diff options
authorGuilhem Moulin <guilhem@fripost.org>2024-06-02 01:16:34 +0200
committerGuilhem Moulin <guilhem@fripost.org>2024-06-03 17:57:51 +0200
commitf0894cc20c67c3f8505751b9b52c07ba9c786ed1 (patch)
parentcdbb0c96f4778d3c3884e1cff340130a93f3bbb2 (diff)
Add layer definitions for Mineralrättigheter.
Unfortunately SGU/Bergsstaten doesn't offer layer files to download, but it has an online webmap (WMS) at https://apps.sgu.se/kartvisare/kartvisare-mineralrattigheter.html so we add a dedicated module to probe and fetch features from it. Double checked that the resulting combination of GeoJSON files does not result in data loss compared to the previous (private) script: sort_features() { jq -S '.features |= sort_by(.properties.Name, .properties.Layer, .properties.Area)' } diff -u --color=auto \ <(ogr2ogr -f GeoJSON -lco COORDINATE_PRECISION=2 /vsistdout/ $dir/Mineralrättigheter.gpkg \ SE.GOV.SGU.MRR.BEARBETNINGSKONCESSIONER_APPLIED_VY | jq '.name = "MRR:" + .name' | sort_features) \ <(ogr2ogr -f GeoJSON -lco COORDINATE_PRECISION=2 -nlt MULTIPOLYGON -nlt PROMOTE_TO_MULTI \ /vsistdout/ mrr/bearbetningskoncessioner_applied.geojson | sort_features) (and similar for other layers).
2 files changed, 740 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/config.yml b/config.yml
index 029e60b..af8d73c 100644
--- a/config.yml
+++ b/config.yml
@@ -1,4 +1,22 @@
+SRS: 'EPSG:3006' # a.k.a. SWEREF99 TM, cf. https://epsg.io/3006
+ # Lantmäteriet uses a tile-scheme where the origin (upper-left corner) is at
+ # N8500000 E-1200000 (SWEREF99 TM), where each tile is 256×256 pixels, and
+ # where the resolution at level 0 is 4096m per pixel.
+ #
+ # https://www.lantmateriet.se/globalassets/geodata/geodatatjanster/tb_twk_visning_cache_v1.1.0.pdf
+ # https://www.lantmateriet.se/globalassets/geodata/geodatatjanster/tb_twk_visning-oversiktlig_v1.0.3.pdf
+ #
+ # We set the extent to a 4×4 tiles square at level 2 somehow centered on
+ # Norrbotten and Västerbotten. This represent a TILEROW (x) offset of 5, and
+ # a TILECOL (y) offset of 2. A 4×8 tiles rectangle with the same upper-left
+ # and upper-right coordinates can be used to cover the entire country.
+ - 110720
+ - 6927136 # alternatively 5878560 for the entire country
+ - 1159296
+ - 7975712
# Take User-Agent value from Tor Browser 13.0.15 (based on Mozilla Firefox 115.11.0esr)
User-Agent: 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/115.0'
@@ -9,6 +27,7 @@ layer-groups:
sks: 'sks:*'
st: 'st:*'
vbk: 'vbk:*'
+ mrr: 'mrr:*'
@@ -199,3 +218,78 @@ layers:
download: 'https://ext-dokument.lansstyrelsen.se/gemensamt/geodata/ShapeExport/lst.vbk_projekteringsomraden.zip'
cache: vbk/
+ # The list of layers available on the WMS server can be found at
+ # https://maps3.sgu.se/geoserver/wms?SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.11&REQUEST=GetCapabilities
+ 'mrr:bearbetningskoncessioner_applied':
+ source:
+ download:
+ module: webmap-download-mrr
+ cache: mrr/bearbetningskoncessioner_applied.geojson
+ 'mrr:bearbetningskoncessioner_approved':
+ source:
+ download:
+ module: webmap-download-mrr
+ cache: mrr/bearbetningskoncessioner_approved.geojson
+ 'mrr:markanvisningar':
+ source:
+ download:
+ module: webmap-download-mrr
+ cache: mrr/markanvisningar.geojson
+ 'mrr:mineral_applied':
+ source:
+ download:
+ module: webmap-download-mrr
+ cache: mrr/mineral_applied.geojson
+ 'mrr:mineral_approved':
+ source:
+ download:
+ module: webmap-download-mrr
+ cache: mrr/mineral_approved.geojson
+# 'mrr:mineral_expired':
+# source:
+# download:
+# module: webmap-download-mrr
+# cache: mrr/mineral_expired.geojson
+# 'mrr:mineral_prohibited':
+# source:
+# download:
+# module: webmap-download-mrr
+# cache: mrr/mineral_prohibited.geojson
+# 'mrr:ogd_expired':
+# source:
+# download:
+# module: webmap-download-mrr
+# layername: 'MRR:SE.GOV.SGU.MRR.OGD_EXPIRED_2'
+# cache: mrr/ogd_expired.geojson
+# 'mrr:ogd_prohibited':
+# source:
+# download:
+# module: webmap-download-mrr
+# cache: mrr/ogd_prohibited.geojson
+ 'mrr:olja_gas_diamant_applied':
+ source:
+ download:
+ module: webmap-download-mrr
+ cache: mrr/olja_gas_diamant_applied.geojson
+ 'mrr:olja_gas_diamant_approved':
+ source:
+ download:
+ module: webmap-download-mrr
+ cache: mrr/olja_gas_diamant_approved.geojson
+ 'mrr:torvkoncessioner':
+ source:
+ download:
+ module: webmap-download-mrr
+ cache: mrr/torvkoncessioner.geojson
diff --git a/webmap-download-mrr.py b/webmap-download-mrr.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f44cf8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/webmap-download-mrr.py
@@ -0,0 +1,646 @@
+# Backend utilities for the Klimatanalys Norr project (download MRR layers)
+# Copyright © 2024 Guilhem Moulin <info@guilhem.se>
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+# Unfortunately SGU/Bergsstaten doesn't offer MRR layer files to
+# download, cf.
+# https://www.sgu.se/produkter-och-tjanster/geologiska-data/vara-data-per-amnesomrade/berggrundsgeologiska-data/mineralrattigheter/
+# but it has an online webmap (WMS) at
+# https://apps.sgu.se/kartvisare/kartvisare-mineralrattigheter.html
+# so we add a dedicated module to probe and fetch features from it.
+import os
+from pathlib import Path
+from time import time, sleep, monotonic as time_monotonic
+import re
+import logging
+import requests
+import itertools
+import random
+import json
+from math import sqrt
+from hashlib import sha256
+from lxml import etree
+from osgeo import gdal, ogr
+import common
+LAST_UPDATED = 'Last updated'
+class WMS:
+ def __init__(self, headers={}, session=requests, url=None, version='1.1.1'):
+ self.req_count = 0
+ self.headers = headers
+ self.session = session
+ self.url = url
+ self.version = version
+ # Send a request to the WMS server
+ def req(self, request, content_type=None, params={}, max_tries=10, timeout=10):
+ params2 = {
+ 'VERSION': self.version,
+ 'REQUEST': request,
+ } | params
+ for i in itertools.count(1):
+ try:
+ r = self.session.get(self.url,
+ headers = self.headers,
+ params = params2,
+ timeout = timeout,
+ )
+ except (requests.Timeout, requests.ConnectionError) as e:
+ if i < max_tries:
+ logging.error('Timeout')
+ continue
+ raise e
+ self.req_count = self.req_count + 1
+ if i < max_tries and r.status_code in [requests.codes.bad_gateway, requests.codes.gateway_timeout]:
+ logging.error(r.status_code)
+ sleep(30)
+ continue
+ r.raise_for_status()
+ if content_type is not None:
+ content_type2 = r.headers.get('Content-Type')
+ content_type2 = content_type2.split(';')[0] if content_type2 is not None else None
+ if content_type2 is None or content_type2 != content_type:
+ raise Exception(f'Content-Type mismatch: expected {content_type}, got {content_type2}')
+ return r
+ # Return metadata for the given feature
+ def getFeatureInfo(self, x, y, layer, res=.25):
+ content_type = 'application/json'
+ width = height = 101 # value from https://apps.sgu.se/kartvisare/kartvisare-mineralrattigheter.html
+ half_width = res * width/2
+ half_height = res * height/2
+ x1 = x - half_width
+ x2 = x + half_width
+ y1 = y - half_height
+ y2 = y + half_height
+ bbox = [x1, y1, x2, y2]
+ max_count = 300
+ r = self.req('GetFeatureInfo', content_type=content_type, params={
+ 'LAYERS': layer,
+ 'FORMAT': 'image/png',
+ 'TRANSPARENT': 'true',
+ 'TILED': 'false',
+ 'WIDTH': width,
+ 'HEIGHT': height,
+ 'QUERY_LAYERS': layer,
+ 'INFO_FORMAT': content_type,
+ 'FEATURE_COUNT': max_count,
+ 'X': 50,
+ 'Y': 50,
+ 'BBOX': ','.join(map(str, bbox)),
+ 'SRS': common.config['SRS'],
+ })
+ data = r.json()
+ if data.get('type', '') != 'FeatureCollection':
+ raise Exception(f'Did not return a feature collection')
+ if data.get('features', None) is None:
+ raise Exception(f'Missing features list')
+ if len(data.get('features')) >= max_count:
+ logging.warning('Returned max number of features (%d), possibly missing some!', max_count)
+ return data
+ # Refine a geometry at the given resolution.
+ # Return the iteration count at which the feature was found (or None if it was not found) along
+ # with a dictionary `fingerprint:feature` found along the way.
+ def refineGeometry(self, layername, fpr, feature, res=1, crs=None, max_tries=1024, features={}):
+ geojson = json.dumps(feature.get('geometry'))
+ geom = ogr.CreateGeometryFromJson(geojson)
+ if geom is None:
+ raise Exception(f'Invalid GeoJSON geometry')
+ triangulation = triangulate(geom.MakeValid())
+ i = 0
+ while fpr not in features and i < max_tries:
+ x, y = getRandomPoint(triangulation)
+ data = self.getFeatureInfo(x, y, layername, res=res)
+ crs2 = data.get('crs', None)
+ features2 = data['features']
+ if ((crs is None and crs2 is not None) or (crs is not None and crs2 is None)
+ or (crs is not None and crs2 is not None and crs != crs2)):
+ if len(features2) > 0:
+ # the server should never return different CRSs
+ raise Exception(f'{json.dumps(crs)} != {json.dumps(crs2)}')
+ for feature2 in features2:
+ fpr2, feature2 = mkFeature(feature2, layername)
+ features[fpr2] = feature2
+ i = i + 1
+ if fpr not in features:
+ return None, features
+ return i, features
+ # Refine geometries at the given resolution, modifying features in place
+ def refineGeometries(self, features, layername, res=1, crs=None, max_tries=1024, progress=None):
+ feature_count = len(features)
+ features2 = {}
+ pbar = None
+ stats = {}
+ try:
+ if progress is not None:
+ pbar = progress(total=feature_count, leave=False, unit='')
+ for fpr, feature in features.items():
+ i, _ = self.refineGeometry(layername, fpr, feature,
+ res=res, crs=crs, max_tries=max_tries, features=features2)
+ if i is None:
+ i = '-'
+ stats[i] = stats.get(i, 0) + 1
+ if pbar is not None:
+ pbar.update(1)
+ finally:
+ if pbar is not None:
+ pbar.close()
+ features.update(features2)
+ # show refinement stats
+ if stats.get(0, 0) + stats.get(1, 0) == feature_count:
+ details = 'all on first attempt'
+ else:
+ details = []
+ for ks, vs in sorted(stats.items(), key=lambda item: max_count+1 if item[0] == '-' else item[0]):
+ if ks == '-':
+ msg = f'{vs}× FAILED'
+ elif len(details) > 0:
+ msg = f'{vs}× {ks}'
+ elif ks == 1:
+ msg = f'{vs}× after 1 attempt'
+ else:
+ msg = f'{vs}× after {ks} attempts'
+ details.append(msg)
+ details = ', '.join(details)
+ w = 'geometry' if feature_count == 1 else 'geometries'
+ logging.info('Refined %d %s at resolution %s (%s)', feature_count, w, str(res), details)
+ # Guess whether the cached layer at path is up to date
+ def is_uptodate(self, layername, path, dir_fd=None,
+ oldsvg_fp=None, newsvg='',
+ max_age=864000):
+ try:
+ fd = os.open(path, O_RDONLY, dir_fd=dir_fd)
+ except (OSError, ValueError):
+ # couldn't open cached file
+ logging.debug('%s is stale: open() failed', path)
+ return False
+ try:
+ try:
+ st = os.fstat(fd)
+ svg_st = os.fstat(oldsvg_fp.fileno())
+ except (OSError, ValueError):
+ logging.debug('%s is stale: fstat() failed', path)
+ return False
+ if st.st_mtime < svg_st.st_mtime:
+ # writing SVG is racy so always assume that a younger SVG
+ # means a stale GeoJSON
+ logging.debug('%s is stale: SVG is younger (%f < %f)', path,
+ st.st_mtime, svg_st.st_mtime)
+ return False
+ try:
+ oldsvg = oldsvg_fp.read()
+ finally:
+ # seek back to the begining (we then truncate and write the SVG)
+ oldsvg_fp.seek(0)
+ if newsvg is None or oldsvg != newsvg:
+ logging.debug('%s is stale: SVG differs', path)
+ return False
+ if max_age is not None:
+ current_time = time()
+ mtime = max(st.st_ctime, st.st_mtime)
+ if max_age + mtime < current_time:
+ # always consider files older than max_age as stale
+ logging.debug('%s is stale: too old (%f + %f < %f)', path,
+ max_age, mtime, current_time)
+ return False
+ with os.fdopen(fd, mode='rb', closefd=False) as fp:
+ try:
+ # load cached geojson
+ data = json.load(fp)
+ except json.JSONDecodeError:
+ logging.warning('%s is stale: not a valid JSON file', path)
+ return False
+ finally:
+ os.close(fd)
+ # more checks on the GeoJSON content
+ if (not isinstance(data, dict) or 'type' not in data or data['type'] != 'FeatureCollection'
+ or 'features' not in data or not isinstance(data['features'], list)):
+ logging.warning('%s: not a valid GeoJSON file', path)
+ return False
+ crs = data.get('crs', None)
+ data = data['features']
+ if len(data) == 0:
+ # always assume empty cached files are stale
+ logging.debug('%s is stale: has no features', path)
+ return False
+ data = random.choice(data) # random features
+ if (not isinstance(data, dict) or 'type' not in data or data['type'] != 'Feature'
+ or 'geometry' not in data or not isinstance(data['geometry'], dict)):
+ logging.warning('%s: not a valid GeoJSON file', path)
+ return False
+ last_updated = data['properties'].get(LAST_UPDATED, None)
+ if last_updated is None or last_updated == '':
+ logging.debug('%s is stale: %s has no "%s" value', path,
+ json.dumps(data), LAST_UPDATED)
+ return False
+ # check whether the randomly chosen feature is still there and that
+ # its "Last updated" value has not changed
+ # (this check comes last as it is potentially expensive)
+ fpr, data = mkFeature(data, layername)
+ found, features = self.refineGeometry(layername, fpr, data, res=.25, crs=crs, max_tries=10)
+ if not found:
+ logging.debug('%s is stale: could not find feature %s', path, json.dumps(data))
+ return False
+ last_updated2 = features[fpr]['properties'].get(LAST_UPDATED, None)
+ if last_updated2 is None or last_updated != last_updated2:
+ logging.debug('%s is stale: "%s" values differ (%s != %s)',
+ path, LAST_UPDATED, last_updated, last_updated2)
+ return False
+ # assume the cached file is up to date
+ logging.debug('is_uptodate(%s, %s, …) == True', layername, path)
+ return True
+# Triangulate the input geometry
+def triangulate(geom):
+ geomType = geom.GetGeometryType()
+ if geomType == ogr.wkbPolygon or geomType == ogr.wkbMultiPolygon or geomType == ogr.wkbGeometryCollection:
+ if geom.Area() < 1e-9:
+ # degenerate polygon
+ return geom.Boundary()
+ elif geomType == ogr.wkbLineString or geomType == ogr.wkbMultiLineString:
+ return geom
+ elif geomType == ogr.wkbPoint or geomType == ogr.wkbMultiPoint:
+ return geom
+ else:
+ raise Exception(f'Invalid geometry type: {geom}')
+ triangulation = geom.DelaunayTriangulation(dfTolerance=0., bOnlyEdges=False)
+ triangulation2 = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbGeometryCollection)
+ for i in range(triangulation.GetGeometryCount()):
+ triangle = triangulation.GetGeometryRef(i)
+ if geom.Contains(triangle):
+ triangulation2.AddGeometry(triangle)
+ return triangulation2
+# Return the centroid (modulo rounding) if is within the input geometry,
+# and None, None otherwise
+def nearCentroidWithin(geom, decimals=2):
+ centroid = geom.Centroid()
+ if centroid.GetGeometryType() != ogr.wkbPoint:
+ raise Exception(f'{centroid} is not a point')
+ x, y = centroid.GetPoint_2D(0)
+ if decimals is not None:
+ x = round(x, decimals)
+ y = round(y, decimals)
+ pt = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPoint)
+ pt.AddPoint_2D(x, y)
+ if pt.Within(geom):
+ return x, y
+ else:
+ return None, None
+# Get a random point within the given geometry
+# The geometry needs to be triangulated first for speed, see
+# see https://dev.to/bogdanalexandru/generating-random-points-within-a-polygon-in-unity-nce
+def getRandomPoint(triangulation, decimals=2, max_tries=1024):
+ # special cases if source is a degenerate polygon
+ geomType = triangulation.GetGeometryType()
+ if geomType == ogr.wkbMultiPoint:
+ if triangulation.GetGeometryCount() == 0:
+ raise Exception(f'Empty {triangulation}')
+ i = random.randrange(0, triangulation.GetGeometryCount())
+ pt = triangulation.GetGeometryRef(i)
+ return pt.GetX(), pt.GetY()
+ elif geomType == ogr.wkbLineString:
+ i = random.uniform(0, triangulation.Length())
+ pt = triangulation.Value(i)
+ return pt.GetX(), pt.GetY()
+ elif geomType == ogr.wkbMultiLineString:
+ lengths = []
+ for i in range(triangulation.GetGeometryCount()):
+ line = triangulation.GetGeometryRef(i)
+ lengths.append(line.Length())
+ k = random.choices(range(triangulation.GetGeometryCount()), weights=lengths, k=1)[0]
+ line = triangulation.GetGeometryRef(k)
+ i = random.uniform(0, line.Length())
+ pt = line.Value(i)
+ return pt.GetX(), pt.GetY()
+ elif geomType != ogr.wkbGeometryCollection:
+ raise Exception(f'Not a GeometryCollection {triangulation}')
+ areas = []
+ for i in range(triangulation.GetGeometryCount()):
+ triangle = triangulation.GetGeometryRef(i)
+ areas.append(triangle.GetArea())
+ for i in range(max_tries):
+ # pick a random triangle (weighted by area)
+ k = random.choices(range(triangulation.GetGeometryCount()), weights=areas, k=1)[0]
+ triangle = triangulation.GetGeometryRef(k)
+ ring = triangle.GetGeometryRef(0)
+ if triangle.GetGeometryType() != ogr.wkbPolygon or triangle.GetGeometryCount() != 1 or ring.GetPointCount() != 4:
+ raise Exception('Not a triangle')
+ x0, y0 = ring.GetPoint_2D(0)
+ x1, y1 = ring.GetPoint_2D(1)
+ x2, y2 = ring.GetPoint_2D(2)
+ # pick a random point inside that triangle
+ r1 = random.uniform(0, 1)
+ r2 = random.uniform(0, 1)
+ sqrt_r1 = sqrt(r1)
+ sqrt_r2 = sqrt(r2)
+ x = (1 - sqrt_r1) * x0 + sqrt_r1 * (1 - r2) * x1 + sqrt_r1 * r2 * x2
+ y = (1 - sqrt_r1) * y0 + sqrt_r1 * (1 - r2) * y1 + sqrt_r1 * r2 * y2
+ if decimals is not None:
+ x = round(x, decimals)
+ y = round(y, decimals)
+ pt = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPoint)
+ pt.AddPoint_2D(x, y)
+ if pt.Within(triangulation):
+ return x, y
+ # might need to retry due to rounding
+ raise Exception(f"Couldn't find point within geometry pt={pt} triangle={triangle} k={k} triangulation={triangulation}")
+# Return a feature along with its "signature"
+def mkFeature(feature, layername):
+ properties = feature.get('properties', None)
+ if properties is None:
+ raise Exception(f'Feature lacks "properties" attributes')
+ fid = feature.pop('id', None)
+ if fid is not None and layername is not None and not fid.startswith(layername.removeprefix('MRR:')):
+ raise Exception(f'Unexpected ID {fid} for layer {layername}')
+ properties2 = properties.copy()
+ properties2.pop(LAST_UPDATED, None) # always ignore "Last updated" values
+ properties2 = json.dumps(properties2, ensure_ascii=False, sort_keys=True, separators=(',', ':'))
+ fpr = sha256(properties2.encode('utf-8') + b'\x00' + layername.encode('utf-8'))
+ return fpr.hexdigest(), {
+ # RFC 7946 sec. 3.2
+ 'type': 'Feature',
+ 'geometry': feature.get('geometry'),
+ 'properties': properties,
+ }
+FLOAT_RE = r'(?:[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]*)?|\.[0-9]+)'
+PATH_RE = re.compile(r'^M\s*' +
+ FLOAT_RE + r'\s+' + FLOAT_RE + r'\s+' +
+ r'(?:L\s*' + FLOAT_RE + r'\s+' + FLOAT_RE + r'\s+)+' +
+ r'(?:[ZM]|$)')
+POINT0_RE = re.compile(r'^M\s*(' + FLOAT_RE + r')\s+(' + FLOAT_RE + r')\s+')
+POINT_RE = re.compile(r'^L\s*(' + FLOAT_RE + r')\s+(' + FLOAT_RE + r')(?:\s+|$)')
+def download(dl, dest, dir_fd=None, headers={}, session=requests, progress=None):
+ dest_path = Path(dest)
+ if dest_path.suffix.lower() != '.geojson':
+ # mostly to check that nothing ends in .svg
+ raise Exception(f'{dest} must end with .geojson')
+ dest_tmp = str(dest_path.with_stem(f'.{dest_path.stem}.new'))
+ try:
+ # delete any leftover
+ os.unlink(dest_tmp, dir_fd=dir_fd)
+ except FileNotFoundError:
+ pass
+ layername = dl['layername']
+ logging.info(f'Processing layer %s…', layername)
+ headers.pop('If-Modified-Since', None) # never send If-Modified-Since headers
+ start = time_monotonic()
+ wms = WMS(
+ url='https://maps3.sgu.se/geoserver/wms',
+ version='1.1.1',
+ headers=headers,
+ session=session,
+ )
+ # download the SVG from the WMS server and try to parse it to list
+ # all features; an alternative would be to download a PNG and probe
+ # every single non-transparent pixel, but it's very slow (and not
+ # kind to the WMS server) due to the sheer amount of such pixels
+ bbox = common.config['extent']
+ res = 256
+ image_format = 'image/svg+xml'
+ r = wms.req('GetMap', content_type=image_format, params={
+ 'LAYERS': layername,
+ 'FORMAT': image_format,
+ 'TRANSPARENT': 'true',
+ 'TILED': 'false',
+ 'WIDTH': f'{(bbox[2]-bbox[0])/res:.0f}',
+ 'HEIGHT': f'{(bbox[3]-bbox[1])/res:.0f}',
+ 'BBOX': ','.join(map(str, bbox)),
+ 'SRS': common.config['SRS'],
+ })
+ svg_path = str(dest_path.with_suffix('.svg'))
+ svg_fd = os.open(svg_path, O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_CLOEXEC, mode=0o644, dir_fd=dir_fd)
+ try:
+ with os.fdopen(svg_fd, mode='wb+', closefd=False) as fp:
+ if wms.is_uptodate(layername, dest, dir_fd=dir_fd,
+ oldsvg_fp=fp, newsvg=r.content):
+ logging.info('%s appears to be up to date, skipping', dest)
+ return
+ # not atomic, but not a big deal (only used for comparison and mismatch
+ # causes the layer to be downloaded again); it's not possible to write
+ # the .geojson and the .svg in the same transaction anyway
+ fp.truncate()
+ fp.write(r.content)
+ finally:
+ os.close(svg_fd)
+ # https://gdal.org/tutorials/geotransforms_tut.html
+ gt = [bbox[0], res, 0, bbox[3], 0, -res]
+ ns = 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'
+ tree = etree.XML(r.content)
+ # parse SVG paths (approximation):
+ # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Tutorial/Paths#line_commands
+ path_strings = set()
+ for elem in tree.iterfind(f'.//{{{ns}}}path'):
+ if elem.getparent().tag == f'{{{ns}}}clipPath':
+ continue
+ d = elem.attrib.get('d')
+ if d is None:
+ logging.error('<path> element has no "d" attribute')
+ continue
+ m = PATH_RE.match(d)
+ if m is None:
+ logging.error("Can't parse <path>'s \"d\" attribute value: \"%s\"", d)
+ continue
+ path_strings.add(d)
+ logging.info('Found %d unique SVG path(s)', len(path_strings))
+ crs = None
+ max_probe_count = 3
+ probes = []
+ for d in path_strings:
+ d0 = d
+ m = POINT0_RE.match(d)
+ if m is None:
+ raise Exception(f"Can't parse <path>'s \"d\" attribute value: \"{d0}\"")
+ d = d.removeprefix(m.group())
+ x = float(m.group(1))
+ y = float(m.group(2))
+ path = [ [x, y] ]
+ # get first part of the path (until the pen is moved)
+ while True:
+ m = POINT_RE.match(d)
+ if m is None:
+ break
+ d = d.removeprefix(m.group())
+ x = float(m.group(1))
+ y = float(m.group(2))
+ if path[-1] != [x, y]:
+ path.append([x, y])
+ if d.startswith('Z') and len(path) > 0:
+ if path[0] != path[-1]:
+ path.append(path[0])
+ d = d.removeprefix("Z")
+ logging.debug('d="%s" -> path=%s, rest="%s"', d0, path, d)
+ # convert to an outer ring
+ ring0 = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbLinearRing)
+ for px, py in path:
+ x, y = gdal.ApplyGeoTransform(gt, px, py)
+ ring0.AddPoint_2D(x, y)
+ poly0 = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPolygon)
+ poly0.AddGeometry(ring0)
+ # randomly probe once per 10km² (1000ha), but not more than max_probe_count
+ probe_count = poly0.GetArea() / 1e7
+ if probe_count < 1:
+ probe_count = 1
+ elif probe_count > max_probe_count:
+ probe_count = max_probe_count
+ else:
+ probe_count = round(probe_count)
+ probes.append( (poly0.MakeValid(), probe_count) )
+ features = {}
+ probe_count_sum = sum([n for _, n in probes])
+ pbar = None
+ try:
+ if progress is not None:
+ pbar = progress(total=probe_count_sum, leave=False, unit='')
+ for geom, probe_count in probes:
+ triangulation = triangulate(geom)
+ # always try the centroid first (later fallback to a random
+ # point if the centroid is not in geom)
+ x, y = nearCentroidWithin(geom)
+ # crude probing and add feature(s) found along the way
+ for i in range(probe_count):
+ if i > 0 or x is None or y is None:
+ x, y = getRandomPoint(triangulation)
+ data = wms.getFeatureInfo(x, y, layername, res=1024)
+ crs2 = data.get('crs', None)
+ data = data['features']
+ if crs2 is not None:
+ if crs is None:
+ crs = crs2
+ elif crs != crs2 and len(data) > 0:
+ # the server should never return different CRSs
+ raise Exception(f'{json.dumps(crs)} != {json.dumps(crs2)}')
+ for feature in data:
+ fpr, feature = mkFeature(feature, layername)
+ features[fpr] = feature
+ data = None
+ if pbar is not None:
+ pbar.update(1)
+ geom = None
+ finally:
+ del probes[:]
+ if pbar is not None:
+ pbar.close()
+ logging.info('Found %d unique feature(s) after crude probing', len(features))
+ # refine geometries
+ if len(features) > 0:
+ #resolutions = [128, 16, 2, .25]
+ resolutions = [16, .25]
+ for res in resolutions:
+ wms.refineGeometries(features, layername, crs=crs, res=res, progress=progress)
+ logging.info('Found %d unique feature(s) after refinement', len(features))
+ features = {
+ 'type': 'FeatureCollection',
+ 'name': layername,
+ 'crs': crs,
+ 'features': sorted(features.values(), key=lambda f: f['properties']['Name']),
+ }
+ # write the destination GeoJSON file
+ fd = os.open(os.path.dirname(dest), O_WRONLY|O_CLOEXEC|O_TMPFILE, mode=0o644, dir_fd=dir_fd)
+ try:
+ with os.fdopen(fd, mode='w', closefd=False) as fp:
+ json.dump(features, fp, ensure_ascii=False, separators=(',', ':'))
+ st = os.fstat(fd)
+ size = st.st_size
+ feature_count = len(features['features'])
+ # XXX unfortunately there is no way for linkat() to clobber the destination,
+ # so we use a temporary file; it's racy, but thanks to O_TMPFILE better
+ # (shorter race) than if we were dumping chunks in a named file descriptor
+ os.link(f'/proc/self/fd/{fd}', dest_tmp, dst_dir_fd=dir_fd, follow_symlinks=True)
+ finally:
+ os.close(fd)
+ try:
+ # atomic rename (ensures output is never partially written)
+ os.rename(dest_tmp, dest, src_dir_fd=dir_fd, dst_dir_fd=dir_fd)
+ except (OSError, ValueError) as e:
+ try:
+ os.unlink(dest_tmp, dir_fd=dir_fd)
+ finally:
+ raise e
+ elapsed = time_monotonic() - start
+ logging.info('%s: Fetched %d features (%s) in %s (%.2f feat/s, %s/s)', dest,
+ feature_count, common.format_bytes(size),
+ common.format_time(elapsed),
+ feature_count/elapsed,
+ common.format_bytes(int(size/elapsed)))