diff options
6 files changed, 528 insertions, 520 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index d5e8b8e..ad586ab 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1,6 +1,29 @@
+MANPAGES = lacme-accountd.1 lacme.1
+all: ${MANPAGES}
+# upper case the headers and remove the links
+%.1: %.md
+ @pandoc -S -f markdown -t json "$<" | \
+ jq ".[1][] |= if .t == \"Header\" then .c[2][] |= (if .t == \"Str\" then .c |= ascii_upcase else . end) else . end" | \
+ jq " \
+ def fixit: \
+ if type == \"object\" then \
+ if .t == \"Link\" then \
+ if .c[2][0][0:7] == \"mailto:\" then . else .c[1][] end \
+ else \
+ map_values(fixit) \
+ end \
+ else if type == \"array\" then \
+ map(fixit) \
+ else \
+ . \
+ end \
+ end; \
+ map(fixit)" | \
+ pandoc -sS -f json -t man -o "$@"
+install: ${MANPAGES}
install -d $(DESTDIR)/etc/lacme
install -m0644 -t $(DESTDIR)/etc/lacme config/*.conf
install -d $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/lacme
@@ -12,4 +35,7 @@ install:
install -d $(DESTDIR)/usr/bin
install -m0644 -t $(DESTDIR)/usr/bin lacme-accountd lacme
-.PHONY: all install
+ rm -vf ${MANPAGES}
+.PHONY: all install clean
diff --git a/README b/README
index 4e66129..ea8cc66 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ own executable:
port. (The only challenge type currently supported is "http-01",
which requires a webserver to answer challenges.) That webserver
only processes GET and HEAD requests under the
- "/.well-known/acme-challenge/" URI. By default some iptables(1)
+ "/.well-known/acme-challenge/" URI. By default some iptables(8)
rules are automatically installed to open the HTTP port, and removed
diff --git a/lacme-accountd.1 b/lacme-accountd.1
deleted file mode 100644
index 46a6a0d..0000000
--- a/lacme-accountd.1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
-.TH LACME\-ACCOUNTD "1" "MARCH 2016" "ACME client (account key manager)" "User Commands"
-lacme\-accountd \- ACME client (account key manager)
-.B lacme\-accountd\fR [\fB\-\-config=\fIFILENAME\fR]
-[\fB\-\-privkey=\fIARG\fR] [\fB\-\-socket=\fIPATH\fR] [\fB\-\-quiet\fR]
-.B lacme\-accountd\fR is the account key manager component of
-\fIlacme\fR(1), a tiny ACME client written with process isolation and
-minimal privileges in mind. No other \fIlacme\fR(1) component need
-access to the account key; in fact the account key could also be stored
-on a smartcard.
-.B lacme\-accountd\fR binds to a UNIX\-domain socket (specified with
-\fB\-\-socket=\fR), which ACME clients can connect to in order to
-request data signatures.
-As a consequence, \fBlacme\-accountd\fR needs to be up and running
-before using \fIlacme\fR(1) to issue ACME commands. Also, the process
-does not automatically terminate after the last signature request:
-instead, one sends an \fIINT\fR or \fITERM\fR signal to bring the server
-Furthermore, one can use the UNIX\-domain socket forwarding facility of
-OpenSSH 6.7 and later to run \fBlacme\-accountd\fR and \fIlacme\fR(1) on
-different hosts. For instance one could store the account key on a
-machine that is not exposed to the internet. See the \fBEXAMPLES\fR
-section below.
-.B \-\-config=\fIfilename\fR
-Use \fIfilename\fR as configuration file. See the \fBCONFIGURATION
-FILE\fR section below for the configuration options.
-.B \-\-privkey=\fIarg\fR
-Specify the (private) account key to use for signing requests.
-Currently supported \fIarg\fRuments are:
-.IP \[bu] 2
-file:\fIFILE\fR, to specify an encrypted private key (in PEM format); and
-.IP \[bu]
-gpg:\fIFILE\fR, to specify a \fIgpg\fR(1)\-encrypted private key (in PEM format).
-The following command can be used to generate a new 4096\-bits RSA key in
-PEM format with mode 0600:
- openssl genrsa 4096 | install -m0600 /dev/stdin /path/to/priv.key
-.B \-\-socket=\fIpath\fR
-Use \fIpath\fR as the UNIX\-domain socket to bind against for signature
-requests from the ACME client. \fBlacme\-accountd\fR aborts if
-\fIpath\fR exists or if its parent directory is writable by other users.
-.B \-?\fR, \fB\-\-help\fR
-Display a brief help and exit.
-.B \-q\fR, \fB\-\-quiet\fR
-Be quiet.
-.B \-\-debug
-Turn on debug mode.
-If \fB\-\-config=\fR is not given, \fBlacme\-accountd\fR uses the first
-existing configuration file among \fI./lacme\-accountd.conf\fR,
-\fI$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/lacme/lacme\-accountd.conf\fR (or
-\fI~/.config/lacme/lacme\-accountd.conf\fR if the XDG_CONFIG_HOME
-environment variable is not set), and
-When given on the command line, the \fB\-\-privkey=\fR,
-\fB\-\-socket=\fR and \fB\-\-quiet\fR options take precedence over their
-counterpart (without leading \(lq\-\-\(rq) in the configuration file.
-Valid options are:
-.I privkey
-See \fB\-\-privkey=\fR.
-This option is required when \fB\-\-privkey=\fR is not specified on the
-command line.
-.I gpg
-For a \fIgpg\fR(1)\-encrypted private account key, specify the binary
-\fIgpg\fR(1) to use, as well as some default options.
-Default: \(lqgpg \-\-quiet\(rq.
-.I socket
-See \fB\-\-socket=\fR.
-Default: \(lq$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/S.lacme\(rq if the XDG_RUNTIME_DIR
-environment variable is set.
-.I quiet
-Be quiet. Possible values: \(lqYes\(rq/\(lqNo\(rq.
-Run \fBlacme\-accountd\fR in a first terminal:
- ~$ lacme\-accountd \-\-privkey=file:/path/to/priv.key \-\-socket=/run/user/1000/S.lacme
-Then, while \fBlacme\-accountd\fR is running, execute locally
-\fIlacme\fR(1) in another terminal:
- ~$ sudo lacme \-\-socket=/run/user/1000/S.lacme new\-cert
-Alternatively, use \fIssh\fR(1) to forward the socket and execute
-\fIlacme\fR(1) remotely:
- ~$ ssh -oExitOnForwardFailure=yes -tt -R /path/to/remote.sock:/run/user/1000/S.lacme user@example.org \\
- sudo lacme --socket=/path/to/remote.sock new-cert
-\fBlacme\fR(1), \fBssh\fR(1)
-.ie \n[www-html] \{\
- Written by
-. MTO guilhem@fripost.org "Guilhem Moulin" .
-.el \{\
- Written by Guilhem Moulin
-. MT guilhem@fripost.org
-. ME .
diff --git a/lacme-accountd.md b/lacme-accountd.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54b0ed7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lacme-accountd.md
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+% lacme-accountd(1)
+% [Guilhem Moulin](mailto:guilhem@fripost.org)
+% March 2016
+lacme-accountd - [ACME] client (account key manager)
+`lacme-accountd` [`--config=FILENAME`] [`--privkey=ARG`] [`--socket=PATH`] [`--quiet`]
+`lacme-accountd` is the account key manager component of [`lacme`(1)], a
+small [ACME] client written with process isolation and minimal
+privileges in mind. No other [`lacme`(1)] component needs access to the
+account key; in fact the account key could as well be stored on another
+host or a smartcard.
+`lacme-accountd` binds to a UNIX-domain socket (specified with
+`--socket=`), which [ACME] clients can connect to in order to request
+data signatures.
+As a consequence, `lacme-accountd` needs to be up and running before
+using [`lacme`(1)] to issue [ACME] commands. Also, the process does not
+automatically terminate after the last signature request: instead, one
+sends an `INT` or `TERM` [`signal`(7)] to bring the server down.
+Furthermore, one can use the UNIX-domain socket forwarding facility of
+[OpenSSH] 6.7 and later to run `lacme-accountd` and [`lacme`(1)] on
+different hosts. For instance one could store the account key on a
+machine that is not exposed to the internet. See the
+**[examples](#examples)** section below.
+: Use *filename* as configuration file. See the **[configuration
+ file](#configuration-file)** section below for the configuration
+ options.
+: Specify the (private) account key to use for signing requests.
+ Currently supported *arg*uments are:
+ * `file:`*FILE*, to specify an encrypted private key (in PEM
+ format); and
+ * `gpg:`*FILE*, to specify a [`gpg`(1)]-encrypted private key (in
+ PEM format).
+ The following command can be used to generate a new 4096-bits RSA
+ key in PEM format with mode 0600:
+ openssl genrsa 4096 | install -m0600 /dev/stdin /path/to/priv.key
+: Use *path* as the UNIX-domain socket to bind against for signature
+ requests from the [ACME] client. `lacme-accountd` aborts if *path*
+ exists or if its parent directory is writable by other users.
+`-?`, `--help`
+: Display a brief help and exit.
+`-q`, `--quiet`
+: Be quiet.
+: Turn on debug mode.
+Configuration file
+If `--config=` is not given, `lacme-accountd` uses the first existing
+configuration file among *./lacme-accountd.conf*,
+*$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/lacme/lacme-accountd.conf* (or
+*~/.config/lacme/lacme-accountd.conf* if the `XDG_CONFIG_HOME`
+environment variable is not set), and */etc/lacme/lacme-accountd.conf*.
+When given on the command line, the `--privkey=`, `--socket=` and
+`--quiet` options take precedence over their counterpart (without
+leading `--`) in the configuration file. Valid options are:
+: See `--privkey=`. This option is required when `--privkey=` is not
+ specified on the command line.
+: For a [`gpg`(1)]-encrypted private account key, specify the binary
+ [`gpg`(1)] to use, as well as some default options.
+ Default: `gpg --quiet`.
+: See `--socket=`.
+ Default: *$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/S.lacme* if the `XDG_RUNTIME_DIR`
+ environment variable is set.
+: Be quiet. Possible values: `Yes`/`No`.
+Run `lacme-accountd` in a first terminal:
+ ~$ lacme-accountd --privkey=file:/path/to/priv.key --socket=/run/user/1000/S.lacme
+Then, while `lacme-accountd` is running, execute locally [`lacme`(1)] in
+another terminal:
+ ~$ sudo lacme --socket=/run/user/1000/S.lacme new-cert
+Alternatively, use [OpenSSH] 6.7 or later to forward the socket and
+execute [`lacme`(1)] remotely:
+ ~$ ssh -oExitOnForwardFailure=yes -tt -R /path/to/remote.sock:/run/user/1000/S.lacme user@example.org \
+ sudo lacme --socket=/path/to/remote.sock new-cert
+See also
+[`lacme`(1)], [`ssh`(1)]
+[ACME]: https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-acme-acme-02
+[`lacme`(1)]: lacme.1.html
+[`signal`(7)]: http://linux.die.net/man/7/signal
+[`gpg`(1)]: https://www.gnupg.org/documentation/manpage.en.html
+[OpenSSH]: http://www.openssh.com/
+[`ssh`(1)]: http://man.openbsd.org/ssh
diff --git a/lacme.1 b/lacme.1
deleted file mode 100644
index bfe4f45..0000000
--- a/lacme.1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,364 +0,0 @@
-.TH LACME "1" "MARCH 2016" "ACME client" "User Commands"
-lacme \- ACME client
-.B lacme\fR [\fB\-\-config=\fIFILENAME\fR] [\fB\-\-socket=\fIPATH\fR]
-[\fIOPTION\fR ...] \fICOMMAND\fR [\fIARGUMENT\fR ...]
-.B lacme\fR is a tiny ACME client written with process isolation and
-minimal privileges in mind.
-It is divided into four components, each with its own executable:
-.IP \[bu] 4
-A \fIlacme\-accountd\fR(1) process to manage the account key and issue
-SHA\-256 signatures needed for each ACME command. (This process binds
-to a UNIX\-domain socket to reply to signature requests from the ACME
-One can use the UNIX\-domain socket forwarding facility of OpenSSH 6.7
-and later to run \fIlacme\-accountd\fR(1) and \fBlacme\fR on different
-.IP \[bu] 4
-A \(lqmaster\(rq \fBlacme\fR process, which runs as root and is the only
-component with access to the private key material of the server keys.
-It is used to fork the ACME client (and optionally the ACME webserver)
-after dropping root privileges.
-For certificate issuances (\fBnew\-cert\fR command), it also generates
-Certificate Signing Requests, then verifies the validity of the issued
-certificate, and optionally reloads or restarts services when the
-\fInotify\fR option is set.
-.IP \[bu] 4
-An actual ACME client (specified with the \fIcommand\fR option of the
-\(lq[client]\(rq section of the configuration file), which builds ACME
-commands and dialogues with the remote ACME server.
-Since ACME commands need to be signed with the account key, the
-\(lqmaster\(rq \fBlacme\fR process passes the \fIlacme\-accountd\fR(1)
-UNIX\-domain socket to the ACME client: data signatures are requested by
-writing the data to be signed to the socket.
-.IP \[bu] 4
-For certificate issuances (\fBnew\-cert\fR command), an optional
-webserver (specified with the \fIcommand\fR option of the
-\(lq[webserver]\(rq section of the configuration file), which is spawned
-by the \(lqmaster\(rq \fBlacme\fR process when no service is listening
-on the HTTP port.
-(The only challenge type currently supported by \fBlacme\fR is
-\(lqhttp\-01\(rq, which requires a webserver to answer challenges.)
-That webserver only processes GET and HEAD requests under the
-\(lq/.well\-known/acme\-challenge/\(rq URI.
-By default some \fIiptables\fR(1) rules are automatically installed to
-open the HTTP port, and removed afterwards.
-.B lacme \fR[\fB\-\-agreement\-uri=\fIURI\fR]\fB \fBnew\-reg
-\fR[\fICONTACT\fR ...] Register the account key managed by
-\fIlacme\-accountd\fR(1). A list of \fICONTACT\fR information (such as
-\(lqmaito:\(rq URIs) can be specified in order for the server to contact
-the client for issues related to this registration (such as
-notifications about server\-initiated revocations).
-\fB\-\-agreement\-uri=\fR can be used to specify a \fIURI\fR referring
-to a subscriber agreement or terms of service provided by the server;
-adding this options indicates the client's agreement with the referenced
-terms. Note that the server might require the client to agree to
-subscriber agreement before performing any further actions.
-If the account key is already registered, \fBlacme\fR prints the URI of
-the existing registration and aborts.
-.B lacme \fR[\fB\-\-agreement\-uri=\fIURI\fR]\fB \fBreg=\fIURI\fR \fR[\fICONTACT\fR ...]
-Dump or edit the registration \fIURI\fR (relative to the ACME server URI,
-which is specified with the \fIserver\fR option of the \(lq[client]\(rq
-section of the configuration file).
-When specified, the list of \fICONTACT\fR information and the agreement
-\fIURI\fR are sent to the server to replace the existing values.
-.B lacme \fR[\fB\-\-config\-certs=\fIFILE\fR]\fB \fBnew\-cert \fR[\fISECTION\fR ...]
-Read the certificate configuration \fIFILE\fR (see the \fBCERTIFICATE
-CONFIGURATION FILE\fR section below for the configuration options), and
-request new Certificate Issuance for each of its sections (or the given
-list of \fISECTION\fRs).
-.B lacme \fBrevoke\-cert \fIFILE\fR [\fIFILE\fR ...]
-Request that the given certificate(s) \fIFILE\fR(s) be revoked. For
-this command, \fIlacme\-accountd\fR(1) can be pointed to either the
-account key or the server's private key.
-.B \-\-config=\fIfilename\fR
-Use \fIfilename\fR as configuration file. See the \fBCONFIGURATION
-FILE\fR section below for the configuration options.
-.B \-\-socket=\fIpath\fR
-Use \fIpath\fR as the \fIlacme\-accountd\fR(1) UNIX\-domain socket to
-connect to for signature requests from the ACME client. \fBlacme\fR
-aborts if \fIpath\fR is readable or writable by other users, or if its
-parent directory is writable by other users. This overrides the
-\fIsocket\fR option of the \(lq[client]\(rq section of the configuration
-.B \-?\fR, \fB\-\-help\fR
-Display a brief help and exit.
-.B \-\-debug
-Turn on debug mode.
-If \fB\-\-config=\fR is not given, \fBlacme\fR uses the first existing
-configuration file among \fI./lacme.conf\fR,
-\fI$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/lacme/lacme.conf\fR (or
-\fI~/.config/lacme/lacme.conf\fR if the XDG_CONFIG_HOME environment
-variable is not set), and \fI/etc/lacme/lacme.conf\fR.
-Valid options are:
-Default section
-.I config\-certs
-For certificate issuances (\fBnew\-cert\fR command), specify the
-certificate configuration file to use (see the \fBCERTIFICATE
-CONFIGURATION FILE\fR section below for the configuration options).
-\(lq[client]\(rq section
-This section is used for configuring the ACME client (which takes care
-of ACME commands and dialogues with the remote ACME server).
-.I socket
-See \fB\-\-socket=\fR.
-Default: \(lq$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/S.lacme\(rq if the XDG_RUNTIME_DIR
-environment variable is set.
-.I user
-The username to drop privileges to (setting both effective and real
-Preserve root privileges if the value is empty (not recommended).
-Default: \(lqnobody\(rq.
-.I group
-The groupname to drop privileges to (setting both effective and real
-gid, and also setting the list of supplementary gids to that single
-group). Preserve root privileges if the value is empty (not
-Default: \(lqnogroup\(rq.
-.I command
-Path to the ACME client executable.
-Default: \(lq/usr/lib/lacme/client\(rq.
-.I server
-Root URI of the ACME server.
-Default: \(lqhttps://acme\-v01.api.letsencrypt.org/\(rq.
-.I timeout
-Timeout in seconds after which the client stops polling the ACME server
-and considers the request failed.
-Default: \(lq10\(rq.
-.I SSL_verify
-Whether to verify the server certificate chain.
-Default: \(lqYes\(rq.
-.I SSL_version
-Specify the version of the SSL protocol used to transmit data.
-.I SSL_cipher_list
-Specify the cipher list for the connection.
-\(lq[webserver]\(rq section
-This section is used for configuring the ACME webserver.
-.I listen
-Specify the local address to listen on, in the form
-If \fIADDRESS\fR is enclosed with brackets \(oq[\(cq/\(oq]\(cq then it
-denotes an IPv6; an empty \fIADDRESS\fR means \(oq0.0.0.0\(cq.
-Default: \(lq:80\(rq.
-.I challenge\-directory
-If a webserver is already running, specify a non\-existent directory
-under which the webserver is configured to serve GET requests for
-challenge files under \(lq/.well\-known/acme\-challenge/\(rq (for each
-virtual hosts requiring authorization) as static files.
-Default: \(lq/var/www/acme\-challenge\(rq.
-.I user
-The username to drop privileges to (setting both effective and real
-Preserve root privileges if the value is empty (not recommended).
-Default: \(lqwww\-data\(rq.
-.I group
-The groupname to drop privileges to (setting both effective and real
-gid, and also setting the list of supplementary gids to that single
-group). Preserve root privileges if the value is empty (not
-Default: \(lqwww\-data\(rq.
-.I command
-Path to the ACME webserver executable.
-Default: \(lq/usr/lib/lacme/webserver\(rq.
-.I iptables
-Whether to automatically install \fIiptables\fR(1) rules to open the
-\fIADDRESS\fR[:\fIPORT\fR] specified with \fIlisten\fR.
-Theses rules are automatically removed once \fBlacme\fR exits.
-Default: \(lqYes\(rq.
-For certificate issuances (\fBnew\-cert\fR command), a separate file is
-used to configure paths to the certificate and key, as well as the
-subject, subjectAltName, etc. to generate Certificate Signing Requests.
-If \fB\-\-config\-certs=\fR is not given, and if the \fIconfig\-certs\fR
-configuration option is absent, then \fBlacme\fR uses the first existing
-configuration file among \fI./lacme\-certs.conf\fR,
-\fI$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/lacme/lacme\-certs.conf\fR (or
-\fI~/.config/lacme/lacme\-certs.conf\fR if the XDG_CONFIG_HOME
-environment variable is not set), and
-Each section denotes a separate certificate issuance.
-Valid options are:
-.I certificate
-Where to store the issued certificate (in PEM format).
-At least one of \fIcertificate\fR or \fIcertificate\-chain\fR is
-.I certificate\-chain
-Where to store the issued certificate, concatenated with the content of
-the file specified specified with the \fICAfile\fR option (in PEM
-At least one of \fIcertificate\fR or \fIcertificate\-chain\fR is
-.I certificate\-key
-Path the service's private key. This option is required. The following
-command can be used to generate a new 4096\-bits RSA key in PEM format
-with mode 0600:
- openssl genrsa 4096 | install -m0600 /dev/stdin /path/to/priv.key
-.I min\-days
-For an existing certificate, the minimum number of days before its
-expiration date the section is considered for re\-issuance.
-Default: \(lq10\(rq.
-.I CAfile
-Path to the issuer's certificate. This is used for
-\fIcertificate\-chain\fR and to verify the validity of each issued
-Specifying an empty value skip certificate validation.
-Default: \(lq/usr/share/lacme/lets\-encrypt\-x3\-cross\-signed.pem\(rq.
-.I hash
-Message digest to sign the Certificate Signing Request with.
-.I keyUsage
-Comma\-separated list of Key Usages, see \fIx509v3_config\fR(5ssl).
-.I subject
-Subject field of the Certificate Signing Request, in the form
-This option is required.
-.I subjectAltName
-Comma\-separated list of Subject Alternative Names, in the form
-The only \fItype\fR currently supported is \(lqDNS\(rq, to specify an
-alternative domain name.
-.I chown
-An optional \fIusername\fR[:\fIgroupname\fR] to chown the issued
-\fIcertificate\fR and \fIcertificate\-chain\fR with.
-.I chmod
-An optional octal mode to chmod the issued \fIcertificate\fR and
-\fIcertificate\-chain\fR with.
-.I notify
-Command to pass the the system's command shell (\(lq/bin/sh \-c\(rq)
-after successful installation of the \fIcertificate\fR and/or
- ~$ sudo lacme new-reg mailto:noreply@example.com
- ~$ sudo lacme reg=/acme/reg/137760 --agreement-uri=https://letsencrypt.org/documents/LE-SA-v1.0.1-July-27-2015.pdf
- ~$ sudo lacme new-cert
- ~$ sudo lacme revoke-cert /path/to/server/certificate.pem
-.ie \n[www-html] \{\
- Written by
-. MTO guilhem@fripost.org "Guilhem Moulin" .
-.el \{\
- Written by Guilhem Moulin
-. MT guilhem@fripost.org
-. ME .
diff --git a/lacme.md b/lacme.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a16f23d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lacme.md
@@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
+% lacme(1)
+% [Guilhem Moulin](mailto:guilhem@fripost.org)
+% December 2015
+lacme - [ACME] client
+`lacme` [`--config=FILENAME`] [`--socket=PATH`] [*OPTION* …] *COMMAND* [*ARGUMENT* …]
+`lacme` is a small [ACME] client written with process isolation and
+minimal privileges in mind. It is divided into four components, each
+with its own executable:
+ 1. A [`lacme-accountd`(1)] process to manage the account key and issue
+ SHA-256 signatures needed for each [ACME] command. (This process
+ binds to a UNIX-domain socket to reply to signature requests from
+ the [ACME] client.)
+ One can use the UNIX-domain socket forwarding facility of OpenSSH
+ 6.7 and later to run [`lacme-accountd`(1)] and `lacme` on different
+ hosts.
+ 2. A “master” `lacme` process, which runs as root and is the only
+ component with access to the private key material of the server
+ keys. It is used to fork the [ACME] client (and optionally the
+ [ACME] webserver) after dropping root privileges.
+ For certificate issuances (`new-cert` command), it also generates
+ Certificate Signing Requests, then verifies the validity of the
+ issued certificate, and optionally reloads or restarts services when
+ the *notify* option is set.
+ 3. An actual [ACME] client (specified with the *command* option of the
+ [`[client]` section](#client-section) of the configuration file),
+ which builds [ACME] commands and dialogues with the remote [ACME]
+ server.
+ Since [ACME] commands need to be signed with the account key, the
+ “master” `lacme` process passes the [`lacme-accountd`(1)]
+ UNIX-domain socket to the [ACME] client: data signatures are
+ requested by writing the data to be signed to the socket.
+ 4. For certificate issuances (`new-cert` command), an optional
+ webserver (specified with the *command* option of the [`[webserver]`
+ section](#webserver-section) of the configuration file), which is
+ spawned by the “master” `lacme` process when no service is listening
+ on the HTTP port. (The only challenge type currently supported by
+ `lacme` is `http-01`, which requires a webserver to answer
+ challenges.) That webserver only processes `GET` and `HEAD` requests
+ under the `/.well-known/acme-challenge/` URI.
+ By default some [`iptables`(8)] rules are automatically installed to
+ open the HTTP port, and removed afterwards.
+`lacme` [`--agreement-uri=`*URI*] `new-reg` [*CONTACT* …]
+: Register the account key managed by [`lacme-accountd`(1)]. A list
+ of *CONTACT* information (such as `maito:` URIs) can be specified in
+ order for the server to contact the client for issues related to
+ this registration (such as notifications about server-initiated
+ revocations).
+ `--agreement-uri=` can be used to specify a *URI* referring to a
+ subscriber agreement or terms of service provided by the server;
+ adding this options indicates the client's agreement with the
+ referenced terms. Note that the server might require the client to
+ agree to subscriber agreement before performing any further actions.
+ If the account key is already registered, `lacme` prints the URI of
+ the existing registration and aborts.
+`lacme` [`--agreement-uri=`*URI*] `reg=`*URI* [*CONTACT* …]
+: Dump or edit the registration *URI* (relative to the [ACME] server
+ URI, which is specified with the *server* option of the [`[client]`
+ section](#client-section) of the configuration file).
+ When specified, the list of *CONTACT* information and the agreement
+ *URI* are sent to the server to replace the existing values.
+`lacme` [`--config-certs=`*FILE*] `new-cert` [*SECTION* …]
+: Read the certificate configuration *FILE* (see the **[certificate
+ configuration file](#certificate-configuration-file)** section below
+ for the configuration options), and request new Certificate Issuance
+ for each of its sections (or the given list of *SECTION*s).
+`lacme` `revoke-cert` *FILE* [*FILE* …]
+: Request that the given certificate(s) *FILE*(s) be revoked. For
+ this command, [`lacme-accountd`(1)] can be pointed to either the
+ account key or the server's private key.
+Generic options
+: Use *filename* as configuration file. See the **[configuration
+ file](#configuration-file)** section below for the configuration
+ options.
+: Use *path* as the [`lacme-accountd`(1)] UNIX-domain socket to
+ connect to for signature requests from the [ACME] client. `lacme`
+ aborts if `path` is readable or writable by other users, or if its
+ parent directory is writable by other users. This overrides the
+ *socket* option of the [`[client]` section](#client-section) of the
+ configuration file.
+`-?`, `--help`
+: Display a brief help and exit.
+: Turn on debug mode.
+Configuration file
+If `--config=` is not given, `lacme` uses the first existing
+configuration file among *./lacme.conf*,
+*$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/lacme/lacme.conf* (or *~/.config/lacme/lacme.conf* if
+the `XDG_CONFIG_HOME` environment variable is not set), and
+Valid options are:
+Default section
+: For certificate issuances (`new-cert` command), specify the
+ certificate configuration file to use (see the **[certificate
+ configuration file](#certificate-configuration-file)** section below
+ for the configuration options).
+`[client]` section
+This section is used for configuring the [ACME] client (which takes care
+of [ACME] commands and dialogues with the remote [ACME] server).
+: See `--socket=`.
+ Default: *$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/S.lacme* if the `XDG_RUNTIME_DIR`
+ environment variable is set.
+: The username to drop privileges to (setting both effective and real
+ uid). Preserve root privileges if the value is empty (not
+ recommended).
+ Default: `nobody`.
+: The groupname to drop privileges to (setting both effective and real
+ gid, and also setting the list of supplementary gids to that single
+ group). Preserve root privileges if the value is empty (not
+ recommended).
+ Default: `nogroup`.
+: Path to the [ACME] client executable.
+ Default: `/usr/lib/lacme/client`.
+: Root URI of the [ACME] server.
+ Default: `https://acme-v01.api.letsencrypt.org/`.
+: Timeout in seconds after which the client stops polling the [ACME]
+ server and considers the request failed.
+ Default: `10`.
+: Whether to verify the server certificate chain.
+ Default: `Yes`.
+: Specify the version of the SSL protocol used to transmit data.
+: Specify the cipher list for the connection, see [`ciphers`(1ssl)]
+ for more information.
+`[webserver]` section
+This section is used for configuring the [ACME] webserver.
+: Specify the local address to listen on, in the form
+ `ADDRESS[:PORT]`. If `ADDRESS` is enclosed with brackets ‘[’/‘]’
+ then it denotes an IPv6; an empty `ADDRESS` means ``.
+ Default: `:80`.
+: If a webserver is already running, specify a non-existent directory
+ under which the webserver is configured to serve `GET` requests for
+ challenge files under `/.well-known/acme-challenge/` (for each
+ virtual hosts requiring authorization) as static files.
+ Default: `/var/www/acme-challenge`.
+: The username to drop privileges to (setting both effective and real
+ uid). Preserve root privileges if the value is empty (not
+ recommended).
+ Default: `www-data`.
+: The groupname to drop privileges to (setting both effective and real
+ gid, and also setting the list of supplementary gids to that single
+ group). Preserve root privileges if the value is empty (not
+ recommended).
+ Default: `www-data`.
+: Path to the [ACME] webserver executable.
+ Default: `/usr/lib/lacme/webserver`.
+: Whether to automatically install [`iptables`(8)] rules to open the
+ `ADDRESS[:PORT]` specified with *listen*. Theses rules are
+ automatically removed once `lacme` exits.
+ Default: `Yes`.
+Certificate configuration file
+For certificate issuances (`new-cert` command), a separate file is used
+to configure paths to the certificate and key, as well as the subject,
+subjectAltName, etc. to generate Certificate Signing Requests.
+If `--config-certs=` is not given, and if the `config-certs`
+configuration option is absent, then `lacme` uses the first existing
+configuration file among *./lacme-certs.conf*,
+*$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/lacme/lacme-certs.conf* (or
+*~/.config/lacme/lacme-certs.conf* if the `XDG_CONFIG_HOME` environment
+variable is not set), and */etc/lacme/lacme-certs.conf*.
+Each section denotes a separate certificate issuance.
+Valid options are:
+: Where to store the issued certificate (in PEM format).
+ At least one of *certificate* or *certificate-chain* is required.
+: Where to store the issued certificate, concatenated with the content
+ of the file specified specified with the *CAfile* option (in PEM
+ format).
+ At least one of *certificate* or *certificate-chain* is required.
+: Path the service's private key. This option is required. The
+ following command can be used to generate a new 4096-bits RSA key in
+ PEM format with mode 0600:
+ openssl genrsa 4096 | install -m0600 /dev/stdin /path/to/priv.key
+: For an existing certificate, the minimum number of days before its
+ expiration date the section is considered for re-issuance.
+ Default: `10`.
+: Path to the issuer's certificate. This is used for
+ *certificate-chain* and to verify the validity of each issued
+ certificate.
+ Specifying an empty value skip certificate validation.
+ Default: `/usr/share/lacme/lets-encrypt-x3-cross-signed.pem`.
+: Message digest algorithm to sign the Certificate Signing Request
+ with.
+: Comma-separated list of Key Usages, see [`x509v3_config`(5ssl)].
+: Subject field of the Certificate Signing Request, in the form
+ `/type0=value0/type1=value1/type2=…`. This option is required.
+: Comma-separated list of Subject Alternative Names, in the form
+ `type0:value1,type1:value1,type2:…`
+ The only `type` currently supported is `DNS`, to specify an
+ alternative domain name.
+: An optional `username[:groupname]` to chown the issued *certificate*
+ and *certificate-chain* with.
+: An optional octal mode to chmod the issued *certificate* and
+ *certificate-chain* with.
+: Command to pass the the system's command shell (`/bin/sh -c`)
+ after successful installation of the *certificate* and/or
+ *certificate-chain*.
+ ~$ sudo lacme new-reg mailto:noreply@example.com
+ ~$ sudo lacme reg=/acme/reg/137760 --agreement-uri=https://letsencrypt.org/documents/LE-SA-v1.0.1-July-27-2015.pdf
+ ~$ sudo lacme new-cert
+ ~$ sudo lacme revoke-cert /path/to/server/certificate.pem
+See also
+[ACME]: https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-acme-acme-02
+[`lacme-accountd`(1)]: lacme-accountd.1.html
+[`iptables`(8)]: http://linux.die.net/man/8/iptables
+[`ciphers`(1ssl)]: https://www.openssl.org/docs/manmaster/apps/ciphers.html
+[`x509v3_config`(5ssl)]: https://www.openssl.org/docs/manmaster/apps/x509v3_config.html