interimap (0.5.7-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low

  * New upstream release.
  * Set field Upstream-Name in debian/copyright.
  * Update standards version to 4.6.0, no changes needed.
  * d/watch: Use substitution strings.

 -- Guilhem Moulin <>  Sun, 27 Feb 2022 16:55:07 +0100

interimap (0.5.6-1) unstable; urgency=high

  * New upstream bugfix release with the correct minimum Net::SSLeay version.
  * Bump required libnet-ssleay-perl version to 1.88 (next stable upstream
    release after developer release 1.86_06, and also earliest version
    available in Debian).

 -- Guilhem Moulin <>  Fri, 01 Jan 2021 16:20:51 +0100

interimap (0.5.5-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * New upstream release.  Highlights include:
    + The 'SSL_protocols' option is now deprecated, and replaced by the
      combination of 'SSL_protocol_min' and 'SSL_protocol_max'.
    + Use default locations for trusted CA certificates (respectively
      /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt and /etc/ssl/certs on Debian systems)
      when neither CAfile nor CApath are set.
    + SSL/TLS connections now require OpenSSL 1.1.0 or later.
    + New option SSL_ciphersuites to set the TLSv1.3 ciphersuites.
      (SSL_cipherlist only apply to TLSv1.2 and below.)
  * d/control: pin exact libinterimap version in interimap & pullimap's
    depends.  The components are tightly tied together and libinterimap makes
    no promise of API stability.
  * d/control: Bump dovecot-imapd version to >=2.3 in Build-Depends for the
    test suite.
  * d/.gitattributes: New file to merge d/changelog with

 -- Guilhem Moulin <>  Sat, 26 Dec 2020 23:57:56 +0100

interimap (0.5.4-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * New upstream release.  This bumps the minimum libnet-ssleay-perl version
    from 1.73 to 1.83 (and openssl to 1.1.1 in Build-Depends).
  * Really add d/upstream/signing-key.asc, the OpenPGP used to signed upstream
  * Add d/watch pointing to the upstream repository.
  * d/gbp.conf: Update upstream tag template.
  * d/gbp.conf: Update debian and upstream branches in compliance with DEP-14.
  * d/control: Point Vcs-* to salsa.
  * Add debian/salsa-ci.yml file.  .test-reprotest is currently run with
  * d/rules: Run test suite with TMPDIR=/var/tmp as some systems (such as
    salsa's CI runners) mount /dev/shm with the 'noexec' option.  /var/tmp is
    probably safer in that regard since it's what mkinitramfs(8) defaults to.

 -- Guilhem Moulin <>  Fri, 11 Dec 2020 11:48:22 +0100

interimap (0.5.3-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * New upstream release.  Closes: #968392.
  * d/control: The test suite now requires Dovecot v2.2.31 or later (for
  * Add d/upstream/signing-key.asc, the OpenPGP used to signed upstream tags.
  * d/control: Add missing epoch number on dovecot-* dependencies.
  * d/control: Bump Standards-Version to 4.5.1 (no changes necessary).

 -- Guilhem Moulin <>  Wed, 09 Dec 2020 15:49:50 +0100

interimap (0.5.2-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * New upstream release.  Closes: #966937.

 -- Guilhem Moulin <>  Mon, 03 Aug 2020 20:56:37 +0200

interimap (0.5.1-2) unstable; urgency=medium

  * d/rules: Pass '--no-enable' to dh_installsystemduser(1).  Not enabling the
    units on install makes sense as interimap resp. pullimap will refuse to
    create the database when started with '--watch=' resp. '--idle='.

 -- Guilhem Moulin <>  Sun, 05 Jul 2020 23:49:56 +0200

interimap (0.5.1-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * d/control: Annotate some Build-Depends with <!nocheck>.
  * d/control: Bump debhelper compatibility level to 13.
  * d/patches/Ignore-custom-lib-PATH.patch: Remove patch, applied upstream.
  * Adapt d/*.docs, d/*.install and d/*.manpages to the current upstream

 -- Guilhem Moulin <>  Thu, 02 Jul 2020 00:16:07 +0200

interimap (0.5-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * New upstream release.  Closes: #946727.
  * d/control: Bump Standards-Version to 4.5.0 (no changes necessary).
  * d/patches: Remove patches applied upstream.
  * d/patches: Avoid running randomized tests on the build daemons.

 -- Guilhem Moulin <>  Wed, 29 Jan 2020 13:22:16 +0100

interimap (0.5~rc-2) experimental; urgency=low

  * Apply patches from master to make the test suite pass on the buildds.

 -- Guilhem Moulin <>  Sun, 15 Dec 2019 03:44:27 +0100

interimap (0.5~rc-1) experimental; urgency=low

  * New upstream release.  Closes: #942725, #944812, #944859.
  * debian/control:
    + New Build-Depends for the test-suite: dovecot-imapd, dovecot-lmtpd,
      libconfig-tiny-perl, libdbd-sqlite3-perl, libnet-ssleay-perl, openssl,
      procps, sqlite3, and xxd.
    + interimap: no longer depends on 'libdbi-perl' (pulled by DBD::SQLite).
    + interimap: now suggests dovecot-imapd.
    + Bump debhelper compatibility level to 12 and set debhelper-compat
      version in Build-Depends.
    + Add Homepage field, pointing to .
    + Bump Standards-Version to 4.4.1 (no changes necessary).
    + Set 'Rules-Requires-Root: no'.
  * Rename debian/source.lintian-overrides to debian/source/lintian-overrides.

 -- Guilhem Moulin <>  Sat, 14 Dec 2019 19:41:21 +0100

interimap (0.4-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * Initial release.  Closes: #919904, #919906, #919908.

 -- Guilhem Moulin <>  Sun, 20 Jan 2019 21:25:54 +0100