# create and populate some mailboxes locally
declare -a MAILBOXES=( "foo" "foo bar" "f\\\"o!o.bar" "f.o.o" )
doveadm -u "local" mailbox create -- "${MAILBOXES[@]}" "foobad" "baz" "INBOX"
for ((i = 0; i < 32; i++)); do
    m="$(shuf -n1 -e -- "${MAILBOXES[@]}" "foobad" "baz" "INBOX")"
    sample_message | deliver -u "local" -- -m "$m"

for m in "${MAILBOXES[@]}"; do
    grep -Fx "remote: Created mailbox ${m//./?}" <"$STDERR" || error "${m//./?}"
    grep -Fx "database: Created mailbox $m" <"$STDERR" || error

# also check inferiors in the list, but exclude "foobad" and "baz"
check_mailbox_list     "${MAILBOXES[@]}" "INBOX" "f\\\"o!o" "f" "f.o"
check_mailboxes_status "${MAILBOXES[@]}" || error

# double check that "foobad" and "baz" weren't created
! doveadm -u "remote" mailbox status uidvalidity "foobad" || error
! doveadm -u "remote" mailbox status uidvalidity "baz"    || error

# check that "foobad" and "INBOX" aren't in the database
sqlite3 "$XDG_DATA_HOME/interimap/remote.db" >"$TMPDIR/count" <<-EOF
	  FROM mailboxes
	 WHERE mailbox = x'$(printf "%s" "foobad" | xxd -u -ps)'
	    OR mailbox = x'$(printf "%s" "INBOX"  | xxd -u -ps)'
	    OR mailbox = x'$(printf "%s" "baz"    | xxd -u -ps)'
[ $(< "$TMPDIR/count") -eq 0 ] || error

# mailbox given on the command line overrides list-mailbox
sample_message | deliver -u "local" -- -m "foobad"
sample_message | deliver -u "local" -- -m "foo"
interimap "foobad" || error
! grep -F "remote(foo): Added 1 UID(s)" <"$STDERR" || error
check_mailbox_list "foobad"
check_mailbox_status "foobad"

interimap "foo" || error
grep -F "remote(foo): Added 1 UID(s)" <"$STDERR" || error
check_mailbox_status "foo"
! check_mailbox_list "baz"

# finally, try a bunch of invalid 'list-mailbox' values to test the parser:
# empty string, missing space between values, unterminated string
for v in '""' '"f o o""bar"' '"f o o" "bar" "baz\" x'; do
    sed -ri "s/^(list-mailbox\\s*=\\s*).*/\\1${v//\\/\\\\}/" \
    ! interimap || error
    grep -xF "Invalid value for list-mailbox: $v" <"$STDERR"

# vim: set filetype=sh :