of: # # * Integer (simple 32bit integer); # # * IntegerList (list of 32bit integers); # # * Real (double precision floating point); # # * RealList (list of doubles); # # * String (string of characters); # # * StringList (array of strings); # # * Binary (raw binary data); # # * Date (date); # # * Time (time); # # * DateTime (date and time); # # * Integer64 (64bit integer); or # # * Integer64List (list of 64bit integers). # Type: String # # # Feature field subtype (optional), one of: # # * None (no subtype, this is the default value); # # * Bool (boolean integer, only valid for Integer and IntegerList types); # # * Int16 (signed 16-bit integer, only valid for Integer and IntegerList # # types); # # * Float32 (single precision [32 bit] floating point, only valid for Real # # and RealList types); # # * JSON (JSON content, only valid for String); or # # * UUID (UUID string representation, only valid for String). # SubType: UUID # # # Feature field timezone (optional), for Time, Date and DateTime types. One of: # # * None (unknown timezone); # # * Local (local time); # # * UTC (alias GMT); or # # * [+-]HH:MM or UTC[+-]HH:MM # #TZFlag: local # # # Formatting precision for this field in characters (optional, this should # # normally be zero for fields of types other than Real) # Precision: 0 # # # Formatting width for this field in characters (optional) # Width: 36 # # # Default field value (optional); accepted values are NULL, a numeric value, a # # literal value enclosed between single quote characters (and inner single # # quote characters escaped by repetition of the single quote character), # # CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIME, CURRENT_DATE or a driver specific # # expression) # Default: None # # # Whether this field has no not-NULL constraint (optional) # Nullable: false # # # Whether this field has a unique constraint (optional) # Unique: true # # sources: # - source: # download: # # URL from where to download the source file. source:download can be used as # # an alias when source:download:url is its only subkey. # url: 'https://example.net/path/to/layer.zip' # # # The maximum size to download in bytes. An error is raised when the payload # # size exceeds this value. # # (Default: 67108864, in other words 64MiB) # max-size: 1073741824 # # # Basename of the download module to use for that layer. # module: webmap-download # # cache: # # Local path (relative to --cachedir) where to (atomically) save the # # downloaded file. The same path can be used by multiple entries as long as # # their pairs (source:download:url, source:download:module) match. Any # # parent directories are created if needed. If the path is empty or ends # # with a '/' character then it treated as a directory and the last component # # of source:download:url implicitly used as filename. In that case an error # # is raised if no filename can be derived from the URL. source:cache can be # # used as an alias when source:cache:path is its only subkey. # path: path/to/sub/dir/ # # # Maximum age for caching, in number of seconds ago. If source:cache:path # # exists and its mtime and/or ctime is newer than this value then no HTTP # # query is made. # # (Default: 21600, in other words 6h) # max-age: 86400 # # # Optional extracting receipe for archived/compressed sources # unar: # # The archiving format (only 'zip' is currently supported) # format: zip # # # glob(3)-patterns to extract from the archive. import:path is always # # extracted as an exact match. # patterns: # - 'path/to/source/layer.*' # # import: # # Path for the dataset holding the source layer (relative to the archive root # # for archived sources, and to --cachedir otherwise). The value is optional # # for non-archived sources, and defaults to source:cache:path if omitted. # path: path/to/source/layer.shp # # # Format of the source layer to limit allowed driver when opening the dataset. # format: ESRI Shapefile # # # Name of the source layer in the source dataset. If omitted, its 0th layer is # # considered. # layername: source_layer # # # Whether to apply the spatial filter when importing. Default: True. # spatial-filter: true # # # Mapping of source fields to destination fields. A list translates into an # identity mapping. # fields: # - field_name1 # - field_name2 # fields: # source_field_name2: field_name2 # source_field_name2: field_name2 'lansyta': description: Sveriges län (Lantmäteriet) create: geometry-type: MULTIPOLYGON fields: # https://www.lantmateriet.se/globalassets/geodata/geodataprodukter/pb-topografi-250-nedladdning-vektor.pdf # 5.1.5 (tabell 5) - name: objektidentitet type: String subtype: UUID unique: true #width: 36 #comment: globalt unik identitet för generaliserat objekt - name: skapad type: DateTime #tz: local #comment: tidpunkt när objektet ändrades - name: lanskod type: Integer subtype: Int16 unique: true nullable: false #comment: tvåsiffrig kod för län source: # https://www.lantmateriet.se/sv/geodata/vara-produkter/produktlista/topografi-250-nedladdning-vektor/ cache: administrativindelning_sverige.zip unar: format: zip import: path: administrativindelning_sverige.gpkg format: GPKG layername: lansyta spatial-filter: false fields: - objektidentitet - skapad - lanskod 'kommunyta': description: Sveriges kommuner (Lantmäteriet) create: geometry-type: MULTIPOLYGON fields: # https://www.lantmateriet.se/globalassets/geodata/geodataprodukter/pb-topografi-250-nedladdning-vektor.pdf # 5.1.6 (tabell 7) - name: objektidentitet type: String subtype: UUID unique: true #width: 36 #comment: globalt unik identitet för generaliserat objekt - name: skapad type: DateTime #tz: local #comment: tidpunkt när objektet ändrades - name: kommunkod type: Integer subtype: Int16 unique: true nullable: false #comment: fyrsiffrig kod för kommun source: # https://www.lantmateriet.se/sv/geodata/vara-produkter/produktlista/topografi-250-nedladdning-vektor/ cache: administrativindelning_sverige.zip unar: format: zip import: path: administrativindelning_sverige.gpkg format: GPKG layername: kommunyta spatial-filter: false fields: - objektidentitet - skapad - kommunkod 'nvr:TILLTRADESFORBUD': source: download: 'https://geodata.naturvardsverket.se/nedladdning/naturvardsregistret/TILLTRADESFORBUD.zip' cache: naturvardsregistret/ 'nvr:NP': source: download: 'https://geodata.naturvardsverket.se/nedladdning/naturvardsregistret/NP.zip' cache: naturvardsregistret/ 'nvr:NR': source: download: 'https://geodata.naturvardsverket.se/nedladdning/naturvardsregistret/NR.zip' cache: naturvardsregistret/ 'nvr:NVO': source: download: 'https://geodata.naturvardsverket.se/nedladdning/naturvardsregistret/NVO.zip' cache: naturvardsregistret/ 'nvr:DVO': source: download: 'https://geodata.naturvardsverket.se/nedladdning/naturvardsregistret/DVO.zip' cache: naturvardsregistret/ 'nvr:KR': source: download: 'https://geodata.naturvardsverket.se/nedladdning/naturvardsregistret/KR.zip' cache: naturvardsregistret/ 'nvr:VSO': source: download: 'https://geodata.naturvardsverket.se/nedladdning/naturvardsregistret/VSO.zip' cache: naturvardsregistret/ 'nvr:LBSO': source: download: 'https://geodata.naturvardsverket.se/nedladdning/naturvardsregistret/LBSO.zip' cache: naturvardsregistret/ 'nvr:OBO': source: download: 'https://geodata.naturvardsverket.se/nedladdning/naturvardsregistret/OBO.zip' cache: naturvardsregistret/ 'nvr:NM': source: download: 'https://geodata.naturvardsverket.se/nedladdning/naturvardsregistret/NM.zip' cache: naturvardsregistret/ 'nvr:IF': source: download: 'https://geodata.naturvardsverket.se/nedladdning/naturvardsregistret/IF.zip' cache: naturvardsregistret/ 'nvr:SPA_Rikstackande': source: download: 'https://geodata.naturvardsverket.se/nedladdning/naturvardsregistret/SPA_Rikstackande.zip' cache: naturvardsregistret/ 'nvr:SCI_Rikstackande': source: download: url: 'https://geodata.naturvardsverket.se/nedladdning/naturvardsregistret/SCI_Rikstackande.zip' max-size: 134217728 # 128MiB cache: naturvardsregistret/ 'nvr:HELCOM': source: download: 'https://geodata.naturvardsverket.se/nedladdning/naturvardsregistret/HELCOM.zip' cache: naturvardsregistret/ 'nvr:Ramsar_2018': source: download: 'https://geodata.naturvardsverket.se/nedladdning/naturvardsregistret/Ramsar_2018.zip' cache: naturvardsregistret/ 'nvr:OSPAR': source: download: 'https://geodata.naturvardsverket.se/nedladdning/naturvardsregistret/OSPAR.zip' cache: naturvardsregistret/ 'nvr:Varldsarv': source: download: 'https://geodata.naturvardsverket.se/nedladdning/naturvardsregistret/Varldsarv.zip' cache: naturvardsregistret/ 'nvr:biosfarsomraden': source: download: 'https://geodata.naturvardsverket.se/nedladdning/naturvardsregistret/biosfarsomraden.zip' cache: naturvardsregistret/ 'nvr:NVA': source: download: 'https://geodata.naturvardsverket.se/nedladdning/naturvardsregistret/NVA.zip' cache: naturvardsregistret/ 'sks:AvverkAnm': # https://geodpags.skogsstyrelsen.se/geodataport/feeds/AvverkAnm.xml description: Avverkningsanmälningar (Skogsstyrelsen) create: geometry-type: MULTIPOLYGON fields: # https://www.skogsstyrelsen.se/globalassets/sjalvservice/karttjanster/geodatatjanster/produktbeskrivningar/yttre-granser-for-avverkningsanmalda-omraden---produktbeskrivning.pdf # ”Ett urval görs så att endast de som är < 5 år och inte avverkade visas. Max 80 %.” - name: OBJECTID type: Integer unique: true nullable: false #comment: unik identitet - name: Beteckn type: String width: 12 unique: true nullable: false #comment: ärendebeteckning - name: ArendeAr type: Integer subtype: Int16 nullable: false #comment: år anmälan/ansökan registrerades - name: Avverktyp type: String width: 254 nullable: false #comment: vad anmälan/ansökan gäller - name: Skogstyp type: String width: 254 nullable: false #comment: anger om avverkning är inom fjällnära skog eller normal skog - name: Inkomdatum type: Date nullable: false #comment: anmälan/ansökan inkom datum - name: AnmaldHa # XXX convert to m²? type: Real subtype: Float32 nullable: false #comment: areal anmält (ha) - name: SkogsodlHa type: Real subtype: Float32 nullable: false #comment: areal plantering (ha) - name: NatforHa type: Real subtype: Float32 nullable: false #comment: areal naturlig föryngring (ha) - name: AvvSasong type: String width: 254 nullable: false #comment: avverkningssäsong - name: ArendeStat type: String width: 254 nullable: false #comment: ärendestatus - name: AvvHa type: Real subtype: Float32 #comment: avverkad areal (ha) - name: Avverkning type: String width: 254 nullable: false #comment: Avverkningsamalan/NyAvverkningsanmalan source: download: url: 'https://geodpags.skogsstyrelsen.se/geodataport/data/sksAvverkAnm.zip' max-size: 134217728 # 128MiB cache: sks/ unar: format: zip patterns: - 'sksAvverkAnm.*' import: path: sksAvverkAnm.shp format: ESRI Shapefile layername: sksAvverkAnm fields: - OBJECTID - Beteckn - ArendeAr - Avverktyp - Skogstyp - Inkomdatum - AnmaldHa - SkogsodlHa - NatforHa - AvvSasong - ArendeStat - AvvHa - Avverkning 'sks:UtfordAvverk': # https://geodpags.skogsstyrelsen.se/geodataport/feeds/UtfordAvverk.xml description: Utförd avverkning (Skogsstyrelsen) create: geometry-type: MULTIPOLYGON fields: # https://www.skogsstyrelsen.se/globalassets/sjalvservice/karttjanster/geodatatjanster/produktbeskrivningar/utforda-avverkningar---produktbeskrivning.pdf - name: OBJECTID type: Integer unique: true nullable: false #comment: unik identitet - name: Beteckn type: String width: 12 #unique: true # TODO: map "Visas ej" to NULL nullable: false #comment: ärendebeteckning - name: ArendeAr type: Integer subtype: Int16 nullable: false #comment: år anmälan/ansökan registrerades - name: Avverktyp type: String width: 254 nullable: false #comment: vad anmälan/ansökan gäller - name: Skogstyp type: String width: 254 nullable: false #comment: anger om avverkning är inom fjällnära skog, ädellövskog eller normal skog - name: AnmaldHa type: Real subtype: Float32 #nullable: false #comment: areal anmält (ha) - name: SkogsodlHa type: Real subtype: Float32 nullable: false #comment: areal plantering (ha) - name: NatforHa type: Real subtype: Float32 nullable: false #comment: areal naturlig föryngring (ha) - name: Avvdatum type: Date nullable: false #comment: datum för avverkning - name: KallaDatum type: Date #comment: ursprung för datum för avverkning (vid ”Uppgift saknas” är det vanligen Skogsstyrelsens personal som registrerat datumet) - name: KallaAreal type: String width: 62 #comment: ursprung för areal avverkning (vid ”Uppgift saknas” är det vanligen Skogsstyrelsens personal som registrerat datumet) - name: Forebild type: String width: 62 #comment: namnet på den gamla bilden i skillnadsanalysen - name: Efterbild type: String width: 62 #comment: namnet på den nya bilden i skillnadsanalysen - name: ArealHa type: Real subtype: Float32 nullable: false #comment: areal för ytan (ha) sources: - source: download: url: 'https://geodpags.skogsstyrelsen.se/geodataport/data/sksUtfordAvverk-2000-2015.zip' max-size: 805306368 # 768MiB cache: path: sks/ max-age: 2592000 # 30d unar: format: zip patterns: - 'sksUtfordAvverk-2000-2015.*' import: path: sksUtfordAvverk-2000-2015.shp format: ESRI Shapefile layername: sksUtfordAvverk-2000-2015 fields: OBJECTID: OBJECTID Beteckn: Beteckn Arendear: ArendeAr Avverktyp: Avverktyp Skogstyp: Skogstyp AnmaldHa: AnmaldHa SkogsodlHa: SkogsodlHa Natforha: NatforHa Avvdatum: Avvdatum KallaDatum: KallaDatum KallaAreal: KallaAreal Forebild: Forebild Efterbild: Efterbild Arealha: ArealHa - source: download: url: 'https://geodpags.skogsstyrelsen.se/geodataport/data/sksUtfordAvverk-2016-2019.zip' max-size: 805306368 # 768MiB cache: path: sks/ max-age: 2592000 # 30d unar: format: zip patterns: - 'sksUtfordAvverk-2016-2019.*' import: path: sksUtfordAvverk-2016-2019.shp format: ESRI Shapefile layername: sksUtfordAvverk-2016-2019 fields: OBJECTID: OBJECTID Beteckn: Beteckn Arendear: ArendeAr Avverktyp: Avverktyp Skogstyp: Skogstyp AnmaldHa: AnmaldHa SkogsodlHa: SkogsodlHa Natforha: NatforHa Avvdatum: Avvdatum KallaDatum: KallaDatum KallaAreal: KallaAreal Forebild: Forebild Efterbild: Efterbild Arealha: ArealHa - source: download: url: 'https://geodpags.skogsstyrelsen.se/geodataport/data/sksUtfordAvverk-2020-2022.zip' max-size: 805306368 # 768MiB cache: path: sks/ max-age: 864000 # 10d unar: format: zip patterns: - 'sksUtfordAvverk-2020-2022.*' import: path: sksUtfordAvverk-2020-2022.shp format: ESRI Shapefile layername: sksUtfordAvverk-2020-2022 fields: OBJECTID: OBJECTID Beteckn: Beteckn Arendear: ArendeAr Avverktyp: Avverktyp Skogstyp: Skogstyp AnmaldHa: AnmaldHa SkogsodlHa: SkogsodlHa Natforha: NatforHa Avvdatum: Avvdatum KallaDatum: KallaDatum KallaAreal: KallaAreal Forebild: Forebild Efterbild: Efterbild Arealha: ArealHa - source: download: url: 'https://geodpags.skogsstyrelsen.se/geodataport/data/sksUtfordAvverk-2023-.zip' max-size: 1073741824 # 1GiB cache: sks/ unar: format: zip patterns: - 'sksUtfordAvverk-2023-.*' import: path: sksUtfordAvverk-2023-.shp format: ESRI Shapefile layername: sksUtfordAvverk-2023- fields: OBJECTID: OBJECTID Beteckn: Beteckn Arendear: ArendeAr Avverktyp: Avverktyp Skogstyp: Skogstyp AnmaldHa: AnmaldHa SkogsodlHa: SkogsodlHa Natforha: NatforHa Avvdatum: Avvdatum KallaDatum: KallaDatum KallaAreal: KallaAreal Forebild: Forebild Efterbild: Efterbild Arealha: ArealHa 'st:betesomraden': source: download: 'https://ext-dokument.lansstyrelsen.se/Gemensamt/Geodata/Datadistribution/SWEREF99TM/Sametinget/Samebyarnas_betesomraden.zip' cache: sametinget/ 'st:markanvandning': source: download: 'http://ext-dokument.lansstyrelsen.se/Gemensamt/Geodata/Datadistribution/SWEREF99TM/Sametinget/Samebyarnas_markanvandningsredovisning.zip' cache: sametinget/ 'vbk:vindkraftverk': source: download: 'https://ext-dokument.lansstyrelsen.se/gemensamt/geodata/ShapeExport/lst.vbk_vindkraftverk.zip' cache: vbk/ 'vbk:projekteringsomraden': source: download: 'https://ext-dokument.lansstyrelsen.se/gemensamt/geodata/ShapeExport/lst.vbk_projekteringsomraden.zip' cache: vbk/ # The list of layers available on the WMS server can be found at # https://maps3.sgu.se/geoserver/wms?SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.11&REQUEST=GetCapabilities 'mrr:bearbetningskoncessioner_applied': source: download: module: webmap-download-mrr layername: 'MRR:SE.GOV.SGU.MRR.BEARBETNINGSKONCESSIONER_APPLIED_VY' cache: mrr/bearbetningskoncessioner_applied.geojson 'mrr:bearbetningskoncessioner_approved': source: download: module: webmap-download-mrr layername: 'MRR:SE.GOV.SGU.MRR.BEARBETNINGSKONCESSIONER_APPROVED_VY' cache: mrr/bearbetningskoncessioner_approved.geojson 'mrr:markanvisningar': source: download: module: webmap-download-mrr layername: 'MRR:SE.GOV.SGU.MRR.MARKANVISNINGAR_VY' cache: mrr/markanvisningar.geojson 'mrr:mineral_applied': source: download: module: webmap-download-mrr layername: 'MRR:SE.GOV.SGU.MRR.MINERAL_APPLIED_VY' cache: mrr/mineral_applied.geojson 'mrr:mineral_approved': source: download: module: webmap-download-mrr layername: 'MRR:SE.GOV.SGU.MRR.MINERAL_APPROVED_VY' cache: mrr/mineral_approved.geojson # 'mrr:mineral_expired': # source: # download: # module: webmap-download-mrr # layername: 'MRR:SE.GOV.SGU.MRR.MINERAL_EXPIRED_2' # cache: mrr/mineral_expired.geojson # 'mrr:mineral_prohibited': # source: # download: # module: webmap-download-mrr # layername: 'MRR:SE.GOV.SGU.MRR.MINERAL_PROHIBITED_2' # cache: mrr/mineral_prohibited.geojson # 'mrr:ogd_expired': # source: # download: # module: webmap-download-mrr # layername: 'MRR:SE.GOV.SGU.MRR.OGD_EXPIRED_2' # cache: mrr/ogd_expired.geojson # 'mrr:ogd_prohibited': # source: # download: # module: webmap-download-mrr # layername: 'MRR:SE.GOV.SGU.MRR.OGD_PROHIBITED_2' # cache: mrr/ogd_prohibited.geojson 'mrr:olja_gas_diamant_applied': source: download: module: webmap-download-mrr layername: 'MRR:SE.GOV.SGU.MRR.OLJA_GAS_DIAMANT_APPLIED_VY' cache: mrr/olja_gas_diamant_applied.geojson 'mrr:olja_gas_diamant_approved': source: download: module: webmap-download-mrr layername: 'MRR:SE.GOV.SGU.MRR.OLJA_GAS_DIAMANT_APPROVED_VY' cache: mrr/olja_gas_diamant_approved.geojson 'mrr:torvkoncessioner': source: download: module: webmap-download-mrr layername: 'MRR:SE.GOV.SGU.MRR.TORVKONCESSIONER_VY' cache: mrr/torvkoncessioner.geojson