Summary ======= Script to create a QGIS project with observations of Plantae and Fungi from [SLU Artdatabanken][]. Observations are retrieved using SLU Artdatabanken's [Species Observation System API][], which aggregates data from multiple sources such as [Artportalen][] and [MVM environmental data][]. Background topographic maps from [Lantmäteriet][Lantmäteriet Product List]. [SLU Artdatabanken]: [Species Observation System API]: [Artportalen]: [MVM environmental data]: [Lantmäteriet Product List]: Usage ===== ``` $ gis-observation-map --help usage: gis-observation-map --project-home=DIR --project-name=NAME {--geometry=FILE|--point=Y,X} ... gis-observation-map --observation-file=NAME {--geometry=FILE|--point=Y,X} ... Create a QGIS project with observations from Artdatabanken. options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --project-home DIRECTORY Project home directory --project-name NAME Project filename (and title) relative to --project-home --topo-basedir DIRECTORY Base directory for "Topografi 10", "Topografi 50", etc. Geographic area of interest: --geometry-style STYLE_FILE QGIS Layer Style File (*.qml) to apply to subsequent geometry files --geometry-layername NAME Layer names for subsequent geometry files --geometry GEOMETRY_FILE Geometry file of interest --point [Y,X ...] Coordinates of interest (in SWEREF99 TM) --margin N Margin (in meters) around geometry envelopes Observations: --no-observations Do not fetch observations within the area(s) of interest --observation-file NAME Observation file name relative to --project-home --observation-format FORMAT Format for the observation file --observation-style STYLE_FILE QGIS Layer Style File (*.qml) to apply to the observation layer (default: ~/gis/Inventeringar/fynd.qml) Search filter: --data-provider [IDENTIFIER ...] Data provider identifier(s), for instance "Artportalen,MVM" --since YYYY-MM-DD Start date for observations in ISO 8601 format --until YYYY-MM-DD End date for observations in ISO 8601 format ``` Examples ======== Generate map with observations within a 10km-wide square centered in Jokkmokk, Norrbotten. ``` $ gis-observation-map --margin 5000 --point 7395788,713523 \ --project-name=Jokkmokk --project-home=/path/to/Jokkmokk 1516 observations found ``` ![Jokkmokk](img/jokkmokk.png) Generate map with observations within or nearby [mining exploration permits and processing concessions][SGU Mineralrättigheter], using a custom style for the objects of interest. ``` $ gis-observation-map --margin 2500 \ --geometry-style /path/to/Mineralrättigheter.qml --geometry /path/to/jokkmokk-sgu.geojson \ --project-name=Gruvor --project-home=/path/to/Jokkmokk-Mineral 5304 observations found ``` Zoom in on the Gállok area (Jokkmokk Municipality, Norrbotten). ![Gállok](img/gallok.png) Show details for a specific observation near Doaresoajvve (Jokkmokk Municipality, Norrbotten). ![Doaresoajvve](img/doaresoajvve.png) [SGU Mineralrättigheter]: [Contribute]( ============ ``` $ git clone ```