path: root/tests
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests')
1 files changed, 53 insertions, 29 deletions
diff --git a/tests/cert-install b/tests/cert-install
index e24fe34..279309f 100644
--- a/tests/cert-install
+++ b/tests/cert-install
@@ -28,6 +28,55 @@ EOF
grepstderr -Fxq "[bad3] Warning: Couldn't generate CSR, skipping"
+check_spki() {
+ local p1="$1" p2="$2" s1 s2
+ s1="$(openssl x509 -in "$p1" -noout -pubkey \
+ | openssl pkey -pubin -outform DER \
+ | openssl dgst -sha256 \
+ | sed 's/.*=\s*//')"
+ s2="$(openssl pkey -in "$p2" -pubout -outform DER \
+ | openssl dgst -sha256 \
+ | sed 's/.*=\s*//')"
+ if [ -n "$s1" ] && [ "$s1" = "$s2" ]; then
+ return 0
+ else
+ printf "%s != %s\\n" "$s1" "$s2" >&2
+ return 1
+ fi
+check_chain() {
+ local priv="$1" chain="$2" leaf="${3-}" pem0
+ csplit -f "${chain%.crt}.chain.pem" "$chain" \
+ "/-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----/" "{*}"
+ pem0="${chain%.crt}.chain.pem00"
+ if [ ! -s "$pem0" ]; then
+ # 00 is empty, leaf cert is at 01
+ rm -f -- "$pem0"
+ pem0="${chain%.crt}.chain.pem01"
+ fi
+ test -s "$pem0" || return 1
+ check_spki "$pem0" "$priv"
+ if [ -n "$leaf" ]; then
+ diff --ignore-blank-lines --unified "$pem0" "$leaf" || return 1
+ fi
+ leaf="${chain%.crt}.leaf.pem"
+ mv -T -- "$pem0" "$leaf"
+ intermediates="${chain%.crt}.intermediates.pem"
+ sed "/^$/d" "${chain%.crt}.chain.pem"[0-9]* >"$intermediates"
+ test -s "$intermediates" || return 1 # ensure there is at least one intermediate
+ openssl verify -trusted /usr/share/lacme/ca-certificates.crt \
+ -untrusted "$intermediates" \
+ -purpose sslserver -x509_strict \
+ -show_chain \
+ -- "$leaf" || return 1
# 'certificate' installs only the leaf certificate
openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -out /etc/lacme/test1.key
subject="/CN=$(head -c10 /dev/urandom | base32 -w0 | tr "A-Z" "a-z").$DOMAINNAME"
@@ -42,23 +91,9 @@ lacme newOrder test1 2>"$STDERR" || fail newOrder test1
test /etc/lacme/test1.crt -nt /etc/lacme/test1.key
sed -n "0,/^-----END CERTIFICATE-----$/ p" /etc/lacme/test1.crt >/etc/lacme/test1.pem
diff --unified /etc/lacme/test1.crt /etc/lacme/test1.pem
+check_spki /etc/lacme/test1.crt /etc/lacme/test1.key
-check_hash() {
- local p1="$1" p2 s1 s2
- s1="$(openssl x509 -in "$p1" -noout -hash)"
- for p2 in /usr/share/lacme/ca-certificates.pem.*; do
- s2="$(openssl x509 -in "$p2" -noout -hash)"
- if [ "$s1" = "$s2" ]; then
- return 0
- fi
- done
- return 1
-csplit -f /usr/share/lacme/ca-certificates.pem. /usr/share/lacme/ca-certificates.crt \
- "/-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----/" "{*}"
-rm -f /usr/share/lacme/ca-certificates.pem.00
# 'certificate-chain' appends the chain of trust
openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -out /etc/lacme/test2.key
cat >"/etc/lacme/lacme-certs.conf.d/test2.conf" <<- EOF
@@ -70,16 +105,7 @@ EOF
lacme newOrder test2 2>"$STDERR" || fail newOrder test2
test /etc/lacme/test2.crt -nt /etc/lacme/test2.key
-csplit -f /etc/lacme/test2.chain.pem /etc/lacme/test2.crt \
- "/-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----/" "{*}"
-test -s /etc/lacme/test2.chain.pem01 # leaf cert (00 is empty)
-rm -f /etc/lacme/test2.chain.pem0[01]
-test -s /etc/lacme/test2.chain.pem02 # depth 1
-# all certificates at depth >=1 must be in our CA bundle
-for p in /etc/lacme/test2.chain.pem*; do
- check_hash "$p"
+check_chain /etc/lacme/test2.key /etc/lacme/test2.crt
# 'certificate' + 'certificate-chain'
openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -out /etc/lacme/test3.key
@@ -94,10 +120,8 @@ EOF
lacme newOrder test3 2>"$STDERR" || fail newOrder test3
test /etc/lacme/test3.pem -nt /etc/lacme/test3.key
test /etc/lacme/test3.crt -nt /etc/lacme/test3.key
-csplit -f /etc/lacme/test3.chain.pem /etc/lacme/test3.crt \
- "/-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----/" "{*}"
-sed -i "/^$/d" /etc/lacme/test3.chain.pem*
-diff -q /etc/lacme/test3.chain.pem01 /etc/lacme/test3.pem
+check_chain /etc/lacme/test3.key /etc/lacme/test3.crt /etc/lacme/test3.pem
st="$(stat -c "%U:%G %#a" /etc/lacme/test3.pem)"
[ "$st" = "root:root 0644" ]
st="$(stat -c "%U:%G %#a" /etc/lacme/test3.crt)"