% Multi-remote setup for InterIMAP
% [Guilhem Moulin](mailto:guilhem@fripost.org)

This document describes the setup of InterIMAP against two remotes
accounts, a *personal* account at `imap.example.net`, and a *work*
account at `imap.example.com`.  (The same setup can be adapted to remote
accounts or more.)  These remotes accounts are to be synchronized
locally, each being mirrored to its own local namespace in a
bidirectional fashion.

We assume familiarity with the [Getting Started] tutorial.
Prerequisites, such as installing dependencies, creating directories,
etc., won't be repeated here.


For this example we assume the *personal* account has the following
mailbox hierarchy (with delimiter `/`):


And the *work* account the following mailbox hierarchy (with delimiter `.`):


These remote mailbox hierarchies are to be mirrored locally as:


Using again (arbitrarily) `/` as local hierarchy delimiter.  (Since 0.5
each server can choose its own hierarchy delimiter independently on the
other ones, and even change it — for instance after changing the server
software — without breaking synchronization.)

Note that there are alternative layouts (one can for instance replace
the prefix `perso/` with the empty string), however for this example
we'll focus on the above layout.

Local Dovecot configuration

Although it's not required (it's possible to use the default namespace
for everything), we propose to use a dedicated [IMAP namespace][RFC
2342] for each remote account to mirror locally:

 * It provides better isolation of the locally mirrored accounts: one
   can use entirely independent mail storage for instance, and even
   different hierarchy delimiters.
 * One can use `perso/INBOX` as the local `INBOX`.  (Per [RFC 3501] the
   `INBOX` mailbox has a special nature.)  Or even alias a particular
   namespace to the default namespace.  That being said, one should use
   aliases with care as they might have undesired side effects, such as
   `perso/INBOX` missing from `LIST` responses when the mailbox is used
   as the local `INBOX`; or confusion between `perso/work/foo` and
   `work/foo` when `perso/` is aliased to the default namespace.

We define 3 namespaces: a default namespace holding the local `INBOX`,
as well as a dedicated namespace — with a suitable prefix — for each
remote account to mirror locally.  Consult the [Dovecot namespaces]
documentation for more information.  Note that mailboxes (and the
messages they contain) residing in the default namespace won't be copied
over: they will only live on the local instance.

    $ cat >${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-~/.config}/dovecot/dovecot.conf <<-EOF
		ssl = no
		namespace {
		    location  = maildir:~/Mail
		    inbox     = yes
		    separator = /
		namespace perso {
		    prefix    = perso/
		    location  = maildir:~/Mail/perso
		    separator = /
		namespace work {
		    prefix    = work/
		    location  = maildir:~/Mail/work
		    separator = /

We can see the three namespaces using the `` `~/.local/bin/dovecot-imap` ``
wrapper defined in the [Getting Started] tutorial.

    $ ~/.local/bin/dovecot-imap
    S: * PREAUTH [CAPABILITY IMAP4rev1 …] Logged in as myuser
    S: * NAMESPACE (("" "/")("work/" "/")("perso/" "/")) NIL NIL
    S: a OK Namespace completed (0.001 + 0.000 secs).
    C: b LIST "" "*"
    S: * LIST (\Noselect \HasNoChildren) "/" work
    S: * LIST (\Noselect \HasNoChildren) "/" perso
    S: * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" INBOX
    S: b OK List completed (0.001 + 0.000 secs).
    C: q LOGOUT
    S: * BYE Logging out
    S: q OK Logout completed (0.001 + 0.000 secs).

InterIMAP configuration

We use a dedicated [`interimap`(1)] instance for each remote account to
synchronize, starting with the *personal* account.  Again, see the
[Getting Started] guide for details about the configuration file and its

    $ install -m0600 /dev/null ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-~/.config}/interimap/personal
<!-- -->
    $ cat >${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-~/.config}/interimap/personal <<-EOF
		database = personal.db

		type = tunnel
		list-reference = perso/
		command = exec ~/.local/bin/dovecot-imap

		type = imaps
		host = imap.example.net
		username = myname
		password = xxxxxxxx
<!-- -->
    $ interimap --config=personal
    Creating new schema in database file …/personal.db
    database: Created mailbox INBOX
    local: Created mailbox perso/INBOX

And similarly for the *work* account:

    $ install -m0600 /dev/null ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-~/.config}/interimap/work
<!-- -->
    $ cat >${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-~/.config}/interimap/work <<-EOF
		database = work.db

		type = tunnel
		list-reference = work/
		command = exec ~/.local/bin/dovecot-imap

		type = imaps
		host = imap.example.com
		username = myname2
		password = xxxxxxxx
<!-- -->
    $ interimap --config=work
    Creating new schema in database file …/work.db
    database: Created mailbox INBOX
    local: Created mailbox work/INBOX

The local mail storage should now have the desired local layout:

    $ ~/.local/bin/dovecot-imap
    S: * PREAUTH [CAPABILITY IMAP4rev1 …] Logged in as myuser
    C: b LIST "" "*"
    S: * LIST (\Noselect \HasChildren) "/" work
    S: * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" work/attic
    S: * LIST (\HasChildren) "/" work/INBOX
    S: * LIST (\HasChildren) "/" work/INBOX
    S: * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" work/INBOX/todo
    S: * LIST (\Noselect \HasChildren) "/" perso
    S: * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" perso/INBOX
    S: * LIST (\HasChildren) "/" perso/debian
    S: * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" perso/debian/debian-security
    S: * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" perso/debian/debian-project
    S: * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" perso/debian/debian-devel
    S: * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" perso/archives
    S: * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" INBOX
    S: a OK List completed (0.003 + 0.000 + 0.002 secs).
    C: q LOGOUT
    S: * BYE Logging out
    S: q OK Logout completed (0.001 + 0.000 secs).

Template user unit for systemd are provided in order to run these
[`interimap`(1)] instances as services:

    $ systemctl --user enable --now interimap@{personal,work}.service

[Getting Started]: getting-started.html
[RFC 2342]: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2342
[RFC 3501]: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3501
[Dovecot namespaces]: https://doc.dovecot.org/configuration_manual/namespace/
[`interimap`(1)]: interimap.1.html