diff options
authorGuilhem Moulin <guilhem@fripost.org>2016-12-01 00:16:18 +0100
committerGuilhem Moulin <guilhem@fripost.org>2016-12-01 00:16:18 +0100
commit27788fd4a399642eddbdb1934ccaa13f7fd00124 (patch)
parentdd1da2ac44a7eab89e9a17135367aa0915efad0b (diff)
Make lacme able to spawn lacme-accountd.
4 files changed, 159 insertions, 38 deletions
diff --git a/config/lacme.conf b/config/lacme.conf
index d64276c..23313c7 100644
--- a/config/lacme.conf
+++ b/config/lacme.conf
@@ -4,12 +4,15 @@
#config-certs = /etc/lacme/lacme-certs.conf
-# The value of "socket" specifies the lacme-accountd(1) UNIX-domain
-# socket to connect to for signature requests from the ACME client.
-# lacme(1) aborts if the socket is readable or writable by other users,
-# or if its parent directory is writable by other users.
+# The value of "socket" specifies the path to the lacme-accountd(1)
+# UNIX-domain socket to connect to for signature requests from the ACME
+# client. lacme(1) aborts if the socket is readable or writable by
+# other users, or if its parent directory is writable by other users.
# Default: "$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/S.lacme" if the XDG_RUNTIME_DIR environment
# variable is set.
+# This option is ignored when lacme-accountd(1) is spawned by lacme(1),
+# since the two processes communicate through a socket pair. See the
+# "accountd" section below for details.
#socket = /run/user/1000/S.lacme
@@ -83,4 +86,34 @@
#iptables = Yes
+# lacme-accound(1) section. Comment out the following section to make
+# lacme(1) connect to an existing UNIX-domain socket bound by a running
+# acme-accountd(1).
+# username to drop privileges to (setting both effective and real uid).
+# Preserve root privileges if the value is empty.
+#user = root
+# groupname to drop privileges to (setting both effective and real gid,
+# and also setting the list of supplementary gids to that single group).
+# Preserve root privileges if the value is empty.
+#group = root
+# Path to the lacme-accountd(1) executable.
+#command = /usr/bin/lacme-accountd
+# Path to the lacme-accountd(1) configuration file.
+#config = /etc/lacme/lacme-accountd.conf
+# The (private) account key to use for signing requests. See
+# lacme-accountd(1) for details.
+#privkey = file:/path/to/account.key
+# Be quiet.
+#quiet = Yes
; vim:ft=dosini
diff --git a/lacme b/lacme
index 13bff78..05b4b18 100755
--- a/lacme
+++ b/lacme
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ use File::Temp ();
use Getopt::Long qw/:config posix_default no_ignore_case gnu_getopt auto_version/;
use List::Util 'first';
use POSIX ();
use Config::Tiny ();
@@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ do {
my $h = Config::Tiny::->read_string($conf) or die Config::Tiny::->errstr()."\n";
my $defaults = delete $h->{_} // {};
+ my $accountd = exists $h->{accountd} ? 1 : 0;
my %valid = (
client => {
socket => (defined $ENV{XDG_RUNTIME_DIR} ? "$ENV{XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}/S.lacme" : undef),
@@ -99,6 +100,14 @@ do {
command => '/usr/lib/lacme/webserver',
iptables => 'Yes'
+ },
+ accountd => {
+ user => '',
+ group => '',
+ command => '/usr/bin/lacme-accountd',
+ config => '/etc/lacme/lacme-accountd.conf',
+ privkey => undef,
+ quiet => 'Yes',
foreach my $s (keys %valid) {
@@ -110,6 +119,7 @@ do {
die "Invalid section(s): ".join(', ', keys %$h)."\n" if %$h;
$CONFIG->{_} = $defaults;
+ delete $CONFIG->{accountd} unless $accountd;
# Regular expressions for domain validation
@@ -388,31 +398,58 @@ sub acme_client($@) {
my $args = shift;
my @args = @_;
- my @stat;
+ my $client;
my $conf = $CONFIG->{client};
- my $sockname = $OPTS{socket} // $conf->{socket} // die "Missing socket option\n";
- $sockname = $sockname =~ /\A(\p{Print}+)\z/ ? $1 : die "Invalid socket name\n"; # untaint $sockname
- # ensure we're the only user with write access to the parent dir
- my $dirname = $sockname =~ s/[^\/]+$//r;
- @stat = stat($dirname) or die "Can't stat $dirname: $!";
- die "Error: insecure permissions on $dirname\n" if ($stat[2] & 0022) != 0;
- # ensure we're the only user with read/write access to the socket
- @stat = stat($sockname) or die "Can't stat $sockname: $! (Is lacme-accountd running?)\n";
- die "Error: insecure permissions on $sockname\n" if ($stat[2] & 0066) != 0;
- # connect(2) to the socket
- socket(my $client, PF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0) or die "socket: $!";
- my $sockaddr = Socket::sockaddr_un($sockname) // die "Invalid address $sockname\n";
- until (connect($client, $sockaddr)) {
- next if $! == EINTR; # try again if connect(2) was interrupted by a signal
- die "connect: $!";
+ if (defined (my $accountd = $CONFIG->{accountd})) {
+ socketpair($client, my $s, AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, PF_UNSPEC) or die "socketpair: $!";
+ my $pid = fork() // "fork: $!";
+ unless ($pid) {
+ drop_privileges($accountd->{user}, $accountd->{group}, '/');
+ set_FD_CLOEXEC($s, 0);
+ $client->close() or die "Can't close: $!";
+ my @cmd = ($accountd->{command}, '--fdopen='.fileno($s));
+ push @cmd, '--config='.$accountd->{config} if defined $accountd->{config};
+ push @cmd, '--privkey='.$accountd->{privkey} if defined $accountd->{privkey};
+ push @cmd, '--quiet' unless lc $accountd->{quiet} eq 'no';
+ push @cmd, '--debug' if $OPTS{debug};
+ exec { $cmd[0] } @cmd or die;
+ }
+ print STDERR "[$$] Forking lacme-accountd, child PID $pid\n" if $OPTS{debug};
+ $s->close() or die "Can't close: $!";
+ push @CLEANUP, sub() {
+ print STDERR "[$$] Shutting down lacme-accountd\n" if $OPTS{debug};
+ shutdown($client, SHUT_RDWR) or warn "shutdown: $!";
+ kill 15 => $pid;
+ waitpid $pid => 0;
+ };
+ }
+ else {
+ my @stat;
+ my $sockname = $OPTS{socket} // $conf->{socket} // die "Missing socket option\n";
+ $sockname = $sockname =~ /\A(\p{Print}+)\z/ ? $1 : die "Invalid socket name\n"; # untaint $sockname
+ # ensure we're the only user with write access to the parent dir
+ my $dirname = $sockname =~ s/[^\/]+$//r;
+ @stat = stat($dirname) or die "Can't stat $dirname: $!";
+ die "Error: insecure permissions on $dirname\n" if ($stat[2] & 0022) != 0;
+ # ensure we're the only user with read/write access to the socket
+ @stat = stat($sockname) or die "Can't stat $sockname: $! (Is lacme-accountd running?)\n";
+ die "Error: insecure permissions on $sockname\n" if ($stat[2] & 0066) != 0;
+ # connect(2) to the socket
+ socket($client, PF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0) or die "socket: $!";
+ my $sockaddr = Socket::sockaddr_un($sockname) // die "Invalid address $sockname\n";
+ until (connect($client, $sockaddr)) {
+ next if $! == EINTR; # try again if connect(2) was interrupted by a signal
+ die "connect: $!";
+ }
# use execve(2) rather than a Perl pseudo-process to ensure that the
# child doesn't have access to the parent's memory
my @fileno = map { fileno($_) =~ /^(\d+)$/ ? $1 : die } ($CONFFILE, $client); # untaint fileno
+ set_FD_CLOEXEC($client, 1);
spawn({%$args{qw/in out/}, child => sub() {
drop_privileges($conf->{user}, $conf->{group}, $args->{chdir} // '/');
set_FD_CLOEXEC($_, 0) foreach ($CONFFILE, $client);
diff --git a/lacme-accountd b/lacme-accountd
index fbf1bcb..411538d 100755
--- a/lacme-accountd
+++ b/lacme-accountd
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ sub usage(;$$) {
exit $rv;
-usage(1) unless GetOptions(\%OPTS, qw/config=s privkey=s socket=s quiet|q debug help|h/);
+usage(1) unless GetOptions(\%OPTS, qw/config=s privkey=s socket=s fdopen=i quiet|q debug help|h/);
usage(0) if $OPTS{help};
do {
@@ -137,7 +137,10 @@ $JWK = JSON::->new->encode($JWK);
# to support the abstract namespace.) The downside is that we have to
# delete the file manually.
-do {
+if (defined $OPTS{fdopen}) {
+ die "Invalid file descriptor" unless $OPTS{fdopen} =~ /\A(\d+)\z/;
+ open $S, '+<&=', $1 or die "fdopen $1: $!";
+} else {
my $sockname = $OPTS{socket} // (defined $ENV{XDG_RUNTIME_DIR} ? "$ENV{XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}/S.lacme" : undef);
die "Missing socket option\n" unless defined $sockname;
$sockname = $sockname =~ /\A(\p{Print}+)\z/ ? $1 : die "Invalid socket name\n"; # untaint $sockname
@@ -165,26 +168,34 @@ do {
# For each new connection, send the protocol version and the account key's
# public parameters, then sign whatever comes in
-$SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE'; # ignore broken pipes
-for (my $count = 0;; $count++) {
- accept(my $conn, $S) or do {
- next if $! == EINTR; # try again if accept(2) was interrupted by a signal
- die "accept: $!";
- };
- print STDERR "[$count]>> Accepted new connection\n" unless $OPTS{quiet};
+sub conn($;$) {
+ my $conn = shift;
+ my $count = shift;
$conn->printflush( "$PROTOCOL_VERSION OK", "\r\n", $JWK, "\r\n" );
# sign whatever comes in
while (defined (my $data = $conn->getline())) {
$data =~ s/\r\n\z// or die;
- print STDERR "[$count]>> Issuing SHA-256 signature for: $data\n" unless $OPTS{quiet};
+ print STDERR "[$count] >>> Issuing SHA-256 signature for: $data\n" unless $OPTS{quiet};
my $sig = $SIGN->($data);
$conn->printflush( encode_base64url($sig), "\r\n" );
- print STDERR "[$count]>> Connection terminated\n" unless $OPTS{quiet};
- close $conn or warn "Can't close: $!";
+if (defined $OPTS{fdopen}) {
+ conn($S, $$);
+} else {
+ $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE'; # ignore broken pipes
+ for (my $count = 0;; $count++) {
+ accept(my $conn, $S) or do {
+ next if $! == EINTR; # try again if accept(2) was interrupted by a signal
+ die "accept: $!";
+ };
+ print STDERR "[$count] >>> Accepted new connection\n" unless $OPTS{quiet};
+ conn($conn, $count);
+ print STDERR "[$count] >>> Connection terminated\n" unless $OPTS{quiet};
+ close $conn or warn "Can't close: $!";
+ }
diff --git a/lacme.md b/lacme.md
index f29f24f..93f348c 100644
--- a/lacme.md
+++ b/lacme.md
@@ -26,7 +26,9 @@ with its own executable:
the [ACME] client.)
One can use the UNIX-domain socket forwarding facility of OpenSSH
6.7 and later to run [`lacme-accountd`(1)] and `lacme` on different
- hosts.
+ hosts. Alternatively, the [`lacme-accountd`(1)] process can be
+ spawned by the “master” `lacme` process below; the communication
+ between the two then goes through a socket pair.
2. A “master” `lacme` process, which runs as root and is the only
component with access to the private key material of the server
@@ -249,6 +251,44 @@ This section is used for configuring the [ACME] webserver.
automatically removed once `lacme` exits.
Default: `Yes`.
+`[accountd]` section
+This section is used for configuring the [`lacme-accountd`(1)] process.
+If the section (including its header) is absent or commented out,
+`lacme` connects to an existing UNIX-domain socket bound by a running
+: The username to drop privileges to (setting both effective and real
+ uid). Preserve root privileges if the value is empty.
+: The groupname to drop privileges to (setting both effective and real
+ gid, and also setting the list of supplementary gids to that single
+ group).
+: Path to the [`lacme-accountd`(1)] executable.
+ Default: `/usr/bin/lacme-accountd`.
+: Path to the [`lacme-accountd`(1)] configuration file.
+ Default: `/etc/lacme/lacme-accountd.conf`.
+: The (private) account key to use for signing requests. See
+ [`lacme-accountd`(1)] for details.
+: Be quiet. Possible values: `Yes`/`No`.
Certificate configuration file