diff options
authorGuilhem Moulin <guilhem@libreoffice.org>2016-10-21 13:52:24 +0200
committerGuilhem Moulin <guilhem@libreoffice.org>2016-10-21 13:52:24 +0200
commite324d0869ac128eae33ab34cb360570290d851c0 (patch)
parent7258b7506f51f6863e5fbe5de178636fb246c831 (diff)
Export libvirt's XML definition before auto-generation.
The file contains an autogenerated UUID for the domain and a MAC address for each NIC, but no autogenerated socket name or PCI address. Expanded information, such as CPU features exposed to the guest, are not exported either.
1 files changed, 22 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/tdfvm-install b/tdfvm-install
index 54a0e63..0497e98 100755
--- a/tdfvm-install
+++ b/tdfvm-install
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ GRAPHICS="none"
unset MEMORY
unset DISK
Install a new VM in an unattended fashion
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
--memory=*) MEMORY="${1#--memory=}";;
--disk) DISK="$2"; shift;;
--disk=*) DISK="${1#--disk=}";;
- --transient) TRANSIENT='--transient';;
+ --transient) TRANSIENT=y;;
--help|-\?) printf '%s\n' "$HELP_MESSAGE"; exit;;
-*) usage "$1";;
@@ -240,29 +240,25 @@ virt-install -q --connect "$LIBVIRT_URI" \
--filesystem "source=$VMTMPDIR/virtfs,target=virtfs" \
--network "$NETWORK" \
--graphics "$GRAPHICS" \
- --noautoconsole $TRANSIENT
- vmdef="$(mktemp --tmpdir)"
- trap 'rm -f "$vmdef"' EXIT TERM INT
- virsh -c "$LIBVIRT_URI" dumpxml "$VM_NAME" >"$vmdef"
- for xpath in \
- "/domain/devices/filesystem[source/@dir=\"$VMTMPDIR/virtfs\"][target/@dir='virtfs']" \
- "/domain/devices/disk[@type='file'][@device='cdrom']"; do
- if [ -z "$TRANSIENT" ]; then
- virsh -c "$LIBVIRT_URI" --quiet detach-device --config "$VM_NAME" \
- <(xmlstarlet select --template --copy-of "$xpath" <"$vmdef")
- elif [ ${OUTPUT+x} ]; then
- xmlstarlet edit --inplace --delete "$xpath" "$vmdef"
- fi
- done
- # remove libvirt-generated UNIX socket
- xpath="/domain/devices/graphics/listen[@type='socket'][starts-with(@socket,'/var/lib/libvirt/qemu/domain-')]/@socket"
- xmlstarlet edit --inplace --delete "$xpath" "$vmdef"
- [ ! ${OUTPUT+x} ] || cp --no-preserve=mode "$vmdef" "$OUTPUT/$VM_NAME.xml"
+ --controller "virtio-serial" \
+ --noautoconsole \
+ --print-xml 1 >"$VMTMPDIR/domain.xml"
+virsh -c "$LIBVIRT_URI" create "$VMTMPDIR/domain.xml"
+# never boot again on CDROM, detach unnecessary devices and remove
+# unnecessary controllers
+xmlstarlet edit --inplace \
+ --delete "/domain/os/boot[@dev='cdrom']" \
+ --delete "/domain/devices/filesystem[source/@dir='$VMTMPDIR/virtfs'][target/@dir='virtfs']" \
+ --delete "/domain/devices/disk[@type='file'][@device='cdrom']" \
+ --delete "/domain/devices/sound" \
+ --delete "/domain/devices/controller[@type='usb']" \
+ --delete "/domain/devices/input[@type='tablet'][@bus='usb']" \
+ --delete "/domain/devices/redirdev[@type='spicevmc'][@bus='usb']" \
+ "$VMTMPDIR/domain.xml"
+[ "$TRANSIENT" = y ] || virsh -c "$LIBVIRT_URI" define "$VMTMPDIR/domain.xml"
# wait until the VM terminates (there is actually a race condition here,
# but the XML massaging above should be faster than any install)
@@ -287,6 +283,7 @@ virsh -c "$LIBVIRT_URI" console "$VM_NAME" --safe >/dev/null
) >&2
if [ ${OUTPUT+x} ]; then
+ cp --no-preserve=mode "$VMTMPDIR/domain.xml" "$OUTPUT/$VM_NAME.xml"
find "$VMTMPDIR/virtfs" -name '*.pub' -print0 \
| xargs -r0 cp --no-preserve=mode -t "$OUTPUT"
printf "\nExported files:\n" >&2