path: root/cli/icevault
diff options
authorGuilhem Moulin <guilhem@fripost.org>2015-03-29 05:43:42 +0200
committerGuilhem Moulin <guilhem@fripost.org>2015-03-29 06:23:11 +0200
commit600dbbe02f74c8ff8a726a30cf4969b8b6a849cc (patch)
treeefa1d779caab764570956af3389bc45e417ea34c /cli/icevault
parent00bb3148842bb8e82aca39d6dd40eec46daadbaa (diff)
Fix bash completion.
Diffstat (limited to 'cli/icevault')
1 files changed, 21 insertions, 68 deletions
diff --git a/cli/icevault b/cli/icevault
index be7902f..1f662bf 100755
--- a/cli/icevault
+++ b/cli/icevault
@@ -308,73 +308,6 @@ sub matches($) {
return @matches;
-# Get all identities with the given $prefix. If there are multiple
-# matches and $all is false, limit the output to one depth more than the
-# longuest common prefix.
-sub complete($;$) {
- my $prefix = shift // '';
- my $all = shift;
- my ($s, $h, $i); # extract URI components from the prefix
- if ($prefix =~ /\A([A-Za-z0-9-]+):\/\/([^\P{Graph}:\/]+(?::\d+)?)\/([^\P{Print}\/]*)\z/) {
- ($s, $h, $i) = ($1, $2, $3);
- } elsif ($prefix =~ /\A([A-Za-z0-9-]+):\/\/([^\P{Graph}\/]*)\z/) {
- ($s, $h, $i) = ($1, $2, undef);
- } elsif ($prefix =~ /\A([A-Za-z0-9-]*)(:\/?)?\z/) {
- ($s, $h, $i) = ($1, (defined $2 ? '' : undef), undef);
- } else {
- exit;
- }
- # construct a glob pattern with these URI components
- my ($gs, $gh, $gi) = ($s, $h, $i);
- s/([\\\[\]\{\}\*\?\~])/\\$1/g foreach grep defined, ($gs, $gh, $gi); # escape meta chars
- # add trailing wildcards
- $gs .= '*' if defined $gs and !defined $gh;
- $gh .= '*' if defined $gh and !defined $gi;
- $gi .= '*' if defined $gi;
- # construct regexp to extract the URI compontents of the matching URIs
- my ($ps, $ph, $pi) = ($s, $h, $i);
- $ps = defined $h ? qr/(?<s>\Q$s\E)/ : (defined $s and $s ne '') ? qr/(?<s>\Q$s\E[A-Za-z0-9-]*)/ : qr/(?<s>[A-Za-z0-9-]+)/;
- $ph = defined $i ? qr/(?<h>\Q$h\E)/ : (defined $h and $h ne '') ? qr/(?<h>\Q$h\E[^\P{Graph}\/]*)/ : qr/(?<h>[^\P{Graph}\/]+)/;
- $pi = (defined $i and $i ne '') ? qr/(?<i>\Q$i\E[^\P{Print}\/]*)/ : qr/(?<i>[^\P{Print}\/]+)/;
- my $store = $LOCALE->encode($CONFIG{store});
- my $template = $LOCALE->encode($CONFIG{template});
- $template =~ s/(\%.)([^\%]*)\z/$1.quotemeta($2)/e;
- $template =~ s{(.*?)\%(.)}{$2 eq '%' ? '%' :
- $2 eq 's' ? quotemeta($1).$ps :
- $2 eq 'h' ? quotemeta($1).$ph :
- $2 eq 'i' ? quotemeta($1).$pi :
- die "Invalid placeholder %$1"}ge;
- my $pattern = qr/\A\Q$store\/\E$template\z/;
- myprintf \*STDERR, "Using regexp C<%s>\n", "$pattern" if $CONFIG{debug};
- my @matches;
- foreach my $filename (myglob($gs, $gh, $gi)) {
- next unless -f $filename;
- $LOCALE->decode($filename) =~ $pattern or die "$filename doesn't match $pattern";
- push @matches, "$+{s}://$+{h}/$+{i}";
- }
- return @matches if $all or $#matches < 1;
- # find the longest common prefix to determine the depth level of completion
- $matches[0] =~ /\A([A-Za-z0-9-]+):\/\/([^\P{Graph}:\/]+(?::\d+)?)\// or die;
- ($s, $h) = ($1, $2);
- if (all { /\A\Q$s\E:\/\/\Q$h\E\// } @matches) { # common host: list all ids
- } elsif (all { /\A\Q$s\E:\/\// } @matches) { # common scheme: list only hosts
- s#/[^\P{Print}\/]+\z#/# foreach @matches;
- } else { # no common scheme: list only schemes
- s#://[^\P{Graph}\/]+/[^\P{Print}\/]+\z#://# foreach @matches;
- }
- my %matches = map {( $_ => 1 )} @matches;
- return sort keys %matches;
# Redact passwords, unless $CONFIG{'show-passwords'} is set.
sub safeValue($;$) {
my $field = shift;
@@ -776,15 +709,35 @@ sub getopts(%) {
if ($COMMAND eq '_complete') {
# used internaly for auto-completion
GetOptions(\%CONFIG, qw/zero|0/) or die;
+ loadConfig();
die unless $#ARGV == 0;
+ $CONFIG{recursive} = 1;
+ my @matches = grep defined,
+ map { $_->{id} =~ /\A\Q$ARGV[0]\E/ ? $_->{id} : undef}
+ list( $ARGV[0] =~ /\A(.*\/)/ ? $1 : $ARGV[0] =~ /\A([A-Za-z0-9-]+):\z/ ? "$1://" : () );
+ # find the longest common prefix to determine the depth level of completion
+ $matches[0] =~ /\A([A-Za-z0-9-]+):\/\/([^\P{Graph}:\/]+(?::\d+)?)\// or die;
+ my ($s, $h) = ($1, $2);
+ if (all { /\A\Q$s\E:\/\/\Q$h\E\// } @matches) { # common host: list all ids
+ } elsif (all { /\A\Q$s\E:\/\// } @matches) { # common scheme: list only hosts
+ s#/[^\P{Print}\/]+\z#/# foreach @matches;
+ } else { # no common scheme: list only schemes
+ s#://[^\P{Graph}\/]+/[^\P{Print}\/]+\z#://# foreach @matches;
+ }
+ my %matches = map {($_ => 1)} grep defined, @matches;
my $delim = $CONFIG{zero} ? "\0" : "\n";
- print $LOCALE->encode($_), $delim foreach complete(shift @ARGV);
+ print $LOCALE->encode($_), $delim foreach sort keys %matches;
elsif ($COMMAND eq '_geturi') {
# used internaly for auto-completion
GetOptions(\%CONFIG, qw/socket|s=s/) or die;
+ loadConfig();
die if @ARGV;
print $LOCALE->encode( &connect($CONFIG{socket}) ), "\n";
sendCommand 'QUIT';