diff options
authorGuilhem Moulin <guilhem@fripost.org>2015-03-20 01:59:48 +0100
committerGuilhem Moulin <guilhem@fripost.org>2015-03-20 05:50:30 +0100
commitf5a93532349379425d4e3f7669ab4ac9b08052bc (patch)
parent0777167c3d4cb571b23646b2ea6064d862bc48d4 (diff)
Added a 'ls' command.
2 files changed, 119 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/icevault b/icevault
index 943f1bf..7127c23 100755
--- a/icevault
+++ b/icevault
@@ -75,6 +75,7 @@ sub usage($) {
." or: $0 [OPTIONS] dump scheme://hostname/identity\n"
." or: $0 [OPTIONS] clip scheme://hostname/identity\n"
." or: $0 [OPTIONS] edit scheme://hostname/identity\n"
+ ." or: $0 [OPTIONS] ls [scheme://[hostname/[identity]]]\n"
. "Consult the manual page for more information.\n";
exit $rv;
@@ -222,6 +223,76 @@ sub sendCommand(@) {
+# Get all identities with the given $prefix. If there are multiple
+# matches and $all is false, limit the output to one depth.
+sub complete($;$) {
+ my $prefix = shift // '';
+ my $all = shift;
+ require 'File/Glob.pm';
+ my $pat = $CONFIG{store};
+ my ($s, $h, $i); # extract URI components from the prefix
+ if ($prefix =~ /\A([A-Za-z0-9-]+):\/\/([^\P{Graph}:\/]+(?::\d+)?)\/([^\P{Print}\/]*)\z/) {
+ ($s, $h, $i) = ($1, $2, $3);
+ } elsif ($prefix =~ /\A([A-Za-z0-9-]+):\/\/([^\P{Graph}\/]*)\z/) {
+ ($s, $h, $i) = ($1, $2, undef);
+ } elsif ($prefix =~ /\A([A-Za-z0-9-]*)(:\/?)?\z/) {
+ ($s, $h, $i) = ($1, (defined $2 ? '' : undef), undef);
+ } else {
+ exit;
+ }
+ # construct a glob pattern with these URI components
+ my ($gs, $gh, $gi) = ($s, $h, $i);
+ s/([\\\[\]\{\}\*\?\~])/\\$1/g foreach grep defined, ($gs, $gh, $gi); # escape meta chars
+ # add trailing wildcards
+ $gs .= '*' if defined $gs and !defined $gh;
+ $gh .= '*' if defined $gh and !defined $gi;
+ $gi .= '*' if defined $gi;
+ my $glob = $pat;
+ $glob =~ s/([\\\[\]\{\}\*\?\~])/\\$1/g;
+ $glob =~ s{\%(.)}{ $1 eq '%' ? '%' :
+ $1 eq 's' ? $gs // '*' :
+ $1 eq 'h' ? $gh // '*' :
+ $1 eq 'i' ? $gi // '*' :
+ die "Invalid placeholder %$1" }ge;
+ # construct regexp to extract the URI compontents of the matching URIs
+ my ($ps, $ph, $pi) = ($s, $h, $i);
+ $ps = defined $h ? qr/(?<s>\Q$s\E)/ : (defined $s and $s ne '') ? qr/(?<s>\Q$s\E[A-Za-z0-9-]*)/ : qr/(?<s>[A-Za-z0-9-]+)/;
+ $ph = defined $i ? qr/(?<h>\Q$h\E)/ : (defined $h and $h ne '') ? qr/(?<h>\Q$h\E[^\P{Graph}\/]*)/ : qr/(?<h>[^\P{Graph}\/]+)/;
+ $pi = (defined $i and $i ne '') ? qr/(?<i>\Q$i\E[^\P{Print}\/]*)/ : qr/(?<i>[^\P{Print}\/]+)/;
+ $pat =~ s/(\%.)([^\%]*)\z/$1.quotemeta($2)/e;
+ $pat =~ s{(.*?)\%(.)}{$2 eq '%' ? '%' :
+ $2 eq 's' ? quotemeta($1).$ps :
+ $2 eq 'h' ? quotemeta($1).$ph :
+ $2 eq 'i' ? quotemeta($1).$pi :
+ die "Invalid placeholder %$1"}ge;
+ $pat = qr/\A$pat\z/;
+ myprintf \*STDERR, "Using glob pattern C<%s>", $glob if $CONFIG{debug};
+ myprintf \*STDERR, "Using regexp C<%s>", "$pat" if $CONFIG{debug};
+ my @matches;
+ foreach my $filename (File::Glob::bsd_glob($glob)) {
+ $LOCALE->decode($filename) =~ $pat or die "$filename doesn't match $pat";
+ push @matches, "$+{s}://$+{h}/$+{i}";
+ }
+ return @matches if $all or $#matches < 1;
+ if ($prefix =~ /\A[A-Za-z0-9-]+:\/\/[^\P{Graph}:\/]+(?::\d+)?\//) {
+ } elsif ($prefix =~ /\A[A-Za-z0-9-]+:\/\//) {
+ s#/[^\P{Print}\/]+\z#/# foreach @matches;
+ } elsif (defined $s) {
+ s#://[^\P{Graph}\/]+/[^\P{Print}\/]+\z#://# foreach @matches;
+ }
+ my %matches = map {( $_ => 1 )} @matches;
+ return keys %matches;
# Redact passwords, unless $CONFIG{'show-passwords'} is set.
sub safeValue($;$) {
my $field = shift;
@@ -450,7 +521,7 @@ sub sha256_file($) {
-GetOptions(\%CONFIG, qw/debug show-passwords|p socket|s=s help|?/) or usage(1);
+GetOptions(\%CONFIG, qw/debug show-passwords|p socket|s=s help|? zero|0/) or usage(1);
usage(0) if $CONFIG{help};
# Load configuration
@@ -473,7 +544,15 @@ usage(1) unless @ARGV;
my $command = $ARGV[0] =~ /\A[A-Za-z0-9-]+:\/\//aa ? 'fill' : shift;
# Process the commands
-if ($command eq 'insert') {
+if ($command eq '_complete') {
+ # used internaly for auto-completion
+ usage(1) unless $#ARGV == 0;
+ my $delim = $CONFIG{zero} ? "\0" : "\n";
+ print $LOCALE->encode($_), $delim foreach complete(shift @ARGV);
+ exit;
+elsif ($command eq 'insert') {
usage(1) unless $#ARGV < 1;
my $uri = &connect($CONFIG{socket});
myprintf "Importing HTML form from URI C<%s>", $uri;
@@ -776,13 +855,39 @@ elsif ($command eq 'clip') {
my $pid = open my $fh, '|-', qw/xclip -loop 1 -selection clipboard/
or error "Can't fork: %s", $!;
- print $fh $LOCALE->encode($pw->{value});
+ print $fh encode_utf8($pw->{value});
close $fh;
waitpid $pid, 0;
error "C<%s> exited with value %d", 'xclip', ($? >> 8) if $? and $? != -1;
exit 0;
+elsif ($command eq 'ls') {
+ usage(1) if $#ARGV > 0;
+ my $prefix = shift @ARGV;
+ my @matches = complete $prefix // '', 1;
+ if (!defined $prefix) {
+ s/:\/\/.*// foreach @matches;
+ } elsif ($prefix =~ /\A[A-Za-z0-9-]+:\/\/[^\P{Graph}:\/]+(?::\d+)?\/[^\P{Print}\/]+\z/) {
+ @matches = grep /\A\Q$prefix\E\z/, @matches;
+ } elsif ($prefix =~ /\A([A-Za-z0-9-]+:\/\/[^\P{Graph}\/]+)\/?\z/) {
+ my $x = $1;
+ @matches = grep defined, map { !s/\A\Q$x\E\/// ? undef : $_ } @matches;
+ } elsif ($prefix =~ /\A([A-Za-z0-9-]+)(:\/{0,2})?\z/) {
+ my $x = $1;
+ @matches = grep defined, map { !s/\A\Q$x\E:\/\/// ? undef :
+ !s/\/[^\P{Print}\/]+\z// ? undef : $_ } @matches;
+ } else {
+ @matches = ();
+ }
+ error "No such identity C<%s>", $prefix // '' unless @matches;
+ my $delim = $CONFIG{zero} ? "\0" : "\n";
+ my %matches = map {($_ => 1)} @matches;
+ print $LOCALE->encode($_), $delim foreach keys %matches;
else {
myprintf "Unknown command: C<%s>", $command;
diff --git a/icevault.1 b/icevault.1
index f2b3b76..e903b9c 100644
--- a/icevault.1
+++ b/icevault.1
@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ IceVault \- IceVault client user interface
.B icevault\fR [\fIOPTIONS\fR] \fBclip\fR \fIscheme\fR://\fIhostname\fR/\fIidentity\fR
.B icevault\fR [\fIOPTIONS\fR] \fBedit\fR \fIscheme\fR://\fIhostname\fR/\fIidentity\fR
+.B icevault\fR [\fIOPTIONS\fR] \fBls\fR [\fIscheme\fR://[\fIhostname\fR/[\fIidentity\fR]]]
@@ -93,6 +95,10 @@ editor exits, the file is reencrypted if the SHA-256 digest of its
content differs. Note that formatting and comments may not be preserved
by subsequent updates of the \fIidentity\fR file.
+.B icevault\fR [\fIOPTIONS\fR] \fBls\fR [\fIscheme\fR://[\fIhostname\fR/[\fIidentity\fR]]]
+List content of the given identity prefix.
@@ -119,6 +125,11 @@ there is no default profile) in the "~/.mozilla/firefox" directory.
.B \-\-version
Show the version number and exit.
+.B \-0\fR, \fB\-\-zero
+With the \fBls\fR command, use NUL instead of newline as line delimiter.
\fBicevault\fR reads it configuration from