path: root/tests/tls-verify-peer/interimap.remote
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFiles
* libinterimap: make SSL_verify check the hostname as well.Guilhem Moulin2020-12-111
| | | | | | | | | | More precisely, ensure that the certificate Subject Alternative Name (SAN) or Subject CommonName (CN) matches the hostname or IP literal specified by the 'host' option. Previously it was only verifying the chain of trust. This bumps the minimum Net::SSLeay version to 1.83 and OpenSSL version 1.0.2.
* Test suite: add new tests for SSL/TLS.Guilhem Moulin2019-11-131
SSL connections are accepted on TCP port 10993. Also, fix STARTTLS directive, broken since fba1c36…