all: manual MANUALS = $(patsubst,%,$(wildcard ./doc/*.[1-9].md)) manual: $(MANUALS) # upper case the headers and remove the links $(MANUALS): %: @pandoc -f markdown -t json -- "$<" | \ jq " \ def fixheaders: \ if .t == \"Header\" then \ .c[2][] |= (if .t == \"Str\" then .c |= ascii_upcase else . end)\ else \ . \ end; \ def fixlinks: \ if type == \"object\" then \ if .t == \"Link\" then \ if .c[2][0][0:7] == \"mailto:\" then . else .c[1][] end \ else \ map_values(fixlinks) \ end \ else if type == \"array\" then \ map(fixlinks) \ else \ . \ end \ end; \ { \"pandoc-api-version\" \ , meta \ , blocks: .blocks | map(fixheaders) | map(fixlinks) \ }" | \ pandoc -s -f json -t man+smart -o "$@" test: @./tests/run-all HTML_ROOTDIR ?= ./doc CSS ?= /usr/share/javascript/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css HTML_TEMPLATE ?= ./doc/template.html HTML_FILES = $(addprefix $(HTML_ROOTDIR)/,$(patsubst ./doc/,%.html,$(wildcard ./doc/*.md))) html: $(HTML_FILES) ## CSS="" HTML_ROOTDIR="$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/Downloads" make html $(HTML_ROOTDIR)/%.html: ./doc/ $(HTML_TEMPLATE) mtime="$$(git --no-pager log -1 --pretty="format:%ct" -- "$<" 2>/dev/null)"; \ [ -n "$$mtime" ] || mtime="$$(date +%s -r "$<")"; \ [ "$<" = "doc/" ] && parent="" || parent="./index.html"; \ pandoc -sp -f markdown -t html+smart --css=$(CSS) --template=$(HTML_TEMPLATE) \ --variable=date:"$$(LC_TIME=C date +"Last modified on %a, %d %b %Y at %T %z" -d @"$$mtime")" \ --variable=keywords:"interimap" \ --variable=lang:"en" \ --variable=parent:"$$parent" \ --output="$@" -- "$<" doc: manual html install: clean: rm -f $(MANUALS) $(HTML_FILES) .PHONY: all manual html doc test install clean