X509_SHA256="$(doveconf -c "$HOME_remote/.dovecot/config" -hx ssl_cert \
    | openssl x509 -noout -fingerprint -sha256 \
    | sed -rn "/^.*=\\s*/ {s///p;q}" | tr -d : | tr "[A-Z]" "[a-z]")"

for ((i = 0; i < 32; i++)); do
    u="$(shuf -n1 -e "local" "remote")"
    sample_message | deliver -u "$u"

interimap --debug || error

# double check the presence of 'STARTTLS' in the preauth capability list
grep -oE -m1 '^remote: S: \* OK \[CAPABILITY IMAP4rev1( [^]]*)? AUTH=[^]]*\]' <"$STDERR" >"$TMPDIR/capability"

sed -ri 's/^remote: S: \* OK \[CAPABILITY (.*)\]$/\1/' "$TMPDIR/capability"
tr " " "\\n" <"$TMPDIR/capability" >"$TMPDIR/capabilities"
grep -Fx "IMAP4rev1" <"$TMPDIR/capabilities" || error
grep -Fx "STARTTLS"  <"$TMPDIR/capabilities" || error

# make sure we upgraded the connection and check the capability again
grep -Fx "remote: C: 000000 STARTTLS"   <"$STDERR" || error
grep -Fx "remote: C: 000001 CAPABILITY" <"$STDERR" || error

grep -Fx "remote: Peer certificate fingerprint: sha256\$$X509_SHA256" <"$STDERR" || error
grep "^remote: SSL protocol: TLSv" <"$STDERR" || error
grep "^remote: SSL cipher: " <"$STDERR" || error

check_mailbox_status "INBOX"

# vim: set filetype=sh :