diff options
authorGuilhem Moulin <guilhem@fripost.org>2015-09-14 01:20:53 +0200
committerGuilhem Moulin <guilhem@fripost.org>2015-09-14 02:18:36 +0200
commitd586881f81e74f7c22a2d11094f38634933a558a (patch)
parent35ab0d8661b6808a9132bde20eefcf07f1486093 (diff)
Pass literals by reference to save memory.
2 files changed, 198 insertions, 119 deletions
diff --git a/interimap b/interimap
index 1535739..e7cd6d5 100755
--- a/interimap
+++ b/interimap
@@ -971,8 +971,8 @@ sub sync_known_messages($$) {
sub callback_new_message($$$$;$$$) {
my ($idx, $mailbox, $name, $mail, $UIDs, $buff, $bufflen) = @_;
- my $length = defined $mail->{RFC822} ? length($mail->{RFC822})
- : defined $mail->{BINARY} ? length($mail->{BINARY})
+ my $length = defined $mail->{RFC822} ? length(${$mail->{RFC822}})
+ : defined $mail->{BINARY} ? length(${$mail->{BINARY}})
: return; # not for us
if ($length == 0) {
msg("$name($mailbox)", "WARNING: Ignoring new 0-length message (UID $mail->{UID})");
diff --git a/lib/Net/IMAP/InterIMAP.pm b/lib/Net/IMAP/InterIMAP.pm
index c26d102..5cd0061 100644
--- a/lib/Net/IMAP/InterIMAP.pm
+++ b/lib/Net/IMAP/InterIMAP.pm
@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ my %OPTIONS = (
# Use the same buffer size as Net::SSLeay::read(), to ensure there is
# never any pending data left in the current TLS record
my $BUFSIZE = 32768;
+my $CRLF = "\x0D\x0A";
# Utilities
@@ -187,7 +188,9 @@ sub quote($) {
return "\"$str\"";
else {
- return "{".length($str)."}\r\n".$str;
+ # we'll later replace the non-synchronizing literal with a
+ # synchronizing one if need be
+ return "{".length($str)."+}$CRLF".$str;
@@ -236,7 +239,8 @@ sub new($%) {
# in/out buffer counts and output stream
$self->{_INCOUNT} = $self->{_INRAWCOUNT} = 0;
$self->{_OUTCOUNT} = $self->{_OUTRAWCOUNT} = 0;
- $self->{_OUTBUF} = undef;
+ $self->{_OUTBUF} = $self->{_INBUF} = undef;
+ $self->{_LITPLUS} = '';
if ($self->{type} eq 'tunnel') {
my $command = $self->{command} // $self->fail("Missing tunnel command");
@@ -286,6 +290,7 @@ sub new($%) {
my $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(%args) or $self->fail("Cannot bind: $@");
$socket->setsockopt(SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, 1) or $self->fail("Can't setsockopt SO_KEEPALIVE: $!");
$self->_start_ssl($socket) if $self->{type} eq 'imaps';
$self->{$_} = $socket for qw/STDOUT STDIN/;
@@ -776,21 +781,8 @@ sub append($$@) {
return unless @_;
$self->fail("Server did not advertise UIDPLUS (RFC 4315) capability.")
unless $self->_capable('UIDPLUS');
- my @appends;
- foreach my $mail (@_) {
- my $append = '';
- $append .= '('.join(' ', grep {lc $_ ne '\recent'} @{$mail->{FLAGS}}).') '
- if defined $mail->{FLAGS};
- $append .= '"'.$mail->{INTERNALDATE}.'" ' if defined $mail->{INTERNALDATE};
- my ($body, $t) = defined $mail->{RFC822} ? ($mail->{RFC822}, '')
- : defined $mail->{BINARY} ? ($mail->{BINARY}, '~')
- : $self->panic("Missing message body in APPEND");
- $append .= "$t\{".length($body)."\}\r\n".$body;
- push @appends, $append;
- }
$self->fail("Server did not advertise MULTIAPPEND (RFC 3502) capability.")
- unless $#appends == 0 or $self->_capable('MULTIAPPEND');
+ unless $#_ == 0 or $self->_capable('MULTIAPPEND');
# dump the cache before issuing the command if we're appending to the current mailbox
my ($UIDNEXT, $EXISTS, $cache, %vanished);
@@ -801,7 +793,21 @@ sub append($$@) {
%vanished = map {$_ => 1} @{$self->{_VANISHED}};
- $self->_send('APPEND '.quote($mailbox).' '.join(' ',@appends));
+ my $tag = $self->_cmd_init('APPEND '.quote($mailbox));
+ foreach my $mail (@_) {
+ my $str = ' ';
+ $str .= '('.join(' ', grep {lc $_ ne '\recent'} @{$mail->{FLAGS}}).') ' if defined $mail->{FLAGS};
+ $str .= '"'.$mail->{INTERNALDATE}.'" ' if defined $mail->{INTERNALDATE};
+ my ($body, $t) = defined $mail->{RFC822} ? ($mail->{RFC822}, 0)
+ : defined $mail->{BINARY} ? ($mail->{BINARY}, 1)
+ : $self->panic("Missing message body in APPEND");
+ $self->_cmd_extend(\$str);
+ $self->_cmd_extend_lit($body, $t);
+ }
+ $self->_cmd_flush();
+ $self->_recv($tag);
$IMAP_text =~ /\A\Q$IMAP_cond\E \[APPENDUID ([0-9]+) ([0-9:,]+)\] / or $self->panic($IMAP_text);
my ($uidvalidity, $uidset) = ($1, $2);
$self->_update_cache_for($mailbox, UIDVALIDITY => $uidvalidity);
@@ -819,9 +825,8 @@ sub append($$@) {
- $self->fail("$uidset contains ".scalar(@uids)." elements while "
- .scalar(@appends)." messages were appended.")
- unless $#uids == $#appends;
+ $self->fail("$uidset contains ".scalar(@uids)." elements while ".($#_+1)." messages were appended.")
+ unless $#uids == $#_;
# if $mailbox is the current mailbox we need to update the cache
if (defined $self->{_SELECTED} and $mailbox eq $self->{_SELECTED}) {
@@ -829,12 +834,16 @@ sub append($$@) {
my %vanished2 = map {$_ => 1} @{$self->{_VANISHED}};
delete $vanished2{$_} foreach keys %vanished;
my $VANISHED = scalar(keys %vanished2); # number of messages VANISHED meanwhile
- $cache->{EXISTS} += $#appends+1 if defined $cache->{EXISTS} and $cache->{EXISTS} + $VANISHED == $EXISTS;
+ $cache->{EXISTS} += $#_+1 if defined $cache->{EXISTS} and $cache->{EXISTS} + $VANISHED == $EXISTS;
$cache->{UIDNEXT} = $UIDNEXT if ($cache->{UIDNEXT} // 1) < $UIDNEXT;
- $self->log("Added ".($#appends+1)." message(s) to $mailbox, got new UID ".compact_set(@uids))
- unless $self->{quiet};
+ unless ($self->{quiet}) {
+ my $msg = "Added ".($#_+1)." message(s)";
+ $msg .= " to $mailbox" unless defined $self->{_SELECTED} and $mailbox eq $self->{_SELECTED};
+ $msg .= ", got new UID ".compact_set(@uids);
+ $self->log($msg);
+ }
return @uids;
@@ -1190,8 +1199,9 @@ sub push_flag_updates($$@) {
# $self->_ssl_error($error, [...])
# Log an SSL $error and exit with return value 1.
-sub _ssl_error($$) {
+sub _ssl_error($$@) {
my $self = shift;
+ $self->fail(@_) unless defined $self->{_SSL};
$self->log('SSL ERROR: ', @_);
if ($self->{debug}) {
while (my $err = Net::SSLeay::ERR_get_error()) {
@@ -1289,8 +1299,8 @@ sub _getline($;$) {
$n = $stdout->sysread($buf, $BUFSIZE, 0);
- $self->panic("Can't read: $!") unless defined $n;
- $self->fail("0 bytes read (got EOF)") unless $n > 0; # EOF
+ $self->_ssl_error("Can't read: $!") unless defined $n;
+ $self->_ssl_error("0 bytes read (got EOF)") unless $n > 0; # EOF
$self->{_OUTRAWCOUNT} += $n;
if (defined (my $i = $self->{_Z_INFLATE})) {
@@ -1309,10 +1319,10 @@ sub _getline($;$) {
$self->{_OUTBUF} = substr($self->{_OUTBUF}, $idx);
$self->{_OUTCOUNT} += length($lit) + length($line);
- $line =~ s/\r\n\z// or $self->panic($line);
+ $line =~ s/$CRLF\z// or $self->panic($line);
$self->logger('S: '.(@lit ? '[...]' : ''), $line) if $self->{debug};
- return (wantarray ? ($lit, $line) : $line);
+ return (wantarray ? (\$lit, $line) : $line);
else {
push @line, $self->{_OUTBUF};
@@ -1365,96 +1375,150 @@ sub _update_cache_for($$%) {
-# $self->_write(@data)
-# Send the given @data to the IMAP server.
-# Update the interal raw byte count, but the regular byte count must
-# have been updated earlier (eg, by _send_cmd).
-sub _write($$) {
- my ($self, $data) = @_;
- my ($stdin, $ssl) = @$self{qw/STDIN _SSL/};
- my ($offset, $length) = (0, length($$data));
- while ($length > 0) {
- my $written = defined $ssl ?
- Net::SSLeay::write_partial($ssl, $offset, $length, $$data) :
- $stdin->syswrite($$data, $length, $offset);
- $offset += $written;
- $length -= $written;
- $self->{_INRAWCOUNT} += $written;
- }
+# $self->_cmd_init($command)
+# Generate a new tag for the given $command, push both the
+# concatenation to the command buffer. $command can be a scalar or a
+# scalar reference.
+# Use the _cmd_extend and/or _cmd_extend_lit methods to extend the
+# command, and _cmd_flush to send it to the server.
+sub _cmd_init($$) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $tag = sprintf '%06d', $self->{_TAG}++;
+ my $command = (defined $self->{_INBUF} ? $CRLF : '').$tag.' '.(ref $_[0] ? ${$_[0]} : $_[0]);
+ $self->_cmd_extend(\$command);
+ return $tag;
-# $self->_z_flush([$type])
-# Flush the deflation stream, and write the compressed data.
-# This method is a noop if no compression layer is active.
-sub _z_flush($$;$) {
- my ($self, $buf, $t) = @_;
- my $d = $self->{_Z_DEFLATE};
- $d->flush($buf, $t) == Z_OK or
- $self->panic("Can't flush deflation stream: ", $d->msg());
+# $self->_cmd_extend($args)
+# Append $args to the command buffer. $args can be a scalar or a
+# scalar reference. If $args contains some literal(s) and the server
+# doesn't support LITERAL+, flush the command and wait for an answer
+# before each literal
+sub _cmd_extend($$) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $args = ref $_[0] ? $_[0] : \$_[0];
+ if ($self->{_LITPLUS} ne '') {
+ # server supports LITERAL+: use $args as is
+ $self->_cmd_extend_($args);
+ }
+ else {
+ # server supports LITERAL+: flush the command before each
+ # literal
+ my ($offset, $litlen) = (0, 0);
+ while ( (my $idx = index($$args, "\n", $offset+$litlen)) >= 0 ) {
+ my $line = substr($$args, $offset, $idx+1-$offset);
+ $line =~ s/\{([0-9]+)\+\}$CRLF\z/{$1}$CRLF/ or $self->panic();
+ $litlen = $1;
+ $self->_cmd_flush(\$line);
+ my $x = $self->_getline();
+ $x =~ /\A\+ / or $self->panic($x);
+ $offset = $idx+1;
+ }
+ my $line = substr($$args, $offset);
+ $self->_cmd_extend_(\$line);
+ }
-# $self->_send_cmd($tag, $command)
-# Send the given $command to the IMAP server.
-# If $command contains literals and the server supportes LITERAL+,
-# non-synchronizing literals are sent instead.
-# If a compression layer is active, $command is compressed before
-# being send.
-sub _send_cmd($) {
- my ($self, $tag, $command) = @_;
- my $litplus = $self->_capable('LITERAL+') ? 1 : 0;
+# $self->_cmd_extend_lit($lit, [$lit8])
+# Append the literal $lit to the command buffer. $lit must be a
+# scalar reference. If $lit8 is true, a literal8 is sent instead [RFC
+# 3516].
+sub _cmd_extend_lit($$;$) {
+ my ($self, $lit, $lit8) = @_;
+ my $len = length($$lit);
my $d = $self->{_Z_DEFLATE};
- my ($offset, $litlen) = (0, 0);
- my $z_flush = 0; # whether to flush the dictionary after processing the next literal
+ # create a full flush point for long binary literals
+ my $z_flush = ($len > 4096 and !($self->{'use-binary'} // 1 and !$lit8)) ? 1 : 0;
+ $lit8 = $lit8 ? '~' : ''; # literal8, RFC 3516 BINARY
- my $buf;
- while(1) {
- my $lit = substr($command, $offset, $litlen) if $litlen > 0;
- $offset += $litlen;
+ my $strlen = $lit8.'{'.$len.$self->{_LITPLUS}.'}'.$CRLF;
- my ($line, $z_flush2);
- my $idx = index($command, "\n", $offset);
- if ($idx < 0) {
- $line = substr($command, $offset);
+ if ($self->{_LITPLUS} ne '') {
+ $self->_cmd_extend_(\$strlen);
+ if ($z_flush and defined $d) {
+ $d->flush(\$self->{_INBUF}, Z_FULL_FLUSH) == Z_OK
+ or $self->panic("Can't flush deflation stream: ", $d->msg());
- else {
- $line = substr($command, $offset, $idx-1-$offset);
- $litlen = $litplus ? ($line =~ s/\{([0-9]+)\}\z/{$1+}/ ? $1 : $self->panic())
- : ($line =~ /\{([0-9]+)\}\z/ ? $1 : $self->panic());
- $z_flush2 = ($litlen > 4096 and # large literal
- ($self->{'use-binary'} // 1 or $line =~ /~\{[0-9]+\}\z/) # literal8, RFC 3516 BINARY
- ) ? 1 : 0;
- }
- $self->logger('C: ', ($offset == 0 ? "$tag " : '[...]'), $line) if $self->{debug};
+ }
+ else {
+ # server doesn't supports LITERAL+
+ $self->_cmd_flush(\$strlen, ($z_flush ? Z_FULL_FLUSH : ()));
+ my $x = $self->_getline();
+ $x =~ /\A\+ / or $self->panic($x);
+ }
- my @data = (($offset == 0 ? "$tag " : $lit), $line, "\r\n");
- $self->{_INCOUNT} += length($_) foreach @data;
- if (!defined $d) {
- $buf .= join '', @data;
- }
- else {
- for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#data; $i++) {
- $self->_z_flush(\$buf, Z_FULL_FLUSH) if $i == 0 and $z_flush;
- $d->deflate($data[$i], \$buf) == Z_OK or $self->panic("Deflation failed: ", $d->msg());
- $self->_z_flush(\$buf, Z_FULL_FLUSH) if $i == 0 and $z_flush;
- }
- }
+ $self->_cmd_extend_($lit);
+ if ($z_flush and defined $d) {
+ $d->flush(\$self->{_INBUF}, Z_FULL_FLUSH) == Z_OK
+ or $self->panic("Can't flush deflation stream: ", $d->msg());
+ }
- if (!$litplus or $idx < 0) {
- $self->_z_flush(\$buf, Z_SYNC_FLUSH) if defined $d;
- $self->_write(\$buf);
- undef $buf;
- last if $idx < 0;
- my $x = $self->_getline();
- $x =~ /\A\+ / or $self->panic($x);
+# $self->_cmd_flush([$crlf], [$z_flush])
+# Append $crlf (default: $CRLF) to the command buffer, flush the
+# deflation stream by creating a flush point of type $z_flush
+# (default: Z_SYNC_FLUSH) if there is a compression layer, and finally
+# send the command to the server.
+sub _cmd_flush($;$$) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->_cmd_extend_( $_[0] // \$CRLF );
+ my $z_flush = $_[1] // Z_SYNC_FLUSH; # the flush point type to use
+ my ($stdin, $ssl) = @$self{qw/STDIN _SSL/};
+ if ($self->{debug}) {
+ # remove $CRLF and literals
+ my ($offset, $litlen) = (0, $self->{_INBUFDBGLEN} // 0);
+ while ( (my $idx = index($self->{_INBUFDBG}, "\n", $offset+$litlen)) >= 0) {
+ my $line = substr($self->{_INBUFDBG}, $offset+$litlen, $idx+1-$offset-$litlen);
+ $line =~ s/$CRLF\z// or $self->panic();
+ $self->logger('C: ', ($litlen > 0) ? '[...]' : '', $line);
+ $litlen = $line =~ /\{([0-9]+)(\+)?\}\z/ ? $1 : 0;
+ $offset = $idx+1;
+ $self->panic() if $offset+$litlen < length($self->{_INBUFDBG});
+ undef $self->{_INBUFDBG};
+ $self->{_INBUFDBGLEN} = $litlen;
+ }
+ if (defined (my $d = $self->{_Z_DEFLATE})) {
+ $d->flush(\$self->{_INBUF}, $z_flush) == Z_OK
+ or $self->panic("Can't flush deflation stream: ", $d->msg());
+ }
+ my ($offset, $length) = (0, length($self->{_INBUF}));
+ while ($length > 0) {
+ my $written = defined $ssl ?
+ Net::SSLeay::write_partial($ssl, $offset, $length, $self->{_INBUF}) :
+ $stdin->syswrite($self->{_INBUF}, $length, $offset);
+ $self->_ssl_error("Can't write: $!") unless defined $written and $written > 0;
+ $offset += $written;
+ $length -= $written;
+ $self->{_INRAWCOUNT} += $written;
+ }
+ undef $self->{_INBUF};
- $z_flush = $z_flush2;
- $offset = $idx+1;
+# $self->_cmd_extend_($args)
+# Append the scalar reference $args to the command buffer. Usually
+# one should use the higher-level method _cmd_extend as it takes care
+# of literals if the server doesn't support LITERAL+.
+sub _cmd_extend_($$) {
+ my ($self, $args) = @_;
+ $self->{_INCOUNT} += length($$args); # count IMAP traffic
+ $self->{_INBUFDBG} .= $$args if $self->{debug};
+ if (defined (my $d = $self->{_Z_DEFLATE})) {
+ $d->deflate($args, \$self->{_INBUF}) == Z_OK or $self->panic("Deflation failed: ", $d->msg());
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->{_INBUF} .= $$args;
@@ -1469,15 +1533,31 @@ sub _send_cmd($) {
# In void context, croak unless the server answers with a tagged 'OK'
# response. Otherwise, return the condition status ('OK'/'NO'/'BAD').
sub _send($$;&) {
- my ($self, $command, $callback) = @_;
- my $cmd = $command =~ /\AUID ($RE_ATOM_CHAR+) / ? $1 : $command =~ /\A($RE_ATOM_CHAR+) / ? $1 : $command;
- my $set = $command =~ /\AUID (?:FETCH|STORE) ([0-9:,*]+)/ ? $1 : undef;
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $command = \$_[0];
+ my $callback = $_[1];
- # send the command; for servers supporting non-synchronizing
- # literals, mark literals as such and then the whole command in one
- # go, otherwise send literals one at a time
- my $tag = sprintf '%06d', $self->{_TAG}++;
- $self->_send_cmd($tag, $command);
+ my $tag = $self->_cmd_init($command);
+ $self->_cmd_flush();
+ if (!defined $callback) {
+ $self->_recv($tag);
+ }
+ else {
+ my $cmd = $$command =~ /\AUID ($RE_ATOM_CHAR+) / ? $1 : $$command =~ /\A($RE_ATOM_CHAR+) / ? $1 : $$command;
+ my $set = $$command =~ /\AUID (?:FETCH|STORE) ([0-9:,*]+)/ ? $1 : undef;
+ $self->_recv($tag, $callback, $cmd, $set);
+ }
+# $self->_recv($tag, [$callback, $command, $set])
+# Wait for a tagged response with the given $tag. The $callback, if
+# provided, is used to process each untagged response. $command and
+# $set can further limit the set of responses to apply the callback
+# to.
+sub _recv($$;$&$) {
+ my ($self, $tag, $callback, $cmd, $set) = @_;
my $r;
# wait for the answer
@@ -1630,6 +1710,7 @@ sub _resp_text($$) {
elsif (/\A\[CAPABILITY((?: $RE_ATOM_CHAR+)+)\] $RE_TEXT_CHAR+\z/) {
$self->{_CAPABILITIES} = [ split / /, ($1 =~ s/^ //r) ];
+ $self->{_LITPLUS} = (grep { uc $_ eq 'LITERAL+' } @{$self->{_CAPABILITIES}}) ? '+' : '';
elsif (/\A\[PERMANENTFLAGS \(((?:(?:\\?$RE_ATOM_CHAR+|\\\*)(?: (?:\\?$RE_ATOM_CHAR+|\\\*))*))\)\] $RE_TEXT_CHAR+\z/) {
$self->_update_cache( PERMANENTFLAGS => [ split / /, $1 ] );
@@ -1690,7 +1771,7 @@ sub _string($$) {
elsif ($$stream =~ s/\A\{([0-9]+)\}\z//) {
# literal
(my $lit, $$stream) = $self->_getline($1);
- return $lit;
+ return $$lit;
else {
@@ -1844,14 +1925,14 @@ sub _resp($$;$$$) {
$mail{INTERNALDATE} = $1;
elsif (s/\A(?:RFC822|BODY\[\]) //) {
- $mail{RFC822} = $self->_nstring(\$_);
+ $mail{RFC822} = \$self->_nstring(\$_);
elsif (s/\ABINARY\[\] //) {
if (s/\A~\{([0-9]+)\}\z//) { # literal8, RFC 3516 BINARY
(my $lit, $_) = $self->_getline($1);
$mail{BINARY} = $lit;
} else {
- $mail{RFC822} = $self->_nstring(\$_);
+ $mail{RFC822} = \$self->_nstring(\$_);
elsif (s/\AFLAGS \((\\?$RE_ATOM_CHAR+(?: \\?$RE_ATOM_CHAR+)*)?\)//) {
@@ -1898,10 +1979,8 @@ sub _resp($$;$$$) {
elsif (s/\A\+ //) {
if (defined $callback and $cmd eq 'AUTHENTICATE') {
my $x = $callback->($_);
- $self->logger("C: ", $x) if $self->{debug};
- $x .= "\r\n";
- $self->{_INCOUNT} += length($x);
- $self->_write($x);
+ $self->_cmd_extend(\$x);
+ $self->_cmd_flush();
else {