path: root/letsencrypt
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'letsencrypt')
1 files changed, 281 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/letsencrypt b/letsencrypt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..50406f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/letsencrypt
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+# Dependencies nc(1), openssl(1), socat(1)
+set -ue
+set -o pipefail
+NAME=$(basename $0)
+declare -l GENKEY
+declare -l HASH=
+declare SUBJECT=/
+declare SAN=
+# https://security.stackexchange.com/questions/24106/which-key-usages-are-required-by-each-key-exchange-method
+declare KEYUSAGE='digitalSignature, keyEncipherment, keyCertSign'
+declare -a NOTIFY=()
+usage() {
+ local msg="${1:-}"
+ if [ "$msg" ]; then
+ echo "$NAME: $msg" >&2
+ echo "Try '$NAME --help' for more information." >&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ cat <<- EOF
+ Usage: $NAME [OPTIONS] new-reg ACCOUNTKEY [EMAIL ..]
+ or: $NAME [OPTIONS] new-cert ACCOUNTKEY --output=CERT {--csr=CSR | CSR Options }
+ or: $NAME [OPTIONS] revoke-cert ACCOUNTKEY CERT [CERT ..]
+ ACCOUNTKEY is the private key file of the user's account. Generic options are:
+ --genkey[=ALGO[:BITS]] For 'new-*' commands, generate key pairs (with mode 0600) if they don't
+ exist already. (Default: "RSA".) RSA is the only algorithm curently supported.
+ --runas=USERNAME Username to run the ACME client as. (This user doesn't need access to
+ any private key material.)
+ --help, -? Display this help text and exit
+ --quiet, -q Be quiet
+ --debug Turn on debug mode
+ Register a new ACCOUNTKEY; an optional list of EMAIL addresses can be supplied as contact information.
+ $NAME new-cert ACCOUNTKEY --output=CERT --csr=FILE
+ $NAME new-cert ACCOUNTKEY --output=CERT --key=FILE [--hash=ALGO] [--subject=STRING] [--san=STRING] [--keyusage=STRING]
+ Request a new Certificate Issuance. The Certificate Signing Request can be supplied directly, or
+ generated from the server key.
+ --csr=FILE Certificate Signing Request to send (alternatively, use --key to generate it)
+ --key=FILE Server private key (use --genkey to generate it)
+ --hash=DGST Message digest to sign the CSR with (in PEM format)
+ --subject=STRING Subject name, formatted as "/type0=value0/type1=value1/type2=..." (default: "/")
+ --san=STRING Comma-separated list of Subject Alternative Names formatted as "type:value"
+ --keyusage=STRING Comma-separated list of Key Usages, see x509v3_config(5ssl)
+ (default: "digitalSignature,keyEncipherment,keyCertSign")
+ --chain Store not only the server certificate in the file specified with --output, but
+ also the CA's
+ --output=FILE Where to store the issued (signed) X.509 certificate
+ --notify=COMMAND Command to run upon success. (This option can be repeated.)
+ Request that the given certificate(s) FILE(s) be revoked. The first argument can be either the account
+ key file or the server's private key.
+ exit 0
+# Generate a key pair with mode 0600
+genkey() {
+ local key="$1" genkey= bits=
+ case "$GENKEY" in
+ rsa) genkey=genrsa;;
+ rsa:*) genkey=genrsa; bits=${GENKEY#*:};;
+ *) echo "Error: invalid key type ${GENKEY%%:*}" >&2; exit 1;;
+ esac
+ install --mode=0600 /dev/null "$key" # atomic creation with mode 0600
+ openssl "$genkey" $bits >"$key"
+# Parse options
+declare -a ARGV=()
+while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
+ case "$1" in
+ --genkey) GENKEY=RSA;;
+ --genkey=*) GENKEY="${1#*=}";;
+ --runas=*) RUNAS="${1#*=}";;
+ --help|-\?) usage;;
+ --quiet|-q) QUIET=1;;
+ --debug) DEBUG=1;;
+ --output=*) SRVCERT="${1#*=}";;
+ --chain) CHAIN=1;;
+ --csr=*) CSR="${1#*=}";;
+ --key=*) SRVKEY="${1#*=}";;
+ --hash=*) HASH="${1#*=}";;
+ --subject=*) SUBJECT="${1#*=}";;
+ --san=*) SAN="${1#*=}";;
+ --keyusage=*) KEYUSAGE="${1#*=}";;
+ --notify=*) NOTIFY+=( "${1#*=}" );;
+ --) shift; ARGV+=( "$@" ); break ;;
+ -*) usage "unknown option '${1%%=*}'";;
+ *) if [ ${ACCOUNTKEY+x} ]; then
+ ARGV+=( "$1" )
+ else
+ [ ${COMMAND+x} ] && ACCOUNTKEY="$1" || COMMAND="$1"
+ fi
+ esac
+ shift
+[ "${COMMAND:-}" ] || usage "missing command"
+[ "$COMMAND" = 'new-reg' -o "$COMMAND" = 'new-cert' -o "$COMMAND" = 'revoke-cert' ] ||
+ usage "invalid command $COMMAND"
+[ ${#ARGV[@]} -eq 0 -o "$COMMAND" = 'new-reg' -o "$COMMAND" = 'revoke-cert' ] ||
+ usage "invalid argument ${ARGV[0]}"
+[ "${ACCOUNTKEY:-}" ] || usage "missing account key"
+if ! [ -f "$ACCOUNTKEY" -a -s "$ACCOUNTKEY" ]; then
+ if [ "$COMMAND" = 'new-reg' -a "${GENKEY+x}" ]; then
+ genkey "$ACCOUNTKEY"
+ else
+ echo "Error: keyfile '$ACCOUNTKEY' does not exist." >&2
+ [[ ! "$COMMAND" =~ ^new- ]] || echo "Use 'new-reg --genkey' to generate and register an RSA key with mode 0600." >&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+declare -a TMPFILES=()
+cleanup() {
+ set +e
+ [ ! ${IPTABLES_SAVE+x} ] || iptables-restore -c <"$IPTABLES_SAVE"
+ pkill -TERM -P $$
+ [ ${#TMPFILES[@]} -eq 0 ] || rm -${DEBUG:+v}f "${TMPFILES[@]}"
+ [ ! ${CHALLENGE_DIR+x} ] || rm -${DEBUG:+v}rf "$CHALLENGE_DIR"
+trap cleanup EXIT SIGINT
+# Extract the public part of the user key
+accountpub=$(mktemp --tmpdir XXXXXX.pub)
+TMPFILES+=( "$accountpub" )
+openssl pkey -pubout <"$ACCOUNTKEY" >"$accountpub"
+chmod 0644 "$accountpub"
+if [ "$COMMAND" = 'revoke-cert' ]; then
+ if [ ${#ARGV[@]} -eq 0 ]; then
+ echo "Error: Nothing to revoke" >&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+elif [ "$COMMAND" = 'new-cert' ]; then
+ if [ ! "${SRVCERT:-}" ]; then
+ echo "Error: Missing --output" >&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ # Generate a Certificate Signing Request if need be
+ if [ ${CSR+x} ]; then
+ if [ -z "$CSR" -o ! -s "$CSR" ]; then
+ echo "Error: Missing Certificate Signing Request $CSR. (One of --csr or --key must be set.)" >&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ else
+ CSR=$(mktemp --tmpdir XXXXXX.csr)
+ config=$(mktemp --tmpdir XXXXXX.cnf)
+ TMPFILES+=( "$CSR" "$config" )
+ chmod 0644 "$CSR"
+ if [ "$HASH" ]; then
+ case "$HASH" in
+ md5|rmd160|sha1|sha224|sha256|sha384|sha512) HASH="-$HASH";;
+ *) echo "Invalid digest algorithm: $HASH" >&2; exit 1;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ if [ ! "${SRVKEY:-}" ] || [ ! -s "$SRVKEY" ]; then
+ if [ "${SRVKEY:-}" -a "${GENKEY+x}" ]; then
+ genkey "$SRVKEY"
+ else
+ echo "Error: Missing private server key. Use new-cert --genkey --key=... to generate" >&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ [ ! "$DEBUG" ] || echo 'Generating Certificate Signing Request...' >&2
+ cat >"$config" <<- EOF
+ [ req ]
+ distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name
+ req_extensions = v3_req
+ [ req_distinguished_name ]
+ [ v3_req ]
+ ${SAN:+subjectAltName= $SAN}
+ # XXX Golang errors on extensions marked critical
+ # https://github.com/letsencrypt/boulder/issues/565
+ #basicConstraints = critical, CA:FALSE
+ #keyUsage = critical${KEYUSAGE:+, $KEYUSAGE}
+ basicConstraints = CA:FALSE
+ keyUsage = $KEYUSAGE
+ subjectKeyIdentifier = hash
+ openssl req -new -batch -key "$SRVKEY" $HASH -subj "$SUBJECT" -config "$config" -reqexts v3_req >"$CSR"
+ fi
+ [ ! "$DEBUG" ] || openssl req -noout -text <"$CSR"
+ CHALLENGE_DIR=$(mktemp --tmpdir -d acme-challenge.XXXXXX)
+ x509=$(mktemp --tmpdir XXXXXX.pem)
+ TMPFILES+=( "$x509" )
+ [ ! "${RUNAS:-}" ] || chown "$RUNAS" "$CHALLENGE_DIR" "$x509"
+ chmod 0750 "$CHALLENGE_DIR"
+ # Make sure a webserver is configured to server ACME challenges
+ if nc -z 80; then
+ [ ! "$DEBUG" ] || echo "Using existing webserver" >&2
+ ln -${DEBUG:+v}Ts "$CHALLENGE_DIR" /var/www/acme-challenge
+ TMPFILES+=( "/var/www/acme-challenge" )
+ else
+ temp=$(mktemp --tmpdir)
+ TMPFILES+=( "$temp" )
+ iptables-save -c >"$temp"
+ iptables -I INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
+ iptables -I OUTPUT -p tcp -m tcp --sport 80 -m state --state ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
+ (
+ [ ! "$DEBUG" ] || echo "Starting ACME webserver in $CHALLENGE_DIR" >&2
+ cd "$CHALLENGE_DIR" || exit 1
+ exec socat \
+ TCP-LISTEN:80,setgid="$WWW_GROUP",setuid="$WWW_USER",reuseaddr,fork,max-children=5 \
+ )&
+ fi
+ ARGV=( "$CSR" "$CHALLENGE_DIR" "$x509" )
+pipe=$(mktemp --tmpdir -u XXXXXX.fifo)
+mkfifo -m0600 "$pipe"
+TMPFILES+=( "$pipe" )
+# Wait for signing requests from the ACME slave
+acme_client() {
+ if [ "${RUNAS:-}" ]; then
+ sudo -u "$RUNAS" ${DEBUG:+DEBUG="$DEBUG"} -- $ACME_CLIENT "$@"
+ else
+ [ ${RUNAS+x} ] || echo "WARNING: Use --runas=USER to specify a user to drop permissions to." >&2
+ fi
+acme_client "$COMMAND" "$accountpub" ${ARGV[0]+"${ARGV[@]}"} <"$pipe" |
+while read data; do
+ echo -n "$data" | openssl dgst -sha256 -sign "$ACCOUNTKEY" -hex | sed 's/.*=\s*//'
+done >"$pipe"
+if [ "$COMMAND" = 'new-cert' ]; then
+ # TODO
+ # Verify: dump and compare public keys
+ # Valid cert, signed by the right CA
+ # Copy "$x509" to "$SRVCERT", possibly chained
+ # https://crt.sh/?q=cse-fresti.cse.chalmers.se&iCAID=7395
+ cp "$x509" "$SRVCERT"
+ for (( i=0; i<${#NOTIFY[@]}; i++ )); do
+ ${NOTIFY[$i]}
+ done