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4 files changed, 82 insertions, 34 deletions
diff --git a/Changelog b/Changelog
index f90c28c..763a7a1 100644
--- a/Changelog
+++ b/Changelog
@@ -87,6 +87,13 @@ interimap (0.5) upstream;
compression stream is reached.
- libinterimap: the 'compress' boolean wasn't honored.
- libinterimap: fix STARTTLS directive, broken since 0.2.
+ - libinterimap: push_flag_updates(): the UNCHANGEDSINCE test from
+ the CONDSTORE extension was incorrectly placed after the flag list in
+ UID STORE commands.
+ - libinterimap: push_flag_updates(): ignore UIDs for which no untagged
+ FETCH response was received.
+ - libinterimap: push_flag_updates(): don't ignores received updates (by
+ another client) to a superset of the desigred flag list.
-- Guilhem Moulin <guilhem@fripost.org> Fri, 10 May 2019 00:58:14 +0200
diff --git a/lib/Net/IMAP/InterIMAP.pm b/lib/Net/IMAP/InterIMAP.pm
index c25df27..a838dd0 100644
--- a/lib/Net/IMAP/InterIMAP.pm
+++ b/lib/Net/IMAP/InterIMAP.pm
@@ -1197,16 +1197,15 @@ sub pull_updates($;$) {
my $mailbox = $self->{_SELECTED} // $self->panic();
my $pcache = $self->{_PCACHE}->{$mailbox};
- my %modified;
$self->_send("UID FETCH 1:".($pcache->{UIDNEXT}-1)." (MODSEQ FLAGS)")
if $full and ($pcache->{UIDNEXT} // 1) > 1;
- my @missing;
+ my %modified;
while (%{$self->{_MODIFIED}}) {
+ my @missing;
while (my ($uid,$v) = each %{$self->{_MODIFIED}}) {
- # don't filter on the fly (during FETCH responses) because
- # FLAG updates can arrive while processing pull_new_messages
- # for instance
+ # don't filter on the fly (during FETCH responses) because FLAG updates
+ # can arrive while processing pull_new_messages() for instance
if (defined $v->[1] and $v->[0] > 0) { # setting the MODSEQ to 0 forces a FETCH
next unless $uid < ($pcache->{UIDNEXT} // 1) # out of bounds
and ($full or $v->[0] > ($pcache->{HIGHESTMODSEQ} // 0)); # already seen
@@ -1216,8 +1215,9 @@ sub pull_updates($;$) {
$self->{_MODIFIED} = {};
+ # non-empty @missing indicates a discouraged (but allowed) CONDSTORE server behavior,
+ # cf. RFC 7162 sec. 3.1.3 ex. 8 and the comment in push_flag_updates() below
$self->_send("UID FETCH ".compact_set(@missing)." (MODSEQ FLAGS)") if @missing;
- @missing = ();
# do that afterwards since the UID FETCH command above can produce VANISHED responses
@@ -1307,22 +1307,18 @@ sub push_flag_updates($$@) {
my $mailbox = $self->{_SELECTED} // $self->panic();
my $modseq = $self->{_PCACHE}->{$mailbox}->{HIGHESTMODSEQ} // $self->panic();
- my $command = "UID STORE ".compact_set(@set)." FLAGS.SILENT ($flags) (UNCHANGEDSINCE $modseq)";
- my %listed;
- $self->_send($command, sub($){ $listed{shift->{UID}}++; });
+ my $command = "UID STORE ".compact_set(@set)." (UNCHANGEDSINCE $modseq) FLAGS.SILENT ($flags)";
my %failed;
+ $self->_send($command);
if ($IMAP_text =~ /\A\Q$IMAP_cond\E \[MODIFIED ([0-9,:]+)\] $RE_TEXT_CHAR+\z/) {
foreach (split /,/, $1) {
if (/\A([0-9]+)\z/) {
$failed{$1} = 1;
- }
- elsif (/\A([0-9]+):([0-9]+)\z/) {
+ } elsif (/\A([0-9]+):([0-9]+)\z/) {
my ($min, $max) = $1 < $2 ? ($1,$2) : ($2,$1);
$failed{$_} = 1 foreach ($min .. $max);
- }
- else {
+ } else {
@@ -1330,34 +1326,28 @@ sub push_flag_updates($$@) {
my @ok;
foreach my $uid (@set) {
+ my $modified = $self->{_MODIFIED};
if ($failed{$uid}) {
- # $uid was listed in the MODIFIED response code
- $self->{_MODIFIED}->{$uid} //= [ 0, undef ]; # will be downloaded again in pull_updates
- delete $self->{_MODIFIED}->{$uid} if
- # got a FLAG update for $uid; ignore it if it's $flags
- defined $self->{_MODIFIED}->{$uid}->[1] and
- $self->{_MODIFIED}->{$uid}->[1] eq $flags;
- }
- else {
- # $uid wasn't listed in the MODIFIED response code
- next unless defined $self->{_MODIFIED}->{$uid}; # already stored
- $self->panic() unless defined $listed{$uid} and $listed{$uid} > 0; # sanity check
- if ($listed{$uid} == 1) {
- # ignore succesful update
- delete $self->{_MODIFIED}->{$uid};
- }
- elsif ($self->{_MODIFIED}->{$uid}->[1] and $self->{_MODIFIED}->{$uid}->[1] eq $flags) {
- # got multiple FETCH responses for $uid, the last one with $flags
- delete $self->{_MODIFIED}->{$uid};
+ # $uid was listed in the MODIFIED response code from RFC 7162; will FETCH
+ # again in pull_updates(); per RFC 7162 sec. 3.1.3 $modified->{$uid} might not
+ # be defined ("nice" servers send an untagged FETCH response, cf. example 10,
+ # but they might omit it - allowed but discouraged CONDSTORE server behavior -
+ # cf. example 8)
+ $modified->{$uid} //= [ 0, undef ];
+ } elsif (defined (my $m = $modified->{$uid})) {
+ # received an untagged FETCH response, remove from the list of pending changes
+ # if the flag list was up to date (either implicitely or explicitely)
+ if (!defined $m->[1] or $m->[1] eq $flags) {
+ delete $modified->{$uid};
+ push @ok, $uid;
- push @ok, $uid;
unless ($self->{quiet}) {
$self->log("Updated flags ($flags) for UID ".compact_set(@ok)) if @ok;
$self->log("Couldn't update flags ($flags) for UID ".compact_set(keys %failed).', '.
- "trying again later") if %failed;
+ "will try again later") if %failed;
return keys %failed;
diff --git a/tests/condstore/t b/tests/condstore/t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4da50f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/condstore/t
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+# test CONDSTORE/QRESYNC (behavior) in UID STORE commands, in particular
+# the UNCHANGEDSINCE test: populate, keep assiging keywords at random,
+# and make sure interimap is able to reconciliate the changes
+# populate (with dummy messages to speed things up) only one server
+# before initializing interimap, so UIDs concide with sequence numbers
+# and are identical on both servers
+for ((i = 0; i < N; i++)); do
+ deliver -u "local" <<< .
+# assign a set of 16 tags; not more because in order to maximize the
+# likelyhood of conflicts we want UID STORE commands to use large sets
+declare -a FLAGS=(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f)
+# start a long-lived interimap process
+interimap --watch=1 & PID=$!
+trap "ptree_abort $PID" EXIT INT TERM
+timer=$(( $(date +%s) + TIMEOUT ))
+while [ $(date +%s) -le $timer ]; do
+ a="$(shuf -n1 -e "add" "remove" "replace")"
+ u="$(shuf -n1 -e "local" "remote")"
+ f="$(shuf -n1 -e "${FLAGS[@]}")"
+ seqs="$(shuf -n$((N/8)) -i1-$N)" # trigger changes on 1/8 of all messages
+ doveadm -u "$u" flags "$a" "$f" mailbox "INBOX" "${seqs//$'\n'/,}"
+ sleep "0.0$(shuf -n1 -i10-99)" # 10 to 99ms
+sleep 2
+ptree_abort $PID
+# make sure the list of uids for a given tag match
+flagged_uids() {
+ local u="$1" f="$2"
+ doveadm -u "$u" search mailbox "INBOX" keyword "$f" | cut -d" " -f2 | sort -n
+for f in "${FLAGS[@]}"; do
+ diff --label="local/$f" --label="remote/$f" -u -- \
+ <(flagged_uids "local" "$f") <(flagged_uids "remote" "$f") ||
+ error "UID list differs for keyword '$f'"
+# vim: set filetype=sh :
diff --git a/tests/list b/tests/list
index 9ce0c06..8bb4478 100644
--- a/tests/list
+++ b/tests/list
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ repair --repair
auth-noplaintext abort when STARTTLS is not offered
+condstore CONDSTORE
starttls-logindisabled LOGINDISABLED STARTTLS