BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterRelax some UNIQUE constraint on the MRR layer's DiaryNR column.Guilhem Moulin5 months
AgeCommit messageAuthorFiles
2024-10-29Relax some UNIQUE constraint on the MRR layer's DiaryNR column.HEADmasterGuilhem Moulin2
2024-10-27Bump User-Agent value to Tor Browser 14.Guilhem Moulin1
2024-10-27PostgreSQL: Use `character varying (n)` not `character (n)`.Guilhem Moulin1
2024-10-27webmap-import: Show the list of ingnored source fields.Guilhem Moulin1
2024-10-27nva:Skogsstyrelsen: Remove NOT NULL constraint on the DatAvtal column.Guilhem Moulin2
2024-10-27PostgreSQL: Add NOT NULL constraints on the geometry columns.Guilhem Moulin2
2024-10-20Add comments and value substitution to some Riksintresse layers.Guilhem Moulin1
2024-10-20webmap-publish: Add comment regarding compression.Guilhem Moulin1
2024-10-19Add layer with noteworthy dams.Guilhem Moulin2
2024-10-19webmap-publish: Pass a serialized configuration string.Guilhem Moulin1