# pre-create some mailboxes and susbscribe to some
#  foo: present on both, subscribed to both
#  bar: present on both, subscribed to local only
#  baz: present on both, subscribed to remote only
#  foo.bar: present on local only
#  foo.baz: present on remote only
doveadm -u "local"  mailbox create    "foo" "bar" "baz" "foo.bar" "fo!o [b*a%r]"
doveadm -u "local"  mailbox subscribe "foo" "bar"
doveadm -u "remote" mailbox create    "foo" "bar" "baz" "foo~baz" "foo]bar"
doveadm -u "remote" mailbox subscribe "foo" "baz"

xgrep -Fx "local: Subscribe to baz" <"$STDERR"
xgrep -Fx "remote: Subscribe to bar" <"$STDERR"
xgrep -Fx "local: Created mailbox foo.baz" <"$STDERR"
xgrep -Fx "remote: Created mailbox foo~bar" <"$STDERR"

# check syncing
check_mailboxes_status "foo" "bar" "baz" "foo.bar" "foo.baz" "INBOX" "fo!o [b*a%r]" "foo]bar"
check_mailbox_list -s

# delete a mailbox one server and verify that synchronization fails as it's still in the database
doveadm -u "remote" mailbox delete "foo~baz"
! interimap
xgrep -Fx 'database: ERROR: Mailbox foo.baz exists. Run `interimap --target=database --delete foo.baz` to delete.' <"$STDERR"
interimap --target="database" --delete "foo.baz"
xgrep -Fx 'database: Removed mailbox foo.baz' <"$STDERR"
interimap # create again
xgrep -Fx 'database: Created mailbox foo.baz' <"$STDERR"
xgrep -Fx 'remote: Created mailbox foo~baz' <"$STDERR"

doveadm -u "local" mailbox delete "foo.bar"
! interimap
xgrep -Fx 'database: ERROR: Mailbox foo.bar exists. Run `interimap --target=database --delete foo.bar` to delete.' <"$STDERR"
interimap --target="database" --delete "foo.bar"
xgrep -Fx 'database: Removed mailbox foo.bar' <"$STDERR"
xgrep -Fx 'database: Created mailbox foo.bar' <"$STDERR"
xgrep -Fx 'local: Created mailbox foo.bar' <"$STDERR"

check_mailboxes_status "foo" "bar" "baz" "foo.bar" "foo.baz" "INBOX" "fo!o [b*a%r]" "foo]bar"
check_mailbox_list -s

# (un)subscribe from some mailboxes, including a non-existent one
doveadm -u "local"  mailbox unsubscribe "foo"
doveadm -u "remote" mailbox unsubscribe "bar"
doveadm -u "local"  mailbox subscribe "foo.bar" "foo.nonexistent" "foo.baz"
doveadm -u "remote" mailbox subscribe "foo~bar" "bar~nonexistent"

xgrep -Fx 'remote: Unsubscribe to foo' <"$STDERR"
xgrep -Fx 'local: Unsubscribe to bar' <"$STDERR"
xgrep -Fx 'remote: Subscribe to foo~baz' <"$STDERR"
check_mailbox_list -s $(doveadm -u "local" mailbox list) # exclude "foo.nonexistent" and "bar~nonexistent"

# check that "baz", "foo.bar" and "foo.baz" are the only subscribed mailboxes
sqlite3 "$XDG_DATA_HOME/interimap/remote.db" >"$TMPDIR/count" <<-EOF
	  FROM mailboxes
	 WHERE subscribed <> (mailbox IN (
	    x'$(printf "%s" "baz" | xxd -ps)',
	    x'$(printf "%s\\0%s" "foo" "bar" | xxd -ps)',
	    x'$(printf "%s\\0%s" "foo" "baz" | xxd -ps)'
[ $(< "$TMPDIR/count") -eq 0 ]

# vim: set filetype=sh :