diff options
authorGuilhem Moulin <guilhem@fripost.org>2015-03-23 23:19:24 +0100
committerGuilhem Moulin <guilhem@fripost.org>2015-03-25 20:08:48 +0100
commit92ed83c72e2e1006bd2c94cbe02870f7d2404cae (patch)
parent07b84b96bee626471db5f5dc284f4cd00a0d56ff (diff)
Use about:config to determine the socket path and perms.
5 files changed, 41 insertions, 18 deletions
diff --git a/cli/icevault.1 b/cli/icevault.1
index c9dba3d..0eac11f 100644
--- a/cli/icevault.1
+++ b/cli/icevault.1
@@ -120,6 +120,10 @@ Specify the path of the UNIX socket used to communicate with the
browser. If the path does not start with a slash "/", it is assumed to
be relative to the default Firefox profile (or first profile found if
there is no default profile) in the "~/.mozilla/firefox" directory.
+The socket path and permissions can be configured on the
+Iceweasel/Firefox side with the "extensions.icevault.socketPath" and
+"extensions.icevault.socketPerms" preferences in "about:config",
.B \-\-version
@@ -166,6 +170,10 @@ The path of the UNIX socket used to communicate with the browser. If
the path does not start with a slash "/", it is assumed to be relative
to the default Firefox profile (or first profile found if there is no
default profile) in the "~/.mozilla/firefox" directory.
+The socket path and permissions can be configured on the
+Iceweasel/Firefox side with the "extensions.icevault.socketPath" and
+"extensions.icevault.socketPerms" preferences in "about:config",
(Default: "S.IceVault".)
diff --git a/xul-ext/Makefile b/xul-ext/Makefile
index aa2eff2..7fa5d6a 100644
--- a/xul-ext/Makefile
+++ b/xul-ext/Makefile
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-all: ../icevault.xpi
+XPI_NAME ?= ../icevault.xpi
+all: $(XPI_NAME)
-%.xpi: chrome.manifest install.rdf COPYING $(shell find chrome/ -type f)
+%.xpi: chrome.manifest install.rdf COPYING $(shell find chrome/ defaults/ -type f)
zip $@ $^
diff --git a/xul-ext/chrome/content/icevault.js b/xul-ext/chrome/content/icevault.js
index fe2cb50..f2c4c79 100644
--- a/xul-ext/chrome/content/icevault.js
+++ b/xul-ext/chrome/content/icevault.js
@@ -21,7 +21,8 @@ var icevault = (function() {
const Cc = Components.classes,
CC = Components.Constructor,
- Ci = Components.interfaces;
+ Ci = Components.interfaces,
+ Cu = Components.utils;
const UnixServerSocket = CC( "@mozilla.org/network/server-socket;1"
, "nsIServerSocket"
@@ -36,17 +37,24 @@ var icevault = (function() {
, "nsIConverterOutputStream"
, "init" );
- // XXX should be changeable from the preferences
- let sockName = Cc["@mozilla.org/file/directory_service;1"]
- .getService(Ci.nsIProperties)
- .get("ProfD", Ci.nsIFile);
- sockName.append("S.IceVault");
- const sockPerms = parseInt("0770", 8);
const convertStringToUTF8 = Cc["@mozilla.org/intl/utf8converterservice;1"]
+ let prefs = Cc["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"]
+ .getService(Ci.nsIPrefService)
+ .getBranch("extensions.icevault.");
+ var sockPath = prefs.getCharPref("socketPath", Ci.nsIRelativeFilePref);
+ const sockPerms = parseInt(prefs.getCharPref("socketPerms"), 8);
+ Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/FileUtils.jsm");
+ if (sockPath.charAt(0) == '/')
+ sockPath = new FileUtils.File(sockPath);
+ else // take relative files in the profile directory
+ sockPath = FileUtils.getFile("ProfD", [sockPath]);
// Write the given UTF8 string to the ConverterOutputStream, then flush
var send = function(stream, msg) {
//console.log("Sending: " + msg)
@@ -199,11 +207,11 @@ var icevault = (function() {
if (Application.storage.has("IceVault.serverSocket"))
server = Application.storage.get("IceVault.serverSocket", null);
else {
- console.log("Initializing IceVault");
+ console.log("Initializing IceVault (listening on " + sockPath.path + ")");
try {
- if (sockName.exists())
- sockName.remove(false); // remove stalled socket
- server = new UnixServerSocket(sockName, sockPerms, -1);
+ if (sockPath.exists())
+ sockPath.remove(false); // remove stalled socket
+ server = new UnixServerSocket(sockPath, sockPerms, -1);
finally {
Application.storage.set("IceVault.serverSocket", server);
@@ -213,10 +221,10 @@ var icevault = (function() {
clean: function() {
- if (!Application.windows.length && sockName.exists()) {
+ if (!Application.windows.length && sockPath.exists()) {
// remove the socket if the last window was just closed
- console.log("Removing " + sockName.path);
- sockName.remove(false);
+ console.log("Removing " + sockPath.path);
+ sockPath.remove(false);
diff --git a/xul-ext/defaults/preferences/icevault.js b/xul-ext/defaults/preferences/icevault.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..16b6032
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xul-ext/defaults/preferences/icevault.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+pref('extensions.icevault.socketPath', 'S.IceVault');
+pref('extensions.icevault.socketPerms', '0700');
diff --git a/xul-ext/protocol b/xul-ext/protocol
index b29e2fd..94f7744 100644
--- a/xul-ext/protocol
+++ b/xul-ext/protocol
@@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
Upon startup, Firefox creates and listens on a new UNIX socket (shared
between all tabs and windows) on which commands can be thrown in to fill
-HTML forms. The greeting message indicates that the server is ready to
+HTML forms. The socket path and permissions can respectively be
+configured with the "extensions.icevault.socketPath" and
+"extensions.icevault.socketPerms" preferences in "about:config".
+The greeting message indicates that the server is ready to
accept commands. Each command and response are single UTF8 string lines
ending with a newline character `\n'. (JSON-encoding ensures that
control characters are escaped properly; decoding to a string rather