TIMEOUT=60 N=4096 # test CONDSTORE/QRESYNC (behavior) in UID STORE commands, in particular # the UNCHANGEDSINCE test: populate, keep assiging keywords at random, # and make sure interimap is able to reconciliate the changes # populate (with dummy messages to speed things up) only one server # before initializing interimap, so UIDs concide with sequence numbers # and are identical on both servers for ((i = 0; i < N; i++)); do deliver -u "local" <<< . done interimap_init # assign a set of 16 tags; not more because in order to maximize the # likelyhood of conflicts we want UID STORE commands to use large sets declare -a FLAGS=(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f) # start a long-lived interimap process interimap --watch=1 & PID=$! trap "ptree_abort $PID" EXIT INT TERM timer=$(( $(date +%s) + TIMEOUT )) while [ $(date +%s) -le $timer ]; do a="$(shuf -n1 -e "add" "remove" "replace")" u="$(shuf -n1 -e "local" "remote")" f="$(shuf -n1 -e "${FLAGS[@]}")" seqs="$(shuf -n$((N/8)) -i1-$N)" # trigger changes on 1/8 of all messages doveadm -u "$u" flags "$a" "$f" mailbox "INBOX" "${seqs//$'\n'/,}" sleep "0.0$(shuf -n1 -i10-99)" # 10 to 99ms done sleep 5 ptree_abort $PID trap - EXIT INT TERM # make sure the list of uids for a given tag match flagged_uids() { local u="$1" f="$2" doveadm -u "$u" search mailbox "INBOX" keyword "$f" | cut -d" " -f2 | sort -n } for f in "${FLAGS[@]}"; do diff --label="local/$f" --label="remote/$f" -u -- \ <(flagged_uids "local" "$f") <(flagged_uids "remote" "$f") || error "UID list differs for keyword '$f'" done # vim: set filetype=bash :