#!/usr/bin/perl -T #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Fast bidirectional synchronization for QRESYNC-capable IMAP servers # Copyright © 2015-2019 Guilhem Moulin # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . #---------------------------------------------------------------------- use v5.14.2; use strict; use warnings; our $VERSION = '0.5'; my $NAME = 'interimap'; my $DATABASE_VERSION = 1; use Getopt::Long qw/:config posix_default no_ignore_case gnu_compat bundling auto_version/; use DBI ':sql_types'; use DBD::SQLite::Constants ':file_open'; use Fcntl qw/F_GETFD F_SETFD FD_CLOEXEC/; use List::Util 'first'; use lib 'lib'; use Net::IMAP::InterIMAP 0.0.5 qw/xdg_basedir read_config compact_set/; # Clean up PATH $ENV{PATH} = join ':', qw{/usr/bin /bin}; delete @ENV{qw/IFS CDPATH ENV BASH_ENV/}; my %CONFIG; sub usage(;$) { my $rv = shift // 0; if ($rv) { print STDERR "Usage: $NAME [OPTIONS] [COMMAND] [MAILBOX [..]]\n" ."Try '$NAME --help' or consult the manpage for more information.\n"; } else { print STDERR "Usage: $NAME [OPTIONS] [MAILBOX [..]]\n" ." or: $NAME [OPTIONS] --repair [MAILBOX [..]]\n" ." or: $NAME [OPTIONS] --delete MAILBOX [..]\n" ." or: $NAME [OPTIONS] --rename SOURCE DEST\n" ."Consult the manpage for more information.\n"; } exit $rv; } my @COMMANDS = qw/repair delete rename/; usage(1) unless GetOptions(\%CONFIG, qw/config=s quiet|q target=s@ debug help|h watch:i notify/, @COMMANDS); usage(0) if $CONFIG{help}; my $COMMAND = do { my @command = grep {exists $CONFIG{$_}} @COMMANDS; usage(1) if $#command>0; $command[0] }; usage(1) if defined $COMMAND and (($COMMAND eq 'delete' and !@ARGV) or ($COMMAND eq 'rename' and $#ARGV != 1)); usage(1) if defined $COMMAND and (defined $CONFIG{watch} or defined $CONFIG{notify}); usage(1) if $CONFIG{target} and !(defined $COMMAND and ($COMMAND eq 'delete' or $COMMAND eq 'rename')); $CONFIG{watch} = $CONFIG{notify} ? 900 : 60 if (defined $CONFIG{watch} or $CONFIG{notify}) and !$CONFIG{watch}; @ARGV = map {uc $_ eq 'INBOX' ? 'INBOX' : $_ } @ARGV; # INBOX is case-insensitive die "Invalid mailbox name $_" foreach grep !/\A[\x01-\x7F]+\z/, @ARGV; my $CONF = do { my $conffile = delete($CONFIG{config}) // "config"; $conffile = xdg_basedir( XDG_CONFIG_HOME => ".config", $NAME, $conffile ); read_config( $conffile , [qw/_ local remote/] , database => qr/\A(\P{Control}+)\z/ , logfile => qr/\A(\/\P{Control}+)\z/ , 'list-mailbox' => qr/\A([\x01-\x09\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x7F]+)\z/ , 'list-select-opts' => qr/\A([\x20\x21\x23\x24\x26\x27\x2B-\x5B\x5E-\x7A\x7C-\x7E]*)\z/ , 'ignore-mailbox' => qr/\A([\x01-\x09\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x7F]+)\z/ ); }; my ($DBFILE, $LOGGER_FD, %LIST); { $DBFILE = $CONF->{_}->{database} if defined $CONF->{_}; $DBFILE //= $CONF->{remote}->{host}.'.db' if defined $CONF->{remote}; $DBFILE //= $CONF->{local}->{host}. '.db' if defined $CONF->{local}; die "Missing option database" unless defined $DBFILE; $DBFILE = xdg_basedir( XDG_DATA_HOME => ".local/share", $NAME, $DBFILE ); if (defined $CONF->{_} and defined $CONF->{_}->{logfile}) { require 'POSIX.pm'; require 'Time/HiRes.pm'; open $LOGGER_FD, '>>', $CONF->{_}->{logfile} or die "Can't open $CONF->{_}->{logfile}: $!\n"; $LOGGER_FD->autoflush(1); my $flags = fcntl($LOGGER_FD, F_GETFD, 0) or die "fcntl F_GETFD: $!"; fcntl($LOGGER_FD, F_SETFD, $flags | FD_CLOEXEC) or die "fcntl F_SETFD: $!"; } elsif ($CONFIG{debug}) { $LOGGER_FD = \*STDERR; } $LIST{mailbox} = [@ARGV]; if (!defined $COMMAND or $COMMAND eq 'repair') { if (!@ARGV and defined (my $v = $CONF->{_}->{'list-mailbox'})) { my @mailbox; do { if ($v =~ s/\A[\x21\x23-\x27\x2A-\x5B\x5D-\x7A\x7C-\x7E]+//p) { push @mailbox, ${^MATCH}; } elsif ($v =~ s/\A\"((?: [\x20\x21\x23-\x5B\x5D-\x7E] | # the above plus \x20\x28\x29\x7B (?:\\(?:[\x22\x5C0abtnvfr] | x\p{AHex}{2})) # quoted char or hex-encoded pair )+)\"//x) { push @mailbox, $1 =~ s/\\(?:[\x22\x5C0abtnvfr]|x\p{AHex}{2})/"\"${^MATCH}\""/greep; } } while ($v =~ s/\A\s+//); die "Invalid value for list-mailbox: ".$CONF->{_}->{'list-mailbox'}."\n" if $v ne ""; $LIST{mailbox} = \@mailbox; } $LIST{'select-opts'} = uc($CONF->{_}->{'list-select-opts'}) if defined $CONF->{_}->{'list-select-opts'} and $CONF->{_}->{'list-select-opts'} ne ""; $LIST{params} = [ "SUBSCRIBED" ]; # RFC 5258 - LIST Command Extensions push @{$LIST{params}}, "STATUS (UIDVALIDITY UIDNEXT HIGHESTMODSEQ)" # RFC 5819 - Returning STATUS Information in Extended LIST unless $CONFIG{notify}; } if (defined (my $t = $CONFIG{target})) { @$t = map { split(",", $_) } @$t; die "Invalid target $_\n" foreach grep !/^(?:local|remote|database)$/, @$t; $CONFIG{target} = {}; $CONFIG{target}->{$_} = 1 foreach @$t; } else { $CONFIG{target} = {}; $CONFIG{target}->{$_} = 1 foreach qw/local remote database/; } } my $DBH; # Clean after us my ($IMAP, $lIMAP, $rIMAP); sub cleanup() { undef $_ foreach grep defined, ($IMAP, $lIMAP, $rIMAP); logger(undef, "Cleaning up...") if $CONFIG{debug}; close $LOGGER_FD if defined $LOGGER_FD; $DBH->disconnect() if defined $DBH; } $SIG{INT} = sub { msg(undef, $!); cleanup(); exit 1; }; $SIG{TERM} = sub { cleanup(); exit 0; }; ############################################################################# # Open (and maybe create) the database { my $dbi_data_source = "dbi:SQLite:dbname=".$DBFILE; my %dbi_attrs = ( AutoCommit => 0, RaiseError => 1, sqlite_use_immediate_transaction => 1, sqlite_open_flags => SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE ); # don't auto-create in long-lived mode $dbi_attrs{sqlite_open_flags} |= SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE unless defined $CONFIG{watch}; $DBH = DBI::->connect($dbi_data_source, undef, undef, \%dbi_attrs); $DBH->sqlite_busy_timeout(250); # Try to lock the database before any network traffic so we can fail # early if the database is already locked. $DBH->do("PRAGMA locking_mode = EXCLUSIVE"); $DBH->{AutoCommit} = 1; # turned back off later $DBH->do("PRAGMA foreign_keys = OFF"); # toggled later (no-op if not in autocommit mode) } sub msg($@) { my $name = shift; return unless @_; logger($name, @_) if defined $LOGGER_FD and defined $LOGGER_FD->fileno and $LOGGER_FD->fileno != fileno STDERR; my $prefix = defined $name ? "$name: " : ''; print STDERR $prefix, @_, "\n"; } sub logger($@) { my $name = shift; return unless @_ and defined $LOGGER_FD; my $prefix = ''; if (defined $LOGGER_FD and defined $LOGGER_FD->fileno and $LOGGER_FD->fileno != fileno STDERR) { my ($s, $us) = Time::HiRes::gettimeofday(); $prefix = POSIX::strftime("%b %e %H:%M:%S", localtime($s)).".$us "; } $prefix .= "$name: " if defined $name; $LOGGER_FD->say($prefix, @_); } sub fail($@) { my $name = shift; msg($name, "ERROR: ", @_); exit 1; } logger(undef, ">>> $NAME $VERSION"); ############################################################################# # Connect to the local and remote IMAP servers foreach my $name (qw/local remote/) { my %config = %{$CONF->{$name}}; $config{$_} = $CONFIG{$_} foreach grep {defined $CONFIG{$_}} qw/quiet debug/; $config{enable} = 'QRESYNC'; $config{name} = $name; $config{'logger-fd'} = $LOGGER_FD if defined $LOGGER_FD; $config{'compress'} //= ($name eq 'local' ? 0 : 1); $config{keepalive} = 1 if $CONFIG{watch} and $config{type} ne 'tunnel'; $IMAP->{$name} = { client => Net::IMAP::InterIMAP::->new(%config) }; my $client = $IMAP->{$name}->{client}; die "Non $_-capable IMAP server.\n" foreach $client->incapable(qw/LIST-EXTENDED UIDPLUS/); die "Non LIST-STATUS-capable IMAP server.\n" if !$CONFIG{notify} and $client->incapable('LIST-STATUS'); } # Pretty-print hierarchy delimiter: DQUOTE QUOTED-CHAR DQUOTE / nil sub print_delimiter($) { my $d = shift // return "NIL"; $d = "\\".$d if $d eq "\\" or $d eq "\""; return "\"".$d."\""; } # Return the delimiter of the default namespace, and cache the result. # Use the cached value if present, otherwise issue a new LIST command # with the empty mailbox. sub get_delimiter($$) { my ($name, $imap) = @_; # Use the cached value if present return $imap->{delimiter} if exists $imap->{delimiter}; my (undef, $d) = $imap->{client}->list("\"\" \"\""); my @d = values %$d if defined $d; # While multiple LIST responses may happen in theory, we've issued a # single LIST command, so it's fair to expect a single reponse with # a hierarchy delimiter of the root node. fail($name, "Missing or unexpected (unsolicited) LIST response.") unless $#d == 0; return $imap->{delimiter} = $d[0]; # cache value and return it } # List mailboxes; don't return anything but update $IMAP->{$name}->{mailboxes} sub list_mailboxes($) { my $name = shift; my $imap = $IMAP->{$name}; my $list = ""; $list .= "(" .$LIST{'select-opts'}. ") " if defined $LIST{'select-opts'}; $list .= "\"\" "; my @mailboxes = @{$LIST{mailbox}}; my $cached_delimiter = exists $imap->{delimiter} ? 1 : 0; if (grep { index($_,"\x00") >= 0 } @mailboxes) { # some mailbox names contain null characters: substitute them with the hierarchy delimiter my $d = get_delimiter($name, $imap) // fail($name, "Mailbox name contains null characters but the namespace is flat!"); s/\x00/$d/g foreach @mailboxes; } $list .= $#mailboxes < 0 ? "*" : $#mailboxes == 0 ? Net::IMAP::InterIMAP::quote($mailboxes[0]) : "(".join(" ", map {Net::IMAP::InterIMAP::quote($_)} @mailboxes).")"; my ($mbx, $delims) = $imap->{client}->list($list, @{$LIST{params} // []}); $imap->{mailboxes} = $mbx; # INBOX exists in a namespace of its own, so it may have a different separator. # All other mailboxes MUST have the same separator though, per 3501 sec. 7.2.2 # and https://www.imapwiki.org/ClientImplementation/MailboxList#Hierarchy_separators # (We assume all list-mailbox arguments given live in the same namespace. Otherwise # the user needs to start multiple interimap instances.) delete $delims->{INBOX}; unless (exists $imap->{delimiter}) { # if the delimiter is still unknown (meaning no names in @{$LIST{mailbox}} # contains null characters) we now cache it if (%$delims) { # got a non-INBOX LIST reply, use the first one as authoritative value my ($m) = sort keys %$delims; $imap->{delimiter} = delete $delims->{$m}; } else { # didn't get a non-INBOX LIST reply so we need to explicitely query # the hierarchy delimiter get_delimiter($name, $imap); } } logger($name, "Using ", print_delimiter($imap->{delimiter}), " as hierarchy delimiter") if !$cached_delimiter and $CONFIG{debug}; # Ensure all LISTed delimiters (incl. INBOX's children, although they're # in a different namespace -- we treat INBOX itself separately, but not # its children) match the one at the top level. my $d = $imap->{delimiter}; foreach my $m (keys %$delims) { fail($name, "Mailbox $m has hierarchy delimiter ", print_delimiter($delims->{$m}), ", while ", print_delimiter($d), " was expected.") if (defined $d xor defined $delims->{$m}) or (defined $d and defined $delims->{$m} and $d ne $delims->{$m}); } } list_mailboxes("local"); if (defined (my $d = $IMAP->{local}->{delimiter})) { # substitute the local delimiter with null characters in the mailbox list s/\Q$d\E/\x00/g foreach @{$LIST{mailbox}}; } list_mailboxes("remote"); # Ensure local and remote namespaces are either both flat, or both hierarchical. # (We can't mirror a hierarchical namespace to a flat one.) fail(undef, "Local and remote namespaces are neither both flat nor both hierarchical ", "(local ", print_delimiter($IMAP->{local}->{delimiter}), ", ", "remote ", print_delimiter($IMAP->{remote}->{delimiter}), ").") if defined $IMAP->{local}->{delimiter} xor defined $IMAP->{remote}->{delimiter}; ############################################################################## # Create or update database schema (delayed until after the IMAP # connections and mailbox LISTing as we need to know the hierarchy # delimiter for the schema migration). { # Invariants: # * UIDVALIDITY never changes. # * All changes for UID < {local,remote}.UIDNEXT and MODSEQ < # {local,remote}.HIGHESTMODSEQ have been propagated. # * No local (resp. remote) new message will ever have a UID <= local.UIDNEXT # (resp. <= remote.UIDNEXT). # * Any idx in `local` must be present in `remote` and vice-versa. # * Any idx in `mapping` must be present in `local` and `remote`. my @schema = ( mailboxes => [ q{idx INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT}, # to avoid caching hierachy delimiter of mailbox names forever we replace it # with '\0' in that table; the substitution is safe since null characters are # not allowed within mailbox names q{mailbox BLOB COLLATE BINARY NOT NULL CHECK (mailbox != '') UNIQUE}, q{subscribed BOOLEAN NOT NULL} ], local => [ q{idx INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY REFERENCES mailboxes(idx)}, # no UNIQUE constraint on UIDVALIDITY as two mailboxes may share the same value q{UIDVALIDITY UNSIGNED INT NOT NULL CHECK (UIDVALIDITY > 0)}, q{UIDNEXT UNSIGNED INT NOT NULL}, # 0 initially q{HIGHESTMODSEQ UNSIGNED BIGINT NOT NULL} # 0 initially (/!\ converted to 8-byte signed integer) # one-to-one correspondence between local.idx and remote.idx ], remote => [ q{idx INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY REFERENCES mailboxes(idx)}, # no UNIQUE constraint on UIDVALIDITY as two mailboxes may share the same value q{UIDVALIDITY UNSIGNED INT NOT NULL CHECK (UIDVALIDITY > 0)}, q{UIDNEXT UNSIGNED INT NOT NULL}, # 0 initially q{HIGHESTMODSEQ UNSIGNED BIGINT NOT NULL} # 0 initially (/!\ converted to 8-byte signed integer) # one-to-one correspondence between local.idx and remote.idx ], mapping => [ q{idx INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES mailboxes(idx)}, q{lUID UNSIGNED INT NOT NULL CHECK (lUID > 0)}, q{rUID UNSIGNED INT NOT NULL CHECK (rUID > 0)}, q{PRIMARY KEY (idx,lUID)}, q{UNIQUE (idx,rUID)} # also, lUID < local.UIDNEXT and rUID < remote.UIDNEXT (except for interrupted syncs) # mapping.idx must be found among local.idx (and remote.idx) ], ); # Use the user_version PRAGMA (0 if unset) to keep track of schema # version https://sqlite.org/pragma.html#pragma_user_version my ($schema_version) = $DBH->selectrow_array("PRAGMA user_version"); if ($schema_version < $DATABASE_VERSION) { # schema creation or upgrade required $DBH->begin_work(); if ($schema_version == 0) { my $sth = $DBH->table_info(undef, undef, undef, "TABLE"); unless (defined $sth->fetch()) { # there are no tables, create everything msg(undef, "Creating new schema in database file $DBFILE"); for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#schema; $i+=2) { $DBH->do("CREATE TABLE $schema[$i] (".join(", ", @{$schema[$i+1]}).")"); } goto SCHEMA_DONE; # skip the below migrations } } msg(undef, "Upgrading database version from $schema_version"); # 12-step procedure from https://www.sqlite.org/lang_altertable.html if ($schema_version < 1) { fail(undef, "Local and remote hierachy delimiters differ ", "(local ", print_delimiter($IMAP->{local}->{delimiter}), ", ", "remote ", print_delimiter($IMAP->{remote}->{delimiter}), "), ", "refusing to update \`mailboxes\` table.") if defined $IMAP->{local}->{delimiter} and defined $IMAP->{remote}->{delimiter} # we failed earlier if only one of them was NIL and $IMAP->{local}->{delimiter} ne $IMAP->{remote}->{delimiter}; $DBH->do("CREATE TABLE _tmp${DATABASE_VERSION}_mailboxes (". join(", ", q{idx INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT}, q{mailbox BLOB COLLATE BINARY NOT NULL CHECK (mailbox != '') UNIQUE}, q{subscribed BOOLEAN NOT NULL} ).")"); if (defined (my $d = $IMAP->{local}->{delimiter})) { # local and remote delimiters match, replace them with null characters my $sth = $DBH->prepare("INSERT INTO _tmp${DATABASE_VERSION}_mailboxes SELECT idx, CAST(REPLACE(mailbox, ?, x'00') AS BLOB), subscribed FROM mailboxes"); $sth->bind_param(1, $IMAP->{local}->{delimiter}, SQL_VARCHAR); $sth->execute(); } else { # treat all mailboxes as flat (\NoInferiors names) $DBH->do("INSERT INTO _tmp${DATABASE_VERSION}_mailboxes SELECT * FROM mailboxes"); } $DBH->do("DROP TABLE mailboxes"); $DBH->do("ALTER TABLE _tmp${DATABASE_VERSION}_mailboxes RENAME TO mailboxes"); } fail("database", "Broken referential integrity! Refusing to commit changes.") if defined $DBH->selectrow_arrayref("PRAGMA foreign_key_check"); SCHEMA_DONE: $DBH->do("PRAGMA user_version = $DATABASE_VERSION"); $DBH->commit(); } $DBH->do("PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON"); # no-op if not in autocommit mode $DBH->{AutoCommit} = 0; # always explicitly commit changes } ############################################################################## # # Add a new mailbox to the database. # WARN: does not commit changes! sub db_create_mailbox($$) { my ($mailbox, $subscribed) = @_;; state $sth = $DBH->prepare(q{INSERT INTO mailboxes (mailbox,subscribed) VALUES (?,?)}); $sth->bind_param(1, $mailbox, SQL_BLOB); $sth->bind_param(2, $subscribed, SQL_BOOLEAN); my $r = $sth->execute(); msg("database", fmt("Created mailbox %d", $mailbox)); return $r; } # Get the index associated with a mailbox. sub db_get_mailbox_idx($) { my $mailbox = shift; state $sth = $DBH->prepare(q{SELECT idx,subscribed FROM mailboxes WHERE mailbox = ?}); $sth->bind_param(1, $mailbox, SQL_BLOB); $sth->execute(); my ($idx, $subscribed) = $sth->fetchrow_array(); die if defined $sth->fetch(); # safety check (we have a UNIQUE contstraint though) return wantarray ? ($idx, $subscribed) : $idx; } # Transform mailbox name from internal representation (with \0 as hierarchy delimiters) # to a name understandable by the local/remote IMAP server. sub mbx_name($$) { my ($name, $mailbox) = @_; my $x = $name // "local"; if (defined (my $d = $IMAP->{$x}->{delimiter})) { $mailbox =~ s/\x00/$d/g; } elsif (!exists $IMAP->{$x}->{delimiter} or index($mailbox,"\x00") >= 0) { die; # safety check } return $mailbox; } # Transform mailbox name from local/remote IMAP server to the internal representation # (with \0 as hierarchy delimiters). sub mbx_unname($$) { my ($name, $mailbox) = @_; return unless defined $mailbox; if (defined (my $d = $IMAP->{$name}->{delimiter})) { $mailbox =~ s/\Q$d\E/\x00/g; } elsif (!exists $IMAP->{$name}->{delimiter}) { die; # safety check } return $mailbox; } # Format a message with format controls for local/remote/database mailbox names. sub fmt($@) { my $msg = shift; $msg =~ s/%([lrds])/ $1 eq "l" ? mbx_name("local", shift) : $1 eq "r" ? mbx_name("remote", shift) : $1 eq "d" ? mbx_name(undef, shift) : $1 eq "s" ? shift : die /ge; return $msg; } # Return true if $mailbox exists on $name sub mbx_exists($$) { my ($name, $mailbox) = @_; my $attrs = $IMAP->{$name}->{mailboxes}->{$mailbox}; my ($ne, $ns) = (lc '\NonExistent', lc '\NoSelect'); return (defined $attrs and !grep {my $a = lc; $a eq $ne or $a eq $ns} @$attrs) ? 1 : 0; } # Return true if $mailbox is subscribed to on $name sub mbx_subscribed($$) { my ($name, $mailbox) = @_; my $attrs = $IMAP->{$name}->{mailboxes}->{$mailbox}; return (defined $attrs and grep {lc $_ eq lc '\Subscribed'} @$attrs) ? 1 : 0; } ############################################################################## # Process --delete command # if (defined $COMMAND and $COMMAND eq 'delete') { if (defined (my $d = $IMAP->{local}->{delimiter})) { s/\Q$d\E/\x00/g foreach @ARGV; } my @statements = map { $DBH->prepare("DELETE FROM $_ WHERE idx = ?") } # non-referenced tables first to avoid violating # FOREIGN KEY constraints qw/mapping local remote mailboxes/ if @ARGV and $CONFIG{target}->{database}; foreach my $mailbox (@ARGV) { my $idx = db_get_mailbox_idx($mailbox); # delete $mailbox on servers where $mailbox exists. note that # there is a race condition where the mailbox could have # appeared meanwhile foreach my $name (qw/local remote/) { my $mbx = mbx_name($name, $mailbox); $IMAP->{$name}->{client}->delete($mbx) if $CONFIG{target}->{$name} and mbx_exists($name, $mbx); } if (defined $idx and $CONFIG{target}->{database}) { foreach my $sth (@statements) { $sth->bind_param(1, $idx, SQL_INTEGER); $sth->execute(); } $DBH->commit(); msg("database", fmt("Removed mailbox %d", $mailbox)); } } exit 0; } ############################################################################## # Process --rename command # elsif (defined $COMMAND and $COMMAND eq 'rename') { my ($from, $to) = @ARGV; if (defined (my $d = $IMAP->{local}->{delimiter})) { s/\Q$d\E/\x00/g foreach ($from, $to); } # get index of the original name my $idx = db_get_mailbox_idx($from); # ensure the target name doesn't already exist on the servers. there # is a race condition where the mailbox would be created before we # issue the RENAME command, then the server would reply with a # tagged NO response foreach my $name (qw/local remote/) { my $mbx = mbx_name($name, $to); next unless $CONFIG{target}->{$name} and mbx_exists($name, $mbx); fail($name, fmt("Mailbox %s exists. Run `$NAME --target=$name --delete %d` to delete.", $mbx, $to)); } # ensure the target name doesn't already exist in the database fail("database", fmt("Mailbox %d exists. Run `$NAME --target=database --delete %d` to delete.", $to, $to)) if $CONFIG{target}->{database} and defined db_get_mailbox_idx($to); # rename $from to $to on servers where $from if LISTed. again there is a # race condition, but if $to has been created meanwhile the server will # reply with a tagged NO response foreach my $name (qw/local remote/) { next unless $CONFIG{target}->{$name}; my ($from, $to) = ( mbx_name($name,$from), mbx_name($name, $to) ); # don't use mbx_exists() here, as \NonExistent names can be renamed # too (for instance if they have children) $IMAP->{$name}->{client}->rename($from, $to) if defined $IMAP->{$name}->{mailboxes}->{$from}; } # rename from to $to in the database if ($CONFIG{target}->{database}) { my $r = 0; if (defined $idx) { my $sth_rename_mailbox = $DBH->prepare(q{ UPDATE mailboxes SET mailbox = ? WHERE idx = ? }); $sth_rename_mailbox->bind_param(1, $to, SQL_BLOB); $sth_rename_mailbox->bind_param(2, $idx, SQL_INTEGER); $r += $sth_rename_mailbox->execute(); } # now rename the children as well my $prefix = $from."\x00"; my $sth_rename_children = $DBH->prepare(q{ UPDATE mailboxes SET mailbox = CAST(? || SUBSTR(mailbox,?) AS BLOB) WHERE SUBSTR(mailbox,1,?) = ? }); $sth_rename_children->bind_param(1, $to, SQL_BLOB); $sth_rename_children->bind_param(2, length($prefix), SQL_INTEGER); $sth_rename_children->bind_param(3, length($prefix), SQL_INTEGER); $sth_rename_children->bind_param(4, $prefix, SQL_BLOB); $r += $sth_rename_children->execute(); $DBH->commit(); msg("database", fmt("Renamed mailbox %d to %d", $from, $to)) if $r > 0; } exit 0; } ############################################################################## # Synchronize mailbox and subscription lists sub sync_mailbox_list() { my (%mailboxes, @mailboxes); state $sth_subscribe = $DBH->prepare(q{ UPDATE mailboxes SET subscribed = ? WHERE idx = ? }); foreach my $name (qw/local remote/) { foreach my $mbx (keys %{$IMAP->{$name}->{mailboxes}}) { $mbx = mbx_unname($name, $mbx); # exclude ignored mailboxes (taken from the default config as it doesn't # make sense to ignore mailboxes from one side but not the other next if !@ARGV and defined $CONF->{_}->{"ignore-mailbox"} and $mbx =~ /$CONF->{_}->{"ignore-mailbox"}/o; $mailboxes{$mbx} = 1; } } foreach my $mailbox (keys %mailboxes) { my ($lMailbox, $rMailbox) = map {mbx_name($_, $mailbox)} qw/local remote/; my $lExists = mbx_exists("local", $lMailbox); my $rExists = mbx_exists("remote", $rMailbox); next unless $lExists or $rExists; push @mailboxes, $mailbox; my ($idx, $subscribed) = db_get_mailbox_idx($mailbox); if ($lExists and $rExists) { # $mailbox exists on both sides my $lSubscribed = mbx_subscribed("local", $lMailbox); my $rSubscribed = mbx_subscribed("remote", $rMailbox); if (defined $idx) { if ($lSubscribed xor $rSubscribed) { # mailbox is subscribed on only one server if ($subscribed) { # unsubscribe my ($imap, $mbx) = $lSubscribed ? ($lIMAP, $lMailbox) : ($rIMAP, $rMailbox); $imap->unsubscribe($mbx); } else { # subscribe my ($imap, $mbx) = $lSubscribed ? ($rIMAP, $rMailbox) : ($lIMAP, $lMailbox); $imap->subscribe($mbx); } # toggle subscribtion in the database $subscribed = $subscribed ? 0 : 1; $sth_subscribe->bind_param(1, $subscribed, SQL_BOOLEAN); $sth_subscribe->bind_param(2, $idx, SQL_INTEGER); $sth_subscribe->execute(); $DBH->commit(); } # $mailbox is either subscribed on both servers, or unsubscribed on both elsif ($lSubscribed xor $subscribed) { # $lSubscribed == $rSubscribed but database needs updating $sth_subscribe->bind_param(1, $lSubscribed, SQL_BOOLEAN); $sth_subscribe->bind_param(2, $idx, SQL_INTEGER); $sth_subscribe->execute(); $DBH->commit(); } } else { # add new mailbox; subscribe on both servers if $mailbox is subscribed on one of them my $subscribed = ($lSubscribed or $rSubscribed) ? 1 : 0; db_create_mailbox($mailbox, $subscribed); $IMAP->{local}->{client}->subscribe($lMailbox) if $subscribed and !$lSubscribed; $IMAP->{remote}->{client}->subscribe($rMailbox) if $subscribed and !$rSubscribed; $DBH->commit(); } } elsif ($lExists or $rExists) { # $mailbox is on one server only fail("database", fmt("Mailbox %d exists. Run `$NAME --target=database --delete %d` to delete.", $mailbox, $mailbox)) if defined $idx; my ($name1, $name2, $mbx1, $mbx2) = $lExists ? ("local", "remote", $lMailbox, $rMailbox) : ("remote", "local", $rMailbox, $lMailbox); my $subscribed = mbx_subscribed($name1, $mbx1); db_create_mailbox($mailbox, $subscribed); $IMAP->{$name2}->{client}->create($mbx2, 1); $IMAP->{$name2}->{client}->subscribe($mbx2) if $subscribed; $DBH->commit(); } } return @mailboxes; } ($lIMAP, $rIMAP) = map {$IMAP->{$_}->{client}} qw/local remote/; my @MAILBOXES = sync_mailbox_list(); my $ATTRS = join ' ', qw/MODSEQ FLAGS INTERNALDATE BODY.PEEK[]/; ############################################################################# # Synchronize messages # Download some missing UIDs from $source; returns the new allocated UIDs sub download_missing($$$@) { my $idx = shift; my $mailbox = shift; my $source = shift; my @set = @_; my @uids; my ($target, $f) = $source eq 'local' ? ('remote', '%l') : ('local', '%r'); my $prefix = fmt("%s($f)", $source, $mailbox) unless $CONFIG{quiet}; my ($buff, $bufflen) = ([], 0); undef $buff if ($target eq 'local' ? $lIMAP : $rIMAP)->incapable('MULTIAPPEND'); ($source eq 'local' ? $lIMAP : $rIMAP)->fetch(compact_set(@set), "($ATTRS ENVELOPE)", sub($) { my $mail = shift; return unless exists $mail->{RFC822}; # not for us unless ($CONFIG{quiet}) { my $from = first { defined $_ and @$_ } @{$mail->{ENVELOPE}}[2,3,4]; $from = (defined $from and defined $from->[0]->[2] and defined $from->[0]->[3]) ? $from->[0]->[2].'@'.$from->[0]->[3] : ''; msg($prefix, "UID $mail->{UID} from <$from> ($mail->{INTERNALDATE})"); } callback_new_message($idx, $mailbox, $source, $mail, \@uids, $buff, \$bufflen) }); push @uids, callback_new_message_flush($idx, $mailbox, $source, @$buff) if defined $buff and @$buff; return @uids; } # Solve a flag update conflict (by taking the union of the two flag lists). sub flag_conflict($$$$$) { my ($mailbox, $lUID, $lFlags, $rUID, $rFlags) = @_; my %flags = map {$_ => 1} (split(/ /, $lFlags), split(/ /, $rFlags)); my $flags = join ' ', sort(keys %flags); msg(undef, fmt("WARNING: Conflicting flag update in %d for local UID $lUID (%s) ". "and remote UID $rUID (%s). Setting both to the union (%s).", $mailbox, $lFlags, $rFlags, $flags)); return $flags } # Delete a mapping ($idx, $lUID) from the database # WARN: Never commit before the messages have been EXPUNGEd on both sides! sub delete_mapping($$) { my ($idx, $lUID) = @_; state $sth = $DBH->prepare(q{ DELETE FROM mapping WHERE idx = ? and lUID = ? }); $sth->bind_param(1, $idx, SQL_INTEGER); $sth->bind_param(2, $lUID, SQL_INTEGER); my $r = $sth->execute(); die if $r > 1; # safety check (even if we have a UNIQUE constraint) msg('database', "WARNING: Can't delete (idx,lUID) = ($idx,$lUID)") if $r == 0; } # Create a sample (sequence numbers, UIDs) to use as Message Sequence # Match Data for the QRESYNC parameter to the SELECT command. # QRESYNC [RFC7162] doesn't force the server to remember the MODSEQs of # EXPUNGEd messages. By passing a sample of known sequence numbers/UIDs # we let the server know that the messages have been EXPUNGEd [RFC7162, # section]. # The UID set is the largest set of higest UIDs with at most 1024 UIDs, # of length (once compacted) at most 64. # The reason why we sample with the highest UIDs is that lowest UIDs are # less likely to be deleted. sub sample($$) { my ($count, $sth) = @_; return unless $count > 0; my ($n, $uids, $min, $max); $sth->execute(); # /!\ assume placeholders are bound already while (defined (my $row = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref())) { my $k = $row->[0]; if (!defined $min and !defined $max) { $n = 0; $min = $max = $k; } elsif ($k == $min - 1) { $min--; } else { $n += $max - $min + 1; $uids = ($min == $max ? $min : "$min:$max") .(defined $uids ? ','.$uids : ''); $min = $max = $k; if (length($uids) > 64) { $sth->finish(); # done with the statement last; } } } if (!defined $uids or length($uids) <= 64) { $n += $max - $min + 1; $uids = ($min == $max ? $min : "$min:$max") . (defined $uids ? ','.$uids : ''); } die unless $n <= $count; # impossible return ( ($count - $n + 1).':'.$count, $uids ); } # Issue a SELECT command with the given $mailbox. sub select_mbx($$) { my ($idx, $mailbox) = @_; # Count messages state $sth_count_messages = $DBH->prepare(q{ SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mapping WHERE idx = ? }); $sth_count_messages->bind_param(1, $idx, SQL_INTEGER); $sth_count_messages->execute(); my ($count) = $sth_count_messages->fetchrow_array(); $sth_count_messages->finish(); # List last 1024 messages UIDs state $sth_last_lUIDs = $DBH->prepare(q{ SELECT lUID FROM mapping WHERE idx = ? ORDER BY lUID DESC LIMIT 1024 }); state $sth_last_rUIDs = $DBH->prepare(q{ SELECT rUID FROM mapping WHERE idx = ? ORDER BY rUID DESC LIMIT 1024 }); $_->bind_param(1, $idx, SQL_INTEGER) foreach ($sth_last_lUIDs, $sth_last_rUIDs); $lIMAP->select(mbx_name(local => $mailbox), sample($count, $sth_last_lUIDs)); $rIMAP->select(mbx_name(remote => $mailbox), sample($count, $sth_last_rUIDs)); } # Check and repair synchronization of a mailbox between the two servers # (in a very crude way, by downloading all existing UID with their flags) sub repair($) { my $mailbox = shift; my $idx = db_get_mailbox_idx($mailbox) // return; # not in the database my $cache = db_get_cache_by_idx($idx) // return; # no cache # don't use select_mbx() as we don't need to sample here $lIMAP->select(mbx_name(local => $mailbox)); $rIMAP->select(mbx_name(remote => $mailbox)); # get all existing UID with their flags my ($lVanished, $lModified) = $lIMAP->pull_updates(1); my ($rVanished, $rModified) = $rIMAP->pull_updates(1); my (%lVanished, %rVanished); $lVanished{$_} = 1 foreach @$lVanished; $rVanished{$_} = 1 foreach @$rVanished; my (@lToRemove, %lToUpdate, @lMissing); my (@rToRemove, %rToUpdate, @rMissing); my @delete_mapping; # process each pair ($lUID,$rUID) found in the mapping table for the given index, # and compare with the result from the IMAP servers to detect anomalies state $sth_get_mappings = $DBH->prepare(q{ SELECT lUID,rUID FROM mapping WHERE idx = ? }); $sth_get_mappings->bind_param(1, $idx, SQL_INTEGER); $sth_get_mappings->execute(); while (defined (my $row = $sth_get_mappings->fetchrow_arrayref())) { my ($lUID, $rUID) = @$row; if (defined (my $l = $lModified->{$lUID}) and defined (my $r = $rModified->{$rUID})) { # both $lUID and $rUID are known; see sync_known_messages # for the sync algorithm my ($lModSeq, $lFlags) = @$l; my ($rModSeq, $rFlags) = @$r; if ($lFlags eq $rFlags) { # no conflict, whee } elsif ($lModSeq <= $cache->{lHIGHESTMODSEQ} and $rModSeq > $cache->{rHIGHESTMODSEQ}) { # set $lUID to $rFlags $lToUpdate{$rFlags} //= []; push @{$lToUpdate{$rFlags}}, $lUID; } elsif ($lModSeq > $cache->{lHIGHESTMODSEQ} and $rModSeq <= $cache->{rHIGHESTMODSEQ}) { # set $rUID to $lFlags $rToUpdate{$lFlags} //= []; push @{$rToUpdate{$lFlags}}, $rUID; } else { # conflict msg(undef, fmt("WARNING: Missed flag update in %d for (lUID,rUID) = ($lUID,$rUID). Repairing.", $mailbox)) if $lModSeq <= $cache->{lHIGHESTMODSEQ} and $rModSeq <= $cache->{rHIGHESTMODSEQ}; # set both $lUID and $rUID to the union of $lFlags and $rFlags my $flags = flag_conflict($mailbox, $lUID => $lFlags, $rUID => $rFlags); $lToUpdate{$flags} //= []; push @{$lToUpdate{$flags}}, $lUID; $rToUpdate{$flags} //= []; push @{$rToUpdate{$flags}}, $rUID; } } elsif (!defined $lModified->{$lUID} and !defined $rModified->{$rUID}) { push @delete_mapping, $lUID; msg(undef, fmt("WARNING: Pair (lUID,rUID) = ($lUID,$rUID) vanished from %d. Repairing.", $mailbox)) unless $lVanished{$lUID} and $rVanished{$rUID}; } elsif (!defined $lModified->{$lUID}) { push @delete_mapping, $lUID; if ($lVanished{$lUID}) { push @rToRemove, $rUID; } else { msg(fmt("local(%l)", $mailbox), "WARNING: UID $lUID disappeared. Downloading remote UID $rUID again."); push @rMissing, $rUID; } } elsif (!defined $rModified->{$rUID}) { push @delete_mapping, $lUID; if ($rVanished{$rUID}) { push @lToRemove, $lUID; } else { msg(fmt("remote(%r)",$mailbox), "WARNING: UID $rUID disappeared. Downloading local UID $lUID again."); push @lMissing, $lUID; } } delete $lModified->{$lUID}; delete $lVanished{$lUID}; delete $rModified->{$rUID}; delete $rVanished{$rUID}; } # remove messages on the IMAP side; will increase HIGHESTMODSEQ $lIMAP->remove_message(@lToRemove) if @lToRemove; $rIMAP->remove_message(@rToRemove) if @rToRemove; # remove entries in the table delete_mapping($idx, $_) foreach @delete_mapping; $DBH->commit() if @delete_mapping; # push flag updates; will increase HIGHESTMODSEQ while (my ($lFlags,$lUIDs) = each %lToUpdate) { $lIMAP->push_flag_updates($lFlags, @$lUIDs); } while (my ($rFlags,$rUIDs) = each %rToUpdate) { $rIMAP->push_flag_updates($rFlags, @$rUIDs); } # Process UID found in IMAP but not in the mapping table. my @lDunno = keys %lVanished; my @rDunno = keys %rVanished; msg(fmt("remote(%r)",$mailbox), "WARNING: No match for ".($#lDunno+1)." vanished local UID(s) " .compact_set(@lDunno).". Ignoring.") if @lDunno; msg(fmt("local(%l)",$mailbox), "WARNING: No match for ".($#rDunno+1)." vanished remote UID(s) " .compact_set(@rDunno).". Ignoring.") if @rDunno; foreach my $lUID (keys %$lModified) { msg(fmt("remote(%r)",$mailbox), "WARNING: No match for modified local UID $lUID. Downloading again."); push @lMissing, $lUID; } foreach my $rUID (keys %$rModified) { msg(fmt("local(%l)",$mailbox), "WARNING: No match for modified remote UID $rUID. Downloading again."); push @rMissing, $rUID; } # download missing UIDs; will increase UIDNEXT and HIGHESTMODSEQ my @rIgnore = download_missing($idx, $mailbox, 'local', @lMissing) if @lMissing; my @lIgnore = download_missing($idx, $mailbox, 'remote', @rMissing) if @rMissing; # download new messages; this will also update UIDNEXT and HIGHESTMODSEQ in the database sync_messages($idx, $mailbox, \@lIgnore, \@rIgnore); } # Sync known messages. Since pull_updates is the last method call on # $lIMAP and $rIMAP, it is safe to call get_cache on either object after # this function, in order to update the HIGHESTMODSEQ. # Return true if an update was detected, and false otherwise sub sync_known_messages($$) { my ($idx, $mailbox) = @_; my $update = 0; # Find local/remote UID from the mapping table. state $sth_get_local_uid = $DBH->prepare(q{ SELECT lUID FROM mapping WHERE idx = ? and rUID = ? }); state $sth_get_remote_uid = $DBH->prepare(q{ SELECT rUID FROM mapping WHERE idx = ? and lUID = ? }); # loop since processing might produce VANISHED or unsolicited FETCH responses while (1) { my ($lVanished, $lModified, $rVanished, $rModified); ($lVanished, $lModified) = $lIMAP->pull_updates(); ($rVanished, $rModified) = $rIMAP->pull_updates(); # repeat until we have nothing pending return $update unless %$lModified or %$rModified or @$lVanished or @$rVanished; $update = 1; # process VANISHED messages # /!\ this might modify the VANISHED or MODIFIED cache! if (@$lVanished or @$rVanished) { my %lVanished = map {$_ => 1} @$lVanished; my %rVanished = map {$_ => 1} @$rVanished; # For each vanished UID, get the corresponding one on the # other side (from the DB); consider it as to be removed if # it hasn't been removed already. my (@lToRemove, @rToRemove, @lDunno, @rDunno); foreach my $lUID (@$lVanished) { $sth_get_remote_uid->bind_param(1, $idx, SQL_INTEGER); $sth_get_remote_uid->bind_param(2, $lUID, SQL_INTEGER); $sth_get_remote_uid->execute(); my ($rUID) = $sth_get_remote_uid->fetchrow_array(); die if defined $sth_get_remote_uid->fetch(); # safety check if (!defined $rUID) { push @lDunno, $lUID; } elsif (!exists $rVanished{$rUID}) { push @rToRemove, $rUID; } } foreach my $rUID (@$rVanished) { $sth_get_local_uid->bind_param(1, $idx, SQL_INTEGER); $sth_get_local_uid->bind_param(2, $rUID, SQL_INTEGER); $sth_get_local_uid->execute(); my ($lUID) = $sth_get_local_uid->fetchrow_array(); die if defined $sth_get_local_uid->fetch(); # safety check if (!defined $lUID) { push @rDunno, $rUID; } elsif (!exists $lVanished{$lUID}) { push @lToRemove, $lUID; } } msg(fmt("remote(%r)",$mailbox), "WARNING: No match for ".($#lDunno+1)." vanished local UID(s) " .compact_set(@lDunno).". Ignoring.") if @lDunno; msg(fmt("local(%l)",$mailbox), "WARNING: No match for ".($#rDunno+1)." vanished remote UID(s) " .compact_set(@rDunno).". Ignoring.") if @rDunno; $lIMAP->remove_message(@lToRemove) if @lToRemove; $rIMAP->remove_message(@rToRemove) if @rToRemove; # remove existing mappings foreach my $lUID (@$lVanished, @lToRemove) { delete_mapping($idx, $lUID); } } # process FLAG updates # /!\ this might modify the VANISHED or MODIFIED cache! if (%$lModified or %$rModified) { my (%lToUpdate, %rToUpdate); # Take flags updates on both sides, and get the # corresponding UIDs on the other side (from the DB). # If it wasn't modified there, make it such; if it was # modified with the same flags list, ignore that message; # otherwise there is a conflict, and take the union. # # Group by flags in order to limit the number of round # trips. while (my ($lUID,$lFlags) = each %$lModified) { $sth_get_remote_uid->bind_param(1, $idx, SQL_INTEGER); $sth_get_remote_uid->bind_param(2, $lUID, SQL_INTEGER); $sth_get_remote_uid->execute(); my ($rUID) = $sth_get_remote_uid->fetchrow_array(); die if defined $sth_get_remote_uid->fetch(); # safety check if (!defined $rUID) { msg(fmt("remote(%r)",$mailbox), "WARNING: No match for modified local UID $lUID. Try '--repair'."); } elsif (defined (my $rFlags = $rModified->{$rUID})) { unless ($lFlags eq $rFlags) { my $flags = flag_conflict($mailbox, $lUID => $lFlags, $rUID => $rFlags); $lToUpdate{$flags} //= []; push @{$lToUpdate{$flags}}, $lUID; $rToUpdate{$flags} //= []; push @{$rToUpdate{$flags}}, $rUID; } } else { $rToUpdate{$lFlags} //= []; push @{$rToUpdate{$lFlags}}, $rUID; } } while (my ($rUID,$rFlags) = each %$rModified) { $sth_get_local_uid->bind_param(1, $idx, SQL_INTEGER); $sth_get_local_uid->bind_param(2, $rUID, SQL_INTEGER); $sth_get_local_uid->execute(); my ($lUID) = $sth_get_local_uid->fetchrow_array(); die if defined $sth_get_local_uid->fetch(); # safety check if (!defined $lUID) { msg(fmt("local(%l)",$mailbox), "WARNING: No match for modified remote UID $rUID. Try '--repair'."); } elsif (!exists $lModified->{$lUID}) { # conflicts are taken care of above $lToUpdate{$rFlags} //= []; push @{$lToUpdate{$rFlags}}, $lUID; } } while (my ($lFlags,$lUIDs) = each %lToUpdate) { $lIMAP->push_flag_updates($lFlags, @$lUIDs); } while (my ($rFlags,$rUIDs) = each %rToUpdate) { $rIMAP->push_flag_updates($rFlags, @$rUIDs); } } } } # The callback to use when FETCHing new messages from $name to add it to # the other one. # If defined, the array reference $UIDs will be fed with the newly added # UIDs. # If defined, $buff contains the list of messages to be appended with # MULTIAPPEND. In that case callback_new_message_flush should be called # after the FETCH. sub callback_new_message($$$$;$$$) { my ($idx, $mailbox, $name, $mail, $UIDs, $buff, $bufflen) = @_; return unless exists $mail->{RFC822}; # not for us my $length = length ${$mail->{RFC822}}; if ($length == 0) { my $prefix = $name eq "local" ? "local(%l)" : "remote(%r)"; msg(fmt($prefix, $mailbox), "WARNING: Ignoring new 0-length message (UID $mail->{UID})"); return; } my @UIDs; unless (defined $buff) { @UIDs = callback_new_message_flush($idx, $mailbox, $name, $mail); } else { # use MULTIAPPEND (RFC 3502) # proceed by batches of 1MB to save roundtrips without blowing up the memory if (@$buff and $$bufflen + $length > 1048576) { @UIDs = callback_new_message_flush($idx, $mailbox, $name, @$buff); @$buff = (); $$bufflen = 0; } push @$buff, $mail; $$bufflen += $length; } push @$UIDs, @UIDs if defined $UIDs; } # Add the given @messages (multiple messages are only allowed for # MULTIAPPEND-capable servers) from $name to the other server. # Returns the list of newly allocated UIDs. sub callback_new_message_flush($$$@) { my ($idx, $mailbox, $name, @messages) = @_; my $target = $name eq "local" ? "remote" : "local"; my $imap = $target eq "local" ? $lIMAP : $rIMAP; # target client my @sUID = map {$_->{UID}} @messages; my @tUID = $imap->append(mbx_name($target, $mailbox), @messages); die unless $#sUID == $#tUID; # sanity check state $sth = $DBH->prepare(q{ INSERT INTO mapping (idx,lUID,rUID) VALUES (?,?,?) }); my ($lUIDs, $rUIDs) = $name eq 'local' ? (\@sUID,\@tUID) : (\@tUID,\@sUID); for (my $k=0; $k<=$#messages; $k++) { logger(undef, fmt("Adding mapping (lUID,rUID) = ($lUIDs->[$k],$rUIDs->[$k]) for %d", $mailbox)) if $CONFIG{debug}; $sth->bind_param(1, $idx, SQL_INTEGER); $sth->bind_param(2, $lUIDs->[$k], SQL_INTEGER); $sth->bind_param(3, $rUIDs->[$k], SQL_INTEGER); $sth->execute(); } $DBH->commit(); # commit only once per batch return @tUID; } # Sync both known and new messages # If the array references $lIgnore and $rIgnore are not empty, skip # the given UIDs. sub sync_messages($$;$$) { my ($idx, $mailbox, $lIgnore, $rIgnore) = @_; my %ignore = (local => ($lIgnore // []), remote => ($rIgnore // [])); my $loop; do { # get new messages from $source (except @{$ignore{$source}}) and APPEND them to $target foreach my $source (qw/remote local/) { # pull remote mails first my $target = $source eq 'remote' ? 'local' : 'remote'; my $buff = [] unless ($target eq 'local' ? $lIMAP : $rIMAP)->incapable('MULTIAPPEND'); my $bufflen = 0; my @tUIDs; ($source eq 'remote' ? $rIMAP : $lIMAP)->pull_new_messages($ATTRS, sub($) { callback_new_message($idx, $mailbox, $source, shift, \@tUIDs, $buff, \$bufflen) }, @{$ignore{$source}}); push @tUIDs, callback_new_message_flush($idx, $mailbox, $source, @$buff) if defined $buff and @$buff; push @{$ignore{$target}}, @tUIDs; $loop = @tUIDs ? 1 : 0; } # since $source modifies $target's UIDNEXT upon new mails, we # need to check again the first $source (remote) whenever the # last one (local) added new messages to it } while ($loop); # both local and remote UIDNEXT are now up to date; proceed with # pending flag updates and vanished messages sync_known_messages($idx, $mailbox); # don't store the new UIDNEXTs before to avoid downloading these # mails again in the event of a crash state $sth_update_local = $DBH->prepare(q{ UPDATE local SET UIDNEXT = ?, HIGHESTMODSEQ = ? WHERE idx = ? }); state $sth_update_remote = $DBH->prepare(q{ UPDATE remote SET UIDNEXT = ?, HIGHESTMODSEQ = ? WHERE idx = ? }); my ($lUIDNEXT, $lHIGHESTMODSEQ) = $lIMAP->get_cache(qw/UIDNEXT HIGHESTMODSEQ/); $sth_update_local->bind_param(1, $lUIDNEXT, SQL_INTEGER); $sth_update_local->bind_param(2, sprintf("%lld", $lHIGHESTMODSEQ), SQL_BIGINT); $sth_update_local->bind_param(3, $idx, SQL_INTEGER); $sth_update_local->execute(); my ($rUIDNEXT, $rHIGHESTMODSEQ) = $rIMAP->get_cache(qw/UIDNEXT HIGHESTMODSEQ/); $sth_update_remote->bind_param(1, $rUIDNEXT, SQL_INTEGER); $sth_update_remote->bind_param(2, sprintf("%lld", $rHIGHESTMODSEQ), SQL_BIGINT); $sth_update_remote->bind_param(3, $idx, SQL_INTEGER); $sth_update_remote->execute(); $DBH->commit(); } ############################################################################# # Resume interrupted mailbox syncs (before initializing the cache). # my ($MAILBOX, $IDX); # current mailbox, and its index in our database sub db_get_cache_by_idx($) { my $idx = shift; state $sth = $DBH->prepare(q{ SELECT l.UIDVALIDITY AS lUIDVALIDITY, l.UIDNEXT AS lUIDNEXT, l.HIGHESTMODSEQ AS lHIGHESTMODSEQ, r.UIDVALIDITY AS rUIDVALIDITY, r.UIDNEXT AS rUIDNEXT, r.HIGHESTMODSEQ AS rHIGHESTMODSEQ FROM local l JOIN remote r ON l.idx = r.idx WHERE l.idx = ? }); $sth->bind_param(1, $idx, SQL_INTEGER); $sth->execute(); my $cache = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(); die if defined $sth->fetch(); # safety check if (defined $cache) { $cache->{$_} = sprintf("%llu", $cache->{$_}) foreach qw/lHIGHESTMODSEQ rHIGHESTMODSEQ/; } return $cache; } { # Get the list of interrupted mailbox syncs. my $sth_list = $DBH->prepare(q{ SELECT mbx.idx, mailbox FROM mailboxes mbx JOIN local l ON mbx.idx = l.idx JOIN remote r ON mbx.idx = r.idx JOIN mapping ON mbx.idx = mapping.idx WHERE (lUID >= l.UIDNEXT OR rUID >= r.UIDNEXT) GROUP BY mbx.idx }); # For an interrupted mailbox sync, get the pairs (lUID,rUID) that have # already been downloaded. my $sth_get_by_idx = $DBH->prepare(q{ SELECT lUID, rUID FROM mapping m JOIN local l ON m.idx = l.idx JOIN remote r ON m.idx = r.idx WHERE (lUID >= l.UIDNEXT OR rUID >= r.UIDNEXT) AND m.idx = ? }); $sth_list->execute(); while (defined (my $row = $sth_list->fetchrow_arrayref())) { next unless grep { $_ eq $row->[1] } @MAILBOXES; # skip ignored mailboxes ($IDX, $MAILBOX) = @$row; msg(undef, fmt("Resuming interrupted sync for %d", $MAILBOX)); my $cache = db_get_cache_by_idx($IDX) // die; # safety check my ($lMailbox, $rMailbox) = map {mbx_name($_, $MAILBOX)} qw/local remote/; my %lUIDs; $sth_get_by_idx->bind_param(1, $IDX, SQL_INTEGER); $sth_get_by_idx->execute(); while (defined (my $row = $sth_get_by_idx->fetchrow_arrayref())) { $lUIDs{$row->[0]} = $row->[1]; # pair ($lUID, $rUID) } die unless %lUIDs; # sanity check $lIMAP->select($lMailbox); $rIMAP->select($rMailbox); # FETCH all messages with their FLAGS to detect messages that have # vanished meanwhile, or for which there was a flag update. my (%lList, %rList); # The lists of existing local and remote UIDs my $attrs = "(MODSEQ FLAGS)"; $lIMAP->fetch(compact_set(keys %lUIDs), $attrs, sub($){ $lList{shift->{UID}} = 1 }); $rIMAP->fetch(compact_set(values %lUIDs), $attrs, sub($){ $rList{shift->{UID}} = 1 }); my (@lToRemove, @rToRemove); while (my ($lUID,$rUID) = each %lUIDs) { next if $lList{$lUID} and $rList{$rUID}; # exists on both push @lToRemove, $lUID if $lList{$lUID}; push @rToRemove, $rUID if $rList{$rUID}; delete_mapping($IDX, $lUID); } $lIMAP->remove_message(@lToRemove) if @lToRemove; $rIMAP->remove_message(@rToRemove) if @rToRemove; $DBH->commit() if @lToRemove or @rToRemove; # /!\ commit *after* remove_message! # ignore deleted messages delete @lList{@lToRemove}; delete @rList{@rToRemove}; # Resume the sync, but skip messages that have already been # downloaded. Flag updates will be processed automatically since # the _MODIFIED internal cache has been initialized with all our # UIDs. (Since there is no reliable HIGHESTMODSEQ, any flag # difference is treated as a conflict.) $lIMAP->set_cache($lMailbox, UIDVALIDITY => $cache->{lUIDVALIDITY}, UIDNEXT => $cache->{lUIDNEXT} ); $rIMAP->set_cache($rMailbox, UIDVALIDITY => $cache->{rUIDVALIDITY}, UIDNEXT => $cache->{rUIDNEXT} ); sync_messages($IDX, $MAILBOX, [keys %lList], [keys %rList]); } } ############################################################################# # Initialize $lIMAP and $rIMAP states to detect mailbox dirtyness. # my %KNOWN_INDEXES; { # Get all cached states from the database. my $sth = $DBH->prepare(q{ SELECT mailbox, m.idx AS idx, l.UIDVALIDITY AS lUIDVALIDITY, l.UIDNEXT AS lUIDNEXT, l.HIGHESTMODSEQ AS lHIGHESTMODSEQ, r.UIDVALIDITY AS rUIDVALIDITY, r.UIDNEXT AS rUIDNEXT, r.HIGHESTMODSEQ AS rHIGHESTMODSEQ FROM mailboxes m JOIN local l ON m.idx = l.idx JOIN remote r ON m.idx = r.idx }); $sth->execute(); while (defined (my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref())) { next unless grep {$row->{mailbox} eq $_} @MAILBOXES; $lIMAP->set_cache(mbx_name(local => $row->{mailbox}), UIDVALIDITY => $row->{lUIDVALIDITY}, UIDNEXT => $row->{lUIDNEXT}, HIGHESTMODSEQ => sprintf("%llu", $row->{lHIGHESTMODSEQ}) ); $rIMAP->set_cache(mbx_name(remote => $row->{mailbox}), UIDVALIDITY => $row->{rUIDVALIDITY}, UIDNEXT => $row->{rUIDNEXT}, HIGHESTMODSEQ => sprintf("%llu", $row->{rHIGHESTMODSEQ}) ); $KNOWN_INDEXES{$row->{idx}} = 1; } } if (defined $COMMAND and $COMMAND eq 'repair') { repair($_) foreach @MAILBOXES; exit 0; } if ($CONFIG{notify}) { # Be notified of new messages with EXISTS/RECENT responses, but don't # receive unsolicited FETCH responses with a RFC822/BODY[]. It costs us an # extra roundtrip, but we need to sync FLAG updates and VANISHED responses # in batch mode, update the HIGHESTMODSEQ, and *then* issue an explicit UID # FETCH command to get new message, and process each FETCH response with a # RFC822/BODY[] attribute as they arrive. foreach my $name (qw/local remote/) { my $mailboxes = join(' ', map {Net::IMAP::InterIMAP::quote(mbx_name($name, $_))} @MAILBOXES); my %mailboxes = map { $_ => [qw/MessageNew MessageExpunge FlagChange/] } ( "MAILBOXES ($mailboxes)", 'SELECTED' ); my %personal = ( personal => [qw/MailboxName SubscriptionChange/] ); my $imap = $name eq "local" ? $lIMAP : $rIMAP; # require STATUS responses for our @MAILBOXES only $imap->notify('SET STATUS', %mailboxes); $imap->notify('SET', %mailboxes, %personal); } } sub loop() { state $sth_insert_local = $DBH->prepare(q{ INSERT INTO local (idx,UIDVALIDITY,UIDNEXT,HIGHESTMODSEQ) VALUES (?,?,0,0) }); state $sth_insert_remote = $DBH->prepare(q{ INSERT INTO remote (idx,UIDVALIDITY,UIDNEXT,HIGHESTMODSEQ) VALUES (?,?,0,0) }); state $sth_update_local_highestmodseq = $DBH->prepare(q{ UPDATE local SET HIGHESTMODSEQ = ? WHERE idx = ? }); state $sth_update_remote_highestmodseq = $DBH->prepare(q{ UPDATE remote SET HIGHESTMODSEQ = ? WHERE idx = ? }); while(@MAILBOXES) { if (defined $MAILBOX and ($lIMAP->is_dirty(mbx_name(local => $MAILBOX)) or $rIMAP->is_dirty(mbx_name(remote => $MAILBOX)))) { # $MAILBOX is dirty on either the local or remote mailbox sync_messages($IDX, $MAILBOX); } else { $MAILBOX = mbx_unname(local => $lIMAP->next_dirty_mailbox(map {mbx_name(local => $_)} @MAILBOXES)) // mbx_unname(remote => $rIMAP->next_dirty_mailbox(map {mbx_name(remote => $_)} @MAILBOXES)) // last; $IDX = db_get_mailbox_idx($MAILBOX) // die; # safety check select_mbx($IDX, $MAILBOX); if (!$KNOWN_INDEXES{$IDX}) { my $lUIDVALIDITY = $lIMAP->uidvalidity(mbx_name(local => $MAILBOX)); $sth_insert_local->bind_param(1, $IDX, SQL_INTEGER); $sth_insert_local->bind_param(2, $lUIDVALIDITY, SQL_INTEGER); $sth_insert_local->execute(); my $rUIDVALIDITY = $rIMAP->uidvalidity(mbx_name(remote => $MAILBOX)); $sth_insert_remote->bind_param(1, $IDX, SQL_INTEGER); $sth_insert_remote->bind_param(2, $rUIDVALIDITY, SQL_INTEGER); $sth_insert_remote->execute(); # no need to commit before the first mapping (lUID,rUID) $KNOWN_INDEXES{$IDX} = 1; } elsif (sync_known_messages($IDX, $MAILBOX)) { # sync updates to known messages before fetching new messages # get_cache is safe after pull_update my $lHIGHESTMODSEQ = sprintf "%lld", $lIMAP->get_cache(qw/HIGHESTMODSEQ/); $sth_update_local_highestmodseq->bind_param(1, $lHIGHESTMODSEQ, SQL_BIGINT); $sth_update_local_highestmodseq->bind_param(2, $IDX, SQL_INTEGER); $sth_update_local_highestmodseq->execute(); my $rHIGHESTMODSEQ = sprintf "%lld", $rIMAP->get_cache(qw/HIGHESTMODSEQ/); $sth_update_remote_highestmodseq->bind_param(1, $rHIGHESTMODSEQ, SQL_BIGINT); $sth_update_remote_highestmodseq->bind_param(2, $IDX, SQL_INTEGER); $sth_update_remote_highestmodseq->execute(); $DBH->commit(); } sync_messages($IDX, $MAILBOX); } } } sub notify(@) { # TODO: interpret LIST responses to detect mailbox # creation/deletion/subcription/unsubscription # mailbox creation # * LIST () "/" test # mailbox subscribtion # * LIST (\Subscribed) "/" test # mailbox unsubscribtion # * LIST () "/" test # mailbox renaming # * LIST () "/" test2 ("OLDNAME" (test)) # mailbox deletion # * LIST (\NonExistent) "/" test2 unless (Net::IMAP::InterIMAP::slurp(\@_, $CONFIG{watch}, \&Net::IMAP::InterIMAP::is_dirty)) { $_->noop() foreach @_; } } unless (defined $CONFIG{watch}) { loop(); exit 0; } while (1) { loop(); if ($CONFIG{notify}) { notify($lIMAP, $rIMAP); } else { # we need to issue a NOOP command or go back to AUTH state since the # LIST command may not report the correct HIGHESTMODSEQ value for # the mailbox currently selected # RFC3501: "The STATUS command MUST NOT be used as a "check for # new messages in the selected mailbox" operation" if (defined $MAILBOX) { # Prefer UNSELECT over NOOP commands as it requires a single command per cycle if ($lIMAP->incapable('UNSELECT') or $rIMAP->incapable('UNSELECT')) { $_->noop() foreach ($lIMAP, $rIMAP); } else { $_->unselect() foreach ($lIMAP, $rIMAP); undef $MAILBOX; } } sleep $CONFIG{watch}; # refresh the mailbox list and status list_mailboxes($_) for qw/local remote/; @MAILBOXES = sync_mailbox_list(); } } END { cleanup(); }