diff options
1 files changed, 116 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 3ed4293..661655a 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -25,12 +25,16 @@ use Getopt::Long qw/:config posix_default no_ignore_case gnu_compat
bundling auto_version auto_help/;
use Pod::Usage;
use File::Temp;
+use File::Basename;
+use File::Spec;
+use Inline 'C';
use Geo::GDAL;
use Geo::OSR;
-use Inline 'C';
+use Image::Magick;
my %config = ( progress => Geo::GDAL->can('TermProgress_nocb') ?
sub { Geo::GDAL::TermProgress_nocb(@_[0,1]) } :
@@ -39,12 +43,17 @@ my %config = ( progress => Geo::GDAL->can('TermProgress_nocb') ?
, rename => 's/\.[^.]+$//'
, zoom => '1024x1024'
, resampling => &resamplings('near')
+ , border => 10
+ , bordercolor=> 'red'
+ , fontsize => 25
+ , font => 'Helvetica'
GetOptions( "q|quiet" => sub { delete $config{progress} }
, "d|debug" => \$config{debug}
- , "rename=s" => sub { $config{rename} = $_[1] # TODO: sanitize
+ , "rename=s" => sub { pod2usage(2) unless $_[1] =~ /^s(.).+\1[ixgcadlu]*$/;
+ $config{rename} = $_[1]
, "s|size=s" => sub { if ($_[1] =~ /^(\d*\.?\d+)(%?)$/) {
$config{zoom} = $2 ? 100. / $1 : $1;
@@ -57,6 +66,23 @@ GetOptions( "q|quiet" => sub { delete $config{progress} }
, "r|resampling=s"=> sub { $config{resampling} = &resamplings($_[1]) }
+ , "b|border=s"=> sub { if ($_[1] =~ /^(?<b>\d*)(?<bc>:.*)?$/) {
+ $config{border} = $+{b} if $+{b};
+ $config{bordercolor} = $1 if $+{bc} =~ /^:(.+)/;
+ }
+ else {
+ pod2usage(2);
+ }
+ }
+ , "f|font=s" => sub { if ($_[1] =~ /^(?<fs>\d*)(?<fc>:.*)?(?<f>:[^:]*)?$/) {
+ $config{fontsize} = $+{fs} if $+{fs};
+ $config{fontcolor} = $1 if $+{fc} =~ /^:(.+)/;
+ $config{font} = $1 if $+{f} =~ /^:(.+)/;
+ }
+ else {
+ pod2usage(2);
+ }
+ }
, "s_srs=s" => sub { $config{s_srs} = Geo::OSR::SpatialReference::->new();
$config{s_srs}->SetFromUserInput( $_[1] ) }
, "t_srs=s" => sub { $config{t_srs} = Geo::OSR::SpatialReference::->new();
@@ -175,8 +201,8 @@ if ($config{zoom} =~ /^(\d+)x(\d+)$/) {
my $yRatio = (0.+$lry-$uly) / ($yRes*$ySize);
$config{zoom} = $xRatio < $yRatio ? $yRatio : $xRatio;
- map { $_->{xRes} = $_->{transform}->[1] * $config{zoom}
- ; $_->{yRes} = $_->{transform}->[5] * $config{zoom}
+ map { $_->{transform2}->[1] = $_->{transform}->[1] * $config{zoom}
+ ; $_->{transform2}->[5] = $_->{transform}->[5] * $config{zoom}
} @mapset;
&debug( "Using zoom: $config{zoom}" );
@@ -203,7 +229,8 @@ foreach my $map (@mapset) {
&debug ("Opening '$map->{filename}'");
my $ds = Geo::GDAL::Open($map->{filename}, 'ReadOnly') or exit 1;
&expand_rgba( \$ds, $map );
- &reproject( \$ds, $map );
+ my $f = &reproject( \$ds, $map );
+ &annotate( $f, $map );
@@ -313,13 +340,13 @@ sub reproject {
my ($ul,$lr) = @{$map->{corners}}[0,3];
# TODO: it might be xSize that's determined from ySize
- my $dst_xSize = int( ($lr->[0]-$ul->[0]) / $map->{xRes} );
+ my $dst_xSize = int( ($lr->[0]-$ul->[0]) / $map->{transform2}->[1] );
my $dst_ySize = int( $dst_xSize / $config{ratio} );
my ($src_xSize, $src_ySize) = $src_ds->Size();
&debug("Reducing map from ${src_xSize}x${src_ySize} to ${dst_xSize}x${dst_ySize}.");
- my $dst_filename = $index; #&tempfile(SUFFIX => '.tif');
+ my $dst_filename = &tempfile(SUFFIX => '.tif');
my $dst_ds = Geo::GDAL::GetDriverByName($driver)->Create( $dst_filename
, $dst_xSize
, $dst_ySize
@@ -328,8 +355,6 @@ sub reproject {
, $driver_opts
$dst_ds->SetProjection( $config{t_wkt} );
- $map->{transform2}->[1] = $map->{xRes};
- $map->{transform2}->[5] = $map->{yRes};
$dst_ds->SetGeoTransform( $map->{transform2} );
my $res = Geo::GDAL::ReprojectImage( $src_ds, $dst_ds,
@@ -347,6 +372,88 @@ sub reproject {
+# Annotate the map (add border & caption).
+sub annotate {
+ my $src_filename = shift;
+ my $map = shift;
+ my $img = Image::Magick::->new();
+ $img->Read($src_filename);
+ my ($xSize, $ySize) = $img->Get(qw/width height/);
+ &debug( "Border: $config{border}:$config{bordercolor}" );
+ &debug( "Font: $config{fontsize}:". ($config{fontcolor} // $config{bordercolor}).
+ ":$config{font}" );
+ &debug( "Text: $map->{text}");
+ # To get the list of fonts:
+ # &debug( "Supported fonts:", map {"\t".$_} $img->QueryFont() );
+ my @draw = ( fill => 'none'
+ , stroke => $config{bordercolor}
+ , strokewidth => $config{border}
+ );
+ my @ann = ( fill => $config{fontcolor} // $config{bordercolor}
+ , strokewidth => 0
+ , font => $config{font}
+ , pointsize => $config{fontsize}
+ , gravity => 'Center'
+ , text => $map->{text}
+ );
+ my @points;
+ if ($config{t_srs}->IsSame($config{s_srs} // $map->{srs})) {
+ push @draw, primitive => 'rectangle';
+ push @points, [ 0, 0 ], [ $xSize-1, $ySize-1 ];
+ }
+ else {
+ # The projection changed. Since the map might have been rotated,
+ # we draw a polygon instead of a rectangle. Also, instead of
+ # adding the border *then* reproject we use a mask in order to
+ # have nice anti-aliasing and better looking fonts.
+ my ($ul1,$ll1,$ur1,$lr1) = @{$map->{corners}};
+ my ($rx,$ry) = @{$map->{transform2}}[1,5];
+ my ($ul2,$ll2,$ur2,$lr2) = &pix2proj( $map->{transform2},
+ ( [ 0, 0]
+ , [ 0, $ySize-1 ]
+ , [ $xSize-1, 0 ]
+ , [ $xSize-1, $ySize-1 ]
+ ));
+ push @draw, primitive => 'polygon';
+ push @points, [ int(($ul1->[0]-$ul2->[0]) / $rx)
+ , int(($ul1->[1]-$ul2->[1]) / $ry) ]
+ , [ int(($ll1->[0]-$ll2->[0]) / $rx)
+ , int(($ll1->[1]-$ll2->[1]) / $ry) + $ySize ]
+ , [ int(($lr1->[0]-$lr2->[0]) / $rx) + $xSize
+ , int(($lr1->[1]-$lr2->[1]) / $ry) + $ySize ]
+ , [ int(($ur1->[0]-$ur2->[0]) / $rx) + $xSize
+ , int(($ur1->[1]-$ur2->[1]) / $ry) ]
+ ;
+ }
+ $img->Draw( @draw, points => join (' ', map {join ',', @$_} @points) );
+ $img->Annotate( @ann );
+ my $dst_filename = &tempfile(SUFFIX => '.tif');
+ $img->Write($dst_filename);
+ # The georeference didn't change when annotating. Hence we simply
+ # link the former world file.
+ my ($src_tfw, $dst_tfw) = map { my ($name,$path) = fileparse($_, qr/\.tiff?$/);
+ File::Spec->catfile($path, $name.'.tfw');
+ }
+ ($src_filename, $dst_filename);
+ if (-f $src_tfw and not -f $dst_tfw) {
+ link $src_tfw, $dst_tfw;
+ &debug( "Linking worldfiles: $src_tfw -> $dst_tfw" );
+ }
+ undef $img;
+ $map->{thumbnail} = $dst_filename;