.TH LETSENCRYPT\-ACCOUNTD "1" "MARCH 2016" "Tiny Let's Encrypt ACME client (account key manager)" "User Commands" .SH NAME letsencrypt\-accountd \- Tiny Let's Encrypt ACME client (account key manager) .SH SYNOPSIS .B letsencrypt\-accountd\fR [\fB\-\-config=\fIFILENAME\fR] [\fB\-\-privkey=\fIARG\fR] [\fB\-\-socket=\fIPATH\fR] [\fB\-\-quiet\fR] .SH DESCRIPTION .PP .B letsencrypt\-accountd\fR is the account key manager component of \fIletsencrypt\fR(1), a tiny ACME client written with process isolation and minimal privileges in mind. No other \fIletsencrypt\fR(1) component need access to the account key; in fact the account key could also be stored on a smartcard. .B letsencrypt\-accountd\fR binds to a UNIX\-domain socket (specified with \fB\-\-socket=\fR), which ACME clients can connect to in order to request data signatures. As a consequence, \fBletsencrypt\-accountd\fR needs to be up and running before using \fIletsencrypt\fR(1) to issue ACME commands. Also, the process does not automatically terminate after the last signature request: instead, one sends an \fIINT\fR or \fITERM\fR signal to bring the server down. Furthermore, one can use the UNIX\-domain socket forwarding facility of OpenSSH 6.7 and later to run \fBletsencrypt\-accountd\fR and \fIletsencrypt\fR(1) on different hosts. For instance one could store the account key on a machine that is not exposed to the internet. See the \fBEXAMPLES\fR section below. .SH OPTIONS .TP .B \-\-config=\fIfilename\fR Use \fIfilename\fR as configuration file. See the \fBCONFIGURATION FILE\fR section below for the configuration options. .TP .B \-\-privkey=\fIarg\fR Specify the (private) account key to use for signing requests. Currently supported \fIarg\fRuments are: .RS .IP \[bu] 2 file:\fIFILE\fR, to specify an encrypted private key (in PEM format); and .IP \[bu] gpg:\fIFILE\fR, to specify a \fIgpg\fR(1)\-encrypted private key (in PEM format). .PP The following command can be used to generate a new 4096\-bits RSA key in PEM format with mode 0600: .nf openssl genrsa 4096 | install -m0600 /dev/stdin /path/to/priv.key .fi .RE .TP .B \-\-socket=\fIpath\fR Use \fIpath\fR as the UNIX\-domain socket to bind against for signature requests from the ACME client. \fBletsencrypt\-accountd\fR aborts if \fIpath\fR exists or if its parent directory is writable by other users. .TP .B \-?\fR, \fB\-\-help\fR Display a brief help and exit. .TP .B \-q\fR, \fB\-\-quiet\fR Be quiet. .TP .B \-\-debug Turn on debug mode. .SH CONFIGURATION FILE If \fB\-\-config=\fR is not given, \fBletsencrypt\-accountd\fR uses the first existing configuration file among \fI./letsencrypt\-accountd.conf\fR, \fI$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/letsencrypt\-tiny/letsencrypt\-accountd.conf\fR (or \fI~/.config/letsencrypt\-tiny/letsencrypt\-accountd.conf\fR if the XDG_CONFIG_HOME environment variable is not set), and \fI/etc/letsencrypt\-tiny/letsencrypt\-accountd.conf\fR. When given on the command line, the \fB\-\-privkey=\fR, \fB\-\-socket=\fR and \fB\-\-quiet\fR options take precedence over their counterpart (without leading \(lq\-\-\(rq) in the configuration file. Valid options are: .TP .I privkey See \fB\-\-privkey=\fR. This option is required when \fB\-\-privkey=\fR is not specified on the command line. .TP .I gpg For a \fIgpg\fR(1)\-encrypted private account key, specify the binary \fIgpg\fR(1) to use, as well as some default options. Default: \(lqgpg \-\-quiet\(rq. .TP .I socket See \fB\-\-socket=\fR. Default: \(lq$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/S.letsencrypt\(rq if the XDG_RUNTIME_DIR environment variable is set. .TP .I quiet Be quiet. Possible values: \(lqYes\(rq/\(lqNo\(rq. .SH EXAMPLES Run \fBletsencrypt\-accountd\fR in a first terminal: .nf ~$ letsencrypt\-accountd \-\-privkey=file:/path/to/priv.key \-\-socket=/run/user/1000/S.letsencrypt .fi Then, while \fBletsencrypt\-accountd\fR is running, execute locally \fIletsencrypt\fR(1) in another terminal: .nf ~$ sudo letsencrypt \-\-socket=/run/user/1000/S.letsencrypt new\-cert .fi Alternatively, use \fIssh\fR(1) to forward the socket and execute \fIletsencrypt\fR(1) remotely: .nf ~$ ssh -oExitOnForwardFailure=yes -tt -R /path/to/remote.sock:/run/user/1000/S.letsencrypt user@example.org \\ sudo letsencrypt --socket=/path/to/remote.sock new-cert .fi .SH SEE ALSO \fBletsencrypt\fR(1), \fBssh\fR(1) .SH AUTHOR .ie \n[www-html] \{\ Written by . MTO guilhem@fripost.org "Guilhem Moulin" . \} .el \{\ Written by Guilhem Moulin . MT guilhem@fripost.org . ME . \}