path: root/benchmark/run
diff options
authorGuilhem Moulin <guilhem@fripost.org>2019-11-19 20:26:41 +0100
committerGuilhem Moulin <guilhem@fripost.org>2019-11-19 20:26:41 +0100
commit150c6cb82be94fc9abb0ecaff4615a2e2d6fdf68 (patch)
treec4cd0d284e631ab632b548ffb58a349372856812 /benchmark/run
parent3180560255e1d5821ea03570f54aa39e85608d5e (diff)
parent13337de269b207136e2462c3f1f7fbd842522a7c (diff)
Merge branch 'master' into debian
Diffstat (limited to 'benchmark/run')
1 files changed, 506 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/benchmark/run b/benchmark/run
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4a83c68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/benchmark/run
@@ -0,0 +1,506 @@
+set -ue
+export PATH
+cleanup() {
+ if [ "${CHROOT+x}" ]; then
+ schroot --end-session --chroot="$CHROOT"
+ fi
+ if [ "${NETNS+x}" ]; then
+ ip netns del "$NETNS"
+ fi
+trap cleanup EXIT INT TERM
+# create new CHROOT
+DEB_BUILD_ARCH="$(dpkg-architecture -qDEB_BUILD_ARCH)"
+CHROOT="$(schroot -c "unstable-$DEB_BUILD_ARCH-sbuild" -b)"
+# create new network namespace and place counters to measure network usage
+ip netns add "${NETNS:="interimap-benchmark"}"
+ip netns exec "$NETNS" nft -f- <<- EOF
+ flush ruleset
+ table inet filter {
+ counter interimap-in { }
+ counter interimap-out { }
+ counter offlineimap-in { }
+ counter offlineimap-out { }
+ chain input {
+ type filter hook input priority 0
+ iif "lo" ip daddr tcp dport 10143 counter name interimap-in
+ iif "lo" ip daddr tcp dport 10144 counter name offlineimap-in
+ }
+ chain output {
+ type filter hook output priority 0
+ oif "lo" ip saddr tcp sport 10143 counter name interimap-out
+ oif "lo" ip saddr tcp sport 10144 counter name offlineimap-out
+ }
+ }
+ip netns exec "$NETNS" ip addr add "" dev "lo"
+ip netns exec "$NETNS" ip link set "lo" up
+# resize the partition so it can hold the mail stores (you may want to
+# turn swap off too)
+mount -o"remount,size=15G" "/run/schroot/mount/$CHROOT/dev/shm"
+# install dependencies
+schroot --directory="/" --chroot="$CHROOT" -r -- \
+ env DEBIAN_FRONTEND="noninteractive" apt-get install \
+ --no-install-recommends --assume-yes \
+ time dovecot-imapd offlineimap \
+ libconfig-tiny-perl libdbd-sqlite3-perl libnet-ssleay-perl \
+ libcrypt-urandom-perl procps
+# run a command in the chroot
+jail() {
+ local user="" home=""
+ case "${u:-local}" in
+ local) user="nobody"; home="/dev/shm/nobody";;
+ remote) user="user"; home="/dev/shm/vmail/user";;
+ esac
+ ip netns exec "$NETNS" \
+ schroot --directory="/dev/shm/nobody" --user="nobody" --chroot="$CHROOT" -r \
+ -- env -i PATH="/usr/bin:/bin" USER="$user" HOME="$home" "$@"
+# run a command in the chroot in a monitored fashion
+jail_stat() {
+ local e U S M P u="local"
+ local counters="$ROOTDIR/tmp/counters.$1.json"
+ ip netns exec "$NETNS" nft reset counter inet filter "$1-in" >/dev/null
+ ip netns exec "$NETNS" nft reset counter inet filter "$1-out" >/dev/null
+ jail time --format="%e\\t%U\\t%S\\t%M\\t%P" --output="/tmp/time.$1" \
+ -- "$@" >/dev/null || true
+ IFS=$'\t' read e U S M P <"$ROOTDIR/tmp/time.$1"
+ local i="${NAME:-$1}"
+ local a="${i#* }"
+ [ "$a" = "$i" ] && a=" " || a=" $a"
+ printf "%11s%s" "${i%% *}" "$a"
+ printf " %5.2fs %6.2fs" "$U" "$S"
+ if [ "${IDLE:-n}" = "n" ]; then
+ printf " %5.2fs %4s" "$e" "$P"
+ fi
+ printf " %8s" "${M}k"
+ ip netns exec "$NETNS" nft -j list counters | jq ".nftables
+ | map(select(.counter) | .counter | { key: .name, value: {packets, bytes} })
+ | from_entries" >"$counters"
+ local ib ip ob op
+ ib="$(bytes "$(jq ".\"$1-in\".bytes" <"$counters")")"
+ ob="$(bytes "$(jq ".\"$1-out\".bytes" <"$counters")")"
+ ip="$(_units "$(jq ".\"$1-in\".packets" <"$counters")" 1000)"
+ op="$(_units "$(jq ".\"$1-out\".packets" <"$counters")" 1000)"
+ printf " %8s / %-7s" "$ob" "$ib" # inverse for the client's perspective
+ printf " %8s / %-7s" "$op" "$ip"
+ printf "\\n"
+# display metrics headers
+headers() {
+ declare -a h=(" user" " system")
+ if [ "${IDLE:-n}" = "n" ]; then
+ h+=( " real" " CPU" )
+ fi
+ h+=( " max RSS" " traffic (in/out) " " packets (in/out) " )
+ local x="offlineimap -q" i
+ printf "%s" "${x//?/ }"
+ for i in "${h[@]}"; do
+ printf " %s" "$i"
+ done
+ printf "\\n"
+ printf "%s" "${x//?/-}"
+ for i in "${h[@]}"; do
+ printf " %s" "${i//?/-}"
+ done
+ printf "\\n"
+# install Dovecot's "system" configuration and start the server
+install -onobody -gnogroup -m0700 --directory \
+ "$ROOTDIR/dev/shm/dovecot" \
+ "$ROOTDIR/dev/shm/vmail" \
+ "$ROOTDIR/dev/shm/nobody"
+install -onobody -gnogroup -m0644 \
+ "./benchmark/dovecot.conf" \
+ "$ROOTDIR/dev/shm/dovecot/config"
+jail /usr/sbin/dovecot -c"/dev/shm/dovecot/config"
+install -onobody -gnogroup -m0600 /dev/null \
+ "$ROOTDIR/dev/shm/dovecot/users"
+PASSWORD="$(xxd -l16 -p </dev/urandom)"
+printf "%s:%s:::::\\n" "user" "$PASSWORD" \
+ >"$ROOTDIR/dev/shm/dovecot/users"
+# install user configuration for Dovecot, interimap, and offlineimap
+cat >"$ROOTDIR/dev/shm/nobody/.dovecot.conf" <<-EOF
+ log_path = /dev/null
+ mail_home = /dev/shm/nobody
+ mail_location = maildir:~/Maildir
+ ssl = no
+install -onobody -gnogroup -Dm0700 --directory \
+ "$ROOTDIR/dev/shm/nobody/.config/interimap" \
+ "$ROOTDIR/dev/shm/nobody/.local/share"
+cat >"$ROOTDIR/dev/shm/nobody/.config/interimap/config" <<-EOF
+ database = bench.db
+ [local]
+ type = tunnel
+ command = doveadm -c/dev/shm/nobody/.dovecot.conf exec imap
+ null-stderr = YES
+ [remote]
+ type = imap
+ host =
+ port = 10143
+ username = user
+ password = $PASSWORD
+cat >"$ROOTDIR/dev/shm/nobody/.offlineimaprc" <<-EOF
+ [general]
+ accounts = bench
+ [Account bench]
+ localrepository = local
+ remoterepository = remote
+ [Repository local]
+ type = Maildir
+ localfolders = ~/Maildir2
+ [Repository remote]
+ type = IMAP
+ remotehost =
+ remotepass = $PASSWORD
+ remoteport = 10144
+ remoteuser = user
+ ssl = no
+ starttls = no
+ # keep the default (no) as it doesn't seem to work with large mailboxes, perhaps
+ # due to https://dovecot.org/pipermail/dovecot/2019-November/117522.html
+ #usecompression = yes
+# install interimap's development version
+install -oroot -groot -m0755 -Dt "/$ROOTDIR/usr/bin" \
+ ./interimap ./benchmark/random_maildir.pl
+install -oroot -groot -Dm0644 \
+ ./lib/Net/IMAP/InterIMAP.pm "$ROOTDIR/usr/share/perl5/Net/IMAP/InterIMAP.pm"
+# create a random mail store at mdbox:~/mail.back
+prepare() {
+ local u="remote" d m n seqs
+ local maildir="/dev/shm/vmail/user/maildir"
+ clear
+ jail rm -rf -- "$maildir" "/dev/shm/vmail/user/mail.back"
+ for m in "${!MAILBOXES[@]}"; do
+ [ "${m^^[a-z]}" = "INBOX" ] && d="$maildir" || d="$maildir/.$m"
+ jail mkdir -p -- "$d"
+ # create 20% more; will be deleted afterwards (having only
+ # contiguous UIDs might bias the metrics)
+ n="${MAILBOXES["$m"]}"
+ jail random_maildir.pl "$d" $((n+n/5))
+ done
+ # convert to mdbox
+ jail doveadm -c"/dev/shm/dovecot/config" -omail_location="maildir:~/maildir" \
+ sync "mdbox:~/mail.back"
+ jail rm -rf -- "$maildir"
+ # expunge 20% and purge
+ for m in "${!MAILBOXES[@]}"; do
+ n="${MAILBOXES["$m"]}"
+ seqs="$(shuf -n $((n/5)) -i"1-$n")"
+ jail doveadm -c"/dev/shm/dovecot/config" -omail_location="mdbox:~/mail.back" \
+ expunge mailbox "$m" "${seqs//$'\n'/,}"
+ done
+ jail doveadm -c"/dev/shm/dovecot/config" -omail_location="mdbox:~/mail.back" purge
+# populate a clientn from backup mailstore mdbox:~/mail.back (copied to
+# avoid recreating / conversion)
+populate() {
+ local m u="remote" cmd
+ clear
+ if [ "${KEEP_BACKUP:-y}" = "n" ]; then
+ jail mv -T "/dev/shm/vmail/user/mail.back" "/dev/shm/vmail/user/mail"
+ else
+ jail cp -aT "/dev/shm/vmail/user/mail.back" "/dev/shm/vmail/user/mail"
+ fi
+ # force dovecot to index and compute the state, otherwise the first
+ # thing to query might be disadvantaged
+ jail doveadm -c"/dev/shm/dovecot/config" index "INBOX"
+ jail doveadm -c"/dev/shm/dovecot/config" mailbox status "all" "*" >/dev/null
+ u="local"
+ # initial configuration
+ for cmd in "$@"; do
+ case "$cmd" in
+ interimap) jail interimap --quiet 2>/dev/null;;
+ offlineimap) jail offlineimap -u quiet 2>/dev/null;;
+ *) exit 1;;
+ esac
+ done
+# remove interimap / offlineimap database and mail store (but keep
+# mdbox:~/mail.back)
+clear() {
+ jail rm -rf -- \
+ "/dev/shm/vmail/user/mail" \
+ "/dev/shm/nobody/.local/share/interimap/bench.db" \
+ "/dev/shm/nobody/.offlineimap" \
+ "/dev/shm/nobody/Maildir" \
+ "/dev/shm/nobody/Maildir2"
+# pretty print a number in k/M/G/T etc
+_units() {
+ local n=$(( $1 )) b="$2" s u=""
+ [ $b -eq 1024 ] && s="i" || s=""
+ while [ ${#n} -gt 4 ]; do
+ case "$u" in
+ "") u="k";;
+ k) u="M";;
+ M) u="G";;
+ G) u="T";;
+ *) break;;
+ esac
+ n=$((n/b))
+ done
+ printf "%d%s" "$n" "${u:+$u$s}"
+bytes() { printf "%sB" "$(_units "$1" 1024)"; }
+# generate and deliver a random message
+sample_message() {
+ local date="$(date +"%s.%N")"
+ cat <<-EOF
+ From: <sender@example.net>
+ To: <recipient@example.net>
+ Date: $(date -R -d@"$date")
+ Message-ID: <$date@example.net>
+ xxd -ps -c30 -l2048 /dev/urandom # 4165 bytes
+deliver() {
+ local m="$1" u="remote"
+ jail doveadm -c"/dev/shm/dovecot/config" exec dovecot-lda -e -m "$m"
+# write down markdown title
+title() {
+ local x="$1" h="$2"
+ printf "\\n%s\\n%s\\n" "$h" "${h//?/$x}"
+# run benchmark for `interimap` / `offlineimap -q` / `offlineimap`:
+# populate, run optional actions (such as delivery), then sync again in
+# a monitored fashion
+run-all() {
+ local a cmd u q="" NAME=""
+ for cmd in "interimap" "offlineimap -q" "offlineimap"; do
+ populate "${cmd%% *}"
+ case "${cmd%% *}" in
+ interimap) q="--quiet";;
+ offlineimap) q="-u quiet";;
+ *) exit 1;
+ esac
+ for a in "$@"; do "$a"; done
+ NAME="$cmd" jail_stat $cmd $q 2>/dev/null
+ done
+echo; echo
+title "=" "Single mailbox"
+cat <<-EOF
+ We create a mailbox on the remote server, populate it with a number of
+ messages, and synchronize it locally. We then collect metrics for no-op
+ synchronization (i.e., of mailboxes that are already in sync), and
+ reconciliation after receiving a *single* message on the remote server.
+# generate a message to be used in *all* "Single mailbox" tests
+sample_message >"$ROOTDIR/tmp/msg1"
+activity1() {
+ deliver "inbox" <"$ROOTDIR/tmp/msg1"
+declare -A MAILBOXES
+for n in 100 1000 10000 100000; do
+ title "-" "$n messages"
+ MAILBOXES=( ["inbox"]="$n" )
+ prepare
+ printf "\\n### %s ###\\n\\n" "No-op (in sync)"
+ headers
+ run-all
+ printf "\\n### %s ###\\n\\n" "Reconciliation"
+ headers
+ run-all activity1
+echo; echo
+title "=" "$m mailboxes"
+cat <<-EOF
+ We create $m mailboxes on the remote server, populate them with an equal
+ number of messages, and synchronize them locally. We then collect
+ metrics for no-op synchronization (i.e., of mailboxes that are already
+ in sync), and reconciliation after the following changes are being
+ applied to the remote server:
+ - 3 *new* messages (two on mailbox #2, one on mailbox #3); and
+ - 5 existing messages *EXPUNGEd* (two on mailboxes #3 and #4, one on
+ mailbox #5).
+# generate more messages to be used in *all* "$m mailboxes" tests
+sample_message >"$ROOTDIR/tmp/msg2"
+sample_message >"$ROOTDIR/tmp/msg3"
+activity2() {
+ local u="remote"
+ deliver "mailbox2" <"$ROOTDIR/tmp/msg1"
+ deliver "mailbox2" <"$ROOTDIR/tmp/msg2"
+ deliver "mailbox3" <"$ROOTDIR/tmp/msg3"
+ # intentionally modify the remote only because not all local backend speak IMAP
+ jail doveadm -c"/dev/shm/dovecot/config" expunge mailbox "mailbox3" "1:2"
+ jail doveadm -c"/dev/shm/dovecot/config" expunge mailbox "mailbox4" "1,3"
+ jail doveadm -c"/dev/shm/dovecot/config" expunge mailbox "mailbox5" "*"
+for n in 100 1000 10000; do
+ title "-" "$n messages per mailbox"
+ MAILBOXES=( ["inbox"]="$n" )
+ for ((i=2; i<=$m; i++)); do
+ MAILBOXES["mailbox$i"]="$n"
+ done
+ prepare
+ printf "\\n### %s ###\\n\\n" "No-op (in sync)"
+ headers
+ run-all
+ printf "\\n### %s ###\\n\\n" "Reconciliation"
+ headers
+ run-all activity2
+title "=" "Live synchronization"
+timeout=$((6 * 3600))
+MAILBOXES=( ["inbox"]=100000 ["xlarge"]=100000 )
+for ((i=0; i<10; i++)); do
+ MAILBOXES["large$i"]=10000
+for ((i=0; i<20; i++)); do
+ MAILBOXES["medium$i"]=5000
+for ((i=0; i<45; i++)); do
+ MAILBOXES["small$i"]=2000
+for ((i=0; i<20; i++)); do
+ MAILBOXES["xsmall$i"]=500
+for i in "${MAILBOXES[@]}"; do
+ n=$(( n + i ))
+cat <<-EOF
+ ${#MAILBOXES[@]} mailboxes, $n messages in total:
+ - 2 with 100000 messages;
+ - 10 with 10000 messages;
+ - 20 with 5000 messages;
+ - 45 with 2000 messages; and
+ - 20 with 500 messages.
+ The two local mail stores (respectively for [InterIMAP] and
+ [OfflineIMAP]) are initially in sync with the remote server, and we keep
+ long-running “autorefresh” synchronization processes alive for 6h, with
+ updates being regularly applied to the remote server: every $step seconds,
+ - a new message is delivered to a random mailbox with 5% probability
+ (once every $((20*step))s on average);
+ - a random message is EXPUNGEd with 5% probability (once every $((20*step))s on
+ average); and
+ - a random message is marked as seen with 10% probability (once every
+ $((10*step))s on average).
+ \`interimap\` is configured to sync every *30s*. \`offlineimap\` is
+ configured to quick sync very *30s*, with a regular sync every *1h*.
+IDLE="y" headers
+KEEP_BACKUP="n" populate "interimap" "offlineimap"
+IDLE="y" jail_stat interimap --quiet --watch=30 2>/dev/null &
+IDLE="y" jail_stat offlineimap -u quiet -k "Account_bench:autorefresh=0.5" \
+ -k "Account_bench:quick=120" 2>/dev/null &
+timeout=$(( $(date +%s) + timeout ))
+while [ $(date +%s) -lt $timeout ]; do
+ n="$(shuf -n1 -i1-100)"
+ if [ $n -le 5 ]; then
+ # deliver to a random mailbox on the remote
+ m="$(shuf -n1 -e -- "${!MAILBOXES[@]}")"
+ sample_message | deliver "$m"
+ fi
+ n="$(shuf -n1 -i1-100)"
+ if [ $n -le 5 ]; then
+ # expunge a random message on the remote
+ read guid uid < <(jail doveadm -c"/dev/shm/dovecot/config" search all | shuf -n1)
+ jail doveadm -c"/dev/shm/dovecot/config" expunge mailbox-guid "$guid" uid "$uid"
+ fi
+ n="$(shuf -n1 -i1-100)"
+ if [ $n -le 10 ]; then
+ # mark a random message as seen
+ read guid uid < <(jail doveadm -c"/dev/shm/dovecot/config" search all | shuf -n1)
+ jail doveadm -c"/dev/shm/dovecot/config" flags add "\\Seen" mailbox-guid "$guid" uid "$uid"
+ fi
+ sleep $step
+jail pkill -TERM -u"nobody" -s0 interimap
+sleep 0.2 # give a chance to print the stats
+jail pkill -SIGABRT -u"nobody" -s0 offlineimap