diff options
1 files changed, 377 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a5311bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,377 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ - a better psnup
+For details, see
+=head1 USAGE
+ -d -m <margin> -w <page_width> -h <page_height>
+ -l <n_long_edge> -s <n_short_edge> -r <reverse> -D
+-d If specified, only prints out the command.
+-m Margin, in centimeters, that should be kept around the page. Default to 1.
+-w Resulting page width, in centimeters. Default to 21.
+-h Resulting page height, in centimeters. Default to 29.7.
+-l Number of pages to fit on the long edge. Default to 2.
+-s Number of pages to fit on the short edge. Default to 1.
+-r If specified, the order is reversed on the long edge.
+-D Rotation direction, if needed ("L" or "R"). Default to "L".
+=head1 REQUIRE
+Requires psutils installed and available in the command line
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Public domain, (c) Oleg Parashchenko, Lionel Guy
+=head1 VERSION
+Version: 0.0.5, 23 October 2008
+use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_ignore_case bundling);
+use Pod::Usage;
+use IPC::Open2;
+use IPC::Open3;
+use POSIX qw(floor);
+use strict;
+# Options & arguments
+my ($outwidth,$outheight, $inwidth,$inheight);
+my $margin;
+my $crop;
+my $rotdir = 'L';
+my $quiet;
+my $man;
+my $help;
+# TODO: "-m h1cm:v3cm": horizontal, vertical
+GetOptions( "w|width=s" => \$outwidth,
+ "h|height=s" => \$outheight,
+ "p|paper=s" => sub { &papersize ($_[1],\$outwidth,\$outheight) },
+ "W|Width=s" => \$inwidth,
+ "H|Height=s" => \$inheight,
+ "P|Paper=s" => sub { &papersize ($_[1],\$inwidth,\$inheight) },
+ "m|margin=s" => \$margin,
+ "c|crop" => \$crop,
+ "r|rotation=s" => \$rotdir,
+ "q|quiet" => \$quiet,
+ "help" => \$help,
+ "man" => \$man )
+ or pod2usage(2);
+pod2usage(1) if (defined $help or $#ARGV > 1);
+pod2usage(-exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 2) if defined $man;
+# Input and output files
+my ($infile, $outfile) = @ARGV;
+# Default values
+# Default margin
+unless (defined $margin) {
+ $margin = 0;
+ $margin = "1cm" if defined $crop;
+# Default output papersize
+&papersize ("a4", \$outwidth, \$outheight)
+ unless (defined $outwidth and defined $outheight);
+# Default unit: point
+map {&topoints ($_)} ( \$outwidth, \$outheight,
+ \$inwidth, \$inheight,
+ \$margin );
+# Rotation
+if (lc $rotdir eq "left" or uc $rotdir eq 'L') {
+ $rotdir = 'L'
+} elsif (lc $rotdir eq "right" or uc $rotdir eq 'R') {
+ $rotdir = 'R'
+} else {
+ die "Unknown rotation direction: `$rotdir'"
+# Open input and output files
+if (defined $infile && $infile ne "-") {
+ open *FIN, '<', "$infile" or die "Can't read `$infile': $!";
+} else {
+ *FIN = *STDIN;
+if (defined $outfile && $outfile ne "-") {
+ open *FOUT, '>', "$outfile" or die "Can't create `$outfile': $!";
+} else {
+# Bounding box
+my @bbox;
+if (defined $crop) {
+ # Calculate the maximal bounding box
+ # Need to duplicate FIN, since it will be closed in the parent process
+ open *KIDFIN, "<&FIN" or die "Can't dup FIN: $!";
+ my $pid = open3 "<&KIDFIN", ">&GS", *GS,
+ 'gs', '-sDEVICE=bbox', '-dBATCH', '-dNOPAUSE', '-'
+ or die "Can't run: `gs -sDEVICE=bbox -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -'";
+ my $n = 0;
+ my ($x0, $y0, $x1, $y1) = (1<<16, 1<<16, -(1<<16), -(1<<16));
+ while (<GS>) {
+ if ($_ =~ m/^\%\%BoundingBox: (\d+) (\d+) (\d+) (\d+)/) {
+ $x0 = $1 if $1 < $x0;
+ $y0 = $2 if $2 < $y0;
+ $x1 = $3 if $3 > $x1;
+ $y1 = $4 if $4 > $y1;
+ print STDERR "[", ++$n, "] ";
+ }
+ }
+ close GS;
+ print STDERR "\n";
+ # No zombie processes
+ waitpid $pid, 0;
+ die "Error when calculating bounding box" if ($x0 >= $x1 || $y0 >= $y1);
+ @bbox = ($x0, $y0, $x1, $y1);
+ # Let's go back to the beginning of the input
+ seek FIN, 0, 0 or die "$!";
+} elsif (defined $inwidth and defined $inheight) {
+ @bbox = (0, 0, $inwidth, $inheight);
+} else {
+ # Guess page size from the input file
+ # Duplicate the input filehandle, to avoid to seek into it
+ open *FIN2, "<&FIN" or die "Can't dup FIN: $!";
+ while (<FIN2>) {
+ if ($_ =~ m/^\%\%BoundingBox: (\d+) (\d+) (\d+) (\d+)/) {
+ @bbox = ($1, $2, $3, $4);
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ die "Cannot guess input page size!" unless @bbox;
+ close FIN2;
+# Calculate PStoPS specification
+my ($x0,$x1) = &calculate_coordinates($outwidth , $margin);
+my ($y0,$y1) = &calculate_coordinates($outheight, $margin);
+my $spec = 0 . &calc_pstops_page(@bbox, $x0, $y0, $x1, $y1);
+# Run the program and filter the output
+my $pid = open2 *FINPS2PS, "<&FIN",
+ 'pstops', "-w$outwidth", "-h$outheight", "$spec"
+ or die "Can't run `pstops -w$outwidth -h$outheight $spec': $!\n";
+my $l;
+# Header and comments
+while (defined ($l = <FINPS2PS>) && $l ne "\%\%EndComments\n") {
+ # Optional, but nice: tune how "gv" will show the document
+ next if $l =~ m/^\%\%DocumentMedia:/;
+ if ($l =~ m/^\%\%BoundingBox:/) {
+ print FOUT "\%\%BoundingBox: 0 0 $outwidth $outheight\n"
+ or die "Can't print: $!";
+ next;
+ }
+ print FOUT $l or die "Can't print: $!";
+# Important to print the document right
+# TODO: die "Can't print: $!"
+print FOUT << "EOF";
+\%\%BeginFeature: *PageSize ($outwidth $outheight)
+<< /PageSize [$outwidth $outheight] >> setpagedevice
+# Body
+while (<FINPS2PS>) {
+ print FOUT $_ or die "Can't print: $!";
+ # PStoPSclip hack: increase clipping box by 10
+ if ($_ =~ m/^userdict\/PStoPSclip{0 0 moveto$/) {
+ $l = <FINPS2PS>;
+ $l =~ s/\./0./g;
+ print FOUT $l or die "Can't print: $!";
+ }
+close FIN;
+close FOUT;
+# No zombie processes
+waitpid $pid, 0;
+# =========================================================
+# Calculate an item of the pstops specification
+sub calc_pstops_page {
+ my ($fx0, $fy0, $fx1, $fy1,
+ $tx0, $ty0, $tx1, $ty1) = @_;
+ # From and to width / height
+ my ($wf, $hf) = ($fx1 - $fx0, $fy1 - $fy0);
+ my ($wt, $ht) = ($tx1 - $tx0, $ty1 - $ty0);
+ # Check if rotation required
+ my $rotation = (($wf > $hf) xor ($wt > $ht));
+ # Scale factor width / height
+ my ($sw, $sh);
+ if ($rotation) {
+ ($sw, $sh) = ($ht / $wf, $wt / $hf);
+ } else {
+ ($sw, $sh) = ($wt / $wf, $ht / $hf);
+ }
+ # We take the smallest scale
+ my $scale = ($sw > $sh) ? $sh : $sw;
+ # Calculate the centers of the boxes
+ my ($cxf, $cyf) = ( .5 * ($fx0 + $fx1), .5 * ($fy0 + $fy1) );
+ my ($cxt, $cyt) = ( .5 * ($tx0 + $tx1), .5 * ($ty0 + $ty1) );
+ # First, PStoPs scales, then rotates, then moves
+ ($cxf, $cyf) = ($cxf * $scale, $cyf * $scale);
+ if ($rotation) {
+ if ($rotdir eq 'L') {
+ ($cxf, $cyf) = (-$cyf, $cxf);
+ } else {
+ ($cxf, $cyf) = ($cyf, -$cxf);
+ }
+ } else {
+ $rotdir = '';
+ }
+ my ($movex, $movey) = ($cxt - $cxf, $cyt - $cyf);
+ # Generate the summary
+ return sprintf( '%s@%.3f(%.3f,%.3f)', $rotdir, $scale, $movex, $movey);
+# Calculate the begining and ending coordinates, after shaving 2 times
+# the margin
+sub calculate_coordinates {
+ my ($length, $margin) = @_;
+ my $skip = $length - $margin;
+ my $outwidth = $skip - $margin;
+ my @coords = ( &round( &round($skip) - $outwidth ), &round($skip) );
+ return @coords;
+# Round a float number
+sub round {
+ return floor ($_[0] + .5);
+# In-place convert the given length into postscript points
+sub topoints {
+ my $l = $_;
+ return unless defined $$l;
+ $$l =~ /^([+-]?\d*\.?\d+)(\w*)$/ or die "Unable to parse `$$l'";
+ my $r = $1;
+ if ($2 eq "" or $2 eq "pt") {
+ # nothing
+ } elsif ($2 eq "in") {
+ $r *= 72;
+ } elsif ($2 eq "cm") {
+ $r *= 72/2.54;
+ } elsif ($2 eq "mm") {
+ $r *= 72/25.4;
+ } else {
+ die "Unknown unit: `$2'";
+ }
+ $$l = &round ($r);
+# In-place set the given width and length to the predefined papersize
+sub papersize {
+ my ($p,$w,$h) = @_;
+ if ($p eq "a0") {
+ ($$w,$$h) = ("841mm", "1189mm");
+ } elsif ($p eq "a1") {
+ ($$w,$$h) = ("594mm", "841mm");
+ } elsif ($p eq "a2") {
+ ($$w,$$h) = ("420mm", "594mm");
+ } elsif ($p eq "a3") {
+ ($$w,$$h) = ("297mm", "420mm");
+ } elsif ($p eq "a4") {
+ ($$w,$$h) = ("210mm", "297mm");
+ } elsif ($p eq "a5") {
+ ($$w,$$h) = ("148mm", "210mm");
+ } elsif ($p eq "letter") {
+ ($$w,$$h) = ("8.5in", "11in");
+ } elsif ($p eq "legal") {
+ ($$w,$$h) = ("8.5in", "14in");
+ } elsif ($p eq "tabloid") {
+ ($$w,$$h) = ("11in", "17in");
+ } elsif ($p eq "statement") {
+ ($$w,$$h) = ("5.5in", "8.5in");
+ } elsif ($p eq "executive") {
+ ($$w,$$h) = ("7.25in", "10.5in");
+ } elsif ($p eq "folio") {
+ ($$w,$$h) = ("8.27in", "13in");
+ } elsif ($p eq "quarto") {
+ ($$w,$$h) = ("9in", "11in");
+ } elsif ($p eq "10x14") {
+ ($$w,$$h) = ("10in", "14in");
+ } else {
+ die "Unknown paper size: `$p'";
+ }