diff options
authorGuilhem Moulin <>2010-09-25 20:07:02 +0200
committerGuilhem Moulin <>2010-09-25 20:07:02 +0200
commitec7af615502ae9aa5b58bf184d74d87c4085c213 (patch)
parent667df887b3acb2fa1de9407bafbbbbfad7bfb4d3 (diff)
1 files changed, 111 insertions, 39 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index a5311bd..d37e2d4 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,25 +1,91 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+=head1 NAME
+ - a better I<psresize>
=head1 SYNOPSIS - a better psnup
+B<> [-w I<width> ] [-h I<heigth>] [-p I<paper>] [-W I<width>]
+[-H I<heigth>] [-P I<paper>] [-r I<rotation>] [-m I<margin>] [-c] [-q]
+[I<infile> [I<outfile>]]
+I<PSResize2> rescales and centres a document on a different size of paper.
+The input PostScript file should follow the Adobe Document Structuring
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 8
+=item B<-w,--width>
+Specify the width of the output file. If the height is not specified as
+well, it will be ignored. The known units are B<pt>, B<in>, B<cm> and
+B<mm>. The default unit is B<pt>.
+=item B<-h,--height>
+Specify the height of the output file. If the width is not specified as
+well, it will be ignored. The known units are B<pt>, B<in>, B<cm> and
+B<mm>. The default unit is B<pt>.
+=item B<-p,--paper>
+Specify the paper size of the output file, as an alternative to B<-w>
+and B<-h>. Can be set to B<a0>, B<a1>, B<a2>, B<a3>, B<a4>, B<a5>, B<b5>,
+B<letter>, B<legal>, B<tabloid>, B<statement>, B<executive>, B<folio>,
+B<quarto>, or B<10x14>. The default output paper size is B<a4>.
+=item B<-W,--Width>
+Same as the option B<-w>, but for the input file.
+=item B<-H,--Height>
-For details, see
+Same as the option B<-h>, but for the input file.
-=head1 USAGE
+=item B<-P,--paper> -d -m <margin> -w <page_width> -h <page_height>
- -l <n_long_edge> -s <n_short_edge> -r <reverse> -D
+Same as the option B<-p>, but for the input file. By default,
+I<PSResize2> will try to guess this value from the header of the file,
+and fail if the information is missing. This option is useless if the
+crop option (B<-c>) is set.
--d If specified, only prints out the command.
--m Margin, in centimeters, that should be kept around the page. Default to 1.
--w Resulting page width, in centimeters. Default to 21.
--h Resulting page height, in centimeters. Default to 29.7.
--l Number of pages to fit on the long edge. Default to 2.
--s Number of pages to fit on the short edge. Default to 1.
--r If specified, the order is reversed on the long edge.
--D Rotation direction, if needed ("L" or "R"). Default to "L".
+=item B<-r,rotdir>
+If the file has to be rotated, this option determines the direction of
+the rotation. Can be set to B<L>, B<left>, B<R>, or B<right>. The default
+direction is B<L>.
+=item B<-m,--margin>
+Add a margin to the output file. Possible units are B<pt>, B<in>, B<cm>
+and B<mm>. The default unit is B<pt>. The default margin is B<1cm> if the
+crop option (B<-c>) is set, and B<0> otherwise.
+=item B<-c,--crop>
+If this option is set, I<PSResize2> will interpret the PostScript code to
+calculate the maximal effective bounding box. This operation may be quite
+demanding for the CPU.
+=item B<-q,--quiet>
+I<PSResize2> normally prints the page numbers of the pages output; this
+option suppresses this.
+=item B<--help>
+Display a brief help.
+=item B<--man>
+Display the manual page.
=head1 REQUIRE
@@ -28,14 +94,17 @@
=head1 AUTHOR
-Public domain, (c) Oleg Parashchenko, Lionel Guy
+I<PSResize2> is based on psnup2, by Oleg Parashchenko and Lionel Guy.
+Public domain, (c) Guilhem Moulin.
=head1 VERSION
-Version: 0.0.5, 23 October 2008
+Version: 0.1, 25 September 2010
use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_ignore_case bundling);
use Pod::Usage;
use IPC::Open2;
@@ -58,18 +127,18 @@ my $man;
my $help;
# TODO: "-m h1cm:v3cm": horizontal, vertical
-GetOptions( "w|width=s" => \$outwidth,
- "h|height=s" => \$outheight,
- "p|paper=s" => sub { &papersize ($_[1],\$outwidth,\$outheight) },
- "W|Width=s" => \$inwidth,
- "H|Height=s" => \$inheight,
- "P|Paper=s" => sub { &papersize ($_[1],\$inwidth,\$inheight) },
- "m|margin=s" => \$margin,
- "c|crop" => \$crop,
- "r|rotation=s" => \$rotdir,
- "q|quiet" => \$quiet,
- "help" => \$help,
- "man" => \$man )
+GetOptions( "w|width=s" => \$outwidth,
+ "h|height=s" => \$outheight,
+ "p|paper=s" => sub { &papersize ($_[1],\$outwidth,\$outheight) },
+ "W|Width=s" => \$inwidth,
+ "H|Height=s" => \$inheight,
+ "P|Paper=s" => sub { &papersize ($_[1],\$inwidth,\$inheight) },
+ "r|rotdir=s" => \$rotdir,
+ "m|margin=s" => \$margin,
+ "c|crop" => \$crop,
+ "q|quiet" => \$quiet,
+ "help" => \$help,
+ "man" => \$man )
or pod2usage(2);
pod2usage(1) if (defined $help or $#ARGV > 1);
@@ -142,10 +211,10 @@ if (defined $crop) {
my ($x0, $y0, $x1, $y1) = (1<<16, 1<<16, -(1<<16), -(1<<16));
while (<GS>) {
if ($_ =~ m/^\%\%BoundingBox: (\d+) (\d+) (\d+) (\d+)/) {
- $x0 = $1 if $1 < $x0;
- $y0 = $2 if $2 < $y0;
- $x1 = $3 if $3 > $x1;
- $y1 = $4 if $4 > $y1;
+ $x0 = $1 if $1 < $x0;
+ $y0 = $2 if $2 < $y0;
+ $x1 = $3 if $3 > $x1;
+ $y1 = $4 if $4 > $y1;
print STDERR "[", ++$n, "] ";
@@ -205,9 +274,9 @@ while (defined ($l = <FINPS2PS>) && $l ne "\%\%EndComments\n") {
next if $l =~ m/^\%\%DocumentMedia:/;
if ($l =~ m/^\%\%BoundingBox:/) {
- print FOUT "\%\%BoundingBox: 0 0 $outwidth $outheight\n"
+ print FOUT "\%\%BoundingBox: 0 0 $outwidth $outheight\n"
or die "Can't print: $!";
- next;
+ next;
print FOUT $l or die "Can't print: $!";
@@ -228,8 +297,8 @@ while (<FINPS2PS>) {
# PStoPSclip hack: increase clipping box by 10
if ($_ =~ m/^userdict\/PStoPSclip{0 0 moveto$/) {
$l = <FINPS2PS>;
- $l =~ s/\./0./g;
- print FOUT $l or die "Can't print: $!";
+ $l =~ s/\./0./g;
+ print FOUT $l or die "Can't print: $!";
@@ -239,6 +308,10 @@ close FOUT;
# No zombie processes
waitpid $pid, 0;
+# Useless, but Perl doesn't see that this filehandle is used more than
+# one time (and even automatically closed by `open3')
+exit 0;
+close KIDFIN;
@@ -299,8 +372,7 @@ sub calculate_coordinates {
my ($length, $margin) = @_;
my $skip = $length - $margin;
my $outwidth = $skip - $margin;
- my @coords = ( &round( &round($skip) - $outwidth ), &round($skip) );
- return @coords;
+ return ( &round( &round($skip) - $outwidth ), &round($skip) );
@@ -338,7 +410,7 @@ sub topoints {
-# In-place set the given width and length to the predefined papersize
+# In-place set the given width and height to the predefined papersize
sub papersize {
my ($p,$w,$h) = @_;