path: root/cli/icevault
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'cli/icevault')
1 files changed, 907 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cli/icevault b/cli/icevault
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..43b8e50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cli/icevault
@@ -0,0 +1,907 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -T
+# IceVault - An external password manager for firefox
+# Copyright © 2015 Guilhem Moulin <guilhem@fripost.org>
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
+# your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+our $VERSION = '0.1';
+use Getopt::Long qw/:config posix_default no_ignore_case gnu_compat
+ bundling auto_version/;
+use Encode qw/decode_utf8 encode_utf8/;
+use I18N::Langinfo ();
+use List::Util qw/all any first min none/;
+# Clean up PATH, and set TMPDIR to a ramdisk's mountpoint if possible
+$ENV{PATH} = join ':', qw{/usr/local/bin /usr/bin /bin};
+$ENV{TMPDIR} //= first { -d } qw{/dev/shm /run/shm /var/run/shm /tmp};
+my $LANGINFO = I18N::Langinfo::langinfo(I18N::Langinfo::CODESET());
+my $LOCALE = Encode::find_encoding $LANGINFO;
+my %CONFIG;
+my $SOCKET;
+# Utilities
+# Like printf, but allows locale-dependent markup.
+sub myprintf($@) {
+ my $fh = ref $_[0] eq 'GLOB' ? shift : \*STDOUT;
+ my $format = shift;
+ chomp $format;
+ $LANGINFO =~ /^utf-?8$/aai ? $format =~ s/C<%s>/\N{U+2018}%s\N{U+2019}/g
+ : $format =~ s/C<%s>/'%s'/g;
+ $format =~ s/I<%s>/%s/g;
+ $format =~ s/B<%s>/%s/g;
+ die "Illegal markup '$1' in message:\n", $format if $format =~ /([A-Z])<%s>/;
+ printf $fh map {$LOCALE->encode($_)} ($format."\n", @_);
+# error FORMAT, LIST
+sub error($@) {
+ myprintf \*STDERR, shift, @_;
+ exit 1;
+# warning FORMAT, LIST
+sub warning($@) {
+ myprintf \*STDERR, shift, @_;
+# Print usage and exit.
+sub usage($) {
+ my $rv = shift;
+ my $fh = $rv ? \*STDERR : \*STDOUT;
+ print $fh "Usage: $0 [OPTIONS] [fill] scheme://hostname/identity\n"
+ ." or: $0 [OPTIONS] insert [identity]\n"
+ ." or: $0 [OPTIONS] dump scheme://hostname/identity\n"
+ ." or: $0 [OPTIONS] clip scheme://hostname/identity\n"
+ ." or: $0 [OPTIONS] edit scheme://hostname/identity\n"
+ ." or: $0 [OPTIONS] ls [scheme://[hostname/[identity]]]\n"
+ . "Consult the manual page for more information.\n";
+ exit $rv;
+# grepIdx BLOCK LIST
+# Evaluates the BLOCK for each element of LIST (locally setting $_ to
+# each element) and returns the list value consisting of the index of
+# those elements for which the expression evaluated to true.
+sub grepIdx(&@) {
+ my ($code, @list) = @_;
+ my @ret;
+ for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#list; $i++) {
+ local $_ = $list[$i];
+ push @ret, $i if $code->();
+ }
+ return @ret;
+# firstIdx BLOCK LIST
+# Evaluates the BLOCK for each element of LIST (locally setting $_ to
+# each element) and returns the first index of those elements for which
+# the expression evaluated to true. Or undef if the expression never
+# evaluates to true.
+sub firstIdx(&@) {
+ my ($code, @list) = @_;
+ for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#list; $i++) {
+ local $_ = $list[$i];
+ return $i if $code->();
+ }
+ return;
+sub groupByName(@) {
+ my @fields = @_;
+ my %indices;
+ for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#fields; $i++) {
+ push @{$indices{$fields[$i]->{name}}}, $i;
+ }
+ return %indices;
+sub delete($$) {
+ my ($x, $l) = @_;
+ @$l = grep { $_ ne $x } @$l;
+# Load the given configuration file
+sub loadConfig($) {
+ my $configFile = shift;
+ error "Configuration file C<%s> doesn't exist", $configFile unless -f $configFile;
+ open my $CONFIG, '<', $configFile or error "Can't open C<%s>: %s", $configFile, $!;
+ while (<$CONFIG>) {
+ chomp;
+ s/#.*//; # ignore comments
+ next if /^\s*$/; # ignore empty and blank lines
+ /^([-\@\w.]+)(?:\s*=\s*)(\p{print}+)/ or error "Can't parse config line: C<%s>", $_;
+ $CONFIG{$1} //= $2;
+ }
+ close $CONFIG;
+# Connect to the given socket and assign the IO::Socket object to
+# $SOCKET. If the socket path is relative, prepend the default Firefox
+# profile (or the first profile found if there is no default profile).
+# Returns "scheme://hostname:port" (the ":port" part is optional)
+sub connect($) {
+ my $sockname = shift;
+ if ($sockname !~ /^\//) { # relative path
+ my $ffdir = "$ENV{HOME}/.mozilla/firefox";
+ opendir my $dh, $ffdir or error "Can't open directory C<%s>: %s", $ffdir, $!;
+ my $profile;
+ while (readdir $dh) {
+ next if $_ eq '.' or $_ eq '..';
+ next unless -d "$ffdir/$_";
+ if (/\.default$/) { # default profile takes precedence
+ $profile = $_;
+ last;
+ }
+ $profile //= $_;
+ }
+ closedir $dh;
+ error "No Firefox profile found under C<%s>", $ffdir unless defined $profile;
+ $sockname = "$ffdir/$profile/$sockname";
+ myprintf \*STDERR, "Using socket C<%s>", $sockname if $CONFIG{debug};
+ }
+ require 'IO/Socket/UNIX.pm';
+ $SOCKET = IO::Socket::UNIX->new( Type => IO::Socket::UNIX::SOCK_STREAM(), Peer => $sockname )
+ or error "Can't connect to socket C<%s>: %s", $sockname, $!;
+ # get the URI greeting; don't perform domain validation (it's done
+ # by the browser), but ensure that it doesn't contain non-graphical
+ # chars, : or /
+ require 'JSON.pm';
+ my $uri = getResponse();
+ $uri =~ s/\A([A-Za-z0-9-]+:\/\/[^\P{Graph}:\/]+(?::\d+)?)(?:\/.*)?\z/$1/
+ or error "Invalid URI C<%s>", $uri;
+ my $scheme = $uri =~ s/:\/\/.*//r;
+ warning "Warning: Insecure (%s://) connection! Form values can be stolen", $scheme
+ unless $scheme eq 'https';
+ return lc $uri;
+# Read a response line on the socket, and return the decoded scalar or
+# object.
+sub getResponse() {
+ my $buf = $SOCKET->getline;
+ chomp $buf;
+ myprintf \*STDERR, "S: %s", decode_utf8 $buf if $CONFIG{debug};
+ my ($code, $msg) = split / /, $buf, 2;
+ # allow $msg to be decoded to a string
+ $msg = JSON->new->utf8->allow_nonref->decode($msg) if defined $msg;
+ if ($code eq 'OK') {
+ return $msg;
+ }
+ elsif ($code eq 'BYE') {
+ # terminates the connection
+ $SOCKET->close;
+ undef $SOCKET;
+ }
+ elsif ($code eq 'ERROR') {
+ error "Server said: C<%s>", 'ERROR ' . decode_utf8 $msg;
+ }
+ else {
+ error "Unexpected response from server: C<%s>", decode_utf8 $msg;
+ }
+# Send the given UTF8 string (with a linefeed appended) on to the
+# socket, flush the handle, then return the server response.
+sub sendCommand(@) {
+ my $command = join(' ',@_);
+ myprintf \*STDERR, "C: %s", Encode::decode_utf8 $command if $CONFIG{debug};
+ $command .= "\n";
+ for (my $offset = 0; $offset < length $command;) {
+ $offset += $SOCKET->syswrite($command, length($command) - $offset, $offset);
+ }
+ $SOCKET->flush;
+ getResponse();
+# Get all identities with the given $prefix. If there are multiple
+# matches and $all is false, limit the output to one depth more than the
+# longuest common prefix.
+sub complete($;$) {
+ my $prefix = shift // '';
+ my $all = shift;
+ require 'File/Glob.pm';
+ my $pat = $CONFIG{store};
+ my ($s, $h, $i); # extract URI components from the prefix
+ if ($prefix =~ /\A([A-Za-z0-9-]+):\/\/([^\P{Graph}:\/]+(?::\d+)?)\/([^\P{Print}\/]*)\z/) {
+ ($s, $h, $i) = ($1, $2, $3);
+ } elsif ($prefix =~ /\A([A-Za-z0-9-]+):\/\/([^\P{Graph}\/]*)\z/) {
+ ($s, $h, $i) = ($1, $2, undef);
+ } elsif ($prefix =~ /\A([A-Za-z0-9-]*)(:\/?)?\z/) {
+ ($s, $h, $i) = ($1, (defined $2 ? '' : undef), undef);
+ } else {
+ exit;
+ }
+ # construct a glob pattern with these URI components
+ my ($gs, $gh, $gi) = ($s, $h, $i);
+ s/([\\\[\]\{\}\*\?\~])/\\$1/g foreach grep defined, ($gs, $gh, $gi); # escape meta chars
+ # add trailing wildcards
+ $gs .= '*' if defined $gs and !defined $gh;
+ $gh .= '*' if defined $gh and !defined $gi;
+ $gi .= '*' if defined $gi;
+ my $glob = $pat;
+ $glob =~ s/([\\\[\]\{\}\*\?\~])/\\$1/g;
+ $glob =~ s{\%(.)}{ $1 eq '%' ? '%' :
+ $1 eq 's' ? $gs // '*' :
+ $1 eq 'h' ? $gh // '*' :
+ $1 eq 'i' ? $gi // '*' :
+ die "Invalid placeholder %$1" }ge;
+ # construct regexp to extract the URI compontents of the matching URIs
+ my ($ps, $ph, $pi) = ($s, $h, $i);
+ $ps = defined $h ? qr/(?<s>\Q$s\E)/ : (defined $s and $s ne '') ? qr/(?<s>\Q$s\E[A-Za-z0-9-]*)/ : qr/(?<s>[A-Za-z0-9-]+)/;
+ $ph = defined $i ? qr/(?<h>\Q$h\E)/ : (defined $h and $h ne '') ? qr/(?<h>\Q$h\E[^\P{Graph}\/]*)/ : qr/(?<h>[^\P{Graph}\/]+)/;
+ $pi = (defined $i and $i ne '') ? qr/(?<i>\Q$i\E[^\P{Print}\/]*)/ : qr/(?<i>[^\P{Print}\/]+)/;
+ $pat =~ s/(\%.)([^\%]*)\z/$1.quotemeta($2)/e;
+ $pat =~ s{(.*?)\%(.)}{$2 eq '%' ? '%' :
+ $2 eq 's' ? quotemeta($1).$ps :
+ $2 eq 'h' ? quotemeta($1).$ph :
+ $2 eq 'i' ? quotemeta($1).$pi :
+ die "Invalid placeholder %$1"}ge;
+ $pat = qr/\A$pat\z/;
+ myprintf \*STDERR, "Using glob pattern C<%s>", $glob if $CONFIG{debug};
+ myprintf \*STDERR, "Using regexp C<%s>", "$pat" if $CONFIG{debug};
+ my @matches;
+ foreach my $filename (File::Glob::bsd_glob($glob)) {
+ $LOCALE->decode($filename) =~ $pat or die "$filename doesn't match $pat";
+ push @matches, "$+{s}://$+{h}/$+{i}";
+ }
+ return @matches if $all or $#matches < 1;
+ # find the longest common prefix to determine the depth level of completion
+ $matches[0] =~ /\A([A-Za-z0-9-]+):\/\/([^\P{Graph}:\/]+(?::\d+)?)\// or die;
+ ($s, $h) = ($1, $2);
+ if (all { /\A\Q$s\E:\/\/\Q$h\E\// } @matches) { # common host: list all ids
+ } elsif (all { /\A\Q$s\E:\/\// } @matches) { # common scheme: list only hosts
+ s#/[^\P{Print}\/]+\z#/# foreach @matches;
+ } else { # no common scheme: list only schemes
+ s#://[^\P{Graph}\/]+/[^\P{Print}\/]+\z#://# foreach @matches;
+ }
+ my %matches = map {( $_ => 1 )} @matches;
+ return sort keys %matches;
+# Redact passwords, unless $CONFIG{'show-passwords'} is set.
+sub safeValue($;$) {
+ my $field = shift;
+ my $value = shift // $field->{value};
+ return ($field->{type} eq 'password' and !$CONFIG{'show-passwords'}) ?
+ ('x' x length $value) : $value;
+# Send a FILL command with the given form index and field values.
+sub fill($$@) {
+ my $idx = shift;
+ my $form = shift;
+ my @fill = @_;
+ return if none {defined} @fill; # noop
+ for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#fill; $i++) {
+ myprintf "Filling field C<%s>, value C<%s>",
+ $form->{fields}->[$i]->{name},
+ safeValue($form->{fields}->[$i], $fill[$i])
+ if defined $fill[$i];
+ }
+ sendCommand('FILL', $idx, JSON::encode_json(\@fill));
+# Parse a scheme://hostname(:port)?/identity, and return the associated
+# file.
+sub getIdentityFile($) {
+ my $id = shift;
+ $id =~ /\A([A-Za-z0-9-]+):\/\/([^\P{Graph}:\/]+(?::\d+)?)\/([^\P{Print}\/]+)\z/
+ or error "Invalid identity C<%s>", $id;
+ my ($s, $h, $i) = ($1, $2, $3);
+ my $filename = $CONFIG{store};
+ $filename =~ s{\%(.)}{ $1 eq '%' ? '%' :
+ $1 eq 's' ? $s :
+ $1 eq 'h' ? $h :
+ $1 eq 'i' ? $i :
+ die "Invalid placeholder %$1" }ge;
+ return $filename;
+# Decrypt the given identity file and return the YAML-parsed form.
+open my $NULL, '<', '/dev/null';
+sub loadIdentityFile($;$) {
+ my ($filename, $fh) = @_;
+ myprintf \*STDERR, "Decrypting identity file C<%s>", $filename if $CONFIG{debug};
+ require 'IPC/Open2.pm';
+ my $pid = IPC::Open2::open2( (defined wantarray ? $fh : ">&".$fh->fileno)
+ , "<&".fileno($NULL)
+ , $CONFIG{gpg}, qw/-o - --decrypt --/, $filename)
+ or error "Can't fork: %s", $!;
+ my $str = do { local $/ = undef; <$fh> } if defined wantarray;
+ waitpid $pid, 0;
+ error "C<%s> exited with value %d", $CONFIG{gpg}, ($? >> 8) if $? and $? != -1;
+ close $fh;
+ return unless defined wantarray;
+ # the cleartext's charset is always UTF8
+ require 'YAML/Tiny.pm'; # XXX use Tiny::YAML instead?
+ return YAML::Tiny::Load(decode_utf8 $str) if defined wantarray;
+# Dump and encrypt a form into the given filename.
+sub saveIdentityFile($$) {
+ my ($form, $filename) = @_;
+ myprintf \*STDERR, "Saving identity file C<%s>", $filename if $CONFIG{debug};
+ require 'File/Copy.pm';
+ require 'File/Path.pm';
+ require 'File/Temp.pm';
+ require 'IPC/Open2.pm';
+ require 'YAML/Tiny.pm' if ref $form; # XXX use Tiny::YAML instead?
+ # don't encrypt directly into the destination file so we don't
+ # end up with a messed up file if something goes wrong
+ my $outfh = File::Temp->new(SUFFIX => '.gpg', UNLINK => 0, TMPDIR => 1);
+ my $pid = IPC::Open2::open2( ">&".$outfh->fileno
+ , (ref $form ? my $infh : "<&".fileno($NULL))
+ , $CONFIG{gpg}, qw/-o - --no-encrypt-to --recipient/, $CONFIG{keyid}
+ , '--encrypt', '--', (ref $form ? () : $form)
+ )
+ or error "Can't fork: %s", $!;
+ if (ref $form) {
+ $form->{fields} = [ grep defined, @{$form->{fields}} ]; # remove undefined fields
+ print $infh encode_utf8(YAML::Tiny::Dump($form)); # dump the form as UTF8
+ close $infh;
+ }
+ waitpid $pid, 0;
+ error "C<%s> exited with value %d", $CONFIG{gpg}, ($? >> 8) if $? and $? != -1;
+ $outfh->close;
+ my $parent_dir = $filename =~ s/\/[^\/]+$//r;
+ File::Path::make_path($parent_dir) unless -d $parent_dir; # create parent directories recursively
+ File::Copy::move($outfh->filename, $filename) or error "Can't move C<%s>: %s", $outfh->filename, $!;
+ # TODO: git add $filename; git commit
+# Get the visible form list from the server, and croak if it's empty.
+sub getForms() {
+ my $forms = sendCommand 'GETFORMS';
+ error "No (visible) form found" unless @$forms;
+ return @$forms;
+# Guess which form is to be filled: take the first form with a password
+# field if there are any, otherwise the first non-empty form. If the
+# first argument is defined, only consider forms with a matching base
+# URI.
+sub findForm($@) {
+ my $myform = shift;
+ my @forms = @_;
+ if (defined $myform) {
+ # ignore forms with non-matching action
+ @forms = map { $_->{action} =~ /\A\Q$myform->{baseURI}\E(?:\/.*)?\z/ ? $_ : undef } @forms;
+ my @formIdx = grepIdx { defined $_ } @forms;
+ error "No form found with action matching known base URI C<%s>", $myform->{baseURI}
+ unless @formIdx;
+ return $formIdx[0] if $#formIdx == 0; # single match
+ }
+ my $idx = firstIdx { defined $_ and any {$_->{type} eq 'password'} @{$_->{fields}} } @forms;
+ $idx //= firstIdx { defined $_ and any {$_->{value} ne ''} @{$_->{fields}} } @forms;
+ error 'Dunno which form to '. (defined $myform ? 'fill' : 'import') unless defined $idx;
+ return $idx;
+# For a page with two or three passwords, try to guess from their value
+# which are the old and new/confirm fields. Returns a list of indices
+# (old, new, confirm).
+sub guessPasswordPage(@) {
+ my ($pw0, $pw1, $pw2) = @_;
+ my ($idx0, $idx1, $idx2);
+ if (!defined $pw2) {
+ if ($pw0->{value} eq $pw1->{value}) {
+ ($idx0, $idx1, $idx2) = (undef, 0, 1)
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if ($pw1->{value} eq $pw2->{value}) {
+ ($idx0, $idx1, $idx2) = (0, 1, 2);
+ }
+ elsif ($pw0->{value} eq $pw1->{value}) {
+ ($idx0, $idx1, $idx2) = (2, 0, 1);
+ }
+ elsif ($pw0->{value} eq $pw2->{value}) {
+ ($idx0, $idx1, $idx2) = (1, 0, 2);
+ }
+ }
+ return ($idx0, $idx1, $idx2);
+# Generate a (single) random password for the given fields, with the
+# maximum possible length.
+sub pwgen(@) {
+ my @fields = @_;
+ return unless @fields;
+ my $pwgen = $CONFIG{pwgen};
+ # see how long the password is allowed to be
+ my $l = $CONFIG{'max-password-length'};
+ $l = min (map { my $x = $1 if defined $_->{maxLength} and $_->{maxLength} =~ /^(\d+)$/;
+ (defined $x and $x > 0 and $x < $l) ? $x : $l } @fields);
+ $pwgen =~ s/%d/$l/g;
+ myprintf "Generating $l-char long random value for field".($#fields > 0 ? '(s) ' : ' ')
+ .join(',', map {'C<%s>'} @fields),
+ map {$_->{name}} @fields;
+ my @pw = `$pwgen`;
+ error "Can't exec C<%s>: %s", $pwgen, $! unless @pw;
+ chomp $pw[$#pw]; # remove the last \n, but keep the others
+ $_->{value} = join ('', @pw) foreach @fields;
+# Prompt a question with an optional defaut response.
+sub prompt($;$) {
+ my ($prompt, $default) = @_;
+ $prompt .= " [$default]" if defined $default;
+ print $LOCALE->encode($prompt), " ";
+ my $r = <STDIN>;
+ die "\n" unless defined $r;
+ chomp $r;
+ return ($r eq '' and defined $default) ? $default : $LOCALE->decode($r);
+# Prompt a Yes/No question.
+sub promptYN($;$) {
+ my $prompt = shift;
+ my $default = shift // 0;
+ while (1) {
+ print $LOCALE->encode($prompt), " [", ($default ? 'Y/n' : 'y/N'), "] ";
+ my $r = <STDIN>;
+ die "\n" unless defined $r;
+ chomp $r;
+ if (lc $r eq 'y' or lc $r eq 'yes' or ($r eq '' and $default)) {
+ return 1
+ }
+ elsif (lc $r eq 'n' or lc $r eq 'no' or ($r eq '' and !$default)) {
+ return 0
+ }
+ myprintf \*STDERR, "Answer: C<%s> or C<%s>", 'y', 'n';
+ }
+# Get the SHA-256 digest of the given file.
+sub sha256_file($) {
+ my $filename = shift;
+ require 'Digest.pm';
+ my $sha256 = Digest->new('SHA-256');
+ open my $fh, '<', $filename or error "Can't open C<%s>: %s", $filename, $!;
+ $sha256->addfile($fh);
+ close $fh;
+ return $sha256->digest;
+GetOptions(\%CONFIG, qw/debug show-passwords|p socket|s=s help|? zero|0/) or usage(1);
+usage(0) if $CONFIG{help};
+# Load configuration
+loadConfig "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/icevault";
+# Default options
+$CONFIG{gpg} //= 'gpg';
+$CONFIG{socket} //= 'S.IceVault';
+$CONFIG{store} //= "$XDG_DATA_HOME/icevault/%s/%h/%i.gpg";
+$CONFIG{pwgen} //= 'pwgen -s -cyn %d';
+$CONFIG{'max-password-length'} //= 32;
+$CONFIG{keyid} // error "Missing keyid in configuration file";
+error "C<%s> is not a 64-bits key ID or fingerprint", $CONFIG{keyid}
+ unless $CONFIG{keyid} =~ /^(?:(?:0x)?\p{AHex}{16}|\p{AHex}{40})$/;
+usage(1) unless @ARGV;
+@ARGV = map { $LOCALE->decode($_) } @ARGV;
+my $command = $ARGV[0] =~ /\A[A-Za-z0-9-]+:\/\//aa ? 'fill' : shift;
+# Process the commands
+if ($command eq '_complete') {
+ # used internaly for auto-completion
+ usage(1) unless $#ARGV == 0;
+ my $delim = $CONFIG{zero} ? "\0" : "\n";
+ print $LOCALE->encode($_), $delim foreach complete(shift @ARGV);
+ exit;
+elsif ($command eq '_geturi') {
+ # used internaly for auto-completion
+ usage(1) if @ARGV;
+ print $LOCALE->encode( &connect($CONFIG{socket}) ), "\n";
+ sendCommand 'QUIT';
+ exit;
+elsif ($command eq 'insert') {
+ usage(1) unless $#ARGV < 1;
+ my $uri = &connect($CONFIG{socket});
+ myprintf "Importing HTML form from URI C<%s>", $uri;
+ my @forms = getForms();
+ my $formIdx = findForm undef, @forms;
+ my $form = $forms[$formIdx];
+ my @fill = map {undef} (0 .. $#{$form->{fields}});
+ if (defined $form->{action}) {
+ $form->{baseURI} = delete $form->{action};
+ # perform minimal validation on the action URI (ensure that it
+ # doesn't contain non-graphical chars, " or /)
+ $form->{baseURI} =~ s/\A([A-Za-z0-9-]+:\/\/[^\P{Graph}:\/]+(?::\d+)?)(?:\/.*)?\z/$1/
+ or error "Invalid form action: C<%s>", $form->{baseURI};
+ my $scheme = $uri =~ s/:\/\/.*//r;
+ warning "Warning! Form action scheme C<%s> doesn't match the URI's", $scheme
+ unless $uri =~ /\A\Q$scheme\E:\/\//;
+ }
+ my $id = shift;
+ unless (defined $id) {
+ # no identity was provided from command line: try to use the
+ # last non-empty text field before the first password, and
+ # fallback to the first non-empty text field altogether
+ my $pwIdx = firstIdx { $_->{type} eq 'password' } @{$form->{fields}};
+ my $idx = first { $form->{fields}->[$_]->{value} ne '' and
+ ($form->{fields}->[$_]->{type} eq 'text' or $form->{fields}->[$_]->{type} eq 'email')
+ } ($pwIdx-1 .. 0)
+ if defined $pwIdx;
+ $idx //= firstIdx { $_->{value} ne '' and ($_->{type} eq 'text' or $_->{type} eq 'email') } @{$form->{fields}};
+ $id = $form->{fields}->[$idx]->{value} if defined $idx;
+ while (1) {
+ # ask for confirmation
+ my $r = prompt 'Identity name?', $id;
+ if ($r !~ /\A[^\P{Print}\/]+\z/) {
+ myprintf \*STDERR, "Invalid identity: C<%s>", $r;
+ }
+ elsif (-e getIdentityFile "$uri/$r") {
+ myprintf \*STDERR, "Identity C<%s> already exists", "$uri/$r";
+ }
+ else {
+ $id = $r;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my $filename = getIdentityFile "$uri/$id";
+ error "Identity C<%s> already exists", "$uri/$id" if -e $filename;
+ my @passIdx = grepIdx { $_->{type} eq 'password' } @{$form->{fields}};
+ my @dontsave;
+ if ($#passIdx == 0) { # single password in the form
+ if ($form->{fields}->[$passIdx[0]]->{value} eq '') {
+ warning "Warning! Empty password for field C<%s>", $form->{fields}->[$passIdx[0]]->{name};
+ exit 1 unless promptYN "Continue?";
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($#passIdx < 3) { # 2 or 3 passwords in the form
+ my ($idx0, $idx1, $idx2) = map {defined $_ ? $passIdx[$_] : undef}
+ guessPasswordPage(@{$form->{fields}}[@passIdx]);
+ my ($pw0, $pw1, $pw2) = map {defined $_ ? $form->{fields}->[$_] : undef}
+ ($idx0, $idx1, $idx2);
+ if (defined $idx1 and defined $idx2) {
+ # it can also be a password changing page when !defined
+ # $pw0, but it doesn't matter here as all values are the
+ # same
+ print STDERR "Assuming a ".(defined $pw0 ? 'password changing' : 'signup')." page\n";
+ if ($pw1->{value} eq '') { # generate a password for the two fields
+ pwgen ($pw1, $pw2);
+ $fill[$_] = $form->{fields}->[$_]->{value} foreach ($idx1, $idx2);
+ }
+ if (defined $pw0) {
+ # keep only the first field, but use the second field's value
+ $pw0->{value} = $pw1->{value};
+ push @dontsave, $idx1, $idx2;
+ } else {
+ # keep only the first field
+ push @dontsave, $idx2;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($#passIdx >= 3) {
+ print STDERR "Assuming all ".scalar(@passIdx)." passwords are independent\n";
+ foreach my $i (@passIdx) {
+ next unless $form->{fields}->[$i]->{value} eq '';
+ pwgen $form->{fields}->[$i];
+ $fill[$i] = $form->{fields}->[$i]->{value};
+ }
+ }
+ fill $formIdx, $form, @fill;
+ sendCommand 'QUIT';
+ undef @{$form->{fields}}[@dontsave] if @dontsave; # remove the field we don't want to save
+ myprintf "Saving identity C<%s>", "$uri/$id";
+ saveIdentityFile $form, $filename;
+elsif ($command eq 'fill') {
+ usage(1) unless $#ARGV == 0;
+ my $id = shift;
+ my $filename = getIdentityFile $id;
+ error "No such identity C<%s>", $id unless -f $filename;
+ my $uri = &connect($CONFIG{socket});
+ error "Possible phishing attempt! (URI C<%s> doesn't match identity.) Aborting.", $uri
+ unless $id =~ /\A\Q$uri\E(?:\/.*)\z/;
+ # get the list of forms and load the known form from disk
+ my @forms = getForms();
+ my $myform = loadIdentityFile $filename;
+ my $formIdx = findForm $myform, @forms;
+ my $form = $forms[$formIdx];
+ my @fill = map {undef} (0 .. $#{$form->{fields}});
+ # map each field name to the list of its indices; this allows
+ # multivalued names
+ my %fields = groupByName @{$form->{fields}};
+ my %myfields = groupByName @{$myform->{fields}};
+ my $changed = 0;
+ my @mypassIdx = grepIdx { $_->{type} eq 'password' } @{$myform->{fields}};
+ my @passIdx = grepIdx { $_->{type} eq 'password' } @{$form->{fields}};
+ if ($#mypassIdx == 0 and $#passIdx == 0 and
+ $#{$myfields{$myform->{fields}->[$mypassIdx[0]]->{name}}} == 0 and
+ $#{$fields{$form->{fields}->[$passIdx[0]]->{name}}} == 0) {
+ # there is a single password on both the know form and that we
+ # want to fill, and both field names are unique in these forms:
+ # assume this is the password to be filled regardless of the
+ # name
+ my $mypass = $myform->{fields}->[$mypassIdx[0]];
+ my $pass = $form->{fields}->[$passIdx[0]];
+ delete $myfields{$mypass->{name}}; # don't process these names later
+ delete $fields{$pass->{name}};
+ if ($mypass->{name} ne $pass->{name}) { # use the new name
+ myprintf "Renaming field C<%s> as C<%s>",
+ $mypass->{name}, $pass->{name};
+ $mypass->{name} = $pass->{name};
+ $changed = 1;
+ }
+ if ($pass->{value} eq '') { # fill the password with the known value
+ $fill[$passIdx[0]] = $mypass->{value};
+ }
+ elsif ($mypass->{value} ne $pass->{value}) { # update the password
+ myprintf "Updating field C<%s> to C<%s> (former value: C<%s>)",
+ $mypass->{name}, safeValue($pass), safeValue($mypass);
+ $mypass->{value} = $pass->{value};
+ $changed = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($#mypassIdx == 0 and $#passIdx > 0 and $#passIdx < 3) {
+ # there is a single known password, but two or three fields to
+ # fill: probably a password changing page
+ my $mypass = $myform->{fields}->[$mypassIdx[0]];
+ my ($idx0, $idx1, $idx2) = map {defined $_ ? $passIdx[$_] : undef}
+ guessPasswordPage(@{$form->{fields}}[@passIdx]);
+ my ($pw0, $pw1, $pw2) = map {defined $_ ? $form->{fields}->[$_] : undef}
+ ($idx0, $idx1, $idx2);
+ if (defined $pw1 and defined $pw2) {
+ print STDERR "Assuming a password changing page\n";
+ if ($pw1->{value} eq '') {
+ pwgen ($pw1, $pw2);
+ $fill[$_] = $form->{fields}->[$_]->{value} foreach ($idx1, $idx2);
+ }
+ # fill the first password field with the known value
+ $fill[$idx0] = $mypass->{value} if defined $idx0 and $pw0->{value} eq '';
+ if ($mypass->{value} ne $pw1->{value}) {
+ # update the known password with the new value
+ $mypass->{value} = $pw1->{value};
+ $changed = 1;
+ }
+ # don't process these fields later
+ &delete($mypassIdx[0], $myfields{$mypass->{name}});
+ &delete($_, $fields{$form->{fields}->[$_]->{name}}) foreach grep defined, ($idx0, $idx1, $idx2);
+ }
+ }
+ # walk through each names in both %myfields and %fields, and fill
+ # the values in the order they are found
+ foreach my $name (keys %myfields) {
+ next unless exists $fields{$name};
+ while (@{$myfields{$name}} and @{$fields{$name}}) {
+ my $myidx = shift @{$myfields{$name}};
+ my $idx = shift @{$fields{$name}};
+ next unless defined $myidx and defined $idx; # was taken care of before
+ if ($form->{fields}->[$idx]->{value} eq '' and $myform->{fields}->[$myidx]->{value} ne '') {
+ # fill with the known value
+ $fill[$idx] = $myform->{fields}->[$myidx]->{value};
+ }
+ elsif ($myform->{fields}->[$myidx]->{value} ne $form->{fields}->[$idx]->{value}) {
+ # update the known value with that found in the page
+ myprintf "Updating field C<%s> to C<%s> (former value: C<%s>)",
+ $myform->{fields}->[$myidx]->{name},
+ safeValue($form->{fields}->[$idx]),
+ safeValue($myform->{fields}->[$myidx]);
+ $myform->{fields}->[$myidx]->{value} = $form->{fields}->[$idx]->{value};
+ $changed = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # add the fields that were found in the page, but not in our form
+ foreach my $name (keys %fields) {
+ my @fieldIdx = grep defined, @{$fields{$name}};
+ my $i;
+ for ($i = $#fieldIdx; $i >= 0; $i--) {
+ last unless $form->{fields}->[$i]->{value} eq '';
+ }
+ # don't store empty values (unless a later value is non-empty,
+ # to preserve the order)
+ @fieldIdx = @fieldIdx[(0 .. $i)] if $i >= 0;
+ next unless @fieldIdx and $i >= 0;
+ myprintf "Adding field C<%s>, value".($#fieldIdx > 0 ? '(s) ' : ' ').
+ join(',', map {'C<%s>'} @fieldIdx),
+ $name, map {safeValue $form->{fields}->[$_]} @fieldIdx;
+ push @{$myform->{fields}}, @{$form->{fields}}[@fieldIdx];
+ $changed = 1;
+ }
+ foreach my $name (keys %myfields) {
+ my @fieldIdx = grep defined, @{$myfields{$name}};
+ next unless @fieldIdx;
+ myprintf "Deleting field C<%s>, value".($#fieldIdx > 0 ? '(s) ' : ' ').
+ join(',', map {'C<%s>'} @fieldIdx),
+ $name, map {safeValue $myform->{fields}->[$_]} @fieldIdx;
+ undef $myform->{fields}->[$_] foreach @fieldIdx;
+ $changed = 1;
+ }
+ fill $formIdx, $form, @fill;
+ sendCommand 'QUIT';
+ if ($changed) {
+ my $r = promptYN "Save changes?", 0;
+ saveIdentityFile ($myform, $filename) if $r;
+ }
+elsif ($command eq 'dump') {
+ usage(1) unless $#ARGV == 0;
+ my $id = shift;
+ my $filename = getIdentityFile $id;
+ error "No such identity C<%s>", $id unless -f $filename;
+ my $form = loadIdentityFile $filename;
+ $_->{value} = safeValue($_) foreach @{$form->{fields}}; # redact the passwords
+ my $str = YAML::Tiny::Dump($form);
+ print STDOUT (defined $LOCALE ? $LOCALE->encode($str) : $str)
+elsif ($command eq 'edit') {
+ usage(1) unless $#ARGV == 0;
+ my $id = shift;
+ my $filename = getIdentityFile $id;
+ error "No such identity C<%s>", $id unless -f $filename;
+ require 'File/Copy.pm';
+ require 'File/Temp.pm';
+ error "C<%s> is not set", '$EDITOR' unless defined $ENV{EDITOR};
+ $ENV{EDITOR} =~ /\A(\p{Print}+)\z/ or error "Insecure C<%s>", "\$EDITOR";
+ my $EDITOR = $1; # untaint $EDITOR
+ my $fh = File::Temp->new(SUFFIX => '.yaml', UNLINK => 0, TMPDIR => 1);
+ END { unlink $fh->filename if defined $fh; } # never leave cleartext lying around
+ loadIdentityFile $filename, $fh;
+ my $h = sha256_file $fh->filename;
+ system $EDITOR, $fh->filename;
+ error "C<%s> exited with value %d", $EDITOR, ($? >> 8) if $? and $? != -1;
+ if ($h eq sha256_file $fh->filename) {
+ print "No modification made\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ myprintf "Saving user changes for identity C<%s>", $id;
+ saveIdentityFile( $fh->filename, $filename);
+ }
+elsif ($command eq 'clip') {
+ usage(1) unless $#ARGV == 0;
+ my $id = shift;
+ my $filename = getIdentityFile $id;
+ error "No such identity C<%s>", $id unless -f $filename;
+ my $form = loadIdentityFile $filename;
+ my $pw = first { $_->{type} eq 'password' } @{$form->{fields}};
+ error "No password found in C<%s>", $id unless defined $pw;
+ my $pid = open my $fh, '|-', qw/xclip -loop 1 -selection clipboard/
+ or error "Can't fork: %s", $!;
+ print $fh encode_utf8($pw->{value});
+ close $fh;
+ waitpid $pid, 0;
+ error "C<%s> exited with value %d", 'xclip', ($? >> 8) if $? and $? != -1;
+ exit 0;
+elsif ($command eq 'ls') {
+ usage(1) if $#ARGV > 0;
+ my $prefix = shift @ARGV;
+ my @matches = complete $prefix // '', 1;
+ if (!defined $prefix) {
+ s/:\/\/.*// foreach @matches;
+ } elsif ($prefix =~ /\A[A-Za-z0-9-]+:\/\/[^\P{Graph}:\/]+(?::\d+)?\/[^\P{Print}\/]+\z/) {
+ @matches = grep /\A\Q$prefix\E\z/, @matches;
+ } elsif ($prefix =~ /\A([A-Za-z0-9-]+:\/\/[^\P{Graph}\/]+)\/?\z/) {
+ my $x = $1;
+ @matches = grep defined, map { !s/\A\Q$x\E\/// ? undef : $_ } @matches;
+ } elsif ($prefix =~ /\A([A-Za-z0-9-]+)(:\/{0,2})?\z/) {
+ my $x = $1;
+ @matches = grep defined, map { !s/\A\Q$x\E:\/\/// ? undef :
+ !s/\/[^\P{Print}\/]+\z// ? undef : $_ } @matches;
+ } else {
+ @matches = ();
+ }
+ error "No such identity C<%s>", $prefix // '' unless @matches;
+ my $delim = $CONFIG{zero} ? "\0" : "\n";
+ my %matches = map {($_ => 1)} @matches;
+ print $LOCALE->encode($_), $delim foreach sort keys %matches;
+else {
+ myprintf "Unknown command: C<%s>", $command;
+ usage(1);