#! /usr/bin/perl -w # This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, to the # extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want To Public # License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. # See http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/COPYING for more details. $VERSION = "0.1, 10 August 2011"; use Getopt::Long qw/:config posix_default no_ignore_case gnu_compat bundling auto_version auto_help/; use Pod::Usage; use DBI; use File::Basename; use File::Spec::Functions qw /catfile catdir splitdir updir/; use File::Copy; use Cwd qw /realpath/; use Env qw /HOME/; use strict; ################################################################################ # Configuration my $symlinks = catdir($HOME,'video','MOVIES'); # Symlinks folder my $directors = catdir($HOME,'video','DIRECTORS'); # Directors folder my $driver = "mysql"; my $database = "videodb"; my $hostname = ""; my $user = "videodb"; my $port = 3306; my $password = "videodb"; my $videodata = "videodb_videodata"; ################################################################################ =head1 NAME videomv.pl - TODO =head1 SYNOPSIS B [B<--sort>] I [I<.../>{I,I}I[I]] video |- ... |- DIRECTORS | |- director1/ | |- director2/ | `- ... `- MOVIES/ =head1 DESCRIPTION Depending on whether I is I<.../MOVIES/>, I<.../DIRECTORS/director/>, or something else, one has one of the six behaviors below. For the sake of readability the paths are absolute here, but relative paths are fine as well. =over 4 =item B [B<--sort>] I<.../MOVIES/oldfile> I<.../MOVIES/newfile> I is supposed to be an existing symlink in I<.../MOVIES/>, which targets to I<../DIRECTORS/director/oldfile>. If I=I, an error will be raised. Otherwise, the following actions will be performed: =over 4 =item * The old target will be renamed to I<../DIRECTORS/director/newfile>, =item * the old symlink will be deleted, =item * a new symlink I<.../MOVIES/newfile> -> I<../DIRECTORS/director/newfile> will be created, and =item * the filename in the database will be updated. =back If the B<--sort> flag is set, the new I will be find on the database instead of from the old target. =item B I<.../MOVIES/oldfile> I<.../DIRECTOR/newdirector/>[I] I is supposed to be an existing symlink in I<.../MOVIES/>, which targets to I<../DIRECTORS/olddirector/oldfile>. If I=I (or if I=I and I was not given), an error will be raised. Otherwise, the following actions will be performed: =over 4 =item * The old target will be moved to I<../DIRECTORS/newdirector/newfile>, (or to I<../DIRECTORS/newdirector/oldfile> if I was not given), =item * the old symlink will be deleted, =item * a new symlink I<.../MOVIES/newfile> -> I<../DIRECTORS/newdirector/newfile> (or -> I<../DIRECTORS/newdirector/oldfile> if I was not given) will be created, and =item * the filename in the database will be updated if I<>I. =back =item B [B<--sort>] I<.../DIRECTORS/director/oldfile> I<.../MOVIES/newfile> A symlink I<.../MOVIES/oldfile> -> I<../DIRECTORS/director/oldfile> is supposed to exist. If I=I, an error will be raised. Otherwise, the following actions will be performed: =over 4 =item * The old target I<../DIRECTORS/director/oldfile> will be renamed to I<../DIRECTORS/director/newfile>, =item * the old symlink will be deleted, =item * a new symlink I<.../MOVIES/newfile> -> I<../DIRECTORS/director/newfile> will be created, and =item * the filename in the database will be updated. =back =item B I<.../DIRECTORS/olddirector/oldfile> I<.../DIRECTOR/newdirector/>[I] A symlink I<.../MOVIES/oldfile> -> I<../DIRECTORS/olddirector/oldfile> is supposed to exist. If I=I (or if I=I and I was not given), an error will be raised. Otherwise, the following actions will be performed: =over 4 =item * The old target I<../DIRECTORS/olddirector/oldfile> will be moved to I<../DIRECTORS/newdirector/newfile>, =item * the old symlink will be deleted, =item * a new symlink I<.../MOVIES/newfile> -> I<../DIRECTORS/newdirector/newfile> will be created, and =item * the filename in the database will be updated if I<>I. =back =item B B<--sort> I [I<.../MOVIES/newfile>] Where I is neither of I<.../MOVIES/> nor I<.../DIRECTORS/*/>, and I is a regular file. The director will looked for in the database, and and error will be raised if no entry is found. Otherwise, the following actions will be performed: =over 4 =item * The old file will be moved to I<../DIRECTORS/director/newfile> (or to I<../DIRECTORS/director/oldfile> if the second argument was not given), =item * a symlink I<.../MOVIES/newfile> -> I<../DIRECTORS/director/newfile> (or I<.../MOVIES/oldfile> -> I<../DIRECTORS/director/oldfile> if the second argument was not given) will be created, and =item * the filename in the database will be updated if I<>I. =back Note that the B<--sort> has to be set for this to work; if not, an error will be raised. =item B I I<.../DIRECTOR/director/>[I] Where I is neither of I<.../MOVIES/> nor I<.../DIRECTORS/*/>, and I is a regular file. The following actions will be performed: =over 4 =item * The old file will be moved to I<../DIRECTORS/director/newfile> (or to I<../DIRECTORS/director/oldfile> if I was not given), =item * a symlink I<.../MOVIES/newfile> -> I<../DIRECTORS/director/newfile> (or I<.../MOVIES/oldfile> -> I<../DIRECTORS/director/oldfile> if the second argument was not given) will be created, =item * the filename in the database will be updated if I<>I. =back =back =head1 OPTIONS =over 8 =item B<--sort> TODO =item B<--fail> TODO =back =head1 EXIT STATUS TODO =head1 REQUIREMENTS TODO =head1 AUTHOR Copyright 2011 Guilhem Moulin. See the source for copying conditions. =cut ################################################################################ my $sort; # Get options GetOptions( "sort" => \$sort, "q|quiet" => sub { open LOG, '>', '/dev/null' or die "Cannot open `/dev/null': $!" }, "man" => sub { pod2usage(-exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 2) } ) or pod2usage(2); pod2usage(2) if ($#ARGV < 0 or $#ARGV > 1); *LOG = *STDERR unless defined (fileno LOG); my ($old_path,$new_path) = @ARGV; $new_path = $symlinks unless defined $new_path; die "Error: `" .$old_path. "' does not exist\n" unless (-l $old_path or -f $old_path); $new_path = catfile ($new_path, basename($old_path)) if -d realpath($new_path); die "Error: `" .$new_path. "' exists\n" if (-l $new_path or -f $new_path); my $old_filename = basename($old_path); my $new_filename = basename($new_path); # Get the real paths, {..,symlink}-collapse and so on my $real_old_path = catfile (realpath (dirname($old_path)), $old_filename); my $real_new_path = catfile (realpath (dirname($new_path)), $new_filename); my $real_symlinks = realpath($symlinks); my @real_symlinks = splitdir($real_symlinks); my $real_directors = realpath($directors); my @real_directors = splitdir($real_directors); # Connect to database my $dsn = "DBI:$driver:database=$database;host=$hostname;port=$port"; my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $user, $password) or die "Can't connect do database"; $dbh->do( "set names utf8" ) or die; # Lookup for the file in the videodb database my $RES = $dbh->selectall_hashref ( "SELECT id,director,title FROM $videodata WHERE filename = ?", 'id', undef, $old_filename ) or die "Can't select: " .$dbh->errstr. "\n"; my $nRES = scalar (keys %$RES); # The ID of the first movie found in the database, if any my $id = each %$RES; my $r; my ($old_director, $new_director); my ($old_symlink, $new_symlink, $new_target, $old_target); if (&is_symlink($real_new_path)) { # The destination is under $symlinks if (defined $sort) { # Find the new director on the database # Ensure there is exactly one entry in the db die "Error: No entry found in the database while the flag `--sort' was set.\n" if $nRES == 0; die "Error: Multiples entries found in the database while the flag `--sort' was set.\n" if $nRES > 1; $new_director = $RES->{$id}->{director}; $new_director =~ s/ ?: ?/ -/; $new_director =~ tr@/@_@; $new_director =~ s/[[:cntrl:]]//; # Create directory if it doesn't exist my $new_dirname = catfile ($directors, $new_director); unless (-d $new_dirname) { print STDERR "Directory `$new_dirname' does not exist. "; until (-d $new_dirname) { print STDERR "Should I create it? (Y/n) "; my $a = lc ; chomp $a; if ($a eq 'y' or $a eq '') { mkdir $new_dirname or die "Error: Cannot mkdir `$new_dirname': $!\n"; } elsif ($a eq 'n') { exit 0; } } } } $new_symlink = $new_path; if (&is_symlink($real_old_path)) { $old_symlink = $old_path; # Source is presumably a symlink: ensure it is die "Error: `" .$old_path. "' is expected to be a symlink.\n" unless -l $real_old_path; $old_target = realpath ($old_path); die "Error: `" .$old_path. "' is expected to target to `" .catfile(updir(),'DIRECTORS','*',$old_filename). "'.\n" unless (defined $new_director || &is_director(\$new_director, $old_target)); $new_target = catfile ($directors, $new_director, $new_filename); } elsif (&is_director(\$old_director, $real_old_path)) { $old_symlink = catfile ($symlinks, $old_filename); die "Error: `" .$old_symlink. "' is expected to be a symlink.\n" unless -l $old_symlink; die "Error: `" .$old_symlink. "' is expected to target to `" .catfile(updir(),'DIRECTORS',$old_director,$old_filename) ."'.\n" unless realpath($old_symlink) eq realpath($old_path); $old_target = $old_path; $new_director = $old_director unless defined $new_director; $new_target = catfile ($directors, $new_director, $new_filename); } else { $old_target = $old_path; die "Error: `" .$old_path. "' is expected to be a regular file.\n" unless -f $old_path; die "Error: Dunno where to put this file. Try the `--sort' flag.\n" unless defined $new_director; $new_target = catfile ($directors, $new_director, $new_filename); } } elsif (&is_director(\$new_director, $real_new_path)) { # The destination is under $directors/* $new_target = $new_path; $new_symlink = catfile ($symlinks, $new_filename); if (&is_symlink($real_old_path)) { # Source is presumably a symlink: ensure it is die "Error: `" .$old_path. "' is expected to be a symlink.\n" unless -l $real_old_path; $old_symlink = $old_path; $old_target = realpath ($old_path); } elsif (&is_director(\$old_director, $real_old_path)) { $old_symlink = catfile ($symlinks, $old_filename); die "Error: `" .$old_symlink. "' is expected to be a symlink.\n" unless -l $old_symlink; die "Error: `" .$old_symlink. "' is expected to target to `" .catfile(updir(),'DIRECTORS',$old_director,$old_filename) ."'.\n" unless realpath($old_symlink) eq realpath($old_path); $old_target = $old_path; } else { $old_target = $old_path; die "Error: `" .$old_path. "' is expected to be a regular file.\n" unless -f $old_path; } } else { die "Error: destination has to be in `" .$symlinks. "' or in `" .catfile($directors,'*'). "'.\n" ."See `" .$0. " --man' for details\n"; } if (dirname (realpath $old_target) eq dirname (realpath $new_target)) { unless ($old_filename eq $new_filename) { print LOG "Renaming target... "; &ack (\$r, rename $old_target, $new_target); } } else { print LOG "Moving target... "; &ack (\$r, move $old_target, $new_target); } if (defined $old_symlink) { print LOG "Deleting old symlink... "; &ack (\$r, unlink $old_symlink); } print LOG "Creating new symlink... "; &ack (\$r, symlink catfile(updir(),'DIRECTORS',$new_director,$new_filename), $new_symlink); unless ($old_filename eq $new_filename) { print LOG "Updating database... "; if ($nRES == 0) { print LOG "failed!: no entry found.\n"; } elsif ($nRES > 1) { print LOG "failed!: multiple entries found.\n"; } else { my $rv = $dbh->do ( "UPDATE $videodata SET filename = ? WHERE id = ?", undef, $new_filename, $id ); &ack (\$r, $rv); } } # Disconnect $dbh->disconnect(); ################################################################################ # Acknowledge the result of a test sub ack { my ($r, $test) = @_; if ($test) { print LOG "OK\n"; } else { print LOG "failed!: $!\n"; $$r = 1; } } # Check wether a path starts with $movies sub is_symlink { my @path = splitdir ($_[0]); my @real_symlinks = @real_symlinks; #local copy while ($#real_symlinks>=0 && $#path>=0 && $real_symlinks[0] eq $path[0]) { shift @real_symlinks; shift @path; }; if ($#real_symlinks<0 && $#path==0) { return 1; # That's a "symlink" } else { return 0; # That's not a "symlink" } } # Check wether a path starts with $director/dir, and put `dir' in the # first argument if that's the case sub is_director { my @path = splitdir ($_[1]); my @real_directors = @real_directors; #local copy while ($#real_directors>=0 && $#path>=0 && $real_directors[0] eq $path[0]) { shift @real_directors; shift @path; }; if ($#real_directors<0 && $#path>=0) { ${$_[0]} = $path[0] if defined $_[0]; return 1; # That's a "director" } else { return 0; # That's not a "director" } }