diff options
authorGuilhem Moulin <>2010-09-23 11:30:34 +0200
committerGuilhem Moulin <>2010-09-23 11:30:34 +0200
commit8c1057f0479294cafdcab003c8e7e59da25c314d (patch)
parent11920045f153fbccf93cffb94b3939e5549262be (diff)
1 files changed, 244 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6b61df4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ - a better psnup
+For details, see
+=head1 USAGE
+ -d -m <margin> -w <page_width> -h <page_height>
+ -l <n_long_edge> -s <n_short_edge> -r <reverse> -D
+-d If specified, only prints out the command.
+-m Margin, in centimeters, that should be kept around the page. Default to 1.
+-w Resulting page width, in centimeters. Default to 21.
+-h Resulting page height, in centimeters. Default to 29.7.
+-l Number of pages to fit on the long edge. Default to 2.
+-s Number of pages to fit on the short edge. Default to 1.
+-r If specified, the order is reversed on the long edge.
+-D Rotation direction, if needed ("L" or "R"). Default to "L".
+=head1 REQUIRE
+Requires psutils installed and available in the command line
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Public domain, (c) Oleg Parashchenko, Lionel Guy
+=head1 VERSION
+Version: 0.0.5, 23 October 2008
+use strict;
+use Getopt::Std;
+# Set default options
+our ($opt_d, $opt_r);
+our $opt_m = 1; # in centimeters
+our ($opt_w, $opt_h) = (21.0, 29.7); # in centimeters, A4
+our ($opt_l, $opt_s) = (2, 1); # Default: 2 pages per page
+our $opt_D = 'L'; # 'L' or 'R'. How to rotate, if required.
+my $units_per_cm = 72 * .3937; # 1 centimeters = .393700787 inches, 1 inch = 72 PostScript units5
+# Parse command line
+my ($in_file, $out_file) = @ARGV;
+die "No input file" unless $in_file;
+# Calculate the maximal bounding box
+my ($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2) = (32000, 32000, -32000, -32000);
+my $cmdline = "gs -sDEVICE=bbox -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE $in_file 2>&1 |";
+(open FIN, $cmdline) or die "Can't run: '$cmdline'";
+while (defined (my $l = <FIN>)) {
+ #print $l;
+ if ($l =~ m/^\%\%BoundingBox: (\d+) (\d+) (\d+) (\d+)/) {
+ $x1 = $1 if $1 < $x1;
+ $y1 = $2 if $2 < $y1;
+ $x2 = $3 if $3 > $x2;
+ $y2 = $4 if $4 > $y2;
+ }
+close FIN;
+die "Error calculating bounding box" if (($x1 >= $x2) || ($y1 >= $y2));
+#print "Bounding box: ($x1,$y1), ($x2,$y2)\n";
+my @bbox = ($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2);
+# Calculate pstops specification
+my @views = &calculate_views_short_x_long($opt_s, $opt_l, $opt_r);
+my $spec = scalar(@views);
+for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@views); $i++) {
+ my $s = &calc_pstops_page(\@bbox, $views[$i]);
+ $spec .= ($i ? '+' : ':') . $i. $s;
+my ($w, $h) = ($opt_w * $units_per_cm, $opt_h * $units_per_cm);
+$w = int($w + .5);
+$h = int($h + .5);
+my $ps_size_spec = "\%\%BeginFeature: *PageSize ($w $h)\n<< /PageSize [$w $h] >> setpagedevice\n\%\%EndFeature\n";
+# Dry run? Only print the specification
+$cmdline = "pstops -w$w -h$h '$spec' $in_file";
+if ($opt_d) {
+ print "$cmdline $out_file\nAnd add after the first '\%\%EndComments':\n$ps_size_spec";
+ exit(0);
+# Run the program and filter the output
+my $PStoPSclip_hack = 1;
+$out_file = '-' unless $out_file;
+(open FOUT, ">$out_file") or die "Can't create '$out_file': $!\n";
+(open FIN, "$cmdline|") or die "Can't run '$cmdline': $!\n";
+while (my $l = <FIN>) {
+ # Optional, but nice: tune how "gv" will show the document
+ next if $l =~ m/^\%\%DocumentMedia:/;
+ if ($l =~ m/^\%\%BoundingBox:/) {
+ (print FOUT "\%\%BoundingBox: 0 0 $w $h\n") or die "Can't print: $!";
+ next;
+ }
+ (print FOUT $l) or die "Can't print: $!";
+ chomp $l;
+ # Important to print the document right
+ if ('%%EndComments' eq $l) {
+ (print FOUT $ps_size_spec) or die "Can't print: $!";
+ last;
+ }
+while (my $l = <FIN>) {
+ (print FOUT $l) or die "Can't print: $!";
+ if ($PStoPSclip_hack && ($l =~ m/^userdict\/PStoPSclip{0 0 moveto$/)) {
+ $l = <FIN>;
+ $l =~ s/\./0./g; # Increase clipping box by 10
+ (print FOUT $l) or die "Can't print: $!";
+ }
+(close FIN) or die "Can't close '$cmdline': $!";
+(close FOUT) or die "Can't close '$out_file': $!";
+# =========================================================
+# Calculate an item of the pstops specification
+sub calc_pstops_page {
+ my ($box_from, $box_to) = @_;
+ #print 'bbox_from: ', join(' ', @$box_from), "\n";
+ #print 'bbox_to: ', join(' ', @$box_to), "\n";
+ #
+ # Check if rotation required
+ #
+ my ($width_from, $height_from) = ($box_from->[2] - $box_from->[0],
+ $box_from->[3] - $box_from->[1]);
+ my ($width_to, $height_to) = ($box_to->[2] - $box_to->[0],
+ $box_to->[3] - $box_to->[1]);
+ my $rotation = (($width_from > $height_from) xor ($width_to > $height_to));
+ #
+ # Scale factor
+ #
+ my ($scale1, $scale2);
+ if ($rotation) {
+ ($scale1, $scale2) = ($height_to / $width_from,
+ $width_to / $height_from);
+ } else {
+ ($scale1, $scale2) = ($width_to / $width_from,
+ $height_to / $height_from);
+ }
+ my $scale = ($scale1 > $scale2) ? $scale2 : $scale1;
+ #print "scale 1,2,common: [$scale1] [$scale2] [$scale]\n";
+ #
+ # Calculate the centers of the boxes
+ #
+ my ($cx, $cy) = (.5 * ($box_from->[0] + $box_from->[2]),
+ .5 * ($box_from->[1] + $box_from->[3]));
+ my ($cx_to, $cy_to) = (.5 * ($box_to->[0] + $box_to->[2]),
+ .5 * ($box_to->[1] + $box_to->[3]));
+ #
+ # Fist, pstops scales, then rotates, then moves
+ #
+ ($cx, $cy) = ($cx * $scale, $cy * $scale);
+ if ($rotation) {
+ $rotation = $opt_D;
+ if ('L' eq $rotation) {
+ ($cx, $cy) = (-$cy, $cx);
+ } elsif ('R' eq $rotation) {
+ ($cx, $cy) = ($cy, -$cx);
+ } else {
+ die "Unknown rotation";
+ }
+ }
+ my ($movex, $movey) = ($cx_to - $cx, $cy_to - $cy);
+ #
+ # Generate the summary
+ #
+ my $s = sprintf('%s@%.3f(%.1f,%.1f)', $rotation, $scale, $movex, $movey);
+ #print "pstops string: [$s]\n";
+ return $s;
+# =========================================================
+# Calculate coordinates of splitting the dimension on K chunks
+# Returns an array, each item is a reference to an array of two
+# elements: the begin and end coordinates
+sub calculate_coordinates {
+ my ($length, $opt_m, $n) = @_;
+ my $skip = ($length - $opt_m) / $n;
+ my $width = $skip - $opt_m;
+ my @end_coords = map { int(.5 + $skip * $_) } (1..$n);
+ my @coords = map { my @a = (int(.5 + $_ - $width), $_); \@a } @end_coords;
+ #print "$n: "; map { print '[', $_->[0], ',', $_->[1], ']' } @coords; print "\n";
+ return @coords;
+# N_short_edge * N_long_edge views paer page
+# (For A4, short == width, long == height)
+sub calculate_views_short_x_long {
+ my ($n_short_edge, $n_long_edge, $long_reverse) = @_;
+ my ($pu_width, $pu_height, $pu_margin)
+ = ($opt_w * $units_per_cm, $opt_h * $units_per_cm,
+ $opt_m * $units_per_cm);
+ my @short_coordinates =
+ &calculate_coordinates($pu_width, $pu_margin, $n_short_edge);
+ my @long_coordinates =
+ &calculate_coordinates($pu_height, $pu_margin, $n_long_edge);
+ if ($long_reverse) {
+ @long_coordinates = reverse @long_coordinates;
+ }
+ my @views;
+ foreach my $x_coords (@short_coordinates) {
+ foreach my $y_coords (@long_coordinates) {
+ my @view = ($x_coords->[0], $y_coords->[0],
+ $x_coords->[1], $y_coords->[1]);
+ push @views, \@view;
+ }
+ }
+ return @views;