path: root/lib
diff options
authorGuilhem Moulin <guilhem@fripost.org>2016-03-12 22:14:39 +0100
committerGuilhem Moulin <guilhem@fripost.org>2016-03-12 22:40:58 +0100
commit85fd56f6f150dba0d74859a9d5e00f16d6b33955 (patch)
treef8a57fe4f81acfc8ad4a3f6a18d9c44be2267d4d /lib
parentc8376a4c8130f98a56fd65e370032c27234ed323 (diff)
Net::IMAP::InterIMAP, interimap: Add support for IMAP NOTIFY [RFC 5465].
Unsollicited LIST responses are currently ignored, hence interimap won't detect mailbox creation/deletion/subcription/unsubscription.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
1 files changed, 74 insertions, 61 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Net/IMAP/InterIMAP.pm b/lib/Net/IMAP/InterIMAP.pm
index d2bb130..a899831 100644
--- a/lib/Net/IMAP/InterIMAP.pm
+++ b/lib/Net/IMAP/InterIMAP.pm
@@ -35,7 +35,8 @@ BEGIN {
- our @EXPORT_OK = qw/read_config compact_set $IMAP_text $IMAP_cond/;
+ our @EXPORT_OK = qw/read_config compact_set $IMAP_text $IMAP_cond
+ slurp is_dirty has_new_mails/;
@@ -909,93 +910,89 @@ sub fetch($$$;&) {
-# $self->notify(@specifications)
-# Issue a NOTIFY command with the given mailbox @specifications (cf RFC
-# 5465 section 6) to be monitored. Croak if the server did not
-# advertise "NOTIFY" (RFC 5465) in its CAPABILITY list.
-sub notify($@) {
+# $self->notify($arg, %specifications)
+# Issue a NOTIFY command with the given $arg ("SET", "SET STATUS" or
+# "NONE") and mailbox %specifications (cf RFC 5465 section 6) to be
+# monitored. Croak if the server did not advertise "NOTIFY" (RFC
+# 5465) in its CAPABILITY list.
+sub notify($$@) {
my $self = shift;
$self->fail("Server did not advertise NOTIFY (RFC 5465) capability.")
unless $self->_capable('NOTIFY');
- my $events = join ' ', qw/MessageNew MessageExpunge FlagChange MailboxName SubscriptionChange/;
- # Be notified of new messages with EXISTS/RECENT responses, but
- # don't receive unsolicited FETCH responses with a RFC822/BODY[].
- # It costs us an extra roundtrip, but we need to sync FLAG updates
- # and VANISHED responses in batch mode, update the HIGHESTMODSEQ,
- # and *then* issue an explicit UID FETCH command to get new message,
- # and process each FETCH response with a RFC822/BODY[] attribute as
- # they arrive.
- my $command = 'NOTIFY ';
- $command .= @_ ? ('SET '. join(' ', map {"($_ ($events))"} @_)) : 'NONE';
+ my $command = 'NOTIFY '.shift;
+ while (@_) {
+ $command .= " (".shift." (".join(' ', @{shift()})."))";
+ }
-# $self->slurp([$callback, $cmd, $timeout])
-# See if the server has sent some unprocessed data; try to as many
-# lines as possible, process them, and return the number of lines
-# read.
+# slurp($imap, $timeout, $stopwhen)
+# Keep reading untagged responses from the @$imap servers until the
+# $stopwhen condition becomes true (then return true), or until the
+# $timeout expires (then return false).
# This is mostly useful when waiting for notifications while no
# command is progress, cf. RFC 2177 (IDLE) or RFC 5465 (NOTIFY).
-sub slurp($;&$$) {
- my ($self, $callback, $cmd, $timeout) = @_;
- my $ssl = $self->{_SSL};
- my $read = 0;
+sub slurp($$$) {
+ my ($selfs, $timeout, $stopwhen) = @_;
+ my $aborted = 0;
+ my $rin = '';
+ vec($rin, fileno($_->{STDOUT}), 1) = 1 foreach @$selfs;
- vec(my $rin, fileno($self->{STDOUT}), 1) = 1;
while (1) {
- unless ((defined $self->{_OUTBUF} and $self->{_OUTBUF} ne '') or
- # Unprocessed data within the current TLS record would
- # cause select(2) to block/timeout due to the raw socket
- # not being ready.
- (defined $ssl and Net::SSLeay::pending($ssl) > 0)) {
- my $r = CORE::select($rin, undef, undef, $timeout // 0);
+ # first, consider only unprocessed data without our own output
+ # buffer, or within the current TLS record: these would cause
+ # select(2) to block/timeout due to the raw socket not being
+ # ready.
+ my @ready = grep { (defined $_->{_OUTBUF} and $_->{_OUTBUF} ne '') or
+ (defined $_->{_SSL} and Net::SSLeay::pending($_->{_SSL}) > 0)
+ } @$selfs;
+ unless (@ready) {
+ my ($r, $timeleft) = CORE::select(my $rout = $rin, undef, undef, $timeout);
next if $r == -1 and $! == EINTR; # select(2) was interrupted
- $self->panic("Can't select: $!") if $r == -1;
- return $read if $r == 0; # nothing more to read
- $timeout = 0; # don't wait during the next select(2) calls
+ die "select: $!" if $r == -1;
+ return $aborted if $r == 0; # nothing more to read (timeout reached)
+ @ready = grep {vec($rout, fileno($_->{STDOUT}), 1)} @$selfs;
+ $timeout = $timeleft if $timeout > 0;
+ }
+ foreach my $imap (@ready) {
+ my $x = $imap->_getline();
+ $imap->_resp($x, sub($) {
+ if ($stopwhen->($imap, shift)) {
+ $aborted = 1;
+ $timeout = 0; # keep reading the handles while there is pending data
+ }
+ }, 'slurp');
- my $x = $self->_getline();
- $self->_resp($x, $callback, $cmd);
- $read++;
-# $self->idle([$timeout, $stopwhen])
+# $self->idle($timeout, $stopwhen)
# Enter IDLE (RFC 2177) for $timout seconds (by default 29 mins), or
# when the callback $stopwhen returns true.
-# Return false if the timeout was reached, and true if IDLE was
-# stopped due the callback.
-sub idle($;$&) {
+# Return true if the callback returned true (either aborting IDLE, or
+# after the $timeout) and false otherwise.
+sub idle($$$) {
my ($self, $timeout, $stopwhen) = @_;
- $timeout //= 1740; # 29 mins
- my $callback = sub() {undef $timeout if $stopwhen->()};
$self->fail("Server did not advertise IDLE (RFC 2177) capability.")
unless $self->_capable('IDLE');
my $tag = $self->_cmd_init('IDLE');
- for (my $now = time;;) {
- $self->slurp($callback, 'IDLE', 1);
- last unless defined $timeout;
- my $delta = time - $now;
- $timeout -= $delta;
- # quit idling when a time jump of at least 30s is detected
- last if $timeout <= 0 or $delta >= 30;
- $now += $delta;
- }
+ my $r = slurp([$self], $timeout // 1740, $stopwhen); # 29 mins
# done idling
# run the callback again to update the return value if we received
# untagged responses between the DONE and the tagged response
- $self->_recv($tag, $callback, 'IDLE');
+ $self->_recv($tag, sub($) { $r = 1 if $stopwhen->($self, shift) }, 'slurp');
- return (defined $timeout) ? 0 : 1;
+ return $r;
@@ -1920,11 +1917,11 @@ sub _send($$;&) {
my $tag = $self->_cmd_init($command);
+ my $cmd = $$command =~ /\AUID ($RE_ATOM_CHAR+) / ? $1 : $$command =~ /\A($RE_ATOM_CHAR+) / ? $1 : $$command;
if (!defined $callback) {
- $self->_recv($tag);
+ $self->_recv($tag, undef, $cmd);
else {
- my $cmd = $$command =~ /\AUID ($RE_ATOM_CHAR+) / ? $1 : $$command =~ /\A($RE_ATOM_CHAR+) / ? $1 : $$command;
my $set = $$command =~ /\AUID (?:FETCH|STORE) ([0-9:,*]+)/ ? $1 : undef;
$self->_recv($tag, $callback, $cmd, $set);
@@ -2232,6 +2229,7 @@ sub _resp($$;&$$) {
elsif (s/\A(?:OK|NO|BAD) //) {
+ $callback->($self->{_SELECTED}) if defined $self->{_SELECTED} and defined $callback and $cmd eq 'slurp';
elsif (/\ACAPABILITY((?: $RE_ATOM_CHAR+)+)\z/) {
$self->{_CAPABILITIES} = [ split / /, ($1 =~ s/^ //r) ];
@@ -2249,6 +2247,7 @@ sub _resp($$;&$$) {
$self->{_NEW} += $1 - $cache->{EXISTS} if $1 > $cache->{EXISTS}; # new mails
$cache->{EXISTS} = $1;
+ $callback->($self->{_SELECTED} // $self->panic()) if defined $callback and $cmd eq 'slurp';
elsif (/\A([0-9]+) EXPUNGE\z/) {
$self->panic() unless defined $cache->{EXISTS}; # sanity check
@@ -2281,8 +2280,17 @@ sub _resp($$;&$$) {
/\A \((\\?$RE_ATOM_CHAR+ [0-9]+(?: \\?$RE_ATOM_CHAR+ [0-9]+)*)?\)\z/ or $self->panic($_);
my %status = split / /, $1;
$mailbox = 'INBOX' if uc $mailbox eq 'INBOX'; # INBOX is case-insensitive
+ $self->panic("RFC 5465 violation! Missing HIGHESTMODSEQ data item in STATUS response")
+ if $self->_enabled('QRESYNC') and !defined $status{HIGHESTMODSEQ} and defined $cmd and
+ ($cmd eq 'NOTIFY' or $cmd eq 'slurp');
$self->_update_cache_for($mailbox, %status);
- $callback->($mailbox, %status) if defined $callback and $cmd eq 'STATUS';
+ if (defined $callback) {
+ if ($cmd eq 'STATUS') {
+ $callback->($mailbox, %status);
+ } elsif ($cmd eq 'slurp') {
+ $callback->($mailbox);
+ }
+ }
elsif (s/\A([0-9]+) FETCH \(//) {
$cache->{EXISTS} = $1 if $1 > $cache->{EXISTS};
@@ -2328,8 +2336,13 @@ sub _resp($$;&$$) {
my $flags = join ' ', sort(grep {lc $_ ne '\recent'} @{$mail{FLAGS}}) if defined $mail{FLAGS};
$self->{_MODIFIED}->{$uid} = [ $mail{MODSEQ}, $flags ];
- $callback->(\%mail) if defined $callback and ($cmd eq 'FETCH' or $cmd eq 'STORE') and
- defined $uid and in_set($uid, $set);
+ if (defined $callback) {
+ if ($cmd eq 'FETCH' or $cmd eq 'STORE') {
+ $callback->(\%mail) if defined $uid and in_set($uid, $set);
+ } elsif ($cmd eq 'slurp') {
+ $callback->($self->{_SELECTED} // $self->panic())
+ }
+ }
elsif (/\AENABLED((?: $RE_ATOM_CHAR+)+)\z/) { # RFC 5161 ENABLE
$self->{_ENABLED} //= [];
@@ -2353,6 +2366,7 @@ sub _resp($$;&$$) {
push @{$self->{_VANISHED}}, ($min .. $max);
+ $callback->($self->{_SELECTED} // $self->panic()) if defined $callback and $cmd eq 'slurp';
elsif (s/\A\+// and ($_ eq '' or s/\A //)) {
@@ -2366,7 +2380,6 @@ sub _resp($$;&$$) {
else {
$self->panic("Unexpected response: ", $_);
- $callback->() if defined $callback and $cmd eq 'IDLE';